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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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// $Id:,v 1.71 2004/10/01 18:00:29 mvw Exp $
// Copyright (c) 1996-2004 The Regents of the University of California. All
// Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
// software and its documentation without fee, and without a written
// agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
// and this paragraph appear in all copies.  This software program and
// documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of
// California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS
// IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents
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package org.argouml.uml.generator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.argouml.application.ArgoVersion;
import org.argouml.application.api.Argo;
import org.argouml.application.api.Configuration;
import org.argouml.application.api.Notation;
import org.argouml.model.ModelFacade;
import org.argouml.model.uml.UmlHelper;

 * Generator2 subclass to generate code for display in diagrams in
 * text fields in the ArgoUML user interface.  The generated code
 * looks a lot like (invalid) Java.  The idea is that other generators
 * could be written for other languages.  This code is just a
 * placeholder for future development, I expect it to be totally
 * replaced.
 * @stereotype singleton
 * @author

// TODO: always check for null!!!

public class GeneratorDisplay extends Generator2 {

    private static GeneratorDisplay singleton;

     * @return get the singleton
    public static GeneratorDisplay getInstance() {
        if (singleton == null) {
            singleton = new GeneratorDisplay();
        return singleton;

    private GeneratorDisplay() {

     * @param o the object to be generated
     * @return the generated string
    public static String Generate(Object o) {
        return singleton.generate(o);


Generate the display for an extension point.

* *

The representation is "name: location". "name: " is omitted if there * is no name given.

* * @param ep The extension point. * * @return The string representing the extension point. */ public String generateExtensionPoint(Object ep) { // The string to build String s = ""; // Get the fields we want String epName = ModelFacade.getName(ep); String epLocation = ModelFacade.getLocation(ep); // Put in the name field if it's there if ((epName != null) && (epName.length() > 0)) { s += epName + ": "; } // Put in the location field if it's there if ((epLocation != null) && (epLocation.length() > 0)) { s += epLocation; } return s; } /* public String generateConcurrency(MCallConcurrencyKind concurrency) { */ /** * Generates an operation according to the UML 1.3 notation: * * stereotype visibility name (parameter-list) : * return-type-expression {property-string} * * For the return-type-expression: only the types of the return parameters * are shown. Depending on settings in Notation, visibility and * properties are shown/not shown. * * @author * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateOperation( * Object, boolean) */ public String generateOperation(Object op, boolean documented) { String stereoStr = generateStereotype(ModelFacade.getStereotypes(op)); String visStr = generateVisibility(op); String nameStr = generateName(ModelFacade.getName(op)); // the parameters StringBuffer parameterListBuffer = new StringBuffer(); Collection coll = ModelFacade.getParameters(op); Iterator it = coll.iterator(); int counter = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Object parameter =; if (!ModelFacade.hasReturnParameterDirectionKind(parameter)) { counter++; parameterListBuffer.append(generateParameter(parameter)); parameterListBuffer.append(","); } } if (counter > 0) { parameterListBuffer.delete( parameterListBuffer.length() - 1, parameterListBuffer.length()); } StringBuffer parameterStr = new StringBuffer(); parameterStr.append("(").append(parameterListBuffer).append(")"); // the returnparameters coll = UmlHelper.getHelper().getCore().getReturnParameters(op); StringBuffer returnParasSb = new StringBuffer(); if (coll != null && coll.size() > 0) { returnParasSb.append(": "); Iterator it2 = coll.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Object type = ModelFacade.getType(; if (type != null) { returnParasSb.append(ModelFacade.getName(type)); } returnParasSb.append(","); } returnParasSb.delete( returnParasSb.length() - 1, returnParasSb.length()); } // the properties StringBuffer propertySb = new StringBuffer().append("{"); // the query state if (ModelFacade.isQuery(op)) { propertySb.append("query,"); } if (ModelFacade.isRoot(op)) { propertySb.append("root,"); } if (ModelFacade.isLeaf(op)) { propertySb.append("leaf,"); } if (ModelFacade.getConcurrency(op) != null) { propertySb.append(ModelFacade.getName( ModelFacade.getConcurrency(op))); propertySb.append(','); } Iterator it3 = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(op); StringBuffer taggedValuesSb = new StringBuffer(); if (it3 != null && it3.hasNext()) { while (it3.hasNext()) { taggedValuesSb.append( generateTaggedValue(; taggedValuesSb.append(","); } taggedValuesSb.delete( taggedValuesSb.length() - 1, taggedValuesSb.length()); } if (propertySb.length() > 1) { propertySb.delete(propertySb.length() - 1, propertySb.length()); // remove last , propertySb.append("}"); } else { propertySb = new StringBuffer(); } // lets concatenate it to the resulting string (genStr) StringBuffer genStr = new StringBuffer(30); if ((stereoStr != null) && (stereoStr.length() > 0)) { genStr.append(stereoStr).append(" "); } if ((visStr != null) && (visStr.length() > 0) && Configuration.getBoolean(Notation.KEY_SHOW_VISIBILITY)) { genStr.append(visStr).append(" "); } if ((nameStr != null) && (nameStr.length() > 0)) { genStr.append(nameStr); } genStr.append(parameterStr).append(" "); if ((returnParasSb != null) && (returnParasSb.length() > 0)) { genStr.append(returnParasSb).append(" "); } if ((propertySb != null) && (propertySb.length() > 0) && Configuration.getBoolean(Notation.KEY_SHOW_PROPERTIES)) { genStr.append(propertySb); } return genStr.toString().trim(); } /** * Generates a string representation for the provided * attribute. The string representation will be of the form: * visibility name [multiplicity] : type-expression = * initial-value {property-string} * Depending on settings in Notation, visibility, multiplicity, * initial value and properties are shown/not shown. * * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAttribute( * Object, boolean) */ public String generateAttribute(Object attr, boolean documented) { String visibility = generateVisibility(attr); String stereo = generateStereotype(ModelFacade.getStereotypes(attr)); //cat.debug("Stereotype: " + stereo); String name = ModelFacade.getName(attr); String multiplicity = generateMultiplicity(ModelFacade.getMultiplicity(attr)); String type = ""; // fix for loading bad projects if (ModelFacade.getType(attr) != null) { type = ModelFacade.getName(ModelFacade.getType(attr)); } String initialValue = ""; if (ModelFacade.getInitialValue(attr) != null) { initialValue = (String) ModelFacade.getBody( ModelFacade.getInitialValue(attr)); } String changeableKind = ""; if (ModelFacade.getChangeability(attr) != null) { if (ModelFacade.FROZEN_CHANGEABLEKIND.equals( ModelFacade.getChangeability(attr))) { changeableKind = "frozen"; } else if (ModelFacade.ADD_ONLY_CHANGEABLEKIND.equals( ModelFacade.getChangeability(attr))) { changeableKind = "addOnly"; } } StringBuffer properties = new StringBuffer(); if (changeableKind.length() > 0) { properties.append("{ ").append(changeableKind).append(" }"); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20); if ((visibility != null) && (visibility.length() > 0) && Configuration.getBoolean(Notation.KEY_SHOW_VISIBILITY)) { sb.append(visibility).append(" "); } if ((stereo != null) && (stereo.length() > 0)) { sb.append(stereo).append(" "); } if ((name != null) && (name.length() > 0)) { sb.append(name).append(" "); } if ((multiplicity != null) && (multiplicity.length() > 0) && Configuration.getBoolean(Notation.KEY_SHOW_MULTIPLICITY)) { sb.append("[").append(multiplicity).append("]").append(" "); } if ((type != null) && (type.length() > 0)) { sb.append(": ").append(type).append(" "); } if ((initialValue != null) && (initialValue.length() > 0) && Configuration.getBoolean(Notation.KEY_SHOW_INITIAL_VALUE)) { sb.append(" = ").append(initialValue).append(" "); } if ((properties.length() > 0) && Configuration.getBoolean(Notation.KEY_SHOW_PROPERTIES)) { sb.append(properties); } return sb.toString().trim(); } /** * Generates the representation of a parameter on the display * (diagram). The string to be returned will have the following * syntax:

* * kind name : type-expression = default-value * * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateParameter(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateParameter(Object parameter) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); s.append(generateKind(ModelFacade.getKind(parameter))); s.append(" "); s.append(generateName(ModelFacade.getName(parameter))); String classRef = generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(parameter)); if (classRef.length() > 0) { s.append(" : "); s.append(classRef); } String defaultValue = generateExpression(ModelFacade.getDefaultValue(parameter)); if (defaultValue.length() > 0) { s.append(" = "); s.append(defaultValue); } return s.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generatePackage(java.lang.Object) */ public String generatePackage(Object p) { String s = "package "; String packName = generateName(ModelFacade.getName(p)); java.util.Stack stack = new java.util.Stack(); Object ns = ModelFacade.getNamespace(p); while (ns != null) { stack.push(ModelFacade.getName(ns)); ns = ModelFacade.getNamespace(ns); } while (!stack.isEmpty()) s += (String) stack.pop() + "."; if (s.endsWith(".")) { int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf("."); s = s.substring(0, lastIndex); } s += "." + packName + " {\n"; Collection ownedElements = ModelFacade.getOwnedElements(p); if (ownedElements != null) { Iterator ownedEnum = ownedElements.iterator(); while (ownedEnum.hasNext()) { s += generate(/*(MModelElement)*/; s += "\n\n"; } } else { s += "(no elements)"; } s += "\n}\n"; return s; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateClassifier(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateClassifier(Object cls) { String generatedName = generateName(ModelFacade.getName(cls)); String classifierKeyword; if (org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) classifierKeyword = "class"; else if (org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.isAInterface(cls)) classifierKeyword = "interface"; else return ""; // actors and use cases String s = ""; s += generateVisibility(cls); if (ModelFacade.isAbstract(cls)) s += "abstract "; if (ModelFacade.isLeaf(cls)) s += "final "; s += classifierKeyword + " " + generatedName + " "; String baseClass = generateGeneralization(ModelFacade.getGeneralizations(cls), false); if (!baseClass.equals("")) s += "extends " + baseClass + " "; //nsuml: realizations! String interfaces = //generateRealization(cls.getRealizations(), true); if //(!interfaces.equals("")) s += "implements " + interfaces + " //"; s += "{\n"; Collection strs = ModelFacade.getStructuralFeatures(cls); if (strs != null) { s += "\n"; s += INDENT + "// Attributes\n"; Iterator strEnum = strs.iterator(); while (strEnum.hasNext()) s += INDENT + generate( + ";\n"; } Collection ends = ModelFacade.getAssociationEnds(cls); if (ends != null) { s += "\n"; s += INDENT + "// Associations\n"; Iterator endEnum = ends.iterator(); while (endEnum.hasNext()) { Object ae = /*(MAssociationEnd)*/; Object a = ModelFacade.getAssociation(ae); s += INDENT + generateAssociationFrom(a, ae); } } // TODO: constructors Collection behs = ModelFacade.getOperations(cls); if (behs != null) { s += "\n"; s += INDENT + "// Operations\n"; Iterator behEnum = behs.iterator(); String terminator = " {\n" + INDENT + "}"; if (org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.isAInterface(cls)) terminator = ";"; while (behEnum.hasNext()) s += INDENT + generate( + terminator + "\n"; } s += "\n"; s += "} /* end " + classifierKeyword + " " + generatedName + " */\n"; return s; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateTaggedValue(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateTaggedValue(Object tv) { if (tv == null) return ""; return generateName(ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv)) + "=" + generateUninterpreted(ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tv)); } /** * Generates the textual number of MMessage m. The number is a string * of numbers separated by points which describes the message's order * and level in a collaboration. * *

If you plan to modify this number, make sure that * ParserDisplay.parseMessage is adapted to the change. * * @param m A Message to generate the number for. * @return A String with the message number of m. */ public String generateMessageNumber(Object/*MMessage*/ m) { MsgPtr ptr = new MsgPtr(); int pos = recCountPredecessors(m, ptr) + 1; return generateMessageNumber(m, ptr.message, pos); } private String generateKind(Object /*Parameter etc.*/ kind) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); if (kind == null || kind == ModelFacade.IN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND) { s.append("in"); } else if (kind == ModelFacade.INOUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND) { s.append("inout"); } else if (kind == ModelFacade.RETURN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND) { ;// return nothing } else if (kind == ModelFacade.OUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND) { s.append("out"); } return s.toString(); } private String generateMessageNumber( Object/*MMessage*/ m, Object/*MMessage*/ pre, int position) { Collection c; Iterator it; String mname = ""; Object act; int subpos = 0, submax = 1; if (m == null) return null; act = ModelFacade.getActivator(m); if (act != null) mname = generateMessageNumber(act); if (pre != null) { c = ModelFacade.getMessages3(pre); submax = c.size(); it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && != m) subpos++; } if (mname.length() > 0) { if (submax > 1) return mname + "." + position + (char) ('a' + subpos); return mname + "." + position; } if (submax > 1) return Integer.toString(position) + (char) ('a' + subpos); return Integer.toString(position); } class MsgPtr { public Object/*MMessage*/ message; } int recCountPredecessors(Object message, MsgPtr ptr) { Collection c; Iterator it; int pre = 0; int local = 0; Object/*MMessage*/ maxmsg = null; Object/*MMessage*/ act; if (message == null) { ptr.message = null; return 0; } act = ModelFacade.getActivator(message); c = ModelFacade.getPredecessors(message); it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object msg = /*(MMessage)*/; if (ModelFacade.getActivator(msg) != act) continue; int p = recCountPredecessors(msg, null) + 1; if (p > pre) { pre = p; maxmsg = msg; } local++; } if (ptr != null) ptr.message = maxmsg; return Math.max(pre, local); } int countSuccessors(Object/*MMessage*/ m) { int count = 0; Object act = ModelFacade.getActivator(m); Collection coll = ModelFacade.getMessages3(m); if (coll != null) { Iterator it = coll.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object msg = /*(MMessage)*/; if (ModelFacade.getActivator(msg) != act) continue; count++; } } return count; } /** * Generates a textual description of a MIterationExpression. * * @param expr the given expression * @return the string */ public String generateRecurrence(Object expr) { if (expr == null) return ""; return ModelFacade.getBody(expr).toString(); } /** * Generates a textual description for a MMessage m. * * @param m A MMessage to generate a description for. * @return A String suitable to show in a collaboration diagram. */ public String generateMessage(Object m) { Iterator it; Collection pre; Object act; Object/*MMessage*/ rt; MsgPtr ptr; String action = ""; String number; String predecessors = ""; int lpn; if (m == null) return ""; ptr = new MsgPtr(); lpn = recCountPredecessors(m, ptr) + 1; rt = ModelFacade.getActivator(m); pre = ModelFacade.getPredecessors(m); it = (pre != null) ? pre.iterator() : null; if (it != null && it.hasNext()) { MsgPtr ptr2 = new MsgPtr(); int precnt = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Object msg = /*(MMessage)*/; int mpn = recCountPredecessors(msg, ptr2) + 1; if (mpn == lpn - 1 && rt == ModelFacade.getActivator(msg) && ModelFacade.getPredecessors(msg).size() < 2 && (ptr2.message == null || countSuccessors(ptr2.message) < 2)) { continue; } if (predecessors.length() > 0) predecessors += ", "; predecessors += generateMessageNumber(msg, ptr2.message, mpn); precnt++; } if (precnt > 0) predecessors += " / "; } number = generateMessageNumber(m, ptr.message, lpn); act = ModelFacade.getAction(m); if (act != null) { if (ModelFacade.getRecurrence(act) != null) number = generateRecurrence(ModelFacade.getRecurrence(act)) + " " + number; action = generateAction(act); } return predecessors + number + " : " + action; } /** * @param a the association * @param ae the associationend * @return a string representing the association-end */ public String generateAssociationFrom(Object a, Object ae) { // TODO: does not handle n-ary associations String s = ""; Collection connections = ModelFacade.getConnections(a); if (connections == null) return s; Iterator connEnum = connections.iterator(); while (connEnum.hasNext()) { Object ae2 = /*(MAssociationEnd)*/; if (ae2 != ae) s += generateAssociationEnd(ae2); } return s; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAssociation(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAssociation(Object a) { String s = ""; // String generatedName = generateName(a.getName()); // s += "MAssociation " + generatedName + " {\n"; // Iterator endEnum = a.getConnection().iterator(); // while (endEnum.hasNext()) { // MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd); // s += generateAssociationEnd(ae); // s += ";\n"; // } // s += "}\n"; return s; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAssociationEnd(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAssociationEnd(Object ae) { if (!ModelFacade.isNavigable(ae)) return ""; String s = "protected "; if (ModelFacade.CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND.equals( ModelFacade.getTargetScope(ae))) { s += "static "; } // String n = ae.getName(); if (n != null && // !String.UNSPEC.equals(n)) s += generateName(n) + " "; // if (ModelFacade.isNavigable(ae)) s += "navigable "; if // (ae.getIsOrdered()) s += "ordered "; Object m = ModelFacade.getMultiplicity(ae); if (ModelFacade.M1_1_MULTIPLICITY.equals(m) || ModelFacade.M0_1_MULTIPLICITY.equals(m)) { s += generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(ae)); } else { s += "Vector "; //generateMultiplicity(m) + " "; } s += " "; String n = ModelFacade.getName(ae); Object asc = ModelFacade.getAssociation(ae); String ascName = ModelFacade.getName(asc); if (n != null && n != null && n.length() > 0) { s += generateName(n); } else if ( ascName != null && ascName != null && ascName.length() > 0) { s += generateName(ascName); } else { s += "my" + generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(ae)); } return s + ";\n"; } /** * @param me the given ModelElement * @return a string representing the constraints for the given modelelements */ public String generateConstraints(Object me) { Collection constr = ModelFacade.getConstraints(me); if (constr == null || constr.size() == 0) return ""; String s = "{"; Iterator conEnum = constr.iterator(); while (conEnum.hasNext()) { s += generateConstraint(; if (conEnum.hasNext()) s += "; "; } s += "}"; return s; } /** * @param c the given constraint * @return a string representing the given constraint */ public String generateConstraint(Object c) { return generateExpression(c); } /** * generate the name of an association role of the form: * / name : name of the base association * * @param assocRole the given associationrole * @return the generated name * * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAssociationRole(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAssociationRole(Object assocRole) { //get the associationRole name String text = "/" + ModelFacade.getName(assocRole) + ":"; //get the base association name Object assoc = ModelFacade.getBase(assocRole); if (assoc != null) { text = text + ModelFacade.getName(assoc); } return text; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // internal methods? /** * @param generalizations the given collection of generalizations * @param impl * @return a string representing the g. */ private String generateGeneralization( Collection generalizations, boolean impl) { Collection classes = new ArrayList(); if (generalizations == null) return ""; Iterator gens = generalizations.iterator(); while (gens.hasNext()) { Object g = /*(MGeneralization)*/; Object ge = ModelFacade.getPowertype(g); // assert ge != null if (ge != null) { if (impl) { if (ModelFacade.isAInterface(ge)) { classes.add(ge); } } else if (!(org.argouml.model.ModelFacade.isAInterface(ge))) { classes.add(ge); } } } return generateClassList(classes); } /** * @param classifiers the given collection of classifiers * @return the names, separated by commas */ public String generateClassList(Collection classifiers) { String s = ""; if (classifiers == null) return ""; Iterator clsEnum = classifiers.iterator(); while (clsEnum.hasNext()) { s += generateClassifierRef(/*(MClass)*/; if (clsEnum.hasNext()) s += ", "; } return s; } /** Returns a visibility String eihter for a MVisibilityKind (according to * the definition in NotationProvider2), but also for a model element. * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateVisibility(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateVisibility(Object o) { if (o == null) return ""; if (ModelFacade.isAModelElement(o)) { if (ModelFacade.isPublic(o)) return "+"; if (ModelFacade.isPrivate(o)) return "-"; if (ModelFacade.isProtected(o)) return "#"; } if (ModelFacade.isAVisibilityKind(o)) { if (ModelFacade.PUBLIC_VISIBILITYKIND.equals(o)) return "+"; if (ModelFacade.PRIVATE_VISIBILITYKIND.equals(o)) return "-"; if (ModelFacade.PROTECTED_VISIBILITYKIND.equals(o)) return "#"; } return ""; } /** * @param f the given feature * @return a string representing the scope of the feature or "" */ public String generateScope(Object f) { Object scope = ModelFacade.getOwnerScope(f); //if (scope == null) return ""; if (ModelFacade.CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND.equals(scope)) return "static "; return ""; } /** * @param sf the given structural feature * @return a string representing the scope of the structural feature or "" */ public String generateChangability(Object sf) { Object ck = ModelFacade.getChangeability(sf); //if (ck == null) return ""; if (ModelFacade.FROZEN_CHANGEABLEKIND.equals(ck)) return "final "; //if (ModelFacade.ADD_ONLY_CHANGEABLEKIND.equals(ck)) return "final "; return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateMultiplicity( * Object) */ public String generateMultiplicity(Object m) { if (m == null) { return ""; } if (ModelFacade.M0_N_MULTIPLICITY.equals(m)) return ANY_RANGE; String s = ""; Iterator rangeIter = ModelFacade.getRanges(m); if (rangeIter == null) return s; boolean first = true; while (rangeIter.hasNext()) { Object mr =; if (!(ModelFacade.getLower(mr) == 1 && ModelFacade.getUpper(mr) == 1 && first && !rangeIter.hasNext())) { s += generateMultiplicityRange(mr); s += ","; } first = false; } if (s.length() > 0 && s.lastIndexOf(',') == s.length() - 1) { s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); } return s; } /** * ANY_RANGE stands for "0..*" */ public static final String ANY_RANGE = "0..*"; /** * Generates a multiplicity range. The standard getLower and * getUpper defined on MMultiplicityRange give a -1 if the * multiplicity is n or *. This method circumvents that behaviour. * @param mr the given MultiplicityRange object * @return String */ //public static final String ANY_RANGE = "*"; // TODO: user preference between "*" and "0..*" protected String generateMultiplicityRange(Object mr) { int lower = ModelFacade.getLower(mr); String lowerStr = "" + lower; int upper = ModelFacade.getUpper(mr); String upperStr = "" + upper; if (lower == -1) { lowerStr = "*"; } if (upper == -1) { upperStr = "*"; } if (lower == upper) return lowerStr; return lowerStr + ".." + upperStr; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateState(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateState(Object m) { return ModelFacade.getName(m); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateObjectFlowState(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateObjectFlowState(Object m) { Object c = ModelFacade.getType(m); if (c == null) return ""; return ModelFacade.getName(c); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateStateBody(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateStateBody(Object m) { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); Object entryAction = ModelFacade.getEntry(m); Object exitAction = ModelFacade.getExit(m); Object doAction = ModelFacade.getDoActivity(m); if (entryAction != null) { String entryStr = Generate(entryAction); s.append("entry /").append(entryStr); } if (doAction != null) { String doStr = Generate(doAction); if (s.length() > 0) s.append("\n"); s.append("do /").append(doStr); } if (exitAction != null) { String exitStr = Generate(exitAction); if (s.length() > 0) s.append("\n"); s.append("exit /").append(exitStr); } Collection internaltrans = ModelFacade.getInternalTransitions(m); if (internaltrans != null) { Iterator iter = internaltrans.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if (s.length() > 0) s.append("\n"); Object trans = /*(MTransition)*/; s.append(/*ModelFacade.getName(trans)).append(" /").append(*/ generateTransition(trans)); } } return s.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateTransition(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateTransition(Object m) { String t = generate(ModelFacade.getTrigger(m)); String g = generate(ModelFacade.getGuard(m)); String e = generate(ModelFacade.getEffect(m)); if (g.length() > 0) t += " [" + g + "]"; if (e.length() > 0) t += " / " + e; return t; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAction(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAction(Object m) { Collection c; Iterator it; String s; String p; boolean first; Object script = ModelFacade.getScript(m); if ((script != null) && (ModelFacade.getBody(script) != null)) s = ModelFacade.getBody(script).toString(); else s = ""; p = ""; c = ModelFacade.getActualArguments(m); if (c != null) { it = c.iterator(); first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { Object arg = /*(MArgument)*/; if (!first) p += ", "; if (ModelFacade.getValue(arg) != null) { p += generateExpression(ModelFacade.getValue(arg)); } first = false; } } if (s.length() == 0 && p.length() == 0) return ""; /* If there are no arguments, then do not show the (). * This solves issue 1758. * Arguments are not supported anyhow in the UI yet. * These brackets are easily confused with the brackets * for the Operation of a CallAction. */ if (p.length() == 0) return s; return s + " (" + p + ")"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateGuard(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateGuard(Object m) { if (ModelFacade.getExpression(m) != null) return generateExpression(ModelFacade.getExpression(m)); return ""; } /** * Generates the text for a (trigger) event. * * @param m Object of any MEvent kind * @return the string representing the event * * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateEvent(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateEvent(Object m) { StringBuffer event = new StringBuffer(); if (ModelFacade.isAChangeEvent(m)) { event.append("when("); event.append(generateExpression(ModelFacade.getExpression(m))); event.append(")"); } else if (ModelFacade.isATimeEvent(m)) { event.append("after("); event.append(generateExpression(ModelFacade.getExpression(m))); event.append(")"); } else if (ModelFacade.isASignalEvent(m)) { event.append(generateName(ModelFacade.getName(m))); } else if (ModelFacade.isACallEvent(m)) { event.append(generateName(ModelFacade.getName(m))); event.append(generateParameterList(m)); } return event.toString(); } /** * Generates a list of parameters. The parameters belong to the * given object. The returned string will have the following * syntax:

* * (param1, param2, param3, ..., paramN) * * @param parameterListOwner the 'owner' of the parameters * @return the generated parameter list */ private String generateParameterList(Object parameterListOwner) { Iterator it = ModelFacade.getParameters(parameterListOwner).iterator(); StringBuffer list = new StringBuffer(); if (it.hasNext()) { list.append("("); while (it.hasNext()) { Object param =; list.append(generateParameter(param)); if (it.hasNext()) { list.append(", "); } } list.append(")"); } return list.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateActionState(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateActionState(Object actionState) { String ret = ""; Object action = ModelFacade.getEntry(actionState); if (action != null) { Object expression = ModelFacade.getScript(action); if (expression != null) ret = generateExpression(expression); } return ret; } // public NotationName getNotation() { // return Notation.NOTATION_ARGO; // } /** * This function is never used, so I commented it out. * * @return */ /*public boolean canParse() { return true; }*/ /** * This function is never used, so I commented it out. * * @param o * @return */ /*public boolean canParse(Object o) { return true; }*/ /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleName() */ public String getModuleName() { return "GeneratorDisplay"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleDescription() */ public String getModuleDescription() { return "Uml 1.3 Notation Generator"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleAuthor() */ public String getModuleAuthor() { return "ArgoUML Core"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleVersion() */ public String getModuleVersion() { return ArgoVersion.getVersion(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleKey() */ public String getModuleKey() { return "module.language.uml.generator"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.Pluggable#inContext(java.lang.Object[]) */ public boolean inContext(Object[] o) { return true; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#isModuleEnabled() */ public boolean isModuleEnabled() { return true; } } /* end class GeneratorDisplay */

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