Java example source code file (clojure_set.clj)
The clojure_set.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ;; Author: Frantisek Sodomka (ns clojure.test-clojure.clojure-set (:use clojure.test) (:require [clojure.set :as set])) (deftest test-union (are [x y] (= x y) (set/union) #{} ; identity (set/union #{}) #{} (set/union #{1}) #{1} (set/union #{1 2 3}) #{1 2 3} ; 2 sets, at least one is empty (set/union #{} #{}) #{} (set/union #{} #{1}) #{1} (set/union #{} #{1 2 3}) #{1 2 3} (set/union #{1} #{}) #{1} (set/union #{1 2 3} #{}) #{1 2 3} ; 2 sets (set/union #{1} #{2}) #{1 2} (set/union #{1} #{1 2}) #{1 2} (set/union #{2} #{1 2}) #{1 2} (set/union #{1 2} #{3}) #{1 2 3} (set/union #{1 2} #{2 3}) #{1 2 3} ; 3 sets, some are empty (set/union #{} #{} #{}) #{} (set/union #{1} #{} #{}) #{1} (set/union #{} #{1} #{}) #{1} (set/union #{} #{} #{1}) #{1} (set/union #{1 2} #{2 3} #{}) #{1 2 3} ; 3 sets (set/union #{1 2} #{3 4} #{5 6}) #{1 2 3 4 5 6} (set/union #{1 2} #{2 3} #{1 3 4}) #{1 2 3 4} ; different data types (set/union #{1 2} #{:a :b} #{nil} #{false true} #{\c "abc"} #{[] [1 2]} #{{} {:a 1}} #{#{} #{1 2}}) #{1 2 :a :b nil false true \c "abc" [] [1 2] {} {:a 1} #{} #{1 2}} ; different types of sets (set/union (hash-set) (hash-set 1 2) (hash-set 2 3)) (hash-set 1 2 3) (set/union (sorted-set) (sorted-set 1 2) (sorted-set 2 3)) (sorted-set 1 2 3) (set/union (hash-set) (hash-set 1 2) (hash-set 2 3) (sorted-set) (sorted-set 4 5) (sorted-set 5 6)) (hash-set 1 2 3 4 5 6) ; also equals (sorted-set 1 2 3 4 5 6) )) (deftest test-intersection ; at least one argument is needed (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (set/intersection))) (are [x y] (= x y) ; identity (set/intersection #{}) #{} (set/intersection #{1}) #{1} (set/intersection #{1 2 3}) #{1 2 3} ; 2 sets, at least one is empty (set/intersection #{} #{}) #{} (set/intersection #{} #{1}) #{} (set/intersection #{} #{1 2 3}) #{} (set/intersection #{1} #{}) #{} (set/intersection #{1 2 3} #{}) #{} ; 2 sets (set/intersection #{1 2} #{1 2}) #{1 2} (set/intersection #{1 2} #{3 4}) #{} (set/intersection #{1 2} #{1}) #{1} (set/intersection #{1 2} #{2}) #{2} (set/intersection #{1 2 4} #{2 3 4 5}) #{2 4} ; 3 sets, some are empty (set/intersection #{} #{} #{}) #{} (set/intersection #{1} #{} #{}) #{} (set/intersection #{1} #{1} #{}) #{} (set/intersection #{1} #{} #{1}) #{} (set/intersection #{1 2} #{2 3} #{}) #{} ; 3 sets (set/intersection #{1 2} #{2 3} #{5 2}) #{2} (set/intersection #{1 2 3} #{1 3 4} #{1 3}) #{1 3} (set/intersection #{1 2 3} #{3 4 5} #{8 2 3}) #{3} ; different types of sets (set/intersection (hash-set 1 2) (hash-set 2 3)) #{2} (set/intersection (sorted-set 1 2) (sorted-set 2 3)) #{2} (set/intersection (hash-set 1 2) (hash-set 2 3) (sorted-set 1 2) (sorted-set 2 3)) #{2} )) (deftest test-difference (are [x y] (= x y) ; identity (set/difference #{}) #{} (set/difference #{1}) #{1} (set/difference #{1 2 3}) #{1 2 3} ; 2 sets (set/difference #{1 2} #{1 2}) #{} (set/difference #{1 2} #{3 4}) #{1 2} (set/difference #{1 2} #{1}) #{2} (set/difference #{1 2} #{2}) #{1} (set/difference #{1 2 4} #{2 3 4 5}) #{1} ; 3 sets (set/difference #{1 2} #{2 3} #{5 2}) #{1} (set/difference #{1 2 3} #{1 3 4} #{1 3}) #{2} (set/difference #{1 2 3} #{3 4 5} #{8 2 3}) #{1} )) (deftest test-select (are [x y] (= x y) (set/select integer? #{}) #{} (set/select integer? #{1 2}) #{1 2} (set/select integer? #{1 2 :a :b :c}) #{1 2} (set/select integer? #{:a :b :c}) #{}) ) (def compositions #{{:name "Art of the Fugue" :composer "J. S. Bach"} {:name "Musical Offering" :composer "J. S. Bach"} {:name "Requiem" :composer "Giuseppe Verdi"} {:name "Requiem" :composer "W. A. Mozart"}}) (deftest test-project (are [x y] (= x y) (set/project compositions [:name]) #{{:name "Art of the Fugue"} {:name "Requiem"} {:name "Musical Offering"}} (set/project compositions [:composer]) #{{:composer "W. A. Mozart"} {:composer "Giuseppe Verdi"} {:composer "J. S. Bach"}} (set/project compositions [:year]) #{{}} (set/project #{{}} [:name]) #{{}} )) (deftest test-rename (are [x y] (= x y) (set/rename compositions {:name :title}) #{{:title "Art of the Fugue" :composer "J. S. Bach"} {:title "Musical Offering" :composer "J. S. Bach"} {:title "Requiem" :composer "Giuseppe Verdi"} {:title "Requiem" :composer "W. A. Mozart"}} (set/rename compositions {:year :decade}) #{{:name "Art of the Fugue" :composer "J. S. Bach"} {:name "Musical Offering" :composer "J. S. Bach"} {:name "Requiem" :composer "Giuseppe Verdi"} {:name "Requiem" :composer "W. A. Mozart"}} (set/rename #{{}} {:year :decade}) #{{}})) (deftest test-rename-keys (are [x y] (= x y) (set/rename-keys {:a "one" :b "two"} {:a :z}) {:z "one" :b "two"} (set/rename-keys {:a "one" :b "two"} {:a :z :c :y}) {:z "one" :b "two"} (set/rename-keys {:a "one" :b "two" :c "three"} {:a :b :b :a}) {:a "two" :b "one" :c "three"})) (deftest test-index (are [x y] (= x y) (set/index #{{:c 2} {:b 1} {:a 1 :b 2}} [:b]) {{:b 2} #{{:a 1 :b 2}}, {:b 1} #{{:b 1}} {} #{{:c 2}}} )) (deftest test-join (are [x y] (= x y) (set/join compositions compositions) compositions (set/join compositions #{{:name "Art of the Fugue" :genre "Classical"}}) #{{:name "Art of the Fugue" :composer "J. S. Bach" :genre "Classical"}} )) (deftest test-map-invert (are [x y] (= x y) (set/map-invert {:a "one" :b "two"}) {"one" :a "two" :b})) (deftest test-subset? (are [sub super] (set/subset? sub super) #{} #{} #{} #{1} #{1} #{1} #{1 2} #{1 2} #{1 2} #{1 2 42} #{false} #{false} #{nil} #{nil} #{nil} #{nil false} #{1 2 nil} #{1 2 nil 4}) (are [notsub super] (not (set/subset? notsub super)) #{1} #{} #{2} #{1} #{1 3} #{1} #{nil} #{false} #{false} #{nil} #{false nil} #{nil} #{1 2 nil} #{1 2})) (deftest test-superset? (are [super sub] (set/superset? super sub) #{} #{} #{1} #{} #{1} #{1} #{1 2} #{1 2} #{1 2 42} #{1 2} #{false} #{false} #{nil} #{nil} #{false nil} #{false} #{1 2 4 nil false} #{1 2 nil}) (are [notsuper sub] (not (set/superset? notsuper sub)) #{} #{1} #{2} #{1} #{1} #{1 3} #{nil} #{false} #{false} #{nil} #{nil} #{false nil} #{nil 2 3} #{false nil 2 3})) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java clojure_set.clj source code file: |
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