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// $Id:,v 1.14 2004/10/03 07:30:14 mvw Exp $
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package org.argouml.swingext;

import java.awt.*;

 * Same as the standard java class GridLayout but allows more
 * flexability for sizing of columns and rows.
 * @author Bob Tarling
public class GridLayout2 implements LayoutManager, {

       * Do not resize the child components.
    public static final int NONE = 0;

       * Resize all child components to fit their cell both
       * horizontally and vertically.
    public static final int BOTH = 1;

       * Resize all child components to fit their cell horizontally
       * but not vertically.
    public static final int HORIZONTAL = 2;

       * Resize all child components to fit their cell vertically but
       * not horizontally.
    public static final int VERTICAL = 3;

      * Put the component in the center of its display area.
    public static final int CENTER = 10;

       * Put the component at the top of its display area,
       * centered horizontally.
    public static final int NORTH = 11;

       * Put the component at the top-right corner of its display area.
    public static final int NORTHEAST = 12;

       * Put the component on the right side of its display area,
       * centered vertically.
    public static final int EAST = 13;

       * Put the component at the bottom-right corner of its display area.
    public static final int SOUTHEAST = 14;

       * Put the component at the bottom of its display area, centered
       * horizontally.
    public static final int SOUTH = 15;

       * Put the component at the bottom-left corner of its display area.
    public static final int SOUTHWEST = 16;

       * Put the component on the left side of its display area,
       * centered vertically.
    public static final int WEST = 17;

       * Put each component in the top-left corner of its display area.
    public static final int NORTHWEST = 18;

     * This is the horizontal gap (in pixels) which specifies the space
     * between columns.  They can be changed at any time.
     * This should be a non negative integer.
     * @serial
     * @see #getHgap()
     * @see #setHgap(int)
    private int hgap;
     * This is the vertical gap (in pixels) which specifies the space
     * between rows.  They can be changed at any time.
     * This should be a non negative integer.
     * @serial
     * @see #getVgap()
     * @see #setVgap(int)
    private int vgap;
     * This is the number of rows specified for the grid.  The number
     * of rows can be changed at any time.
     * This should be a non negative integer, where '0' means
     * 'any number' meaning that the number of Rows in that
     * dimension depends on the other dimension.
     * @serial
     * @see #getRows()
     * @see #setRows(int)
    private int rows;
     * This is the number of columns specified for the grid.  The number
     * of columns can be changed at any time.
     * This should be a non negative integer, where '0' means
     * 'any number' meaning that the number of Columns in that
     * dimension depends on the other dimension.
     * @serial
     * @see #getColumns()
     * @see #setCols(int)
    private int cols;

     * Size all cells as the largest prefered width and height
     * component. 

* * A possible value for the cellSizing parameter of the * constructor in order to size cells so that each have the same * width and height. The width is the largest prefered width and * the height is the largest prefered height of all these child * components. */ public static final int MAXPREFERRED = 20; /** * Size all cells so that all in the same row are the same height * and all in the same column are the same width.

* * A possible value for the cellSizing parameter of the * constructor. The width is the largest prefered width of all * components in the same column and the height is the largest * prefered height of all components in the same row. */ public static final int ROWCOLPREFERRED = 21; /** * Size all cells as the same width and height to fit the parent * component.

* * A possible value for the cellSizing parameter of the * constructor in order to size cells so that each has the same * height and width and are sized to fit their parent. This * emulates the sizing done by a standard GridLayout. */ public static final int FITPARENT = 22; private int cellSizing = FITPARENT; private int fill = BOTH; private int anchor = WEST; /** * The height of the child component with the largest height */ private int largestHeight; /** * The width of the child component with the largest width */ private int largestWidth; /** * The required cell width of each column */ private int[] colWidth; /** * The required cell height of each row */ private int[] rowHeight; /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with a default of one column per * component, in a single row. */ public GridLayout2() { this(1, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with the specified number of rows * and columns. * * @param r the number of rows in the layout * @param c the number of columns in the layout */ public GridLayout2(int r, int c) { this(r, c, 0, 0); } /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with the specified number of rows * and columns and cell spacing. * * @param r the number of rows in the layout * @param c the number of columns in the layout * @param h the horizontal gap between cells * @param v the vertical gap between cells */ public GridLayout2(int r, int c, int h, int v) { if ((r == 0) && (c == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rows and cols cannot " + "both be zero"); } this.rows = r; this.cols = c; this.hgap = h; this.vgap = v; } /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with the specified number of rows * and columns and cell sizing scheme. * * @param r the number of rows in the layout * @param c the number of columns in the layout * @param cs the required cell sizing scheme */ public GridLayout2(int r, int c, int cs) { this(r, c, 0, 0, cs); } /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with the specified number of rows * and columns, cell spacing and cell sizing scheme. * * @param r the number of rows in the layout * @param c the number of columns in the layout * @param h the horizontal gap between cells * @param v the vertical gap between cells * @param cs the required cell sizing scheme */ public GridLayout2(int r, int c, int h, int v, int cs) { this(r, c, h, v); this.cellSizing = cs; } /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with the specified number of rows * and columns, cell spacing, cell sizing scheme and filling * scheme. * * @param r the number of rows in the layout * @param c the number of columns in the layout * @param h the horizontal gap between cells * @param v the vertical gap between cells * @param cs the required cell sizing scheme * @param f the required cell filling scheme */ public GridLayout2(int r, int c, int h, int v, int cs, int f) { this(r, c, h, v, cs); this.fill = f; } /** * Construct a new GridLayout2 with the specified number of rows * and columns, cell spacing, cell sizing scheme and component * sizing and anchoring scheme. * * @param r the number of rows in the layout * @param c the number of columns in the layout * @param h the horizontal gap between cells * @param v the vertical gap between cells * @param cs the required cell sizing scheme * @param f the required cell filling scheme * @param a the required anchoring of a child component within its cell */ public GridLayout2(int r, int c, int h, int v, int cs, int f, int a) { this(r, c, h, v, cs, f); this.anchor = a; } /** * Adds the specified component with the specified name to the * layout. This is included to satisfy the LayoutManager interface * but is not actually used in this layout implementation. * * @param name the name of the component * @param comp the component to be added */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { } /** * Removes the specified component with the specified name from * the layout. This is included to satisfy the LayoutManager * interface but is not actually used in this layout * implementation.

* * @param comp the name of the component */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { } /** * Determines the preferred size of the container argument using * this grid layout. The preferred size of a grid layout is * dependant on the cellSizing scheme.

* * MAXPREFERRED and FITPARENT use the same formula to calculate * prefered size.

* * The prefered width using MAXPREFERRED or FITPARENT is the * largest preferred width of any of the widths in the container * times the number of columns, plus the horizontal padding times * the number of columns plus one, plus the left and right insets * of the target container.

* * The preferred height using MAXPREFERRED or FITPARENT is the * largest preferred height of any of the heights in the container * times the number of rows, plus the vertical padding times the * number of rows plus one, plus the top and bottom insets of the * target container.

* * The prefered width using ROWCOLPREFERRED is the largest * preferred is the sum of the widths of of all columns, plus the * horizontal padding times the number of columns plus one, plus * the left and right insets of the target container.

* * The prefered height using ROWCOLPREFERRED is the largest * preferred is the sum of the heights of of all columns, plus the * horizontal padding times the number of columns plus one, plus * the left and right insets of the target container. * * @param parent the container to be laid out * @return the preferred dimensions to lay out the subcomponents * of the specified container */ public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { synchronized (parent.getTreeLock()) { int componentCount = parent.getComponentCount(); int actualRows = rows; int actualCols = cols; if (actualRows > 0) { actualCols = (componentCount + actualRows - 1) / actualRows; } else { actualRows = (componentCount + actualCols - 1) / actualCols; } colWidth = new int[actualCols]; rowHeight = new int[actualRows]; int largestPreferredWidth = 0; int largestPreferredHeight = 0; for (int c = 0; c < actualCols; ++c) { for (int r = 0; r < actualRows; ++r) { int i = r * actualCols + c; if (i < componentCount) { if (parent.getComponent(i).getPreferredSize().getWidth() > colWidth[c]) { colWidth[c] = (int) parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getWidth(); if (colWidth[c] > largestPreferredWidth) largestPreferredWidth = colWidth[c]; } if (parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getHeight() > rowHeight[r]) { rowHeight[r] = (int) parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getHeight(); if (rowHeight[r] > largestPreferredHeight) largestPreferredHeight = rowHeight[r]; } } } } return calculateSizes(parent, colWidth, rowHeight, actualRows, actualCols, largestPreferredWidth, largestPreferredHeight); } } /** * Required by LayoutManager. * * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#minimumLayoutSize(java.awt.Container) */ public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { synchronized (parent.getTreeLock()) { int componentCount = parent.getComponentCount(); int actualRows = rows; int actualCols = cols; if (actualRows > 0) { actualCols = (componentCount + actualRows - 1) / actualRows; } else { actualRows = (componentCount + actualCols - 1) / actualCols; } colWidth = new int[actualCols]; rowHeight = new int[actualRows]; int largestMinimumWidth = 0; int largestMinimumHeight = 0; for (int c = 0; c < actualCols; ++c) { for (int r = 0; r < actualRows; ++r) { int i = r * actualCols + c; if (i < componentCount) { if (parent.getComponent(i).getMinimumSize().getWidth() > colWidth[c]) { colWidth[c] = (int) parent.getComponent(i) .getMinimumSize().getWidth(); if (colWidth[c] > largestMinimumWidth) largestMinimumWidth = colWidth[c]; } if (parent.getComponent(i).getMinimumSize().getHeight() > rowHeight[r]) { rowHeight[r] = (int) parent.getComponent(i) .getMinimumSize().getHeight(); if (rowHeight[r] > largestMinimumHeight) largestMinimumHeight = rowHeight[r]; } } } } return calculateSizes(parent, colWidth, rowHeight, actualRows, actualCols, largestMinimumWidth, largestMinimumHeight); } } /** * @see java.awt.LayoutManager#layoutContainer(java.awt.Container) */ public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { synchronized (parent.getTreeLock()) { int ncomponents = parent.getComponentCount(); if (ncomponents == 0) { return; } Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); int nrows = this.rows; int ncols = this.cols; if (nrows > 0) { ncols = (ncomponents + nrows - 1) / nrows; } else { nrows = (ncomponents + ncols - 1) / ncols; } colWidth = new int[ncols]; rowHeight = new int[nrows]; largestWidth = 0; largestHeight = 0; if (cellSizing == FITPARENT) { int availableWidth = parent.getWidth() - (insets.left + insets.right + (ncols - 1) * hgap); int availableHeight = parent.getHeight() - ( + insets.bottom + (nrows - 1) * vgap); largestWidth = availableWidth / ncols; largestHeight = availableHeight / nrows; } else { for (int c = 0; c < ncols; ++c) { for (int r = 0; r < nrows; ++r) { int i = r * ncols + c; if (i < ncomponents) { if (parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getWidth() > colWidth[c]) { colWidth[c] = (int) parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getWidth(); if (colWidth[c] > largestWidth) largestWidth = colWidth[c]; } if (parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getHeight() > rowHeight[r]) { rowHeight[r] = (int) parent.getComponent(i) .getPreferredSize().getHeight(); if (rowHeight[r] > largestHeight) largestHeight = rowHeight[r]; } } } } } int cellWidth; int cellHeight; for (int c = 0, x = insets.left; c < ncols; x += cellWidth + hgap, ++c) { cellWidth = getComponentCellWidth(c); for (int r = 0, y =; r < nrows; y += cellHeight + vgap, ++r) { cellHeight = getComponentCellHeight(r); int i = r * ncols + c; if (i < ncomponents) { positionComponentInCell(parent.getComponent(i), x, y, cellWidth, cellHeight); } } } } } /** * Calculate the layout size. * * @param parent the container * @param theColWidth the column width * @param theRowHeight the row height * @param actualRows the number of rows specified for the grid. * This should be a non negative integer, where '0' means * 'any number' meaning that the number of rows in that * dimension depends on the other dimension. * @param actualCols the number of columns specified for the grid. * This should be a non negative integer, where '0' means * 'any number' meaning that the number of columns in that * dimension depends on the other dimension. * @param theLargestWidth the largest width * @param theLargestHeight the largest height * @return the dimension of the layout */ protected Dimension calculateSizes(Container parent, int theColWidth[], int theRowHeight[], int actualRows, int actualCols, int theLargestWidth, int theLargestHeight) { int w = 0; int h = 0; if (cellSizing == GridLayout2.ROWCOLPREFERRED) { for (int c = 0; c < actualCols; ++c) w += theColWidth[c]; for (int r = 0; r < actualRows; ++r) h += theRowHeight[r]; } else { w = theLargestWidth * actualCols; h = theLargestHeight * actualRows; } Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); return new Dimension(insets.left + insets.right + w + (actualCols - 1) * hgap, + insets.bottom + h + (actualRows - 1) * vgap); } /** * Calculate the cell height. * * @param row the row for this cell * @return the height */ protected int getComponentCellHeight(int row) { if (cellSizing == ROWCOLPREFERRED) return rowHeight[row]; return largestHeight; } /** * Calculate the cell width. * * @param col the column of this cell * @return the width */ protected int getComponentCellWidth(int col) { if (cellSizing == ROWCOLPREFERRED) return colWidth[col]; return largestWidth; } /** * @param comp the component to be positioned * @param x the x * @param y the y * @param cellWidth the width of the cell * @param cellHeight the height of the cell */ protected void positionComponentInCell(Component comp, int x, int y, int cellWidth, int cellHeight) { int componentWidth; int componentHeight; if (fill == VERTICAL || fill == NONE) { componentWidth = (int) comp.getPreferredSize().getWidth(); } else { componentWidth = cellWidth; } if (fill == HORIZONTAL || fill == NONE) { componentHeight = (int) comp.getPreferredSize().getHeight(); } else { componentHeight = cellHeight; } int xAnchor, yAnchor; if (fill == BOTH || fill == HORIZONTAL || anchor == NORTHWEST || anchor == WEST || anchor == SOUTHWEST) { xAnchor = x; } else if (anchor == NORTHEAST || anchor == EAST || anchor == SOUTHEAST) { xAnchor = x + cellWidth - componentWidth; } else { xAnchor = x + (cellWidth - componentWidth) / 2; } if (fill == BOTH || fill == VERTICAL || anchor == NORTH || anchor == NORTHWEST || anchor == NORTHEAST) { yAnchor = y; } else if (anchor == SOUTHEAST || anchor == SOUTH || anchor == SOUTHWEST) { yAnchor = y + cellHeight - componentHeight; } else { yAnchor = y + (cellHeight - componentHeight) / 2; } comp.setBounds(xAnchor, yAnchor, componentWidth, componentHeight); } /** * @return the number of rows */ public int getRows() { return rows; } /** * @param r the number of rows. It can not be zero. */ public void setRows(int r) { if ((r == 0) && (this.cols == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rows and cols cannot " + "both be zero"); } this.rows = r; } /** * @return the number of columns */ public int getColumns() { return cols; } /** * @param c the number of columns. It can not be zero. */ public void setCols(int c) { if ((c == 0) && (this.rows == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rows and cols cannot " + "both be zero"); } this.cols = c; } /** * @return the horizontal gap */ public int getHgap() { return hgap; } /** * @param h the horizontal gap */ public void setHgap(int h) { this.hgap = h; } /** * @return the vertical gap */ public int getVgap() { return vgap; } /** * @param v the vertical gap */ public void setVgap(int v) { this.vgap = v; } /** * @param lh The largestHeight to set. */ protected void setLargestHeight(int lh) { this.largestHeight = lh; } /** * @return Returns the largestHeight. */ protected int getLargestHeight() { return largestHeight; } /** * @param lw The largestWidth to set. */ protected void setLargestWidth(int lw) { this.largestWidth = lw; } /** * @return Returns the largestWidth. */ protected int getLargestWidth() { return largestWidth; } /** * @param cw The colWidth to set. */ protected void setColWidth(int[] cw) { this.colWidth = cw; } /** * @return Returns the colWidth. */ protected int[] getColWidth() { return colWidth; } /** * @param rh The rowHeight to set. */ protected void setRowHeight(int[] rh) { this.rowHeight = rh; } /** * @return Returns the rowHeight. */ protected int[] getRowHeight() { return rowHeight; } /** * @return Returns the cellSizing. */ int getCellSizing() { return cellSizing; } }

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