Java example source code file (Namespace.java)
This example Java source code file (Namespace.java) is included in the alvinalexander.com
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The Namespace.java Java example source code
* Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
* The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
* Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
* which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
* By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
* the terms of this license.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
/* rich Jan 23, 2008 */
package clojure.lang;
import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
public class Namespace extends AReference implements Serializable {
final public Symbol name;
transient final AtomicReference<IPersistentMap> mappings = new AtomicReference();
transient final AtomicReference<IPersistentMap> aliases = new AtomicReference();
final static ConcurrentHashMap<Symbol, Namespace> namespaces = new ConcurrentHashMap();
public String toString(){
return name.toString();
Namespace(Symbol name){
this.name = name;
public static ISeq all(){
return RT.seq(namespaces.values());
public Symbol getName(){
return name;
public IPersistentMap getMappings(){
return mappings.get();
public Var intern(Symbol sym){
if(sym.ns != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't intern namespace-qualified symbol");
IPersistentMap map = getMappings();
Object o;
Var v = null;
while((o = map.valAt(sym)) == null)
if(v == null)
v = new Var(this, sym);
IPersistentMap newMap = map.assoc(sym, v);
mappings.compareAndSet(map, newMap);
map = getMappings();
if(o instanceof Var && ((Var) o).ns == this)
return (Var) o;
if(v == null)
v = new Var(this, sym);
warnOrFailOnReplace(sym, o, v);
while(!mappings.compareAndSet(map, map.assoc(sym, v)))
map = getMappings();
return v;
private void warnOrFailOnReplace(Symbol sym, Object o, Object v){
if (o instanceof Var)
Namespace ns = ((Var)o).ns;
if (ns == this || (v instanceof Var && ((Var)v).ns == RT.CLOJURE_NS))
if (ns != RT.CLOJURE_NS)
throw new IllegalStateException(sym + " already refers to: " + o + " in namespace: " + name);
RT.errPrintWriter().println("WARNING: " + sym + " already refers to: " + o + " in namespace: " + name
+ ", being replaced by: " + v);
Object reference(Symbol sym, Object val){
if(sym.ns != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't intern namespace-qualified symbol");
IPersistentMap map = getMappings();
Object o;
while((o = map.valAt(sym)) == null)
IPersistentMap newMap = map.assoc(sym, val);
mappings.compareAndSet(map, newMap);
map = getMappings();
if(o == val)
return o;
warnOrFailOnReplace(sym, o, val);
while(!mappings.compareAndSet(map, map.assoc(sym, val)))
map = getMappings();
return val;
public static boolean areDifferentInstancesOfSameClassName(Class cls1, Class cls2) {
return (cls1 != cls2) && (cls1.getName().equals(cls2.getName()));
Class referenceClass(Symbol sym, Class val){
if(sym.ns != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't intern namespace-qualified symbol");
IPersistentMap map = getMappings();
Class c = (Class) map.valAt(sym);
while((c == null) || (areDifferentInstancesOfSameClassName(c, val)))
IPersistentMap newMap = map.assoc(sym, val);
mappings.compareAndSet(map, newMap);
map = getMappings();
c = (Class) map.valAt(sym);
if(c == val)
return c;
throw new IllegalStateException(sym + " already refers to: " + c + " in namespace: " + name);
public void unmap(Symbol sym) {
if(sym.ns != null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't unintern namespace-qualified symbol");
IPersistentMap map = getMappings();
IPersistentMap newMap = map.without(sym);
mappings.compareAndSet(map, newMap);
map = getMappings();
public Class importClass(Symbol sym, Class c){
return referenceClass(sym, c);
public Class importClass(Class c){
String n = c.getName();
return importClass(Symbol.intern(n.substring(n.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)), c);
public Var refer(Symbol sym, Var var){
return (Var) reference(sym, var);
public static Namespace findOrCreate(Symbol name){
Namespace ns = namespaces.get(name);
if(ns != null)
return ns;
Namespace newns = new Namespace(name);
ns = namespaces.putIfAbsent(name, newns);
return ns == null ? newns : ns;
public static Namespace remove(Symbol name){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove clojure namespace");
return namespaces.remove(name);
public static Namespace find(Symbol name){
return namespaces.get(name);
public Object getMapping(Symbol name){
return mappings.get().valAt(name);
public Var findInternedVar(Symbol symbol){
Object o = mappings.get().valAt(symbol);
if(o != null && o instanceof Var && ((Var) o).ns == this)
return (Var) o;
return null;
public IPersistentMap getAliases(){
return aliases.get();
public Namespace lookupAlias(Symbol alias){
IPersistentMap map = getAliases();
return (Namespace) map.valAt(alias);
public void addAlias(Symbol alias, Namespace ns){
if (alias == null || ns == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Expecting Symbol + Namespace");
IPersistentMap map = getAliases();
IPersistentMap newMap = map.assoc(alias, ns);
aliases.compareAndSet(map, newMap);
map = getAliases();
// you can rebind an alias, but only to the initially-aliased namespace.
throw new IllegalStateException("Alias " + alias + " already exists in namespace "
+ name + ", aliasing " + map.valAt(alias));
public void removeAlias(Symbol alias) {
IPersistentMap map = getAliases();
IPersistentMap newMap = map.without(alias);
aliases.compareAndSet(map, newMap);
map = getAliases();
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
// ensures that serialized namespaces are "deserialized" to the
// namespace in the present runtime
return findOrCreate(name);
Other Java examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Java Namespace.java source code file: