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The source code// $Id: TestCoreFactory.java,v 1.16 2004/10/04 20:30:04 mvw Exp $ // Copyright (c) 2002-2004 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.model.uml.foundation.core; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.argouml.model.ModelFacade; import org.argouml.model.uml.UmlFactory; import org.argouml.model.uml.modelmanagement.ModelManagementFactory; import org.argouml.util.CheckUMLModelHelper; import ru.novosoft.uml.foundation.core.MAssociation; import ru.novosoft.uml.foundation.core.MModelElement; import ru.novosoft.uml.model_management.MModel; /** * Test the CoreFactory class. * */ public class TestCoreFactory extends TestCase { private static String[] allModelElements = { "Abstraction", "Association", "AssociationClass", "AssociationEnd", "Attribute", "BehavioralFeature", "Binding", "Class", "Classifier", "Comment", "Component", "Constraint", "DataType", "Dependency", "Element", "ElementResidence", "Feature", "Flow", "GeneralizableElement", "Generalization", "Interface", "Method", "ModelElement", "Namespace", "Node", "Operation", "Parameter", "Permission", "PresentationElement", "Relationship", "StructuralFeature", "TemplateParameter", "Usage", }; /** * The constructor. * * @param n the name of the test */ public TestCoreFactory(String n) { super(n); } /** * Test if the CoreFactory is really a singleton. */ public void testSingleton() { Object o1 = CoreFactory.getFactory(); Object o2 = CoreFactory.getFactory(); assertTrue("Different singletons", o1 == o2); } /** * Test creation. */ public void testCreates() { // Do not test BehavioralFeature, Feature, PresentationElement, // StructuralFeature yet. // NSUML does not have create method. // // Never test for ModelElement. String[] objs = { "Abstraction", "Association", "AssociationClass", "AssociationEnd", "Attribute", // "BehavioralFeature", "Binding", "Class", "Classifier", "Comment", "Component", "Constraint", "DataType", "Dependency", // "Element", "ElementResidence", // "Feature", "Flow", "Generalization", "Interface", "Method", // "ModelElement", "Namespace", "Node", "Operation", "Parameter", "Permission", // "PresentationElement", "Relationship", // "StructuralFeature", "TemplateParameter", "Usage", null }; CheckUMLModelHelper.createAndRelease( this, CoreFactory.getFactory(), objs); } /** * Test complete deletion. */ public void testDeleteComplete() { CheckUMLModelHelper.deleteComplete( this, CoreFactory.getFactory(), allModelElements); } /** * Test if deleting a classifier does also delete its association. */ public void testDeleteClassifier1() { MModel model = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object class1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object class2 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); MAssociation assoc = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildAssociation(class1, class2); WeakReference class1wr = new WeakReference(class1); WeakReference assocwr = new WeakReference(assoc); UmlFactory.getFactory().delete(class1); class1 = null; assoc = null; System.gc(); assertNull("class not removed", class1wr.get()); assertNull("binary association not removed", assocwr.get()); } /** * Test if deleting a classifier does also delete its association. */ public void testDeleteClassifierAssociation() { MModel model = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object class1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object class2 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); MAssociation assoc = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildAssociation(class1, class2); assoc.addConnection(CoreFactory.getFactory().createAssociationEnd()); WeakReference class1wr = new WeakReference(class1); WeakReference assocwr = new WeakReference(assoc); UmlFactory.getFactory().delete(class1); class1 = null; assoc = null; System.gc(); assertNull("class not removed", class1wr.get()); assertNotNull("association removed", assocwr.get()); } /** * Test if deleting a class also deletes its dependency. */ public void testDeleteModelelementDependency() { MModel model = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object class1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object class2 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object dep = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildDependency(class1, class2); WeakReference class1wr = new WeakReference(class1); WeakReference depwr = new WeakReference(dep); UmlFactory.getFactory().delete(class1); class1 = null; dep = null; System.gc(); assertNull("class not removed", class1wr.get()); assertNull("binary dependency not removed", depwr.get()); } /** * Test if deleting a class also deletes its dependency. */ public void testDeleteModelelementDependencyClient() { MModel model = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object class1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object class2 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object dep = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildDependency(class1, class2); Object class3 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); ModelFacade.addClient(dep, class3); WeakReference class1wr = new WeakReference(class1); WeakReference depwr = new WeakReference(dep); UmlFactory.getFactory().delete(class1); class1 = null; dep = null; System.gc(); assertNull("class not removed", class1wr.get()); assertNotNull("dependency removed", depwr.get()); } /** * Test if deleting a class also deletes its dependency. */ public void testDeleteModelelementDependencySupplier() { MModel model = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object class1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object class2 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); Object dep = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildDependency(class1, class2); Object class3 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); ModelFacade.addSupplier(dep, class3); WeakReference class1wr = new WeakReference(class1); WeakReference depwr = new WeakReference(dep); UmlFactory.getFactory().delete(class1); class1 = null; dep = null; System.gc(); assertNull("class not removed", class1wr.get()); assertNotNull("dependency removed", depwr.get()); } /** * Construct a class, with two self associations and delete the class. * Test if both associations were deleted in the process. */ public void testDeleteModelelementClassSelfAssociations() { MModel model = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object class1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildClass(model); MAssociation assoc1 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildAssociation(class1, class1); MAssociation assoc2 = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildAssociation(class1, class1); WeakReference class1wr = new WeakReference(class1); WeakReference assoc1wr = new WeakReference(assoc1); WeakReference assoc2wr = new WeakReference(assoc2); UmlFactory.getFactory().delete(class1); class1 = null; assoc1 = null; assoc2 = null; System.gc(); assertNull("class not removed", class1wr.get()); assertNull("assoc1 not removed", assoc1wr.get()); assertNull("assoc2 not removed", assoc2wr.get()); } /** * Test buildConstraint(). */ public void testBuildConstraint() { try { CoreFactory.getFactory().buildConstraint(null); fail("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException i) { } MModelElement elem = ModelManagementFactory.getFactory().createModel(); Object con = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildConstraint(elem); assertNull("Namespace is unexpectly set", ModelFacade.getNamespace(con)); assertTrue( "Constrained element is not set", !ModelFacade.getConstrainedElements(con).isEmpty()); assertTrue("Constraint is not set", !elem.getConstraints().isEmpty()); elem.setNamespace(CoreFactory.getFactory().createNamespace()); con = CoreFactory.getFactory().buildConstraint(elem); assertNotNull("Namespace is not set", ModelFacade.getNamespace(con)); } /** * @return Returns the allModelElements. */ static String[] getAllModelElements() { return allModelElements; } } |
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