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The source code// $ANTLR 2.7.2a2 (20020112-1): "classfile.g" -> "ClassfileParser.java"$ package org.argouml.uml.reveng.classfile; public interface ClassfileTokenTypes { int EOF = 1; int NULL_TREE_LOOKAHEAD = 3; int ACCESS_MODIFIERS = 4; int ATTRIBUTE_CONSTANT = 5; int CLASS_DEF = 6; int CONSTANT_CLASSINFO = 7; int CONSTANT_DOUBLEINFO = 8; int CONSTANT_FIELDINFO = 9; int CONSTANT_FLOATINFO = 10; int CONSTANT_INTEGERINFO = 11; int CONSTANT_INTERFACE_METHODINFO = 12; int CONSTANT_LONGINFO = 13; int CONSTANT_METHODINFO = 14; int CONSTANT_NAME_TYPE_INFO = 15; int CONSTANT_STRINGINFO = 16; int CONSTANT_UTF8STRING = 17; int CTOR_DEF = 18; int EXTENDS_CLAUSE = 19; int IDENT = 20; int IMPLEMENTS_CLAUSE = 21; int INTERFACE_DEF = 22; int MAGIC = 23; int METHOD_DEF = 24; int PARAMETERS = 25; int PARAMETER_DEF = 26; int SOURCEFILE = 27; int THROWS = 28; int TYPE = 29; int UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = 30; int VARIABLE_DEF = 31; int VERSION = 32; int BYTE = 33; } |
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