Ant example source code file (Manifest.java)
The Manifest.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils; /** * Holds the data of a jar manifest. * * Manifests are processed according to the * {@link <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jar/jar.html">Jar * file specification.</a>}. * Specifically, a manifest element consists of * a set of attributes and sections. These sections in turn may contain * attributes. Note in particular that this may result in manifest lines * greater than 72 bytes being wrapped and continued on the next * line. If an application can not handle the continuation mechanism, it * is a defect in the application, not this task. * * * @since Ant 1.4 */ public class Manifest { /** The standard manifest version header */ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_MANIFEST_VERSION = "Manifest-Version"; /** The standard Signature Version header */ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_VERSION = "Signature-Version"; /** The Name Attribute is the first in a named section */ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "Name"; /** The From Header is disallowed in a Manifest */ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_FROM = "From"; /** The Class-Path Header is special - it can be duplicated */ public static final String ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH = "Class-Path"; /** Default Manifest version if one is not specified */ public static final String DEFAULT_MANIFEST_VERSION = "1.0"; /** The max length of a line in a Manifest */ public static final int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 72; /** * Max length of a line section which is continued. Need to allow * for the CRLF. */ public static final int MAX_SECTION_LENGTH = MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 2; /** The End-Of-Line marker in manifests */ public static final String EOL = "\r\n"; /** Error for attributes */ public static final String ERROR_FROM_FORBIDDEN = "Manifest attributes should not start " + "with \"" + ATTRIBUTE_FROM + "\" in \""; /** Encoding to be used for JAR files. */ public static final String JAR_ENCODING = "UTF-8"; /** * An attribute for the manifest. * Those attributes that are not nested into a section will be added to the "Main" section. */ public static class Attribute { /** * Maximum length of the name to have the value starting on the same * line as the name. This to stay under 72 bytes total line length * (including CRLF). */ private static final int MAX_NAME_VALUE_LENGTH = 68; /** * Maximum length of the name according to the jar specification. * In this case the first line will have 74 bytes total line length * (including CRLF). This conflicts with the 72 bytes total line length * max, but is the only possible conclusion from the manifest specification, if * names with 70 bytes length are allowed, have to be on the first line, and * have to be followed by ": ". */ private static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 70; /** The attribute's name */ private String name = null; /** The attribute's value */ private Vector values = new Vector(); /** * For multivalued attributes, this is the index of the attribute * currently being defined. */ private int currentIndex = 0; /** * Construct an empty attribute */ public Attribute() { } /** * Construct an attribute by parsing a line from the Manifest * * @param line the line containing the attribute name and value * * @throws ManifestException if the line is not valid */ public Attribute(String line) throws ManifestException { parse(line); } /** * Construct a manifest by specifying its name and value * * @param name the attribute's name * @param value the Attribute's value */ public Attribute(String name, String value) { this.name = name; setValue(value); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode * @return a hashcode based on the key and values. */ public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 0; if (name != null) { hashCode += getKey().hashCode(); } hashCode += values.hashCode(); return hashCode; } /** * @param rhs the object to check for equality. * @see java.lang.Object#equals * @return true if the key and values are the same. */ public boolean equals(Object rhs) { if (rhs == null || rhs.getClass() != getClass()) { return false; } if (rhs == this) { return true; } Attribute rhsAttribute = (Attribute) rhs; String lhsKey = getKey(); String rhsKey = rhsAttribute.getKey(); if ((lhsKey == null && rhsKey != null) || (lhsKey != null && rhsKey == null) || !lhsKey.equals(rhsKey)) { return false; } return values.equals(rhsAttribute.values); } /** * Parse a line into name and value pairs * * @param line the line to be parsed * * @throws ManifestException if the line does not contain a colon * separating the name and value */ public void parse(String line) throws ManifestException { int index = line.indexOf(": "); if (index == -1) { throw new ManifestException("Manifest line \"" + line + "\" is not valid as it does not " + "contain a name and a value separated by ': ' "); } name = line.substring(0, index); setValue(line.substring(index + 2)); } /** * Set the Attribute's name; required * * @param name the attribute's name */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Get the Attribute's name * * @return the attribute's name. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get the attribute's Key - its name in lower case. * * @return the attribute's key. */ public String getKey() { if (name == null) { return null; } return name.toLowerCase(); } /** * Set the Attribute's value; required * * @param value the attribute's value */ public void setValue(String value) { if (currentIndex >= values.size()) { values.addElement(value); currentIndex = values.size() - 1; } else { values.setElementAt(value, currentIndex); } } /** * Get the Attribute's value. * * @return the attribute's value. */ public String getValue() { if (values.size() == 0) { return null; } String fullValue = ""; for (Enumeration e = getValues(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String value = (String) e.nextElement(); fullValue += value + " "; } return fullValue.trim(); } /** * Add a new value to this attribute - making it multivalued. * * @param value the attribute's additional value */ public void addValue(String value) { currentIndex++; setValue(value); } /** * Get all the attribute's values. * * @return an enumeration of the attributes values */ public Enumeration getValues() { return values.elements(); } /** * Add a continuation line from the Manifest file. * * When lines are too long in a manifest, they are continued on the * next line by starting with a space. This method adds the continuation * data to the attribute value by skipping the first character. * * @param line the continuation line. */ public void addContinuation(String line) { String currentValue = (String) values.elementAt(currentIndex); setValue(currentValue + line.substring(1)); } /** * Write the attribute out to a print writer. * * @param writer the Writer to which the attribute is written * * @throws IOException if the attribute value cannot be written */ public void write(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException { for (Enumeration e = getValues(); e.hasMoreElements();) { writeValue(writer, (String) e.nextElement()); } } /** * Write a single attribute value out * * @param writer the Writer to which the attribute is written * @param value the attribute value * * @throws IOException if the attribute value cannot be written */ private void writeValue(PrintWriter writer, String value) throws IOException { String line = null; int nameLength = name.getBytes(JAR_ENCODING).length; if (nameLength > MAX_NAME_VALUE_LENGTH) { if (nameLength > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { throw new IOException("Unable to write manifest line " + name + ": " + value); } writer.print(name + ": " + EOL); line = " " + value; } else { line = name + ": " + value; } while (line.getBytes(JAR_ENCODING).length > MAX_SECTION_LENGTH) { // try to find a MAX_LINE_LENGTH byte section int breakIndex = MAX_SECTION_LENGTH; if (breakIndex >= line.length()) { breakIndex = line.length() - 1; } String section = line.substring(0, breakIndex); while (section.getBytes(JAR_ENCODING).length > MAX_SECTION_LENGTH && breakIndex > 0) { breakIndex--; section = line.substring(0, breakIndex); } if (breakIndex == 0) { throw new IOException("Unable to write manifest line " + name + ": " + value); } writer.print(section + EOL); line = " " + line.substring(breakIndex); } writer.print(line + EOL); } } /** * A manifest section - you can nest attribute elements into sections. * A section consists of a set of attribute values, * separated from other sections by a blank line. */ public static class Section { /** Warnings for this section */ private Vector warnings = new Vector(); /** * The section's name if any. The main section in a * manifest is unnamed. */ private String name = null; /** The section's attributes.*/ private Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable(); /** Index used to retain the attribute ordering */ private Vector attributeIndex = new Vector(); /** * The name of the section; optional -default is the main section. * @param name the section's name */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Get the Section's name. * * @return the section's name. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Read a section through a reader. * * @param reader the reader from which the section is read * * @return the name of the next section if it has been read as * part of this section - This only happens if the * Manifest is malformed. * * @throws ManifestException if the section is not valid according * to the JAR spec * @throws IOException if the section cannot be read from the reader. */ public String read(BufferedReader reader) throws ManifestException, IOException { Attribute attribute = null; while (true) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null || line.length() == 0) { return null; } if (line.charAt(0) == ' ') { // continuation line if (attribute == null) { if (name != null) { // a continuation on the first line is a // continuation of the name - concatenate this // line and the name name += line.substring(1); } else { throw new ManifestException("Can't start an " + "attribute with a continuation line " + line); } } else { attribute.addContinuation(line); } } else { attribute = new Attribute(line); String nameReadAhead = addAttributeAndCheck(attribute); // refresh attribute in case of multivalued attributes. attribute = getAttribute(attribute.getKey()); if (nameReadAhead != null) { return nameReadAhead; } } } } /** * Merge in another section * * @param section the section to be merged with this one. * * @throws ManifestException if the sections cannot be merged. */ public void merge(Section section) throws ManifestException { if (name == null && section.getName() != null || name != null && !(name.equalsIgnoreCase(section.getName()))) { throw new ManifestException("Unable to merge sections " + "with different names"); } Enumeration e = section.getAttributeKeys(); Attribute classpathAttribute = null; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String attributeName = (String) e.nextElement(); Attribute attribute = section.getAttribute(attributeName); if (attributeName.equalsIgnoreCase(ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH)) { if (classpathAttribute == null) { classpathAttribute = new Attribute(); classpathAttribute.setName(ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH); } Enumeration cpe = attribute.getValues(); while (cpe.hasMoreElements()) { String value = (String) cpe.nextElement(); classpathAttribute.addValue(value); } } else { // the merge file always wins storeAttribute(attribute); } } if (classpathAttribute != null) { // the merge file *always* wins, even for Class-Path storeAttribute(classpathAttribute); } // add in the warnings Enumeration warnEnum = section.warnings.elements(); while (warnEnum.hasMoreElements()) { warnings.addElement(warnEnum.nextElement()); } } /** * Write the section out to a print writer. * * @param writer the Writer to which the section is written * * @throws IOException if the section cannot be written */ public void write(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException { if (name != null) { Attribute nameAttr = new Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, name); nameAttr.write(writer); } Enumeration e = getAttributeKeys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); Attribute attribute = getAttribute(key); attribute.write(writer); } writer.print(EOL); } /** * Get a attribute of the section * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute * @return a Manifest.Attribute instance if the attribute is * single-valued, otherwise a Vector of Manifest.Attribute * instances. */ public Attribute getAttribute(String attributeName) { return (Attribute) attributes.get(attributeName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Get the attribute keys. * * @return an Enumeration of Strings, each string being the lower case * key of an attribute of the section. */ public Enumeration getAttributeKeys() { return attributeIndex.elements(); } /** * Get the value of the attribute with the name given. * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute to be returned. * * @return the attribute's value or null if the attribute does not exist * in the section */ public String getAttributeValue(String attributeName) { Attribute attribute = getAttribute(attributeName.toLowerCase()); if (attribute == null) { return null; } return attribute.getValue(); } /** * Remove the given attribute from the section * * @param attributeName the name of the attribute to be removed. */ public void removeAttribute(String attributeName) { String key = attributeName.toLowerCase(); attributes.remove(key); attributeIndex.removeElement(key); } /** * Add an attribute to the section. * * @param attribute the attribute to be added to the section * * @exception ManifestException if the attribute is not valid. */ public void addConfiguredAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws ManifestException { String check = addAttributeAndCheck(attribute); if (check != null) { throw new BuildException("Specify the section name using " + "the \"name\" attribute of the <section> element rather " + "than using a \"Name\" manifest attribute"); } } /** * Add an attribute to the section * * @param attribute the attribute to be added. * * @return the value of the attribute if it is a name * attribute - null other wise * * @exception ManifestException if the attribute already * exists in this section. */ public String addAttributeAndCheck(Attribute attribute) throws ManifestException { if (attribute.getName() == null || attribute.getValue() == null) { throw new BuildException("Attributes must have name and value"); } if (attribute.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) { warnings.addElement("\"" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "\" attributes " + "should not occur in the main section and must be the " + "first element in all other sections: \"" + attribute.getName() + ": " + attribute.getValue() + "\""); return attribute.getValue(); } if (attribute.getKey().startsWith(ATTRIBUTE_FROM.toLowerCase())) { warnings.addElement(ERROR_FROM_FORBIDDEN + attribute.getName() + ": " + attribute.getValue() + "\""); } else { // classpath attributes go into a vector String attributeKey = attribute.getKey(); if (attributeKey.equalsIgnoreCase(ATTRIBUTE_CLASSPATH)) { Attribute classpathAttribute = (Attribute) attributes.get(attributeKey); if (classpathAttribute == null) { storeAttribute(attribute); } else { warnings.addElement("Multiple Class-Path attributes " + "are supported but violate the Jar " + "specification and may not be correctly " + "processed in all environments"); Enumeration e = attribute.getValues(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String value = (String) e.nextElement(); classpathAttribute.addValue(value); } } } else if (attributes.containsKey(attributeKey)) { throw new ManifestException("The attribute \"" + attribute.getName() + "\" may not occur more " + "than once in the same section"); } else { storeAttribute(attribute); } } return null; } /** * Clone this section * * @return the cloned Section * @since Ant 1.5.2 */ public Object clone() { Section cloned = new Section(); cloned.setName(name); Enumeration e = getAttributeKeys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String) e.nextElement(); Attribute attribute = getAttribute(key); cloned.storeAttribute(new Attribute(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue())); } return cloned; } /** * Store an attribute and update the index. * * @param attribute the attribute to be stored */ private void storeAttribute(Attribute attribute) { if (attribute == null) { return; } String attributeKey = attribute.getKey(); attributes.put(attributeKey, attribute); if (!attributeIndex.contains(attributeKey)) { attributeIndex.addElement(attributeKey); } } /** * Get the warnings for this section. * * @return an Enumeration of warning strings. */ public Enumeration getWarnings() { return warnings.elements(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode * @return a hash value based on the attributes. */ public int hashCode() { return attributes.hashCode(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#equals * @param rhs the object to check for equality. * @return true if the attributes are the same. */ public boolean equals(Object rhs) { if (rhs == null || rhs.getClass() != getClass()) { return false; } if (rhs == this) { return true; } Section rhsSection = (Section) rhs; return attributes.equals(rhsSection.attributes); } } /** The version of this manifest */ private String manifestVersion = DEFAULT_MANIFEST_VERSION; /** The main section of this manifest */ private Section mainSection = new Section(); /** The named sections of this manifest */ private Hashtable sections = new Hashtable(); /** Index of sections - used to retain order of sections in manifest */ private Vector sectionIndex = new Vector(); /** * Construct a manifest from Ant's default manifest file. * * @return the default manifest. * @exception BuildException if there is a problem loading the * default manifest */ public static Manifest getDefaultManifest() throws BuildException { InputStream in = null; InputStreamReader insr = null; try { String defManifest = "/org/apache/tools/ant/defaultManifest.mf"; in = Manifest.class.getResourceAsStream(defManifest); if (in == null) { throw new BuildException("Could not find default manifest: " + defManifest); } try { insr = new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"); Manifest defaultManifest = new Manifest(insr); Attribute createdBy = new Attribute("Created-By", System.getProperty("java.vm.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.vm.vendor") + ")"); defaultManifest.getMainSection().storeAttribute(createdBy); return defaultManifest; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { insr = new InputStreamReader(in); return new Manifest(insr); } } catch (ManifestException e) { throw new BuildException("Default manifest is invalid !!", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BuildException("Unable to read default manifest", e); } finally { FileUtils.close(insr); FileUtils.close(in); } } /** Construct an empty manifest */ public Manifest() { manifestVersion = null; } /** * Read a manifest file from the given reader * * @param r is the reader from which the Manifest is read * * @throws ManifestException if the manifest is not valid according * to the JAR spec * @throws IOException if the manifest cannot be read from the reader. */ public Manifest(Reader r) throws ManifestException, IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(r); // This should be the manifest version String nextSectionName = mainSection.read(reader); String readManifestVersion = mainSection.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_MANIFEST_VERSION); if (readManifestVersion != null) { manifestVersion = readManifestVersion; mainSection.removeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_MANIFEST_VERSION); } String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } Section section = new Section(); if (nextSectionName == null) { Attribute sectionName = new Attribute(line); if (!sectionName.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) { throw new ManifestException("Manifest sections should " + "start with a \"" + ATTRIBUTE_NAME + "\" attribute and not \"" + sectionName.getName() + "\""); } nextSectionName = sectionName.getValue(); } else { // we have already started reading this section // this line is the first attribute. set it and then // let the normal read handle the rest Attribute firstAttribute = new Attribute(line); section.addAttributeAndCheck(firstAttribute); } section.setName(nextSectionName); nextSectionName = section.read(reader); addConfiguredSection(section); } } /** * Add a section to the manifest * * @param section the manifest section to be added * * @exception ManifestException if the secti0on is not valid. */ public void addConfiguredSection(Section section) throws ManifestException { String sectionName = section.getName(); if (sectionName == null) { throw new BuildException("Sections must have a name"); } sections.put(sectionName, section); if (!sectionIndex.contains(sectionName)) { sectionIndex.addElement(sectionName); } } /** * Add an attribute to the manifest - it is added to the main section. * * @param attribute the attribute to be added. * * @exception ManifestException if the attribute is not valid. */ public void addConfiguredAttribute(Attribute attribute) throws ManifestException { if (attribute.getKey() == null || attribute.getValue() == null) { throw new BuildException("Attributes must have name and value"); } if (attribute.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(ATTRIBUTE_MANIFEST_VERSION)) { manifestVersion = attribute.getValue(); } else { mainSection.addConfiguredAttribute(attribute); } } /** * Merge the contents of the given manifest into this manifest * * @param other the Manifest to be merged with this one. * * @throws ManifestException if there is a problem merging the * manifest according to the Manifest spec. */ public void merge(Manifest other) throws ManifestException { merge(other, false); } /** * Merge the contents of the given manifest into this manifest * * @param other the Manifest to be merged with this one. * @param overwriteMain whether to overwrite the main section * of the current manifest * * @throws ManifestException if there is a problem merging the * manifest according to the Manifest spec. */ public void merge(Manifest other, boolean overwriteMain) throws ManifestException { if (other != null) { if (overwriteMain) { mainSection = (Section) other.mainSection.clone(); } else { mainSection.merge(other.mainSection); } if (other.manifestVersion != null) { manifestVersion = other.manifestVersion; } Enumeration e = other.getSectionNames(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String sectionName = (String) e.nextElement(); Section ourSection = (Section) sections.get(sectionName); Section otherSection = (Section) other.sections.get(sectionName); if (ourSection == null) { if (otherSection != null) { addConfiguredSection((Section) otherSection.clone()); } } else { ourSection.merge(otherSection); } } } } /** * Write the manifest out to a print writer. * * @param writer the Writer to which the manifest is written * * @throws IOException if the manifest cannot be written */ public void write(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.print(ATTRIBUTE_MANIFEST_VERSION + ": " + manifestVersion + EOL); String signatureVersion = mainSection.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_VERSION); if (signatureVersion != null) { writer.print(ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_VERSION + ": " + signatureVersion + EOL); mainSection.removeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_VERSION); } mainSection.write(writer); // add it back if (signatureVersion != null) { try { Attribute svAttr = new Attribute(ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_VERSION, signatureVersion); mainSection.addConfiguredAttribute(svAttr); } catch (ManifestException e) { // shouldn't happen - ignore } } Enumeration e = sectionIndex.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String sectionName = (String) e.nextElement(); Section section = getSection(sectionName); section.write(writer); } } /** * Convert the manifest to its string representation * * @return a multiline string with the Manifest as it * appears in a Manifest file. */ public String toString() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { write(new PrintWriter(sw)); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return sw.toString(); } /** * Get the warnings for this manifest. * * @return an enumeration of warning strings */ public Enumeration getWarnings() { Vector warnings = new Vector(); Enumeration warnEnum = mainSection.getWarnings(); while (warnEnum.hasMoreElements()) { warnings.addElement(warnEnum.nextElement()); } // create a vector and add in the warnings for all the sections Enumeration e = sections.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Section section = (Section) e.nextElement(); Enumeration e2 = section.getWarnings(); while (e2.hasMoreElements()) { warnings.addElement(e2.nextElement()); } } return warnings.elements(); } /** * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode * @return a hashcode based on the version, main and sections. */ public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 0; if (manifestVersion != null) { hashCode += manifestVersion.hashCode(); } hashCode += mainSection.hashCode(); hashCode += sections.hashCode(); return hashCode; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#equals * @param rhs the object to check for equality. * @return true if the version, main and sections are the same. */ public boolean equals(Object rhs) { if (rhs == null || rhs.getClass() != getClass()) { return false; } if (rhs == this) { return true; } Manifest rhsManifest = (Manifest) rhs; if (manifestVersion == null) { if (rhsManifest.manifestVersion != null) { return false; } } else if (!manifestVersion.equals(rhsManifest.manifestVersion)) { return false; } if (!mainSection.equals(rhsManifest.mainSection)) { return false; } return sections.equals(rhsManifest.sections); } /** * Get the version of the manifest * * @return the manifest's version string */ public String getManifestVersion() { return manifestVersion; } /** * Get the main section of the manifest * * @return the main section of the manifest */ public Section getMainSection() { return mainSection; } /** * Get a particular section from the manifest * * @param name the name of the section desired. * @return the specified section or null if that section * does not exist in the manifest */ public Section getSection(String name) { return (Section) sections.get(name); } /** * Get the section names in this manifest. * * @return an Enumeration of section names */ public Enumeration getSectionNames() { return sectionIndex.elements(); } } Other Ant examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Ant Manifest.java source code file: |
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