Java example source code file (genclass.clj)
The genclass.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. (ns ^{:doc "Tests for clojure.core/gen-class" :author "Stuart Halloway, Daniel Solano Gómez"} clojure.test-clojure.genclass (:use clojure.test clojure.test-helper) (:require clojure.test_clojure.genclass.examples) (:import [clojure.test_clojure.genclass.examples ExampleClass ExampleAnnotationClass ProtectedFinalTester ArrayDefInterface ArrayGenInterface] [java.lang.annotation ElementType Retention RetentionPolicy Target])) (deftest arg-support (let [example (ExampleClass.) o (Object.)] (is (= "foo with o, o" (.foo example o o))) (is (= "foo with o, i" (.foo example o (int 1)))) (is (thrown? java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException (.foo example o))))) (deftest name-munging (testing "mapping from Java fields to Clojure vars" (is (= #'clojure.test-clojure.genclass.examples/-foo-Object-int (get-field ExampleClass 'foo_Object_int__var))) (is (= #'clojure.test-clojure.genclass.examples/-toString (get-field ExampleClass 'toString__var))))) ;todo - fix this, it depends on the order of things out of a hash-map #_(deftest test-annotations (let [annot-class ExampleAnnotationClass foo-method (.getDeclaredMethod annot-class "foo" (into-array [String]))] (testing "Class annotations:" (is (= 2 (count (.getDeclaredAnnotations annot-class)))) (testing "@Deprecated" (let [deprecated (.getAnnotation annot-class Deprecated)] (is deprecated))) (testing "@Target([])" (let [resource (.getAnnotation annot-class Target)] (is (= 0 (count (.value resource))))))) (testing "Method annotations:" (testing "@Deprecated void foo(String):" (is (= 1 (count (.getDeclaredAnnotations foo-method)))) (is (.getAnnotation foo-method Deprecated)))) (testing "Parameter annotations:" (let [param-annots (.getParameterAnnotations foo-method)] (is (= 1 (alength param-annots))) (let [first-param-annots (aget param-annots 0)] (is (= 2 (alength first-param-annots))) (testing "void foo(@Retention(…) String)" (let [retention (aget first-param-annots 0)] (is (instance? Retention retention)) (= RetentionPolicy/SOURCE (.value retention)))) (testing "void foo(@Target(…) String)" (let [target (aget first-param-annots 1)] (is (instance? Target target)) (is (= [ElementType/TYPE ElementType/PARAMETER] (seq (.value target))))))))))) (deftest genclass-option-validation (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"Not a valid method name: has-hyphen" (@#'clojure.core/validate-generate-class-options {:methods '[[fine [] void] [has-hyphen [] void]]})))) (deftest protected-final-access (let [obj (ProtectedFinalTester.)] (testing "Protected final method visibility" (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (.findSystemClass obj "java.lang.String")))) (testing "Allow exposition of protected final method." (is (= String (.superFindSystemClass obj "java.lang.String")))))) (deftest interface-array-type-hints (let [array-types {:ints (class (int-array 0)) :bytes (class (byte-array 0)) :shorts (class (short-array 0)) :chars (class (char-array 0)) :longs (class (long-array 0)) :floats (class (float-array 0)) :doubles (class (double-array 0)) :booleans (class (boolean-array 0)) :maps (class (into-array java.util.Map []))} array-types (assoc array-types :maps-2d (class (into-array (:maps array-types) []))) method-with-name (fn [name methods] (first (filter #(= name (.getName %)) methods))) parameter-type (fn [method] (first (.getParameterTypes method))) return-type (fn [method] (.getReturnType method))] (testing "definterface" (let [method-with-name #(method-with-name % (.getMethods ArrayDefInterface))] (testing "sugar primitive array hints" (are [name type] (= (type array-types) (parameter-type (method-with-name name))) "takesByteArray" :bytes "takesCharArray" :chars "takesShortArray" :shorts "takesIntArray" :ints "takesLongArray" :longs "takesFloatArray" :floats "takesDoubleArray" :doubles "takesBooleanArray" :booleans)) (testing "raw primitive array hints" (are [name type] (= (type array-types) (return-type (method-with-name name))) "returnsByteArray" :bytes "returnsCharArray" :chars "returnsShortArray" :shorts "returnsIntArray" :ints "returnsLongArray" :longs "returnsFloatArray" :floats "returnsDoubleArray" :doubles "returnsBooleanArray" :booleans)))) (testing "gen-interface" (let [method-with-name #(method-with-name % (.getMethods ArrayGenInterface))] (testing "sugar primitive array hints" (are [name type] (= (type array-types) (parameter-type (method-with-name name))) "takesByteArray" :bytes "takesCharArray" :chars "takesShortArray" :shorts "takesIntArray" :ints "takesLongArray" :longs "takesFloatArray" :floats "takesDoubleArray" :doubles "takesBooleanArray" :booleans)) (testing "raw primitive array hints" (are [name type] (= (type array-types) (return-type (method-with-name name))) "returnsByteArray" :bytes "returnsCharArray" :chars "returnsShortArray" :shorts "returnsIntArray" :ints "returnsLongArray" :longs "returnsFloatArray" :floats "returnsDoubleArray" :doubles "returnsBooleanArray" :booleans)))))) (deftest gen-interface-source-file (let [classReader (clojure.asm.ClassReader. "clojure.test_clojure.genclass.examples.ArrayGenInterface") sourceFile (StringBuilder.) sourceVisitor (proxy [clojure.asm.ClassVisitor] [clojure.asm.Opcodes/ASM4 nil] (visitSource [source debug] (.append sourceFile source)))] (.accept classReader sourceVisitor 0) (is (= "examples.clj" (str sourceFile))))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java genclass.clj source code file: |
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