Tomcat example source code file (mbeans-descriptors.xml)
The Tomcat mbeans-descriptors.xml source code<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <mbeans-descriptors> <mbean name="StandardManager" description="Standard implementation of the Manager interface" domain="Catalina" group="Manager" type="org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager"> <attribute name="algorithm" description="The message digest algorithm to be used when generating session identifiers" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="randomFile" description="File source of random - /dev/urandom or a pipe" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="className" description="Fully qualified class name of the managed object" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="distributable" description="The distributable flag for Sessions created by this Manager" type="boolean"/> <attribute name="entropy" description="A String initialization parameter used to increase the entropy of the initialization of our random number generator" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="maxActiveSessions" description="The maximum number of active Sessions allowed, or -1 for no limit" type="int"/> <attribute name="maxInactiveInterval" description="The default maximum inactive interval for Sessions created by this Manager" type="int"/> <attribute name="processExpiresFrequency" description="The frequency of the manager checks (expiration and passivation)" type="int"/> <attribute name="sessionIdLength" description="The session id length (in bytes) of Sessions created by this Manager" type="int"/> <attribute name="name" description="The descriptive name of this Manager implementation (for logging)" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="pathname" description="Path name of the disk file in which active sessions" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="activeSessions" description="Number of active sessions at this moment" type="int" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="sessionCounter" description="Total number of sessions created by this manager" type="int" /> <attribute name="maxActive" description="Maximum number of active sessions so far" type="int" /> <attribute name="sessionMaxAliveTime" description="Longest time an expired session had been alive" type="int" /> <attribute name="sessionAverageAliveTime" description="Average time an expired session had been alive" type="int" /> <attribute name="rejectedSessions" description="Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive beeing reached" type="int" /> <attribute name="expiredSessions" description="Number of sessions that expired ( doesn't include explicit invalidations )" type="int" /> <attribute name="processingTime" description="Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration" type="long" /> <attribute name="duplicates" description="Number of duplicated session ids generated" type="int" /> <operation name="listSessionIds" description="Return the list of active session ids" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> </operation> <operation name="getSessionAttribute" description="Return a session attribute" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> <parameter name="key" description="key of the attribute" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="expireSession" description="Expire a session" impact="ACTION" returnType="void"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="getLastAccessedTime" description="Get the last access time" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="getCreationTime" description="Get the creation time" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> </mbean> <mbean name="PersistentManager" description="Persistent Manager" domain="Catalina" group="Manager" type="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager"> <attribute name="algorithm" description="The message digest algorithm to be used when generating session identifiers" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="randomFile" description="File source of random - /dev/urandom or a pipe" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="className" description="Fully qualified class name of the managed object" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="distributable" description="The distributable flag for Sessions created by this Manager" type="boolean"/> <attribute name="entropy" description="A String initialization parameter used to increase the entropy of the initialization of our random number generator" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="managedResource" description="The managed resource this MBean is associated with" type="java.lang.Object"/> <attribute name="maxActiveSessions" description="The maximum number of active Sessions allowed, or -1 for no limit" type="int"/> <attribute name="maxInactiveInterval" description="The default maximum inactive interval for Sessions created by this Manager" type="int"/> <attribute name="processExpiresFrequency" description="The frequency of the manager checks (expiration and passivation)" type="int"/> <attribute name="sessionIdLength" description="The session id length (in bytes) of Sessions created by this Manager" type="int"/> <attribute name="name" description="The descriptive name of this Manager implementation (for logging)" type="java.lang.String" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="pathname" description="Path name of the disk file in which active sessions" type="java.lang.String"/> <attribute name="activeSessions" description="Number of active sessions at this moment" type="int" writeable="false"/> <attribute name="sessionCounter" description="Total number of sessions created by this manager" type="int" /> <attribute name="maxActive" description="Maximum number of active sessions so far" type="int" /> <attribute name="maxIdleBackup" description="How long a session must be idle before it should be backed up" type="int" /> <attribute name="minIdleSwap" description="Minimum time a session must be idle before it is swapped to disk" type="int" /> <attribute name="maxIdleSwap" description="The maximum time a session may be idle before it should be swapped to file just on general principle" type="int" /> <attribute name="rejectedSessions" description="Number of sessions we rejected due to maxActive beeing reached" type="int" /> <attribute name="expiredSessions" description="Number of sessions that expired ( doesn't include explicit invalidations )" type="int" /> <attribute name="processingTime" description="Time spent doing housekeeping and expiration" type="long" /> <attribute name="duplicates" description="Number of duplicated session ids generated" type="int" /> <operation name="listSessionIds" description="Return the list of active session ids" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> </operation> <operation name="getSessionAttribute" description="Return a session attribute" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> <parameter name="key" description="key of the attribute" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="getSession" description="Get information about a session" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.util.HashMap"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="expireSession" description="Expire a session" impact="ACTION" returnType="void"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="getLastAccessedTime" description="Get the last access time" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> <operation name="getCreationTime" description="Get the creation time" impact="ACTION" returnType="java.lang.String"> <parameter name="sessionId" description="Id of the session" type="java.lang.String"/> </operation> </mbean> </mbeans-descriptors> Other Tomcat examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Tomcat mbeans-descriptors.xml source code file: |
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