Java example source code file (java.clj)
The java.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ;; Java-specific parts of clojure.reflect (in-ns 'clojure.reflect) (require '[clojure.set :as set] '[clojure.string :as str]) (import '[clojure.asm ClassReader ClassVisitor Type Opcodes] '[java.lang.reflect Modifier] java.io.InputStream) (extend-protocol TypeReference clojure.lang.Symbol (typename [s] (str/replace (str s) "<>" "[]")) Class ;; neither .getName not .getSimpleName returns the right thing, so best to delegate to Type (typename [c] (typename (Type/getType c))) Type (typename [t] (-> (.getClassName t)))) (defn- typesym "Given a typeref, create a legal Clojure symbol version of the type's name." [t] (-> (typename t) (str/replace "[]" "<>") (symbol))) (defn- resource-name "Given a typeref, return implied resource name. Used by Reflectors such as ASM that need to find and read classbytes from files." [typeref] (-> (typename typeref) (str/replace "." "/") (str ".class"))) (defn- access-flag [[name flag & contexts]] {:name name :flag flag :contexts (set (map keyword contexts))}) (defn- field-descriptor->class-symbol "Convert a Java field descriptor to a Clojure class symbol. Field descriptors are described in section 4.3.2 of the JVM spec, 2nd ed.: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jvms/second_edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html#14152" [^String d] {:pre [(string? d)]} (typesym (Type/getType d))) (defn- internal-name->class-symbol "Convert a Java internal name to a Clojure class symbol. Internal names uses slashes instead of dots, e.g. java/lang/String. See Section 4.2 of the JVM spec, 2nd ed.: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jvms/second_edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html#14757" [d] {:pre [(string? d)]} (typesym (Type/getObjectType d))) (def ^{:doc "The Java access bitflags, along with their friendly names and the kinds of objects to which they can apply."} flag-descriptors (vec (map access-flag [[:public 0x0001 :class :field :method] [:private 0x002 :class :field :method] [:protected 0x0004 :class :field :method] [:static 0x0008 :field :method] [:final 0x0010 :class :field :method] ;; :super is ancient history and is unfindable (?) by ;; reflection. skip it #_[:super 0x0020 :class] [:synchronized 0x0020 :method] [:volatile 0x0040 :field] [:bridge 0x0040 :method] [:varargs 0x0080 :method] [:transient 0x0080 :field] [:native 0x0100 :method] [:interface 0x0200 :class] [:abstract 0x0400 :class :method] [:strict 0x0800 :method] [:synthetic 0x1000 :class :field :method] [:annotation 0x2000 :class] [:enum 0x4000 :class :field :inner]]))) (defn- parse-flags "Convert reflection bitflags into a set of keywords." [flags context] (reduce (fn [result fd] (if (and (get (:contexts fd) context) (not (zero? (bit-and flags (:flag fd))))) (conj result (:name fd)) result)) #{} flag-descriptors)) (defrecord Constructor [name declaring-class parameter-types exception-types flags]) (defn- constructor->map [^java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor] (Constructor. (symbol (.getName constructor)) (typesym (.getDeclaringClass constructor)) (vec (map typesym (.getParameterTypes constructor))) (vec (map typesym (.getExceptionTypes constructor))) (parse-flags (.getModifiers constructor) :method))) (defn- declared-constructors "Return a set of the declared constructors of class as a Clojure map." [^Class cls] (set (map constructor->map (.getDeclaredConstructors cls)))) (defrecord Method [name return-type declaring-class parameter-types exception-types flags]) (defn- method->map [^java.lang.reflect.Method method] (Method. (symbol (.getName method)) (typesym (.getReturnType method)) (typesym (.getDeclaringClass method)) (vec (map typesym (.getParameterTypes method))) (vec (map typesym (.getExceptionTypes method))) (parse-flags (.getModifiers method) :method))) (defn- declared-methods "Return a set of the declared constructors of class as a Clojure map." [^Class cls] (set (map method->map (.getDeclaredMethods cls)))) (defrecord Field [name type declaring-class flags]) (defn- field->map [^java.lang.reflect.Field field] (Field. (symbol (.getName field)) (typesym (.getType field)) (typesym (.getDeclaringClass field)) (parse-flags (.getModifiers field) :field))) (defn- declared-fields "Return a set of the declared fields of class as a Clojure map." [^Class cls] (set (map field->map (.getDeclaredFields cls)))) (deftype JavaReflector [classloader] Reflector (do-reflect [_ typeref] (let [cls (clojure.lang.RT/classForName (typename typeref) false classloader)] {:bases (not-empty (set (map typesym (bases cls)))) :flags (parse-flags (.getModifiers cls) :class) :members (set/union (declared-fields cls) (declared-methods cls) (declared-constructors cls))}))) (def ^:private default-reflector (JavaReflector. (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread)))) (defn- parse-method-descriptor [^String md] {:parameter-types (vec (map typesym (Type/getArgumentTypes md))) :return-type (typesym (Type/getReturnType md))}) (defprotocol ClassResolver (^InputStream resolve-class [this name] "Given a class name, return that typeref's class bytes as an InputStream.")) (extend-protocol ClassResolver clojure.lang.Fn (resolve-class [this typeref] (this typeref)) ClassLoader (resolve-class [this typeref] (.getResourceAsStream this (resource-name typeref)))) (deftype AsmReflector [class-resolver] Reflector (do-reflect [_ typeref] (with-open [is (resolve-class class-resolver typeref)] (let [class-symbol (typesym typeref) r (ClassReader. is) result (atom {:bases #{} :flags #{} :members #{}})] (.accept r (proxy [ClassVisitor] [Opcodes/ASM4] (visit [version access name signature superName interfaces] (let [flags (parse-flags access :class) ;; ignore java.lang.Object on interfaces to match reflection superName (if (and (flags :interface) (= superName "java/lang/Object")) nil superName) bases (->> (cons superName interfaces) (remove nil?) (map internal-name->class-symbol) (map symbol) (set) (not-empty))] (swap! result merge {:bases bases :flags flags}))) (visitAnnotation [desc visible]) (visitSource [name debug]) (visitInnerClass [name outerName innerName access]) (visitField [access name desc signature value] (swap! result update :members (fnil conj #{}) (Field. (symbol name) (field-descriptor->class-symbol desc) class-symbol (parse-flags access :field))) nil) (visitMethod [access name desc signature exceptions] (when-not (= name "<clinit>") (let [constructor? (= name "<init>")] (swap! result update :members (fnil conj #{}) (let [{:keys [parameter-types return-type]} (parse-method-descriptor desc) flags (parse-flags access :method)] (if constructor? (Constructor. class-symbol class-symbol parameter-types (vec (map internal-name->class-symbol exceptions)) flags) (Method. (symbol name) return-type class-symbol parameter-types (vec (map internal-name->class-symbol exceptions)) flags)))))) nil) (visitEnd []) ) 0) @result)))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java java.clj source code file: |
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