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Java example source code file (

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Java - Java tags/keywords

boundscheck, chunk_size, counted, ichunk, ichunkedseq, iseq, iterator, longchunk, longrange, longrangeiterator, nosuchelementexception, object, reduced, serializable, util

The Java example source code

 *   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
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package clojure.lang;


import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * Implements the special common case of a finite range based on long start, end, and step.
public class LongRange extends ASeq implements Counted, IChunkedSeq, IReduce {

private static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 32;

// Invariants guarantee this is never an empty or infinite seq
//   assert(start != end && step != 0)
final long start;
final long end;
final long step;
final BoundsCheck boundsCheck;
private volatile LongChunk _chunk;  // lazy
private volatile ISeq _chunkNext;        // lazy
private volatile ISeq _next;             // cached

private static interface BoundsCheck extends Serializable {
    boolean exceededBounds(long val);

private static BoundsCheck positiveStep(final long end) {
    return new BoundsCheck() {
        public boolean exceededBounds(long val){
            return (val >= end);

private static BoundsCheck negativeStep(final long end) {
    return new BoundsCheck() {
        public boolean exceededBounds(long val){
            return (val <= end);

private LongRange(long start, long end, long step, BoundsCheck boundsCheck){
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.step = step;
    this.boundsCheck = boundsCheck;

private LongRange(long start, long end, long step, BoundsCheck boundsCheck, LongChunk chunk, ISeq chunkNext){
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.step = step;
    this.boundsCheck = boundsCheck;
    this._chunk = chunk;
    this._chunkNext = chunkNext;

private LongRange(IPersistentMap meta, long start, long end, long step, BoundsCheck boundsCheck, LongChunk chunk, ISeq chunkNext){
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.step = step;
    this.boundsCheck = boundsCheck;
    this._chunk = chunk;
    this._chunkNext = chunkNext;

public static ISeq create(long end) {
    if(end > 0)
        return new LongRange(0L, end, 1L, positiveStep(end));
    return PersistentList.EMPTY;

public static ISeq create(long start, long end) {
    if(start >= end)
        return PersistentList.EMPTY;
    return new LongRange(start, end, 1L, positiveStep(end));

public static ISeq create(final long start, long end, long step) {
    if(step > 0) {
        if(end <= start) return PersistentList.EMPTY;
        return new LongRange(start, end, step, positiveStep(end));
    } else if(step < 0) {
        if(end >= start) return PersistentList.EMPTY;
        return new LongRange(start, end, step, negativeStep(end));
    } else {
        if(end == start) return PersistentList.EMPTY;
        return Repeat.create(start);

public Obj withMeta(IPersistentMap meta){
    if(meta == _meta)
        return this;
    return new LongRange(meta, start, end, step, boundsCheck, _chunk, _chunkNext);

public Object first() {
    return start;

public void forceChunk() {
    if(_chunk != null) return;

    long count;
    try {
        count = rangeCount(start, end, step);
    } catch(ArithmeticException e) {
        // size of total range is > Long.MAX_VALUE so must step to count
        // this only happens in pathological range cases like:
        // (range -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807)
        count = steppingCount(start, end, step);

    if (count > CHUNK_SIZE) { // not last chunk
        long nextStart = start + (step * CHUNK_SIZE);   // cannot overflow, must be < end
        _chunk = new LongChunk(start, step, CHUNK_SIZE);
        _chunkNext = new LongRange(nextStart, end, step, boundsCheck);
    } else {  // last chunk
        _chunk = new LongChunk(start, step, (int) count);   // count must be <= CHUNK_SIZE

public ISeq next() {
    if(_next != null)
        return _next;

    if(_chunk.count() > 1) {
        LongChunk smallerChunk = _chunk.dropFirst();
        _next = new LongRange(smallerChunk.first(), end, step, boundsCheck, smallerChunk, _chunkNext);
        return _next;
    return chunkedNext();

public IChunk chunkedFirst() {
    return _chunk;

public ISeq chunkedNext() {
    return chunkedMore().seq();

public ISeq chunkedMore() {
    if(_chunkNext == null)
        return PersistentList.EMPTY;
    return _chunkNext;

// fallback count mechanism for pathological cases
// returns either exact count or CHUNK_SIZE+1
long steppingCount(long start, long end, long step) {
    long count = 1;
    long s = start;
    while(count <= CHUNK_SIZE) {
        try {
            s = Numbers.add(s, step);
        } catch(ArithmeticException e) {
    return count;

// returns exact size of remaining items OR throws ArithmeticException for overflow case
long rangeCount(long start, long end, long step) {
    // (1) count = ceiling ( (end - start) / step )
    // (2) ceiling(a/b) = (a+b+o)/b where o=-1 for positive stepping and +1 for negative stepping
    // thus: count = end - start + step + o / step
    return Numbers.add(Numbers.add(Numbers.minus(end, start), step), this.step > 0 ? -1 : 1) / step;

public int count() {
    try {
        long c = rangeCount(start, end, step);
        if(c > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            return Numbers.throwIntOverflow();
        } else {
            return (int) c;
    } catch(ArithmeticException e) {
        // rare case from large range or step, fall back to iterating and counting
        Iterator iter = this.iterator();
        long count = 0;
        while(iter.hasNext()) {

        if(count > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            return Numbers.throwIntOverflow();
            return (int)count;

public Object reduce(IFn f) {
    Object acc = start;
    long i = start + step;
    while(! boundsCheck.exceededBounds(i)) {
        acc = f.invoke(acc, i);
        if (acc instanceof Reduced) return ((Reduced)acc).deref();
        i += step;
    return acc;

public Object reduce(IFn f, Object val) {
    Object acc = val;
    long i = start;
    do {
        acc = f.invoke(acc, i);
        if (RT.isReduced(acc)) return ((Reduced)acc).deref();
        i += step;
    } while(! boundsCheck.exceededBounds(i));
    return acc;

public Iterator iterator() {
    return new LongRangeIterator();

class LongRangeIterator implements Iterator {
    private long next;
    private boolean hasNext;

    public LongRangeIterator() { = start;
        this.hasNext = true;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return hasNext;

    public Object next() {
        if (hasNext) {
            long ret = next;
            try {
                next = Numbers.add(next, step);
                hasNext = ! boundsCheck.exceededBounds(next);
            } catch(ArithmeticException e) {
                hasNext = false;
            return ret;
        } else {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

    public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

private static class LongChunk implements IChunk, Serializable {
    final long start;
    final long step;
    final int count;

    public LongChunk(long start, long step, int count) {
        this.start = start;
        this.step = step;
        this.count = count;

    public long first(){
        return start;

    public Object nth(int i){
        return start + (i * step);

    public Object nth(int i, Object notFound){
        if(i >= 0 && i < count)
            return start + (i * step);
        return notFound;

    public int count(){
        return count;

    public LongChunk dropFirst(){
        if(count <= 1)
            throw new IllegalStateException("dropFirst of empty chunk");
        return new LongChunk(start+step, step, count-1);

    public Object reduce(IFn f, Object init) {
        long x = start;
        Object ret = init;
        for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
            ret = f.invoke(ret, x);
                return ret;
            x += step;
        return ret;


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