Java example source code file (java_interop.clj)
The java_interop.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ; Author: Frantisek Sodomka (ns clojure.test-clojure.java-interop (:use clojure.test)) ; http://clojure.org/java_interop ; http://clojure.org/compilation (deftest test-dot ; (.instanceMember instance args*) (are [x] (= x "FRED") (.toUpperCase "fred") (. "fred" toUpperCase) (. "fred" (toUpperCase)) ) (are [x] (= x true) (.startsWith "abcde" "ab") (. "abcde" startsWith "ab") (. "abcde" (startsWith "ab")) ) ; (.instanceMember Classname args*) (are [x] (= x "java.lang.String") (.getName String) (. (identity String) getName) (. (identity String) (getName)) ) ; (Classname/staticMethod args*) (are [x] (= x 7) (Math/abs -7) (. Math abs -7) (. Math (abs -7)) ) ; (. target -prop) (let [p (java.awt.Point. 1 2)] (are [x y] (= x y) 1 (.-x p) 2 (.-y p) 1 (. p -x) 2 (. p -y) 1 (. (java.awt.Point. 1 2) -x) 2 (. (java.awt.Point. 1 2) -y))) ; Classname/staticField (are [x] (= x 2147483647) Integer/MAX_VALUE (. Integer MAX_VALUE) )) (definterface I (a [])) (deftype T [a] I (a [_] "method")) (deftest test-reflective-field-name-ambiguous (let [t (->T "field")] (is (= "method" (. ^T t a))) (is (= "field" (. ^T t -a))) (is (= "method" (. t a))) (is (= "field" (. t -a))) (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (. t -BOGUS))))) (deftest test-double-dot (is (= (.. System (getProperties) (get "os.name")) (. (. System (getProperties)) (get "os.name"))))) (deftest test-doto (let [m (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "a" 1) (.put "b" 2))] (are [x y] (= x y) (class m) java.util.HashMap m {"a" 1 "b" 2} ))) (deftest test-new ; Integer (are [expr cls value] (and (= (class expr) cls) (= expr value)) (new java.lang.Integer 42) java.lang.Integer 42 (java.lang.Integer. 123) java.lang.Integer 123 ) ; Date (are [x] (= (class x) java.util.Date) (new java.util.Date) (java.util.Date.) )) (deftest test-instance? ; evaluation (are [x y] (= x y) (instance? java.lang.Integer (+ 1 2)) false (instance? java.lang.Long (+ 1 2)) true ) ; different types (are [type literal] (instance? literal type) 1 java.lang.Long 1.0 java.lang.Double 1M java.math.BigDecimal \a java.lang.Character "a" java.lang.String ) ; it is a Long, nothing else (are [x y] (= (instance? x 42) y) java.lang.Integer false java.lang.Long true java.lang.Character false java.lang.String false ) ; test compiler macro (is (let [Long String] (instance? Long "abc"))) (is (thrown? clojure.lang.ArityException (instance? Long)))) ; set! (defprotocol p (f [_])) (deftype t [^:unsynchronized-mutable x] p (f [_] (set! (.x _) 1))) (deftest test-set! (is (= 1 (f (t. 1))))) ; memfn (deftest test-bean (let [b (bean java.awt.Color/black)] (are [x y] (= x y) (map? b) true (:red b) 0 (:green b) 0 (:blue b) 0 (:RGB b) -16777216 (:alpha b) 255 (:transparency b) 1 (:missing b) nil (:missing b :default) :default (get b :missing) nil (get b :missing :default) :default (:class b) java.awt.Color ))) (deftest test-iterable-bean (is (.iterator ^Iterable (bean (java.util.Date.)))) (is (hash (bean (java.util.Date.))))) ; proxy, proxy-super (deftest test-proxy-chain (testing "That the proxy functions can chain" (are [x y] (= x y) (-> (get-proxy-class Object) construct-proxy (init-proxy {}) (update-proxy {"toString" (fn [_] "chain chain chain")}) str) "chain chain chain" (-> (proxy [Object] [] (toString [] "superfuzz bigmuff")) (update-proxy {"toString" (fn [_] "chain chain chain")}) str) "chain chain chain"))) (deftest test-bases (are [x y] (= x y) (bases java.lang.Math) (list java.lang.Object) (bases java.util.Collection) (list java.lang.Iterable) (bases java.lang.Object) nil (bases java.lang.Comparable) nil (bases java.lang.Integer) (list java.lang.Number java.lang.Comparable) )) (deftest test-supers (are [x y] (= x y) (supers java.lang.Math) #{java.lang.Object} (supers java.lang.Integer) #{java.lang.Number java.lang.Object java.lang.Comparable java.io.Serializable} )) (deftest test-proxy-super (let [d (proxy [java.util.BitSet] [] (flip [bitIndex] (try (proxy-super flip bitIndex) (catch IndexOutOfBoundsException e (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "replaced"))))))] ;; normal call (is (nil? (.flip d 0))) ;; exception should use proxied form and return IllegalArg (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (.flip d -1))) ;; same behavior on second call (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (.flip d -1))))) ;; http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-1657 (deftest test-proxy-abstract-super (let [p (proxy [java.io.Writer] [])] (is (thrown? UnsupportedOperationException (.close p))))) ; Arrays: [alength] aget aset [make-array to-array into-array to-array-2d aclone] ; [float-array, int-array, etc] ; amap, areduce (defmacro deftest-type-array [type-array type] `(deftest ~(symbol (str "test-" type-array)) ; correct type #_(is (= (class (first (~type-array [1 2]))) (class (~type 1)))) ; given size (and empty) (are [x] (and (= (alength (~type-array x)) x) (= (vec (~type-array x)) (repeat x 0))) 0 1 5 ) ; copy of a sequence (are [x] (and (= (alength (~type-array x)) (count x)) (= (vec (~type-array x)) x)) [] [1] [1 -2 3 0 5] ) ; given size and init-value (are [x] (and (= (alength (~type-array x 42)) x) (= (vec (~type-array x 42)) (repeat x 42))) 0 1 5 ) ; given size and init-seq (are [x y z] (and (= (alength (~type-array x y)) x) (= (vec (~type-array x y)) z)) 0 [] [] 0 [1] [] 0 [1 2 3] [] 1 [] [0] 1 [1] [1] 1 [1 2 3] [1] 5 [] [0 0 0 0 0] 5 [1] [1 0 0 0 0] 5 [1 2 3] [1 2 3 0 0] 5 [1 2 3 4 5] [1 2 3 4 5] 5 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] [1 2 3 4 5] ))) (deftest-type-array int-array int) (deftest-type-array long-array long) ;todo, fix, test broken for float/double, should compare to 1.0 2.0 etc #_(deftest-type-array float-array float) #_(deftest-type-array double-array double) ; separate test for exceptions (doesn't work with above macro...) (deftest test-type-array-exceptions (are [x] (thrown? NegativeArraySizeException x) (int-array -1) (long-array -1) (float-array -1) (double-array -1) )) (deftest test-make-array ; negative size (is (thrown? NegativeArraySizeException (make-array Integer -1))) ; one-dimensional (are [x] (= (alength (make-array Integer x)) x) 0 1 5 ) (let [a (make-array Long 5)] (aset a 3 42) (are [x y] (= x y) (aget a 3) 42 (class (aget a 3)) Long )) ; multi-dimensional (let [a (make-array Long 3 2 4)] (aset a 0 1 2 987) (are [x y] (= x y) (alength a) 3 (alength (first a)) 2 (alength (first (first a))) 4 (aget a 0 1 2) 987 (class (aget a 0 1 2)) Long ))) (deftest test-to-array (let [v [1 "abc" :kw \c []] a (to-array v)] (are [x y] (= x y) ; length (alength a) (count v) ; content (vec a) v (class (aget a 0)) (class (nth v 0)) (class (aget a 1)) (class (nth v 1)) (class (aget a 2)) (class (nth v 2)) (class (aget a 3)) (class (nth v 3)) (class (aget a 4)) (class (nth v 4)) )) ; different kinds of collections (are [x] (and (= (alength (to-array x)) (count x)) (= (vec (to-array x)) (vec x))) () '(1 2) [] [1 2] (sorted-set) (sorted-set 1 2) (int-array 0) (int-array [1 2 3]) (to-array []) (to-array [1 2 3]) )) (defn queue [& contents] (apply conj (clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY) contents)) (defn array-typed-equals [expected actual] (and (= (class expected) (class actual)) (java.util.Arrays/equals expected actual))) (defmacro test-to-passed-array-for [collection-type] `(deftest ~(symbol (str "test-to-passed-array-for-" collection-type)) (let [string-array# (make-array String 5) shorter# (~collection-type "1" "2" "3") same-length# (~collection-type "1" "2" "3" "4" "5") longer# (~collection-type "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6")] (are [expected actual] (array-typed-equals expected actual) (into-array String ["1" "2" "3" nil nil]) (.toArray shorter# string-array#) (into-array String ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"]) (.toArray same-length# string-array#) (into-array String ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6"]) (.toArray longer# string-array#))))) (test-to-passed-array-for vector) (test-to-passed-array-for list) ;;(test-to-passed-array-for hash-set) (test-to-passed-array-for queue) (deftest test-into-array ; compatible types only (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (into-array [1 "abc" :kw]))) (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (into-array [1.2 4]))) (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (into-array [(byte 2) (short 3)]))) (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (into-array Byte/TYPE [100000000000000]))) ; simple case (let [v [1 2 3 4 5] a (into-array v)] (are [x y] (= x y) (alength a) (count v) (vec a) v (class (first a)) (class (first v)) )) (is (= \a (aget (into-array Character/TYPE [\a \b \c]) 0))) (is (= [nil 1 2] (seq (into-array [nil 1 2])))) (let [types [Integer/TYPE Byte/TYPE Float/TYPE Short/TYPE Double/TYPE Long/TYPE] values [(byte 2) (short 3) (int 4) 5]] (for [t types] (let [a (into-array t values)] (is (== (aget a 0) 2)) (is (== (aget a 1) 3)) (is (== (aget a 2) 4)) (is (== (aget a 3) 5))))) ; different kinds of collections (are [x] (and (= (alength (into-array x)) (count x)) (= (vec (into-array x)) (vec x)) (= (alength (into-array Long/TYPE x)) (count x)) (= (vec (into-array Long/TYPE x)) (vec x))) () '(1 2) [] [1 2] (sorted-set) (sorted-set 1 2) (int-array 0) (int-array [1 2 3]) (to-array []) (to-array [1 2 3]) )) (deftest test-to-array-2d ; needs to be a collection of collection(s) (is (thrown? Exception (to-array-2d [1 2 3]))) ; ragged array (let [v [[1] [2 3] [4 5 6]] a (to-array-2d v)] (are [x y] (= x y) (alength a) (count v) (alength (aget a 0)) (count (nth v 0)) (alength (aget a 1)) (count (nth v 1)) (alength (aget a 2)) (count (nth v 2)) (vec (aget a 0)) (nth v 0) (vec (aget a 1)) (nth v 1) (vec (aget a 2)) (nth v 2) )) ; empty array (let [a (to-array-2d [])] (are [x y] (= x y) (alength a) 0 (vec a) [] ))) (deftest test-alength (are [x] (= (alength x) 0) (int-array 0) (long-array 0) (float-array 0) (double-array 0) (boolean-array 0) (byte-array 0) (char-array 0) (short-array 0) (make-array Integer/TYPE 0) (to-array []) (into-array []) (to-array-2d []) ) (are [x] (= (alength x) 1) (int-array 1) (long-array 1) (float-array 1) (double-array 1) (boolean-array 1) (byte-array 1) (char-array 1) (short-array 1) (make-array Integer/TYPE 1) (to-array [1]) (into-array [1]) (to-array-2d [[1]]) ) (are [x] (= (alength x) 3) (int-array 3) (long-array 3) (float-array 3) (double-array 3) (boolean-array 3) (byte-array 3) (char-array 3) (short-array 3) (make-array Integer/TYPE 3) (to-array [1 "a" :k]) (into-array [1 2 3]) (to-array-2d [[1] [2 3] [4 5 6]]) )) (deftest test-aclone ; clone all arrays except 2D (are [x] (and (= (alength (aclone x)) (alength x)) (= (vec (aclone x)) (vec x))) (int-array 0) (long-array 0) (float-array 0) (double-array 0) (boolean-array 0) (byte-array 0) (char-array 0) (short-array 0) (make-array Integer/TYPE 0) (to-array []) (into-array []) (int-array [1 2 3]) (long-array [1 2 3]) (float-array [1 2 3]) (double-array [1 2 3]) (boolean-array [true false]) (byte-array [(byte 1) (byte 2)]) (byte-array [1 2]) (byte-array 2 [1 2]) (char-array [\a \b \c]) (short-array [(short 1) (short 2)]) (short-array [1 2]) (short-array 2 [1 2]) (make-array Integer/TYPE 3) (to-array [1 "a" :k]) (into-array [1 2 3]) ) ; clone 2D (are [x] (and (= (alength (aclone x)) (alength x)) (= (map alength (aclone x)) (map alength x)) (= (map vec (aclone x)) (map vec x))) (to-array-2d []) (to-array-2d [[1] [2 3] [4 5 6]]) )) ; Type Hints, *warn-on-reflection* ; #^ints, #^floats, #^longs, #^doubles ; Coercions: [int, long, float, double, char, boolean, short, byte] ; num ; ints/longs/floats/doubles (deftest test-boolean (are [x y] (and (instance? java.lang.Boolean (boolean x)) (= (boolean x) y)) nil false false false true true 0 true 1 true () true [1] true "" true \space true :kw true )) (deftest test-char ; int -> char (is (instance? java.lang.Character (char 65))) ; char -> char (is (instance? java.lang.Character (char \a))) (is (= (char \a) \a))) ;; Note: More coercions in numbers.clj Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java java_interop.clj source code file: |
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