Java example source code file (gvec.clj)
The gvec.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ;;; a generic vector implementation for vectors of primitives (in-ns 'clojure.core) (import '(clojure.lang Murmur3)) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (deftype VecNode [edit arr]) (def EMPTY-NODE (VecNode. nil (object-array 32))) (definterface IVecImpl (^int tailoff []) (arrayFor [^int i]) (pushTail [^int level ^clojure.core.VecNode parent ^clojure.core.VecNode tailnode]) (popTail [^int level node]) (newPath [edit ^int level node]) (doAssoc [^int level node ^int i val])) (definterface ArrayManager (array [^int size]) (^int alength [arr]) (aclone [arr]) (aget [arr ^int i]) (aset [arr ^int i val])) (deftype ArrayChunk [^clojure.core.ArrayManager am arr ^int off ^int end] clojure.lang.Indexed (nth [_ i] (.aget am arr (+ off i))) (count [_] (- end off)) clojure.lang.IChunk (dropFirst [_] (if (= off end) (throw (IllegalStateException. "dropFirst of empty chunk")) (new ArrayChunk am arr (inc off) end))) (reduce [_ f init] (loop [ret init i off] (if (< i end) (let [ret (f ret (.aget am arr i))] (if (reduced? ret) ret (recur ret (inc i)))) ret)))) (deftype VecSeq [^clojure.core.ArrayManager am ^clojure.core.IVecImpl vec anode ^int i ^int offset] :no-print true clojure.core.protocols.InternalReduce (internal-reduce [_ f val] (loop [result val aidx (+ i offset)] (if (< aidx (count vec)) (let [node (.arrayFor vec aidx) result (loop [result result node-idx (bit-and 0x1f aidx)] (if (< node-idx (.alength am node)) (let [result (f result (.aget am node node-idx))] (if (reduced? result) result (recur result (inc node-idx)))) result))] (if (reduced? result) @result (recur result (bit-and 0xffe0 (+ aidx 32))))) result))) clojure.lang.ISeq (first [_] (.aget am anode offset)) (next [this] (if (< (inc offset) (.alength am anode)) (new VecSeq am vec anode i (inc offset)) (.chunkedNext this))) (more [this] (let [s (.next this)] (or s (clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY)))) (cons [this o] (clojure.lang.Cons. o this)) (count [this] (loop [i 1 s (next this)] (if s (if (instance? clojure.lang.Counted s) (+ i (.count s)) (recur (inc i) (next s))) i))) (equiv [this o] (cond (identical? this o) true (or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o) (instance? java.util.List o)) (loop [me this you (seq o)] (if (nil? me) (nil? you) (and (clojure.lang.Util/equiv (first me) (first you)) (recur (next me) (next you))))) :else false)) (empty [_] clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY) clojure.lang.Seqable (seq [this] this) clojure.lang.IChunkedSeq (chunkedFirst [_] (ArrayChunk. am anode offset (.alength am anode))) (chunkedNext [_] (let [nexti (+ i (.alength am anode))] (when (< nexti (count vec)) (new VecSeq am vec (.arrayFor vec nexti) nexti 0)))) (chunkedMore [this] (let [s (.chunkedNext this)] (or s (clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY))))) (defmethod print-method ::VecSeq [v w] ((get (methods print-method) clojure.lang.ISeq) v w)) (deftype Vec [^clojure.core.ArrayManager am ^int cnt ^int shift ^clojure.core.VecNode root tail _meta] Object (equals [this o] (cond (identical? this o) true (or (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentVector o) (instance? java.util.RandomAccess o)) (and (= cnt (count o)) (loop [i (int 0)] (cond (= i cnt) true (.equals (.nth this i) (nth o i)) (recur (inc i)) :else false))) (or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o) (instance? java.util.List o)) (if-let [st (seq this)] (.equals st (seq o)) (nil? (seq o))) :else false)) ;todo - cache (hashCode [this] (loop [hash (int 1) i (int 0)] (if (= i cnt) hash (let [val (.nth this i)] (recur (unchecked-add-int (unchecked-multiply-int 31 hash) (clojure.lang.Util/hash val)) (inc i)))))) ;todo - cache clojure.lang.IHashEq (hasheq [this] (Murmur3/hashOrdered this)) clojure.lang.Counted (count [_] cnt) clojure.lang.IMeta (meta [_] _meta) clojure.lang.IObj (withMeta [_ m] (new Vec am cnt shift root tail m)) clojure.lang.Indexed (nth [this i] (let [a (.arrayFor this i)] (.aget am a (bit-and i (int 0x1f))))) (nth [this i not-found] (let [z (int 0)] (if (and (>= i z) (< i (.count this))) (.nth this i) not-found))) clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection (cons [this val] (if (< (- cnt (.tailoff this)) (int 32)) (let [new-tail (.array am (inc (.alength am tail)))] (System/arraycopy tail 0 new-tail 0 (.alength am tail)) (.aset am new-tail (.alength am tail) val) (new Vec am (inc cnt) shift root new-tail (meta this))) (let [tail-node (VecNode. (.edit root) tail)] (if (> (bit-shift-right cnt (int 5)) (bit-shift-left (int 1) shift)) ;overflow root? (let [new-root (VecNode. (.edit root) (object-array 32))] (doto ^objects (.arr new-root) (aset 0 root) (aset 1 (.newPath this (.edit root) shift tail-node))) (new Vec am (inc cnt) (+ shift (int 5)) new-root (let [tl (.array am 1)] (.aset am tl 0 val) tl) (meta this))) (new Vec am (inc cnt) shift (.pushTail this shift root tail-node) (let [tl (.array am 1)] (.aset am tl 0 val) tl) (meta this)))))) (empty [_] (new Vec am 0 5 EMPTY-NODE (.array am 0) nil)) (equiv [this o] (cond (or (instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentVector o) (instance? java.util.RandomAccess o)) (and (= cnt (count o)) (loop [i (int 0)] (cond (= i cnt) true (= (.nth this i) (nth o i)) (recur (inc i)) :else false))) (or (instance? clojure.lang.Sequential o) (instance? java.util.List o)) (clojure.lang.Util/equiv (seq this) (seq o)) :else false)) clojure.lang.IPersistentStack (peek [this] (when (> cnt (int 0)) (.nth this (dec cnt)))) (pop [this] (cond (zero? cnt) (throw (IllegalStateException. "Can't pop empty vector")) (= 1 cnt) (new Vec am 0 5 EMPTY-NODE (.array am 0) (meta this)) (> (- cnt (.tailoff this)) 1) (let [new-tail (.array am (dec (.alength am tail)))] (System/arraycopy tail 0 new-tail 0 (.alength am new-tail)) (new Vec am (dec cnt) shift root new-tail (meta this))) :else (let [new-tail (.arrayFor this (- cnt 2)) new-root ^clojure.core.VecNode (.popTail this shift root)] (cond (nil? new-root) (new Vec am (dec cnt) shift EMPTY-NODE new-tail (meta this)) (and (> shift 5) (nil? (aget ^objects (.arr new-root) 1))) (new Vec am (dec cnt) (- shift 5) (aget ^objects (.arr new-root) 0) new-tail (meta this)) :else (new Vec am (dec cnt) shift new-root new-tail (meta this)))))) clojure.lang.IPersistentVector (assocN [this i val] (cond (and (<= (int 0) i) (< i cnt)) (if (>= i (.tailoff this)) (let [new-tail (.array am (.alength am tail))] (System/arraycopy tail 0 new-tail 0 (.alength am tail)) (.aset am new-tail (bit-and i (int 0x1f)) val) (new Vec am cnt shift root new-tail (meta this))) (new Vec am cnt shift (.doAssoc this shift root i val) tail (meta this))) (= i cnt) (.cons this val) :else (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.)))) clojure.lang.Reversible (rseq [this] (if (> (.count this) 0) (clojure.lang.APersistentVector$RSeq. this (dec (.count this))) nil)) clojure.lang.Associative (assoc [this k v] (if (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k) (.assocN this k v) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Key must be integer")))) (containsKey [this k] (and (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k) (<= 0 (int k)) (< (int k) cnt))) (entryAt [this k] (if (.containsKey this k) (clojure.lang.MapEntry/create k (.nth this (int k))) nil)) clojure.lang.ILookup (valAt [this k not-found] (if (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k) (let [i (int k)] (if (and (>= i 0) (< i cnt)) (.nth this i) not-found)) not-found)) (valAt [this k] (.valAt this k nil)) clojure.lang.IFn (invoke [this k] (if (clojure.lang.Util/isInteger k) (let [i (int k)] (if (and (>= i 0) (< i cnt)) (.nth this i) (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.)))) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Key must be integer")))) clojure.lang.Seqable (seq [this] (if (zero? cnt) nil (VecSeq. am this (.arrayFor this 0) 0 0))) clojure.lang.Sequential ;marker, no methods clojure.core.IVecImpl (tailoff [_] (- cnt (.alength am tail))) (arrayFor [this i] (if (and (<= (int 0) i) (< i cnt)) (if (>= i (.tailoff this)) tail (loop [node root level shift] (if (zero? level) (.arr node) (recur (aget ^objects (.arr node) (bit-and (bit-shift-right i level) (int 0x1f))) (- level (int 5)))))) (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException.)))) (pushTail [this level parent tailnode] (let [subidx (bit-and (bit-shift-right (dec cnt) level) (int 0x1f)) parent ^clojure.core.VecNode parent ret (VecNode. (.edit parent) (aclone ^objects (.arr parent))) node-to-insert (if (= level (int 5)) tailnode (let [child (aget ^objects (.arr parent) subidx)] (if child (.pushTail this (- level (int 5)) child tailnode) (.newPath this (.edit root) (- level (int 5)) tailnode))))] (aset ^objects (.arr ret) subidx node-to-insert) ret)) (popTail [this level node] (let [node ^clojure.core.VecNode node subidx (bit-and (bit-shift-right (- cnt (int 2)) level) (int 0x1f))] (cond (> level 5) (let [new-child (.popTail this (- level 5) (aget ^objects (.arr node) subidx))] (if (and (nil? new-child) (zero? subidx)) nil (let [arr (aclone ^objects (.arr node))] (aset arr subidx new-child) (VecNode. (.edit root) arr)))) (zero? subidx) nil :else (let [arr (aclone ^objects (.arr node))] (aset arr subidx nil) (VecNode. (.edit root) arr))))) (newPath [this edit ^int level node] (if (zero? level) node (let [ret (VecNode. edit (object-array 32))] (aset ^objects (.arr ret) 0 (.newPath this edit (- level (int 5)) node)) ret))) (doAssoc [this level node i val] (let [node ^clojure.core.VecNode node] (if (zero? level) ;on this branch, array will need val type (let [arr (.aclone am (.arr node))] (.aset am arr (bit-and i (int 0x1f)) val) (VecNode. (.edit node) arr)) (let [arr (aclone ^objects (.arr node)) subidx (bit-and (bit-shift-right i level) (int 0x1f))] (aset arr subidx (.doAssoc this (- level (int 5)) (aget arr subidx) i val)) (VecNode. (.edit node) arr))))) java.lang.Comparable (compareTo [this o] (if (identical? this o) 0 (let [^clojure.lang.IPersistentVector v (cast clojure.lang.IPersistentVector o) vcnt (.count v)] (cond (< cnt vcnt) -1 (> cnt vcnt) 1 :else (loop [i (int 0)] (if (= i cnt) 0 (let [comp (clojure.lang.Util/compare (.nth this i) (.nth v i))] (if (= 0 comp) (recur (inc i)) comp)))))))) java.lang.Iterable (iterator [this] (let [i (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger. 0)] (reify java.util.Iterator (hasNext [_] (< (.get i) cnt)) (next [_] (try (.nth this (dec (.incrementAndGet i))) (catch IndexOutOfBoundsException _ (throw (java.util.NoSuchElementException.))))) (remove [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))))) java.util.Collection (contains [this o] (boolean (some #(= % o) this))) (containsAll [this c] (every? #(.contains this %) c)) (isEmpty [_] (zero? cnt)) (toArray [this] (into-array Object this)) (toArray [this arr] (if (>= (count arr) cnt) (do (dotimes [i cnt] (aset arr i (.nth this i))) arr) (into-array Object this))) (size [_] cnt) (add [_ o] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (addAll [_ c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (clear [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (^boolean remove [_ o] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (removeAll [_ c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (retainAll [_ c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) java.util.List (get [this i] (.nth this i)) (indexOf [this o] (loop [i (int 0)] (cond (== i cnt) -1 (= o (.nth this i)) i :else (recur (inc i))))) (lastIndexOf [this o] (loop [i (dec cnt)] (cond (< i 0) -1 (= o (.nth this i)) i :else (recur (dec i))))) (listIterator [this] (.listIterator this 0)) (listIterator [this i] (let [i (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger. i)] (reify java.util.ListIterator (hasNext [_] (< (.get i) cnt)) (hasPrevious [_] (pos? i)) (next [_] (try (.nth this (dec (.incrementAndGet i))) (catch IndexOutOfBoundsException _ (throw (java.util.NoSuchElementException.))))) (nextIndex [_] (.get i)) (previous [_] (try (.nth this (.decrementAndGet i)) (catch IndexOutOfBoundsException _ (throw (java.util.NoSuchElementException.))))) (previousIndex [_] (dec (.get i))) (add [_ e] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (remove [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (set [_ e] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.)))))) (subList [this a z] (subvec this a z)) (add [_ i o] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (addAll [_ i c] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (^Object remove [_ ^int i] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) (set [_ i e] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException.))) ) (defmethod print-method ::Vec [v w] ((get (methods print-method) clojure.lang.IPersistentVector) v w)) (defmacro mk-am {:private true} [t] (let [garr (gensym) tgarr (with-meta garr {:tag (symbol (str t "s"))})] `(reify clojure.core.ArrayManager (array [_ size#] (~(symbol (str t "-array")) size#)) (alength [_ ~garr] (alength ~tgarr)) (aclone [_ ~garr] (aclone ~tgarr)) (aget [_ ~garr i#] (aget ~tgarr i#)) (aset [_ ~garr i# val#] (aset ~tgarr i# (~t val#)))))) (def ^{:private true} ams {:int (mk-am int) :long (mk-am long) :float (mk-am float) :double (mk-am double) :byte (mk-am byte) :short (mk-am short) :char (mk-am char) :boolean (mk-am boolean)}) (defn vector-of "Creates a new vector of a single primitive type t, where t is one of :int :long :float :double :byte :short :char or :boolean. The resulting vector complies with the interface of vectors in general, but stores the values unboxed internally. Optionally takes one or more elements to populate the vector." {:added "1.2" :arglists '([t] [t & elements])} ([t] (let [am ^clojure.core.ArrayManager (ams t)] (Vec. am 0 5 EMPTY-NODE (.array am 0) nil))) ([t x1] (let [am ^clojure.core.ArrayManager (ams t) arr (.array am 1)] (.aset am arr 0 x1) (Vec. am 1 5 EMPTY-NODE arr nil))) ([t x1 x2] (let [am ^clojure.core.ArrayManager (ams t) arr (.array am 2)] (.aset am arr 0 x1) (.aset am arr 1 x2) (Vec. am 2 5 EMPTY-NODE arr nil))) ([t x1 x2 x3] (let [am ^clojure.core.ArrayManager (ams t) arr (.array am 3)] (.aset am arr 0 x1) (.aset am arr 1 x2) (.aset am arr 2 x3) (Vec. am 3 5 EMPTY-NODE arr nil))) ([t x1 x2 x3 x4] (let [am ^clojure.core.ArrayManager (ams t) arr (.array am 4)] (.aset am arr 0 x1) (.aset am arr 1 x2) (.aset am arr 2 x3) (.aset am arr 3 x4) (Vec. am 4 5 EMPTY-NODE arr nil))) ([t x1 x2 x3 x4 & xn] (loop [v (vector-of t x1 x2 x3 x4) xn xn] (if xn (recur (conj v (first xn)) (next xn)) v)))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java gvec.clj source code file: |
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