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// $Id:,v 1.29 2004/09/18 17:13:24 mvw Exp $
// Copyright (c) 1996-2004 The Regents of the University of California. All
// Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
// software and its documentation without fee, and without a written
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package org.argouml.cognitive;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.Icon;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.argouml.cognitive.critics.Agency;
import org.argouml.cognitive.critics.Critic;

import org.tigris.gef.util.ChildGenerator;
import org.tigris.gef.util.VectorSet;
import org.tigris.gef.util.EnumerationEmpty;

import ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent;
import ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener;

/** This class models the designer who is building a complex design in
 * some application domain and needs continuous feedback to aid in the
 * making of good design decisions.

This area needs work, especially as it is a * central idea of Argo. * *

Currently everything is hardcoded. what can be configurable?? * *

the ToDoList is dependent on this class. * *

This class listens to property changes from ...? * *

A Designer can as well create ToDO Items, such as critics do. Hence he * implements the Poster interface. * *

TODO: implement as singleton?? There are comments that suggest this * should be done. * * @author Jason Robbins */ public class Designer implements Poster, Runnable, // TODO: remove/refactor per issue 1024 PropertyChangeListener, MElementListener, // TODO: remove. { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Designer.class); /** the singleton of this class: TODO: needs to be made private.*/ private static Designer theDesignerSingleton = new Designer(); private static boolean userWorking; private static Vector unspecDecisionVector; private static Vector unspecGoalVector; static { unspecDecisionVector = new Vector(); unspecDecisionVector.addElement(Decision.UNSPEC); unspecGoalVector = new Vector(); unspecGoalVector.addElement(Goal.getUnspecifiedGoal()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // instance variables /** ToDoList items that are on the designers ToDoList because of * this material. */ private ToDoList toDoList; /** Preferences -- very ill defined */ private Properties prefs; /** The email address where other designers can send this designer * email. This is not used yet. */ private String emailAddr; /** The decisions currently being considered by the designer. * *

Decisions are currently modeled as simple descriptive strings. * *

Each decision also has a priority number which is ill defined, * but positive Ints mean that the designer is considering it. This * explicit representation of what decisions the designer is * interested in at a given moment allows the Agency to select * relevant critics for execution. */ private DecisionModel decisions; /** The goals of the designer are likewise used by the Agency to * determine what critics are relevant. */ private GoalModel goals; /** Each designer has their own Agency instance that is responsible * for selecting and executing critics that are relevant to this * designer on an on going basis. */ private Agency agency; /* the clarifying icon for this poster */ private Icon clarifier = null; private Thread critiquerThread; private int critiquingInterval; private int critiqueCPUPercent; private boolean autoCritique; /** dm's that should be critiqued ASAP. */ private Vector hotQueue; private Vector hotReasonQueue; private Vector addQueue; private Vector addReasonQueue; private Vector removeQueue; private static int longestAdd; private static int longestHot; /** dm's that should be critiqued relatively soon. */ private Vector warmQueue; private ChildGenerator childGenerator; private static Object critiquingRoot; private long critiqueDuration; private int critiqueLock; private long lastCritique; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor and singeton methods /** TODO: this is aparently meant to be * a singleton class - make this private + getInstance methods... */ private Designer() { decisions = new DecisionModel(); goals = new GoalModel(); agency = new Agency(); prefs = new Properties(); toDoList = ToDoList.getInstance(); toDoList.spawnValidityChecker(this); // TODO: make this configurable emailAddr = ""; //TheDesigner = this; // already done above userWorking = false; critiquingInterval = 8000; critiqueCPUPercent = 10; autoCritique = true; hotQueue = new Vector(); hotReasonQueue = new Vector(); addQueue = new Vector(); addReasonQueue = new Vector(); removeQueue = new Vector(); longestAdd = 0; longestHot = 0; warmQueue = new Vector(); childGenerator = new ChildGenDMElements(); critiqueLock = 0; lastCritique = 0; } /** * @param d the designer */ //public static void theDesigner(Designer d) { TheDesigner = d; } /** * @return the designer singleton */ public static Designer theDesigner() { return theDesignerSingleton; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // critiquing /** * Start a separate thread to continually select and execute * critics that are relevant to this designer's work. * * @param root the rootobject the critiques will check */ public void spawnCritiquer(Object root) { /* TODO: really should be a separate class */ critiquerThread = new Thread(this, "CritiquingThread"); critiquerThread.setDaemon(true); critiquerThread.setPriority(Thread.currentThread().getPriority() - 1); critiquerThread.start(); critiquingRoot = root; } /** Continuously select and execute critics against this designer's * design. spawnCritiquer is used to start a Thread that runs * this. */ public void run() { while (true) { // local variables - what do they do? long critiqueStartTime; long cutoffTime; int minWarmElements = 5; int size; // the critiquing thread should wait if disabled. synchronized (this) { while (!autoCritique) { try { this.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { LOG.error("InterruptedException!!!", ignore); } } } // why? if (critiquingRoot != null // && getAutoCritique() && critiqueLock <= 0) { // why? synchronized (this) { critiqueStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); cutoffTime = critiqueStartTime + 3000; size = addQueue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { hotQueue.addElement(addQueue.elementAt(i)); hotReasonQueue.addElement(addReasonQueue.elementAt(i)); } addQueue.removeAllElements(); addReasonQueue.removeAllElements(); longestHot = Math.max(longestHot, hotQueue.size()); agency.determineActiveCritics(this); while (hotQueue.size() > 0) { Object dm = hotQueue.elementAt(0); Long reasonCode = (Long) hotReasonQueue.elementAt(0); hotQueue.removeElementAt(0); hotReasonQueue.removeElementAt(0); Agency.applyAllCritics(dm, theDesigner(), reasonCode.longValue()); } size = removeQueue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) warmQueue.removeElement(removeQueue.elementAt(i)); removeQueue.removeAllElements(); if (warmQueue.size() == 0) warmQueue.addElement(critiquingRoot); while (warmQueue.size() > 0 && (System.currentTimeMillis() < cutoffTime || minWarmElements > 0)) { if (minWarmElements > 0) minWarmElements--; Object dm = warmQueue.elementAt(0); warmQueue.removeElementAt(0); Agency.applyAllCritics(dm, theDesigner()); java.util.Enumeration subDMs = childGenerator.gen(dm); while (subDMs.hasMoreElements()) { Object nextDM = subDMs.nextElement(); if (!(warmQueue.contains(nextDM))) warmQueue.addElement(nextDM); } } } } else { critiqueStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } critiqueDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - critiqueStartTime; long cycleDuration = (critiqueDuration * 100) / critiqueCPUPercent; long sleepDuration = Math.min(cycleDuration - critiqueDuration, 3000); sleepDuration = Math.max(sleepDuration, 1000); LOG.debug("sleepDuration= " + sleepDuration); try { Thread.sleep(sleepDuration); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { LOG.error("InterruptedException!!!", ignore); } } } /** * what does this method do? why is is synchronised? * * TODO: what about when objects are first created? * * @param dm the design material * @param reason the reason */ public synchronized void critiqueASAP(Object dm, String reason) { long rCode = Critic.reasonCodeFor(reason); if (!userWorking) return; LOG.debug("critiqueASAP:" + dm); int addQueueIndex = addQueue.indexOf(dm); if (addQueueIndex == -1) { addQueue.addElement(dm); Long reasonCodeObj = new Long(rCode); addReasonQueue.addElement(reasonCodeObj); } else { Long reasonCodeObj = (Long) addReasonQueue.elementAt(addQueueIndex); long rc = reasonCodeObj.longValue() | rCode; Long newReasonCodeObj = new Long(rc); addReasonQueue.setElementAt(newReasonCodeObj, addQueueIndex); } removeQueue.addElement(dm); longestAdd = Math.max(longestAdd, addQueue.size()); } /** * Look for potential problems or open issues in the given design. * * @param des the design to be checked */ public void critique(Design des) { des.critique(this); } /** * Performs critique asap. * * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) { critiqueASAP(pce.getSource(), pce.getPropertyName()); } /** * TODO: remove this * * @see ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener#propertySet(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ public void propertySet(MElementEvent mee) { critiqueASAP(mee.getSource(), org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.getName(mee.getOldValue())); } /** * TODO: remove this * * @see ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener#listRoleItemSet(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ public void listRoleItemSet(MElementEvent mee) { } /** * TODO: remove this * * @see ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener#recovered(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ public void recovered(MElementEvent mee) { } /** * TODO: remove this * * @see ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener#removed(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ public void removed(MElementEvent mee) { } /** * TODO: remove this * * @see ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener#roleAdded(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ public void roleAdded(MElementEvent mee) { } /** * TODO: remove this * * @see ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener#roleRemoved(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ public void roleRemoved(MElementEvent mee) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // criticism control /** Ask this designer's agency to select which critics should be active. */ public void determineActiveCritics() { agency.determineActiveCritics(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // accessors /** * autoCritique and critiquingInterval are two prameters that * control how the critiquing thread operates. If autoCritique is * false then now critiquing is done in the background. The * critiquingInterval determines how often the critiquing thread * executes. The concept of an interval between runs will become * less important as Argo is redesigned to be more trigger * driven. * * @return autoCritique */ public boolean getAutoCritique() { return autoCritique; } /** * @see #getAutoCritique() * @param b */ public void setAutoCritique(boolean b) { autoCritique = b; synchronized (this) { if (autoCritique) { this.notifyAll(); } } } /** * Get the Critiquing interval. * * @return The interval. */ public int getCritiquingInterval() { return critiquingInterval; } /** * Set the Critiquing Interval. * * @param i The new interval. */ public void setCritiquingInterval(int i) { critiquingInterval = i; } /** * Disable critiquing. */ public static void disableCritiquing() { synchronized (theDesigner()) { theDesigner().critiqueLock++; } } /** * Enable critiquing. */ public static void enableCritiquing() { synchronized (theDesigner()) { theDesigner().critiqueLock--; } } /** * Clear all critiquing results. */ public static void clearCritiquing() { synchronized (theDesigner()) { theDesigner().toDoList.removeAllElements(); //v71 theDesigner().hotQueue.removeAllElements(); theDesigner().hotReasonQueue.removeAllElements(); theDesigner().addQueue.removeAllElements(); theDesigner().addReasonQueue.removeAllElements(); theDesigner().removeQueue.removeAllElements(); theDesigner().warmQueue.removeAllElements(); } //clear out queues! @@@ } /** * @param d the critiquing root */ public static void setCritiquingRoot(Object d) { synchronized (theDesigner()) { critiquingRoot = d; } /* Don't clear everything here, breaks loading! */ } /** * @return the critiquing root */ public static Object getCritiquingRoot() { synchronized (theDesigner()) { return critiquingRoot; } } /** * @return the childgenerator */ public ChildGenerator getChildGenerator() { return childGenerator; } /** * @param cg the childgenerator */ public void setChildGenerator(ChildGenerator cg) { childGenerator = cg; } /** * @return the decisions */ public DecisionModel getDecisionModel() { return decisions; } /** * @return the decisions */ public Vector getDecisions() { return decisions.getDecisions(); } /** * @return the goals */ public GoalModel getGoalModel() { return goals; } /** * @return the goals */ public Vector getGoals() { return goals.getGoals(); } /** * This method returns true. * *

ToDoItem's that are posted by the designer are assumed to be * valid until the designer explicitly removes them. Perhaps in the * future the designer could specify a condition to determine when * his items expire. * * @see ToDoItem * @see org.argouml.cognitive.critics.Critic#stillValid * * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#stillValid( * org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoItem, org.argouml.cognitive.Designer) * * @param i the todo item * @param d the designer * @return true if still valid */ public boolean stillValid(ToDoItem i, Designer d) { return true; } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#supports(org.argouml.cognitive.Decision) */ public boolean supports(Decision d) { return d == Decision.UNSPEC; } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#getSupportedDecisions() */ public Vector getSupportedDecisions() { return unspecDecisionVector; } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#supports(org.argouml.cognitive.Goal) */ public boolean supports(Goal g) { return true; } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#getSupportedGoals() */ public Vector getSupportedGoals() { return unspecGoalVector; } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#containsKnowledgeType(java.lang.String) */ public boolean containsKnowledgeType(String type) { return type.equals("Designer's"); } /** * Just returns the descr param. * * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#expand(java.lang.String, * org.tigris.gef.util.VectorSet) */ public String expand(String desc, VectorSet offs) { return desc; } /** * Get the generic clarifier for this designer/poster. * * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#getClarifier() */ public Icon getClarifier() { return clarifier; } /** * Get the generic clarifier for this designer/poster. * * @param clar the clarifier icon */ public void setClarifier(Icon clar) { clarifier = clar; } /** Reply this Designer's ToDoList, a list of pending problems and * issues that the designer might be interested in. * @see ToDoList */ public ToDoList getToDoList() { return toDoList; } /** * Add all the items in the given list to my list. * * @param list the items to be added */ public void addToDoItems(ToDoList list) { toDoList.addAll(list); } /** * Remove all the items in the given list from my list. * * @param list the items to be removed */ public void removeToDoItems(ToDoList list) { toDoList.removeAll(list); } /** * Reply the designers personal preferneces. * Currently not used (?). * * @return the preferences */ public Properties getPrefs() { return prefs; } /** * Reply true iff the designer is currently considering the given * decison. * * @param decision the decision * @return true if considered */ public boolean isConsidering(String decision) { return decisions.isConsidering(decision); } /** * @param d the decision * @return true if the given decision is considered */ public boolean isConsidering(Decision d) { return d.getPriority() > 0; } /** * Record the extent to which the designer is considering the given * decision. * * @param decision the decision * @param priority the priority */ public void setDecisionPriority(String decision, int priority) { decisions.setDecisionPriority(decision, priority); } /** * @param decision the decision * @param priority the priority */ public void defineDecision(String decision, int priority) { decisions.defineDecision(decision, priority); } /** * @param decision the decision */ public void startConsidering(String decision) { decisions.startConsidering(decision); } /** * @param d the decision */ public void startConsidering(Decision d) { decisions.startConsidering(d); } /** * @param decision the decision */ public void stopConsidering(String decision) { decisions.stopConsidering(decision); } /** * @param d the decision */ public void stopConsidering(Decision d) { decisions.stopConsidering(d); } /** * Record the extent to which the designer desires the given goal. * * @param goal the given goal * @return true if this goal is desired */ public boolean hasGoal(String goal) { return goals.hasGoal(goal); } /** * @param goal the given goal * @param priority the priority */ public void setGoalPriority(String goal, int priority) { goals.setGoalPriority(goal, priority); } /** * @param goal the goal I (me, the designer) desire */ public void startDesiring(String goal) { goals.startDesiring(goal); } /** * @param goal the goal that is not desired any more */ public void stopDesiring(String goal) { goals.stopDesiring(goal); } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#getExpertEmail() */ public String getExpertEmail() { return emailAddr; } /** * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#setExpertEmail(java.lang.String) */ public void setExpertEmail(String addr) { emailAddr = addr; } /** empty */ public void snooze() { /* do nothing */ } /** empty */ public void unsnooze() { /* do nothing */ } /** * Reply the Agency object that is helping this Designer. * * @return my agancy */ public Agency getAgency() { return agency; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // user interface /** * Inform the human designer using this system that the given * ToDoItem should be considered. This can be disruptive if the item * is urgent, or (more commonly) it is added to his ToDoList so that * he can consider it at his leisure. * * @param item the todo item */ public void inform(ToDoItem item) { if (item.getPriority() >= disruptiveThreshold()) disruptivelyWarn(item); else nondisruptivelyWarn(item); } /** * Inform the human designer that there is an urgent ToDoItem that * (s)he must consider before doing any more work. Currently not * implemented. * * @param item the todoitem */ public synchronized void disruptivelyWarn(ToDoItem item) { // open a window or do something with item } /** * Inform the human designer that there is a ToDoItem that is * relevant to his design work, and allow him to consider it on his * own initiative. * * @param item the todo item */ public synchronized void nondisruptivelyWarn(ToDoItem item) { toDoList.addElement(item); } /** * Used to determine which ToDoItems are urgent. Just returns the value 9. * * @return from this priority, we warn disruptively */ public int disruptiveThreshold() { // TODO: check prefs return 9; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { //String printString = super.toString() + " [\n"; //printString += " " + "decisions: " + _decisions.toString() + "\n"; //printString += " " + "goals: " + _goals.toString() + "\n"; //printString += " " + "prefs: " + _prefs.toString() + "\n"; //printString += " " + "to do: " + _toDoList.toString() + "\n"; //printString += "]\n"; // made change in respect to ToDo List Tree String printString = "Designer [name?]"; return printString; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // issue resolution /** * Does not do anything. * * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#fixIt(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoItem, * java.lang.Object) */ public void fixIt(ToDoItem item, Object arg) { } /** * Just returns false. * * @see org.argouml.cognitive.Poster#canFixIt(org.argouml.cognitive.ToDoItem) */ public boolean canFixIt(ToDoItem item) { return false; } /** * @param working The _userWorking to set. */ public static void setUserWorking(boolean working) { userWorking = working; } /** * @return Returns the _userWorking. */ public static boolean isUserWorking() { return userWorking; } class ChildGenDMElements implements ChildGenerator { /** Reply a Enumeration of the children of the given Object */ public Enumeration gen(Object o) { if (o instanceof Design) return ((Design) o).elements(); else return EnumerationEmpty.theInstance(); } } /* end class ChildGenDMElements */ } /* end class Designer */

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