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// $Id:,v 1.75 2004/09/29 18:46:28 mvw Exp $
// Copyright (c) 1996-2004 The Regents of the University of California. All
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package org.argouml.uml.diagram.static_structure.ui;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.argouml.application.api.Notation;
import org.argouml.language.helpers.NotationHelper;
import org.argouml.model.ModelFacade;
import org.argouml.model.uml.UmlFactory;
import org.argouml.model.uml.UmlModelEventPump;
import org.argouml.ui.ArgoJMenu;
import org.argouml.ui.ProjectBrowser;
import org.argouml.ui.targetmanager.TargetManager;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.CompartmentFigText;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigOperationsCompartment;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.OperationsCompartmentContainer;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionAddNote;
import org.argouml.uml.generator.ParserDisplay;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionAddOperation;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionCompartmentDisplay;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionModifier;
import org.tigris.gef.base.Editor;
import org.tigris.gef.base.Globals;
import org.tigris.gef.base.Selection;
import org.tigris.gef.graph.GraphModel;
import org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig;
import org.tigris.gef.presentation.FigGroup;
import org.tigris.gef.presentation.FigRect;
import org.tigris.gef.presentation.FigText;

import ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent;

/** Class to display graphics for a UML Interface in a diagram. 
public class FigInterface extends FigNodeModelElement 
        implements OperationsCompartmentContainer {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(FigInterface.class);

    // constants

    //These are the positions of child figs inside this fig
    //They mst be added in the constructor in this order.
    private static final int BLINDER_POSN = 3;
    private static final int OPERATIONS_POSN = 4;
    // instance variables

     * The vector of graphics for operations (if any). First one is the
     * rectangle for the entire operations box.

*/ private FigOperationsCompartment operVec; /** * A rectangle to blank out the line that would otherwise appear at the * bottom of the stereotype text box.

*/ private FigRect stereoLineBlinder; /** * Manages residency of an interface within a component on a deployment * diagram. Not clear why it is an instance * variable (rather than local to the method).

*/ private Object resident = UmlFactory.getFactory().getCore().createElementResidence(); /** * Text highlighted by mouse actions on the diagram.

*/ private CompartmentFigText highlightedFigText = null; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructors /** * Main constructor for a {@link FigInterface}. * * Parent {@link FigNodeModelElement} will have created the main * box {@link #getBigPort()} and its name {@link #getNameFig()} * and stereotype (@link #getStereotypeFig()}. This constructor * creates a box for the operations.

* * The properties of all these graphic elements are adjusted * appropriately. The main boxes are all filled and have outlines.

* * For reasons I don't understand the stereotype is created in a box * with lines. So we have to created a blanking rectangle to overlay the * bottom line, and avoid three compartments showing.

* * Warning. Much of the graphics positioning is hard coded. The * overall figure is placed at location (10,10). The name compartment (in * the parent {@link FigNodeModelElement} is 21 pixels high. The * stereotype compartment is created 15 pixels high in the parent, but we * change it to 19 pixels, 1 more than ({@link #STEREOHEIGHT} here. The * operations box is created at 19 pixels, 2 more than * {@link #ROWHEIGHT}.

* * CAUTION: This constructor (with no arguments) is the only one * that does enableSizeChecking(false), all others must set it true. * This is because this constructor is the only one called when loading * a project. In this case, the parsed size must be maintained.

*/ public FigInterface() { // Set name box. Note the upper line will be blanked out if there is // eventually a stereotype above. getNameFig().setLineWidth(1); getNameFig().setFilled(true); operVec = new FigOperationsCompartment(10, 31 + ROWHEIGHT, 60, ROWHEIGHT + 2); // Set properties of the stereotype box. Make it 1 pixel higher than // before, so it overlaps the name box, and the blanking takes out both // lines. Initially not set to be displayed, but this will be changed // when we try to render it, if we find we have a stereotype. setStereotype(NotationHelper.getLeftGuillemot() + "Interface" + NotationHelper.getRightGuillemot()); getStereotypeFigText().setExpandOnly(true); getStereotypeFig().setFilled(true); getStereotypeFig().setLineWidth(1); getStereotypeFigText().setEditable(false); getStereotypeFig().setHeight(STEREOHEIGHT + 1); // +1 to have 1 pixel overlap with getNameFig() getStereotypeFig().setVisible(true); // A thin rectangle to overlap the boundary line between stereotype // and name. This is just 2 pixels high, and we rely on the line // thickness, so the rectangle does not need to be filled. Whether to // display is linked to whether to display the stereotype. stereoLineBlinder = new FigRect(11, 10 + STEREOHEIGHT, 58, 2, Color.white, Color.white); stereoLineBlinder.setLineWidth(1); stereoLineBlinder.setVisible(true); // Put all the bits together, suppressing bounds calculations until // we're all done for efficiency. enableSizeChecking(false); setSuppressCalcBounds(true); addFig(getBigPort()); addFig(getStereotypeFig()); addFig(getNameFig()); addFig(stereoLineBlinder); addFig(operVec); setSuppressCalcBounds(false); // Set the bounds of the figure to the total of the above (hardcoded) enableSizeChecking(true); setBounds(10, 10, 60, 21 + ROWHEIGHT); } /** * Constructor for use if this figure is created for an * existing interface node in the metamodel.

* * Set the figure's name according to this node. This is used when the * user click's on 'add to diagram' in the navpane. Don't know if this * should rather be done in one of the super classes, since similar code * is used in etc. Andreas Rueckert * <>

* * @param gm Not actually used in the current implementation * * @param node The UML object being placed. */ public FigInterface(GraphModel gm, Object node) { this(); setOwner(node); enableSizeChecking(true); if (ModelFacade.isAInterface(node) && (ModelFacade.getName(node) != null)) { getNameFig().setText(ModelFacade.getName(node)); } } /** * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement#placeString() */ public String placeString() { return "new Interface"; } /** * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ public Object clone() { FigInterface figClone = (FigInterface) super.clone(); Iterator it = figClone.getFigs(null).iterator(); figClone.setBigPort((FigRect); figClone.setStereotypeFig((FigText); figClone.setNameFig((FigText); figClone.stereoLineBlinder = (FigRect); figClone.operVec = (FigOperationsCompartment); return figClone; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // accessors /** * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#makeSelection() */ public Selection makeSelection() { return new SelectionInterface(this); } /** * Build a collection of menu items relevant for a right-click * popup menu on an Interface. * * @param me a mouse event * @return a collection of menu items */ public Vector getPopUpActions(MouseEvent me) { Vector popUpActions = super.getPopUpActions(me); ArgoJMenu addMenu = new ArgoJMenu(BUNDLE, "menu.popup.add"); addMenu.add(ActionAddOperation.getSingleton()); addMenu.add(ActionAddNote.getSingleton()); popUpActions.insertElementAt(addMenu, popUpActions.size() - POPUP_ADD_OFFSET); ArgoJMenu showMenu = new ArgoJMenu(BUNDLE, ""); if (operVec.isVisible()) { showMenu.add(ActionCompartmentDisplay.hideOperCompartment()); } else { showMenu.add(ActionCompartmentDisplay.showOperCompartment()); } popUpActions.insertElementAt(showMenu, popUpActions.size() - POPUP_ADD_OFFSET); // Block added by BobTarling 7-Jan-2001 Object minterface = /*(MInterface)*/ getOwner(); ArgoJMenu modifierMenu = new ArgoJMenu(BUNDLE, "menu.popup.modifiers"); modifierMenu.addCheckItem( new ActionModifier("Public", "visibility", "getVisibility", "setVisibility", /*(MInterface)*/ minterface, (Class) ModelFacade.VISIBILITYKIND, ModelFacade.PUBLIC_VISIBILITYKIND, null)); modifierMenu.addCheckItem( new ActionModifier("Abstract", "isAbstract", "isAbstract", "setAbstract", minterface)); modifierMenu.addCheckItem( new ActionModifier("Leaf", "isLeaf", "isLeaf", "setLeaf", minterface)); modifierMenu.addCheckItem( new ActionModifier("Root", "isRoot", "isRoot", "setRoot", minterface)); popUpActions.insertElementAt(modifierMenu, popUpActions.size() - POPUP_ADD_OFFSET); // end of block return popUpActions; } /** * Getter for operVec * @return operVec */ public FigGroup getOperationsFig() { return operVec; } /** * Returns the status of the operation field. * @return true if the operations are visible, false otherwise */ public boolean isOperationsVisible() { return operVec.isVisible(); } /** * @param isVisible true will show the operations compartiment */ public void setOperationsVisible(boolean isVisible) { Rectangle rect = getBounds(); int h = isCheckSize() ? ((ROWHEIGHT * Math.max(1, operVec.getFigs(null).size() - 1) + 2) * rect.height / getMinimumSize().height) : 0; if (operVec.isVisible()) { if (!isVisible) { damage(); Iterator it = operVec.getFigs(null).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((Fig) (; } operVec.setVisible(false); setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height - h); } } else { if (isVisible) { Iterator it = operVec.getFigs(null).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((Fig) (; } operVec.setVisible(true); setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height + h); damage(); } } } /** * Gets the minimum size permitted for an interface on the diagram.

* * Parts of this are hardcoded, notably the fact that the name * compartment has a minimum height of 21 pixels.

* * @return the size of the minimum bounding box. */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { // Use "aSize" to build up the minimum size. Start with the size of the // name compartment and build up. Dimension aSize = getNameFig().getMinimumSize(); if (aSize.height < 21) { aSize.height = 21; } // If we have a stereotype displayed, then allow some space for that // (width and height) if (getStereotypeFig().isVisible()) { aSize.width = Math.max(aSize.width, getStereotypeFig().getMinimumSize().width); aSize.height += STEREOHEIGHT; } // Allow space for each of the operations we have if (operVec.isVisible()) { // Loop through all the operations, to find the widest (remember // the first fig is the box for the whole lot, so ignore it). Iterator it = operVec.getFigs(null).iterator();; // ignore while (it.hasNext()) { int elemWidth = ((FigText) + 2; aSize.width = Math.max(aSize.width, elemWidth); } aSize.height += ROWHEIGHT * Math.max(1, operVec.getFigs(null).size() - 1) + 1; } // we want to maintain a minimum width for Interfaces aSize.width = Math.max(60, aSize.width); // And now aSize has the answer return aSize; } /** * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setFillColor(java.awt.Color) */ public void setFillColor(Color lColor) { super.setFillColor(lColor); stereoLineBlinder.setLineColor(lColor); } /** * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setLineColor(java.awt.Color) */ public void setLineColor(Color lColor) { super.setLineColor(lColor); stereoLineBlinder.setLineColor(stereoLineBlinder.getFillColor()); } /** * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#translate(int, int) */ public void translate(int dx, int dy) { super.translate(dx, dy); Editor ce = Globals.curEditor(); Selection sel = ce.getSelectionManager().findSelectionFor(this); if (sel instanceof SelectionClass) { ((SelectionClass) sel).hideButtons(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // user interaction methods /** * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me) { super.mouseClicked(me); if (me.isShiftDown() && TargetManager.getInstance().getTargets().size() > 0) { return; } int i = 0; Editor ce = Globals.curEditor(); Selection sel = ce.getSelectionManager().findSelectionFor(this); if (sel instanceof SelectionClass) ((SelectionClass) sel).hideButtons(); unhighlight(); //display op properties if necessary: Rectangle r = new Rectangle(me.getX() - 1, me.getY() - 1, 2, 2); Fig f = hitFig(r); if (f == operVec && operVec.getHeight() > 0) { // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array Vector v = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)); i = (v.size() - 1) * (me.getY() - f.getY() - 3) / operVec.getHeight(); if (i >= 0 && i < v.size() - 1) { me.consume(); f = (Fig) v.elementAt(i + 1); ((CompartmentFigText) f).setHighlighted(true); highlightedFigText = (CompartmentFigText) f; TargetManager.getInstance().setTarget(f); } } } /** * @see java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me) { super.mouseExited(me); unhighlight(); } /** * @see java.awt.event.KeyListener#keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent) */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { int key = ke.getKeyCode(); if (key == KeyEvent.VK_UP || key == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) { CompartmentFigText ft = unhighlight(); if (ft != null) { // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array int i = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)).indexOf(ft); if (i != -1) { if (key == KeyEvent.VK_UP) { ft = (CompartmentFigText) getPreviousVisibleFeature(ft, i); } else { ft = (CompartmentFigText) getNextVisibleFeature(ft, i); } if (ft != null) { ft.setHighlighted(true); highlightedFigText = ft; return; } } } } else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER && highlightedFigText != null) { highlightedFigText.startTextEditor(ke); ke.consume(); return; } super.keyPressed(ke); } /** * @see org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig#setEnclosingFig(org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig) */ public void setEnclosingFig(Fig encloser) { Fig oldEncloser = getEnclosingFig(); super.setEnclosingFig(encloser); if (!(ModelFacade.isAModelElement(getOwner()))) return; Object me = /*(MModelElement)*/ getOwner(); Object m = null; try { // If moved into an Package if (encloser != null && oldEncloser != encloser && ModelFacade.isAPackage(encloser.getOwner())) { ModelFacade.setNamespace(me, /*(MNamespace)*/ encloser.getOwner()); } // If default Namespace is not already set if (ModelFacade.getNamespace(me) == null && (TargetManager.getInstance().getTarget() instanceof UMLDiagram)) { m = /*(MNamespace)*/ ((UMLDiagram) TargetManager.getInstance().getTarget()) .getNamespace(); ModelFacade.setNamespace(me, m); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("could not set package due to:" + e + "' at " + encloser, e); } // The next if-clause is important for the Deployment-diagram // it detects if the enclosing fig is a component, in this case // the ImplementationLocation will be set for the owning MInterface if (encloser != null && (ModelFacade.isAComponent(encloser.getOwner()))) { Object component = /*(MComponent)*/ encloser.getOwner(); Object in = /*(MInterface)*/ getOwner(); ModelFacade.setImplementationLocation(resident, component); ModelFacade.setResident(resident, in); } else { ModelFacade.setImplementationLocation(resident, null); ModelFacade.setResident(resident, null); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // internal methods /** * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement#textEdited(org.tigris.gef.presentation.FigText) */ protected void textEdited(FigText ft) throws PropertyVetoException { super.textEdited(ft); Object cls = /*(MClassifier)*/ getOwner(); if (cls == null) { return; } // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array int i = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)).indexOf(ft); if (i != -1) { highlightedFigText = (CompartmentFigText) ft; highlightedFigText.setHighlighted(true); try { ParserDisplay.SINGLETON .parseOperationFig(cls, /*(MOperation)*/ highlightedFigText.getOwner(), highlightedFigText.getText().trim()); ProjectBrowser.getInstance().getStatusBar().showStatus(""); } catch (ParseException pe) { ProjectBrowser.getInstance().getStatusBar() .showStatus("Error: " + pe + " at " + pe.getErrorOffset()); } return; } } /** * @param ft the figtext holding the feature * @param i the index (?) * @return the figtext */ protected FigText getPreviousVisibleFeature(FigText ft, int i) { FigText ft2 = null; // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array Vector v = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)); if (i < 1 || i >= v.size() || !((FigText) v.elementAt(i)).isVisible()) { return null; } do { i--; if (i < 1) i = v.size() - 1; ft2 = (FigText) v.elementAt(i); if (!ft2.isVisible()) { ft2 = null; } } while (ft2 == null); return ft2; } /** * @param ft the figtext holding the feature * @param i the index (?) * @return the figtext */ protected FigText getNextVisibleFeature(FigText ft, int i) { FigText ft2 = null; Vector v = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)); if (i < 1 || i >= v.size() || !((FigText) v.elementAt(i)).isVisible()) { return null; } do { i++; if (i >= v.size()) { i = 1; } ft2 = (FigText) v.elementAt(i); if (!ft2.isVisible()) { ft2 = null; } } while (ft2 == null); return ft2; } /** * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement#createFeatureIn( * org.tigris.gef.presentation.FigGroup, java.awt.event.InputEvent) */ protected void createFeatureIn(FigGroup fg, InputEvent ie) { Object cls = /*(MClassifier)*/ getOwner(); if (cls == null) { return; } ActionAddOperation.getSingleton().actionPerformed(null); // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array CompartmentFigText ft = (CompartmentFigText) new Vector(fg.getFigs(null)).lastElement(); if (ft != null) { ft.startTextEditor(ie); ft.setHighlighted(true); highlightedFigText = ft; } ie.consume(); } /** * @return the FigText for the compartment */ protected CompartmentFigText unhighlight() { CompartmentFigText ft; // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array Vector v = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)); int i; for (i = 1; i < v.size(); i++) { ft = (CompartmentFigText) v.elementAt(i); if (ft.isHighlighted()) { ft.setHighlighted(false); highlightedFigText = null; return ft; } } return null; } /** * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement#modelChanged(ru.novosoft.uml.MElementEvent) */ protected void modelChanged(MElementEvent mee) { if (getOwner() == null) { return; } // operations if (mee == null || org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.isAOperation(mee.getSource()) || org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.isAParameter(mee.getSource()) || (mee.getSource() == getOwner() && mee.getName().equals("feature"))) { updateOperations(); damage(); } super.modelChanged(mee); } /** * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement#renderingChanged() */ public void renderingChanged() { super.renderingChanged(); updateOperations(); } /** * Sets the bounds, but the size will be at least the one returned by * {@link #getMinimumSize()}, unless checking of size is disabled.

* * If the required height is bigger, then the additional height is * equally distributed among all figs (i.e. compartments), such that the * cumulated height of all visible figs equals the demanded height

. * * Some of this has "magic numbers" hardcoded in. In particular there is * a knowledge that the minimum height of a name compartment is 21 * pixels.

* * @param x Desired X coordinate of upper left corner * * @param y Desired Y coordinate of upper left corner * * @param w Desired width of the FigInterface * * @param h Desired height of the FigInterface */ public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h) { // Save our old boundaries (needed later), and get minimum size // info. "aSize will be used to maintain a running calculation of our // size at various points. // "extraEach" is the extra height per displayed fig if requested // height is greater than minimal. "heightCorrection" is the height // correction due to rounded division result, will be added to the name // compartment Rectangle oldBounds = getBounds(); Dimension aSize = isCheckSize() ? getMinimumSize() : new Dimension(w, h); int newW = Math.max(w, aSize.width); int newH = h; int extraEach = 0; int heightCorrection = 0; // First compute all nessessary height data. Easy if we want less than // the minimum if (newH <= aSize.height) { // Just use the mimimum newH = aSize.height; } else { // Split the extra amongst the number of displayed compartments int displayedFigs = 1; //this is for getNameFig() if (operVec.isVisible()) { displayedFigs++; } // Calculate how much each, plus a correction to put in the name // comparment if the result is rounded extraEach = (newH - aSize.height) / displayedFigs; heightCorrection = (newH - aSize.height) - (extraEach * displayedFigs); } // Now resize all sub-figs, including not displayed figs. Start by the // name. We override the getMinimumSize if it is less than our view (21 // pixels hardcoded!). Add in the shared extra, plus in this case the // correction. int height = getNameFig().getMinimumSize().height; if (height < 21) { height = 21; } height += extraEach + heightCorrection; // Now sort out the stereotype display. If the stereotype is displayed, // move the upper boundary of the name compartment up and set new // bounds for the name and the stereotype compatments and the // stereoLineBlinder that blanks out the line between the two int currentY = y; if (getStereotypeFig().isVisible()) { currentY += STEREOHEIGHT; } getNameFig().setBounds(x, currentY, newW, height); getStereotypeFig().setBounds(x, y, newW, STEREOHEIGHT + 1); stereoLineBlinder.setBounds(x + 1, y + STEREOHEIGHT, newW - 2, 2); // Advance currentY to where the start of the attribute box is, // remembering that it overlaps the next box by 1 pixel. Calculate the // size of the attribute box, and update the Y pointer past it if it is // displayed. currentY += height - 1; // -1 for 1 pixel overlap // Finally update the bounds of the operations box aSize = updateFigGroupSize(operVec, x, currentY, newW, newH + y - currentY); // set bounds of big box getBigPort().setBounds(x, y, newW, newH); // Now force calculation of the bounds of the figure, update the edges // and trigger anyone who's listening to see if the "bounds" property // has changed. calcBounds(); updateEdges(); firePropChange("bounds", oldBounds, getBounds()); } /** * Updates the operations box. Called from modelchanged if there is * a modelevent effecting the attributes and from renderingChanged in all * cases. */ protected void updateOperations() { Object cls = /*(MClassifier)*/ getOwner(); if (cls == null) { return; } Fig operPort = ((FigOperationsCompartment) getFigAt(OPERATIONS_POSN)).getBigPort(); int xpos = operPort.getX(); int ypos = operPort.getY(); int ocounter = 1; Collection behs = ModelFacade.getOperations(cls); if (behs != null) { Iterator iter = behs.iterator(); // TODO: in future version of GEF call getFigs returning array Vector figs = new Vector(operVec.getFigs(null)); CompartmentFigText oper; while (iter.hasNext()) { Object behavioralFeature = /*(MBehavioralFeature)*/; // update the listeners UmlModelEventPump.getPump() .removeModelEventListener(this, behavioralFeature); UmlModelEventPump.getPump() .addModelEventListener(this, behavioralFeature); if (figs.size() <= ocounter) { oper = new FigFeature(xpos + 1, ypos + 1 + (ocounter - 1) * ROWHEIGHT, 0, ROWHEIGHT - 2, operPort); // bounds not relevant here oper.setFilled(false); oper.setLineWidth(0); oper.setFont(getLabelFont()); oper.setTextColor(; oper.setJustification(FigText.JUSTIFY_LEFT); oper.setMultiLine(false); operVec.addFig(oper); } else { oper = (CompartmentFigText) figs.elementAt(ocounter); } oper.setText(Notation.generate(this, behavioralFeature)); oper.setOwner(behavioralFeature); // underline, if static oper.setUnderline(ModelFacade.CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND .equals(ModelFacade .getOwnerScope(behavioralFeature))); // italics, if abstract //oper.setItalic(((MOperation)bf).isAbstract()); //// does not properly work (GEF bug?) if (ModelFacade.isAbstract(behavioralFeature)) { oper.setFont(getItalicLabelFont()); } else { oper.setFont(getLabelFont()); } ocounter++; } if (figs.size() > ocounter) { //cleanup of unused operation FigText's for (int i = figs.size() - 1; i >= ocounter; i--) { operVec.removeFig((Fig) figs.elementAt(i)); } } } Rectangle rect = getBounds(); updateFigGroupSize(operVec, xpos, ypos, 0, 0); // ouch ugly but that's for a next refactoring // TODO: make setBounds, calcBounds and updateBounds consistent setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); damage(); } /** * @see * org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigNodeModelElement#updateStereotypeText() */ protected void updateStereotypeText() { Rectangle rect = getBounds(); setStereotype(NotationHelper.getLeftGuillemot() + "Interface" + NotationHelper.getRightGuillemot()); setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } } /* end class FigInterface */

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