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Java example source code file (line_number_examples.clj)

This example Java source code file (line_number_examples.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

daniel, example, ifn, long/parselong, original, persistenthashmap, persistenthashmap/create, persistenthashmap/empty, solano, stadig, string/copyvalueof, thing, this

The line_number_examples.clj Java example source code

(ns clojure.test-clojure.compilation.line-number-examples
  "Example code taken from Paul Stadig and updated by Daniel Solano Gómez.

  Original source at:"
  (:import (clojure.lang PersistentHashMap)))

(defrecord Thing [field ^long primitive])

(defn instance-field
  "I throw an exception in an instance field form."
   ^Thing (identity nil)))

(defn instance-field-reflected
  "I throw an exception in an instance field form."
   (identity nil)))

(defn instance-field-unboxed
  "I throw an exception in an instance field form."
  ^long []
   ^Thing (identity nil)))

(defn instance-field-assign
  "I throw an exception in an instance field assignment form."
    ^Thing (identity nil))
   (identity nil)))

(defn instance-field-assign-reflected
  "I throw an exception in an instance field assignment form."
    (identity nil))
   (identity nil)))

(defn static-field-assign
  "I throw an exception in a static field assignment form."
   (identity nil)))

(defn instance-method
  "I throw an exception in an instance method form."
   ^PersistentHashMap (identity nil)

(defn instance-method-reflected
  "I throw an exception in an instance method form."
   (identity nil)

(defn instance-method-unboxed
  "I throw an exception in an instance method form."
  ^long []
   ^PersistentHashMap (identity nil)))

(defn static-method
  "I throw an exception in a static method form."
   ^java.util.Map (identity nil)))

(defn static-method-reflected
  "I throw an exception in a static method form."
   (identity nil)))

(defn static-method-unboxed
  "I throw an exception in a static method form."
  ^long []
   ^String (identity nil)))

(defn invoke
  "I throw an exception in an invoke form."
  ((identity nil)
   (identity nil)))

(defn threading
  "I throw an exception in a threading form."
  (-> :foo
      ((identity nil))

(defn keyword-invoke
  "I throw an exception in a keyword invoke."
  (letfn [(get-map []
            (let [t (transient {})]
              (persistent! t)

(defn invoke-cast
  "I throw an exception casting to IFn in an invoke form."
  ;; This code formatting is intentional.
   (identity 1)
   (identity nil)))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java line_number_examples.clj source code file:

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