Java example source code file (def.clj)
The def.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. (ns clojure.test-clojure.def (:use clojure.test clojure.test-helper clojure.test-clojure.protocols)) (deftest defn-error-messages (testing "multiarity syntax invalid parameter declaration" (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"Parameter declaration \"arg1\" should be a vector" (eval-in-temp-ns (defn foo (arg1 arg2)))))) (testing "multiarity syntax invalid signature" (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"Invalid signature \"\[a b\]\" should be a list" (eval-in-temp-ns (defn foo ([a] 1) [a b]))))) (testing "assume single arity syntax" (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"Parameter declaration \"a\" should be a vector" (eval-in-temp-ns (defn foo a))))) (testing "bad name" (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"First argument to defn must be a symbol" (eval-in-temp-ns (defn "bad docstring" testname [arg1 arg2]))))) (testing "missing parameter/signature" (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"Parameter declaration missing" (eval-in-temp-ns (defn testname))))) (testing "allow trailing map" (is (eval-in-temp-ns (defn a "asdf" ([a] 1) {:a :b})))) (testing "don't allow interleaved map" (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"Invalid signature \"\{:a :b\}\" should be a list" (eval-in-temp-ns (defn a "asdf" ([a] 1) {:a :b} ([] 1))))))) (deftest non-dynamic-warnings (testing "no warning for **" (is (empty? (with-err-print-writer (eval-in-temp-ns (defn ** ([a b] (Math/pow (double a) (double b))))))))) (testing "warning for *hello*" (is (not (empty? (with-err-print-writer (eval-in-temp-ns (def *hello* "hi")))))))) (deftest dynamic-redefinition ;; too many contextual things for this kind of caching to work... (testing "classes are never cached, even if their bodies are the same" (is (= :b (eval '(do (defmacro my-macro [] :a) (defn do-macro [] (my-macro)) (defmacro my-macro [] :b) (defn do-macro [] (my-macro)) (do-macro))))))) (deftest nested-dynamic-declaration (testing "vars :dynamic meta data is applied immediately to vars declared anywhere" (is (= 10 (eval '(do (list (declare ^:dynamic p) (defn q [] @p)) (binding [p (atom 10)] (q)))))))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java def.clj source code file: |
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