Java example source code file (hash_collisions.clj)
The hash_collisions.clj Java example source code(ns clojure.test-clojure.protocols.hash-collisions (:use clojure.test)) (defprotocol TestProtocolA (method-a [this] "Test method A")) (defprotocol TestProtocolB (method-b [this] "Test method B")) (deftype TestType1 []) (deftype TestType2 []) (deftype TestType3 []) (deftype TestType4 []) (deftype TestType5 []) (deftype TestType6 []) (deftype TestType7 []) (deftype TestType8 []) (deftype TestType9 []) (deftype TestType10 []) (deftype TestType11 []) (deftype TestType12 []) (deftype TestType13 []) (deftype TestType14 []) (deftype TestType15 []) (def original-hash hash) (defn colliding-hash "Mock hash function which returns identical hash codes for the classes TestType1 and TestType2, normal hashes for everything else." [x] (if (or (= x TestType1) (= x TestType2)) 999 ;; artificial hash code, to cause a collision (original-hash x))) (deftest protocols-with-hash-collisions (with-redefs [hash colliding-hash] (extend TestType1 TestProtocolA {:method-a (constantly 1)}) (extend TestType2 TestProtocolA {:method-a (constantly 2)}) (is (= 1 (method-a (TestType1.)))) (is (= 2 (method-a (TestType2.)))))) (defn no-min-hash-in-13-bits "Mock hash function which returns hash codes for the classes TestType1 through TestType15 such that they cannot be compressed into a 13-bit min-hash table. Returns normal hashes for everything else." [x] (cond (= x TestType1) 1 (= x TestType2) 2 (= x TestType3) 4 (= x TestType4) 8 (= x TestType5) 16 (= x TestType6) 32 (= x TestType7) 64 (= x TestType8) 128 (= x TestType9) 256 (= x TestType10) 512 (= x TestType11) 1024 (= x TestType12) 2048 (= x TestType13) 4096 (= x TestType14) 8192 (= x TestType15) 16384 :else (original-hash x))) (deftest protocols-with-no-min-hash-in-13-bits (with-redefs [hash no-min-hash-in-13-bits] (extend TestType1 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 1)}) (extend TestType2 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 2)}) (extend TestType3 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 3)}) (extend TestType4 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 4)}) (extend TestType5 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 5)}) (extend TestType6 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 6)}) (extend TestType7 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 7)}) (extend TestType8 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 8)}) (extend TestType9 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 9)}) (extend TestType10 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 10)}) (extend TestType11 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 11)}) (extend TestType12 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 12)}) (extend TestType13 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 13)}) (extend TestType14 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 14)}) (extend TestType15 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 15)}) (is (= 1 (method-b (TestType1.)))) (is (= 2 (method-b (TestType2.)))) (is (= 3 (method-b (TestType3.)))) (is (= 4 (method-b (TestType4.)))) (is (= 5 (method-b (TestType5.)))) (is (= 6 (method-b (TestType6.)))) (is (= 7 (method-b (TestType7.)))) (is (= 8 (method-b (TestType8.)))) (is (= 9 (method-b (TestType9.)))) (is (= 10 (method-b (TestType10.)))) (is (= 11 (method-b (TestType11.)))) (is (= 12 (method-b (TestType12.)))) (is (= 13 (method-b (TestType13.)))) (is (= 14 (method-b (TestType14.)))) (is (= 15 (method-b (TestType15.)))))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java hash_collisions.clj source code file: |
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