Akka/Scala example source code file (multi-node-log-replace.sh)
The multi-node-log-replace.sh Akka example source code#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Utility to make log files from multi-node tests easier to analyze. # Replaces jvm names and host:port with corresponding logical role name. # # Use with 0, 1 or 2 arguments. # # When using 0 arguments it reads from standard input # and writes to standard output. # # With 1 argument it reads from the file specified in the first argument # and writes to standard output. # # With 2 arguments it reads the file specified in the first argument # and writes to the file specified in the second argument. # # You can also replace the contents of the clipboard instead of using files # by supplying `clipboard` as argument # # check for an sbt command type -P sbt &> /dev/null || fail "sbt command not found" sbt "project akka-remote-tests" "test:run-main akka.remote.testkit.LogRoleReplace $1 $2" Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka multi-node-log-replace.sh source code file: |
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