Java example source code file (line_number_examples.clj)
The line_number_examples.clj Java example source code(ns clojure.test-clojure.compilation.line-number-examples "Example code taken from Paul Stadig and updated by Daniel Solano Gómez. Original source at: https://github.com/pjstadig/clojure-line-numbers/blob/master/src/clojure_line_numbers/core.clj" (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashMap))) (defrecord Thing [field ^long primitive]) (defn instance-field "I throw an exception in an instance field form." [] (.field ^Thing (identity nil))) (defn instance-field-reflected "I throw an exception in an instance field form." [] (.field (identity nil))) (defn instance-field-unboxed "I throw an exception in an instance field form." ^long [] (.primitive ^Thing (identity nil))) (defn instance-field-assign "I throw an exception in an instance field assignment form." [] (set! (.field ^Thing (identity nil)) (identity nil))) (defn instance-field-assign-reflected "I throw an exception in an instance field assignment form." [] (set! (.field (identity nil)) (identity nil))) (defn static-field-assign "I throw an exception in a static field assignment form." [] (set! PersistentHashMap/EMPTY (identity nil))) (defn instance-method "I throw an exception in an instance method form." [] (.without ^PersistentHashMap (identity nil) :key)) (defn instance-method-reflected "I throw an exception in an instance method form." [] (.without (identity nil) :key)) (defn instance-method-unboxed "I throw an exception in an instance method form." ^long [] (.count ^PersistentHashMap (identity nil))) (defn static-method "I throw an exception in a static method form." [] (PersistentHashMap/create ^java.util.Map (identity nil))) (defn static-method-reflected "I throw an exception in a static method form." [] (String/copyValueOf (identity nil))) (defn static-method-unboxed "I throw an exception in a static method form." ^long [] (Long/parseLong ^String (identity nil))) (defn invoke "I throw an exception in an invoke form." [] ((identity nil) (identity nil))) (defn threading "I throw an exception in a threading form." [] (-> :foo (identity) (identity) ((identity nil)) (identity) (identity))) (defn keyword-invoke "I throw an exception in a keyword invoke." [] (letfn [(get-map [] (let [t (transient {})] (persistent! t) t))] (:foo (get-map)))) (defn invoke-cast "I throw an exception casting to IFn in an invoke form." [] ;; This code formatting is intentional. ( (identity 1) (identity nil))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java line_number_examples.clj source code file: |
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