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Java example source code file (

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Java - Java tags/keywords

afn, eof, ifn, illegalargumentexception, invalid, ipersistentmap, keyword, linenumberingpushbackreader, math, object, pushbackreader, regex, runtimeexception, string, stringbuilder, symbol, util

The Java example source code

 *   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
 *   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
 *   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
 *   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
 *   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
 * 	 the terms of this license.
 *   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

package clojure.lang;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class EdnReader{

static IFn[] macros = new IFn[256];
static IFn[] dispatchMacros = new IFn[256];
static Pattern symbolPat = Pattern.compile("[:]?([\\D&&[^/]].*/)?(/|[\\D&&[^/]][^/]*)");
static Pattern intPat =
static Pattern ratioPat = Pattern.compile("([-+]?[0-9]+)/([0-9]+)");
static Pattern floatPat = Pattern.compile("([-+]?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(M)?");

static IFn taggedReader = new TaggedReader();

	macros['"'] = new StringReader();
	macros[';'] = new CommentReader();
	macros['^'] = new MetaReader();
	macros['('] = new ListReader();
	macros[')'] = new UnmatchedDelimiterReader();
	macros['['] = new VectorReader();
	macros[']'] = new UnmatchedDelimiterReader();
	macros['{'] = new MapReader();
	macros['}'] = new UnmatchedDelimiterReader();
	macros['\\'] = new CharacterReader();
	macros['#'] = new DispatchReader();

	dispatchMacros['^'] = new MetaReader();
	//dispatchMacros['"'] = new RegexReader();
	dispatchMacros['{'] = new SetReader();
	dispatchMacros['<'] = new UnreadableReader();
	dispatchMacros['_'] = new DiscardReader();
	dispatchMacros[':'] = new NamespaceMapReader();

static boolean nonConstituent(int ch){
	return ch == '@' || ch == '`' || ch == '~';

static public Object readString(String s, IPersistentMap opts){
	PushbackReader r = new PushbackReader(new;
	return read(r, opts);

static boolean isWhitespace(int ch){
	return Character.isWhitespace(ch) || ch == ',';

static void unread(PushbackReader r, int ch) {
	if(ch != -1)
		catch(IOException e)
			throw Util.sneakyThrow(e);

public static class ReaderException extends RuntimeException{
	final int line;
	final int column;

	public ReaderException(int line, int column, Throwable cause){
		this.line = line;
		this.column = column;

static public int read1(Reader r){
	catch(IOException e)
		throw Util.sneakyThrow(e);

static final Keyword EOF = Keyword.intern(null,"eof");

static public Object read(PushbackReader r, IPersistentMap opts){
	return read(r,!opts.containsKey(EOF),opts.valAt(EOF),false,opts);

static public Object read(PushbackReader r, boolean eofIsError, Object eofValue, boolean isRecursive,
                          Object opts)

		for(; ;)
			int ch = read1(r);

				ch = read1(r);

			if(ch == -1)
					throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading");
				return eofValue;

				Object n = readNumber(r, (char) ch);
					return null;
				return n;

			IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch);
			if(macroFn != null)
				Object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char) ch, opts);
					return null;
				//no op macros return the reader
				if(ret == r)
				return ret;

			if(ch == '+' || ch == '-')
				int ch2 = read1(r);
					unread(r, ch2);
					Object n = readNumber(r, (char) ch);
						return null;
					return n;
				unread(r, ch2);

			String token = readToken(r, (char) ch, true);
				return null;
			return interpretToken(token);
	catch(Exception e)
		if(isRecursive || !(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader))
			throw Util.sneakyThrow(e);
		LineNumberingPushbackReader rdr = (LineNumberingPushbackReader) r;
		//throw Util.runtimeException(String.format("ReaderError:(%d,1) %s", rdr.getLineNumber(), e.getMessage()), e);
		throw new ReaderException(rdr.getLineNumber(), rdr.getColumnNumber(), e);

static private String readToken(PushbackReader r, char initch, boolean leadConstituent) {
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	if(leadConstituent && nonConstituent(initch))
		throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid leading character: " + (char)initch);


	for(; ;)
		int ch = read1(r);

		if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch))
			unread(r, ch);
			return sb.toString();
		else if(nonConstituent(ch))
			throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid constituent character: " + (char)ch);
		sb.append((char) ch);

static private Object readNumber(PushbackReader r, char initch) {
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

	for(; ;)
		int ch = read1(r);
		if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch))
			unread(r, ch);
		sb.append((char) ch);

	String s = sb.toString();
	Object n = matchNumber(s);
	if(n == null)
		throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number: " + s);
	return n;

static private int readUnicodeChar(String token, int offset, int length, int base) {
	if(token.length() != offset + length)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid unicode character: \\" + token);
	int uc = 0;
	for(int i = offset; i < offset + length; ++i)
		int d = Character.digit(token.charAt(i), base);
		if(d == -1)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + token.charAt(i));
		uc = uc * base + d;
	return (char) uc;

static private int readUnicodeChar(PushbackReader r, int initch, int base, int length, boolean exact) {
	int uc = Character.digit(initch, base);
	if(uc == -1)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char) initch);
	int i = 1;
	for(; i < length; ++i)
		int ch = read1(r);
		if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch))
			unread(r, ch);
		int d = Character.digit(ch, base);
		if(d == -1)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char) ch);
		uc = uc * base + d;
	if(i != length && exact)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid character length: " + i + ", should be: " + length);
	return uc;

static private Object interpretToken(String s) {
		return null;
	else if(s.equals("true"))
		return RT.T;
	else if(s.equals("false"))
		return RT.F;

	Object ret = null;

	ret = matchSymbol(s);
	if(ret != null)
		return ret;

	throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid token: " + s);

private static Object matchSymbol(String s){
	Matcher m = symbolPat.matcher(s);
		int gc = m.groupCount();
		String ns =;
		String name =;
		if(ns != null && ns.endsWith(":/")
		   || name.endsWith(":")
		   || s.indexOf("::", 1) != -1)
			return null;
			return null;
		boolean isKeyword = s.charAt(0) == ':';
		Symbol sym = Symbol.intern(s.substring(isKeyword ? 1 : 0));
			return Keyword.intern(sym);
		return sym;
	return null;

private static Object matchNumber(String s){
	Matcher m = intPat.matcher(s);
		if( != null)
			if( != null)
				return BigInt.ZERO;
			return Numbers.num(0);
		boolean negate = ("-"));
		String n;
		int radix = 10;
		if((n = != null)
			radix = 10;
		else if((n = != null)
			radix = 16;
		else if((n = != null)
			radix = 8;
		else if((n = != null)
			radix = Integer.parseInt(;
		if(n == null)
			return null;
		BigInteger bn = new BigInteger(n, radix);
			bn = bn.negate();
		if( != null)
			return BigInt.fromBigInteger(bn);
		return bn.bitLength() < 64 ?
		                           : BigInt.fromBigInteger(bn);
	m = floatPat.matcher(s);
		if( != null)
			return new BigDecimal(;
		return Double.parseDouble(s);
	m = ratioPat.matcher(s);
		String numerator =;
		if (numerator.startsWith("+")) numerator = numerator.substring(1);

		return Numbers.divide(Numbers.reduceBigInt(BigInt.fromBigInteger(new BigInteger(numerator))),
		                      Numbers.reduceBigInt(BigInt.fromBigInteger(new BigInteger(;
	return null;

static private IFn getMacro(int ch){
	if(ch < macros.length)
		return macros[ch];
	return null;

static private boolean isMacro(int ch){
	return (ch < macros.length && macros[ch] != null);

static private boolean isTerminatingMacro(int ch){
	return (ch != '#' && ch != '\'' && isMacro(ch));

public static class RegexReader extends AFn{

	static StringReader stringrdr = new StringReader();

	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object doublequote) {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		Reader r = (Reader) reader;
		for(int ch = read1(r); ch != '"'; ch = read1(r))
			if(ch == -1)
				throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading regex");
			sb.append( (char) ch );
			if(ch == '\\')	//escape
				ch = read1(r);
				if(ch == -1)
					throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading regex");
				sb.append( (char) ch ) ;
		return Pattern.compile(sb.toString());

public static class StringReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object doublequote, Object opts) {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		Reader r = (Reader) reader;

		for(int ch = read1(r); ch != '"'; ch = read1(r))
			if(ch == -1)
				throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading string");
			if(ch == '\\')	//escape
				ch = read1(r);
				if(ch == -1)
					throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading string");
					case 't':
						ch = '\t';
					case 'r':
						ch = '\r';
					case 'n':
						ch = '\n';
					case '\\':
					case '"':
					case 'b':
						ch = '\b';
					case 'f':
						ch = '\f';
					case 'u':
					ch = read1(r);
					if (Character.digit(ch, 16) == -1)
						throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid unicode escape: \\u" + (char) ch);
					ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackReader) r, ch, 16, 4, true);
						ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackReader) r, ch, 8, 3, false);
						if(ch > 0377)
							throw Util.runtimeException("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377].");
						throw Util.runtimeException("Unsupported escape character: \\" + (char) ch);
			sb.append((char) ch);
		return sb.toString();

public static class CommentReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object semicolon, Object opts) {
		Reader r = (Reader) reader;
		int ch;
			ch = read1(r);
			} while(ch != -1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r');
		return r;


public static class DiscardReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object underscore, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		read(r, true, null, true, opts);
		return r;

public static class NamespaceMapReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object colon, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;

		// Read ns symbol
		Object sym = read(r, true, null, false, opts);
		if (!(sym instanceof Symbol) || ((Symbol)sym).getNamespace() != null)
			throw new RuntimeException("Namespaced map must specify a valid namespace: " + sym);
		String ns = ((Symbol)sym).getName();

		// Read map
		int nextChar = read1(r);
			nextChar = read1(r);
		if('{' != nextChar)
			throw new RuntimeException("Namespaced map must specify a map");
		List kvs = readDelimitedList('}', r, true, opts);
		if((kvs.size() & 1) == 1)
			throw Util.runtimeException("Namespaced map literal must contain an even number of forms");

		// Construct output map
		IPersistentMap m =;
		Iterator iter = kvs.iterator();
		while(iter.hasNext()) {
			Object key =;
			Object val =;

			if(key instanceof Keyword) {
				Keyword kw = (Keyword) key;
				if (kw.getNamespace() == null) {
					m = m.assoc(Keyword.intern(ns, kw.getName()), val);
				} else if (kw.getNamespace().equals("_")) {
					m = m.assoc(Keyword.intern(null, kw.getName()), val);
				} else {
					m = m.assoc(kw, val);
			} else if(key instanceof Symbol) {
				Symbol s = (Symbol) key;
				if (s.getNamespace() == null) {
					m = m.assoc(Symbol.intern(ns, s.getName()), val);
				} else if (s.getNamespace().equals("_")) {
					m = m.assoc(Symbol.intern(null, s.getName()), val);
				} else {
					m = m.assoc(s, val);
			} else {
				m = m.assoc(key, val);
		return m;

public static class DispatchReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object hash, Object opts) {
		int ch = read1((Reader) reader);
		if(ch == -1)
			throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading character");
		IFn fn = dispatchMacros[ch];

		if(fn == null) {
			//try tagged reader
				unread((PushbackReader) reader, ch);
		        return taggedReader.invoke(reader, ch, opts);

			throw Util.runtimeException(String.format("No dispatch macro for: %c", (char) ch));
		return fn.invoke(reader, ch, opts);

public static class MetaReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object caret, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		int line = -1;
		int column = -1;
		if(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader)
			line = ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getLineNumber();
			column = ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getColumnNumber()-1;
		Object meta = read(r, true, null, true, opts);
		if(meta instanceof Symbol || meta instanceof String)
			meta =, meta);
		else if (meta instanceof Keyword)
			meta =, RT.T);
		else if(!(meta instanceof IPersistentMap))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata must be Symbol,Keyword,String or Map");

		Object o = read(r, true, null, true, opts);
		if(o instanceof IMeta)
			if(line != -1 && o instanceof ISeq)
				meta = ((IPersistentMap) meta).assoc(RT.LINE_KEY, line).assoc(RT.COLUMN_KEY, column);
			if(o instanceof IReference)
				((IReference)o).resetMeta((IPersistentMap) meta);
				return o;
			Object ometa = RT.meta(o);
			for(ISeq s = RT.seq(meta); s != null; s = {
			IMapEntry kv = (IMapEntry) s.first();
			ometa = RT.assoc(ometa, kv.getKey(), kv.getValue());
			return ((IObj) o).withMeta((IPersistentMap) ometa);
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata can only be applied to IMetas");


public static class CharacterReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object backslash, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		int ch = read1(r);
		if(ch == -1)
			throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading character");
		String token = readToken(r, (char) ch, false);
		if(token.length() == 1)
			return Character.valueOf(token.charAt(0));
		else if(token.equals("newline"))
			return '\n';
		else if(token.equals("space"))
			return ' ';
		else if(token.equals("tab"))
			return '\t';
		else if(token.equals("backspace"))
			return '\b';
		else if(token.equals("formfeed"))
			return '\f';
		else if(token.equals("return"))
			return '\r';
		else if(token.startsWith("u"))
			char c = (char) readUnicodeChar(token, 1, 4, 16);
			if(c >= '\uD800' && c <= '\uDFFF') // surrogate code unit?
				throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid character constant: \\u" + Integer.toString(c, 16));
			return c;
		else if(token.startsWith("o"))
			int len = token.length() - 1;
			if(len > 3)
				throw Util.runtimeException("Invalid octal escape sequence length: " + len);
			int uc = readUnicodeChar(token, 1, len, 8);
			if(uc > 0377)
				throw Util.runtimeException("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377].");
			return (char) uc;
		throw Util.runtimeException("Unsupported character: \\" + token);


public static class ListReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		int line = -1;
		int column = -1;
		if(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader)
			line = ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getLineNumber();
			column = ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getColumnNumber()-1;
		List list = readDelimitedList(')', r, true, opts);
			return PersistentList.EMPTY;
		IObj s = (IObj) PersistentList.create(list);
//		IObj s = (IObj) RT.seq(list);
//		if(line != -1)
//			{
//			return s.withMeta(, line, RT.COLUMN_KEY, column));
//			}
//		else
			return s;


public static class VectorReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		return LazilyPersistentVector.create(readDelimitedList(']', r, true, opts));


public static class MapReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		Object[] a = readDelimitedList('}', r, true, opts).toArray();
		if((a.length & 1) == 1)
			throw Util.runtimeException("Map literal must contain an even number of forms");


public static class SetReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftbracket, Object opts) {
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		return PersistentHashSet.createWithCheck(readDelimitedList('}', r, true, opts));


public static class UnmatchedDelimiterReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object rightdelim, Object opts) {
		throw Util.runtimeException("Unmatched delimiter: " + rightdelim);


public static class UnreadableReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftangle, Object opts) {
		throw Util.runtimeException("Unreadable form");

public static List readDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackReader r, boolean isRecursive, Object opts) {
	final int firstline =
			(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader) ?
			((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getLineNumber() : -1;

	ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

	for(; ;)
		int ch = read1(r);

			ch = read1(r);

		if(ch == -1)
			if(firstline < 0)
				throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading");
				throw Util.runtimeException("EOF while reading, starting at line " + firstline);

		if(ch == delim)

		IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch);
		if(macroFn != null)
			Object mret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char) ch, opts);
			//no op macros return the reader
			if(mret != r)
			unread(r, ch);

			Object o = read(r, true, null, isRecursive, opts);
			if(o != r)

	return a;

public static class TaggedReader extends AFn{
	public Object invoke(Object reader, Object firstChar, Object opts){
		PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
		Object name = read(r, true, null, false, opts);
		if (!(name instanceof Symbol))
			throw new RuntimeException("Reader tag must be a symbol");
		Symbol sym = (Symbol)name;
		return readTagged(r, sym, (IPersistentMap) opts);

	static Keyword READERS = Keyword.intern(null,"readers");
	static Keyword DEFAULT = Keyword.intern(null,"default");

	private Object readTagged(PushbackReader reader, Symbol tag, IPersistentMap opts){
		Object o = read(reader, true, null, true, opts);

		ILookup readers = (ILookup)RT.get(opts, READERS);
		IFn dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(readers, tag);
		if(dataReader == null)
			dataReader = (IFn)RT.get(RT.DEFAULT_DATA_READERS.deref(),tag);
		if(dataReader == null){
			IFn defaultReader = (IFn)RT.get(opts, DEFAULT);
			if(defaultReader != null)
				return defaultReader.invoke(tag, o);
				throw new RuntimeException("No reader function for tag " + tag.toString());
			return dataReader.invoke(o);


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