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Apache CXF example source code file (tool-specification.xsd)

This example Apache CXF source code file (tool-specification.xsd) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Apache CXF tags/keywords

apache, i, id, id, idref, l, l, license, license, ncname, nd, nmtoken, nmtoken, unfortunately

The Apache CXF tool-specification.xsd source code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  distributed with this work for additional information
  regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  specific language governing permissions and limitations
  under the License.


  <simpleType name="classname">
A regular expression matching class names, see the Java Language Specification 2.0 section 3.8 (Identifiers). 
One caveat: I have decided to outlaw use of the unnamed (top-level) package for controllers. 
This ensures that the user cannot mistakenly put in something like an IDREF, thinking it possible to reference controllers.
This policy can be changed by modifying the ending '+' to a '*' in the regular expression.
    <restriction base="string">
      <pattern value="([\p{L}_$][\p{L}\p{Nd}_$]*)(\.[\p{L}_$][\p{L}\p{Nd}_$]*)+"/>

  <simpleType name="mimetype">
    <restriction base="token">
      <pattern value="[\p{L}]+/[\p{L}\+]+"/>

  <simpleType name="mimetypes">
    <restriction base="token">
      <pattern value="[\p{L}]+/[\p{L}\+]+(,[\p{Zs}]*[\p{L}]+/[\p{L}\+]+)*"/>

  <simpleType name="word">
    <restriction base="token">
      <pattern value="[\p{L}\??]+"/>

  <simpleType name="allNNI">
    <union memberTypes="nonNegativeInteger">
        <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
          <enumeration value="unbounded"/>
  <simpleType name="placementType">
    <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
      <enumeration value="afterSpace"/>
      <enumeration value="immediate"/>

  <simpleType name="optionType">
    <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
      <enumeration value="hidden"/>
      <enumeration value="visible"/>

  <simpleType name="yesno">
    <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
      <enumeration value="yes"/>
      <enumeration value="no"/>

  <element name="toolspec">
        <element ref="tool:annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element ref="tool:streams" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element ref="tool:usage" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element ref="tool:pipeline" minOccurs="0"/>
      <attribute name="handler" type="tool:classname" use="optional"/>

  <element name="streams">
      <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element ref="tool:instream"/>
        <element ref="tool:outstream"/>

  <simpleType name="pluralities">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="singular"/>
      <enumeration value="multiplex"/>

  <complexType name="stream">
    <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>

  <element name="instream" type="tool:stream"/>
  <element name="outstream" type="tool:stream"/>

  <element name="usage">
        <group ref="tool:formModel"/>

      <element ref="tool:argument" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


  <element name="form">
      <group ref="tool:formModel"/>
      <attribute name="value" type="NMTOKEN" use="required"/>

  <element name="appinfo">
    <complexType mixed="true">
      <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <any processContents="lax"/>

  <element name="documentation">
    <complexType mixed="true">
      <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <any processContents="lax"/>

  <element name="annotation">
    <complexType mixed="true">
      <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element ref="tool:appinfo"/>
        <element ref="tool:documentation"/>

  <element name="optionGroup">
        <element ref="tool:option" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
      <attribute name="ref" type="IDREF" use="optional"/>

  <element name="option">
        <element ref="tool:annotation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <element ref="tool:switch"/>
      <!-- Unfortunately, Xerces does not yet cope with local element declarations, so we cannot have two types of argument element treated differently -->
      <!-- In the future, I will allow the tag 'associatedArgument' to be replaced with the tag 'argument'. However, I will keep associatedArgument for backward compatibility -->
        <element ref="tool:associatedArgument" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
      <attribute name="minOccurs" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="0"/>
      <attribute name="maxOccurs" type="tool:allNNI" use="optional" default="1"/>
      <attribute name="type" type="tool:optionType" use="optional" default="visible"/>

  <element name="switch" type="tool:word"/>

  <simpleType name="valuetype_type">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="IdentifyString"/>
      <enumeration value="Digital"/>
      <enumeration value="NamingSpacePackageString"/>

  <element name="valuetype" type="tool:valuetype_type"/>

  <simpleType name="valueenum_type">
    <restriction base="string">

  <element name="valueenum" type="tool:valueenum_type"/>

  <element name="associatedArgument" type="tool:associatedArgument"/>
  <element name="argument" type="tool:trailingArgument"/>

  <complexType name="associatedArgument">
      <element ref="tool:valuetype" minOccurs="0"/>
      <element ref="tool:annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
      <element ref="tool:valueenum" minOccurs="0"/>
    <attribute name="default" type="token" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="placement" type="tool:placementType" use="optional" default="afterSpace"/>
    <attribute name="streamref" type="IDREF" use="optional"/>

  <complexType name="trailingArgument">
      <element ref="tool:annotation" minOccurs="0"/>
    <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="required"/>
    <attribute name="minOccurs" type="nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="1"/>
    <attribute name="maxOccurs" type="tool:allNNI" use="optional" default="1"/>
    <attribute name="default" type="token" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="streamref" type="IDREF" use="optional"/>
    <attribute name="type" type="tool:optionType" use="optional" default="visible"/>

  <!-- pipelines -->

  <element name="pipeline">
      <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element ref="tool:tool"/>

  <element name="tool">
      <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <element ref="tool:bindstream"/>
        <element ref="tool:param"/>
      <attribute name="id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
      <attribute name="specref" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

  <simpleType name="nameref">
    <restriction base="string">
      <pattern value="\c*#\c*"/>

  <element name="bindstream">
      <attribute name="instream" type="NCName" use="required"/>
      <attribute name="source" type="tool:nameref" use="required"/>

  <element name="param">
      <attribute name="name" type="NCName" use="required"/>
      <attribute name="paramref" type="NCName" use="optional"/>
      <attribute name="value" type="string" use="optional"/>


Other Apache CXF examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Apache CXF tool-specification.xsd source code file:

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