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Java example source code file (hash_collisions.clj)

This example Java source code file (hash_collisions.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

testprotocolb, testtype1, testtype10, testtype11, testtype12, testtype14, testtype15, testtype2, testtype3, testtype4, testtype5, testtype6, testtype7, testtype9

The hash_collisions.clj Java example source code

(ns clojure.test-clojure.protocols.hash-collisions
  (:use clojure.test))

(defprotocol TestProtocolA
  (method-a [this] "Test method A"))

(defprotocol TestProtocolB
  (method-b [this] "Test method B"))

(deftype TestType1 [])
(deftype TestType2 [])
(deftype TestType3 [])
(deftype TestType4 [])
(deftype TestType5 [])
(deftype TestType6 [])
(deftype TestType7 [])
(deftype TestType8 [])
(deftype TestType9 [])
(deftype TestType10 [])
(deftype TestType11 [])
(deftype TestType12 [])
(deftype TestType13 [])
(deftype TestType14 [])
(deftype TestType15 [])

(def original-hash hash)

(defn colliding-hash
  "Mock hash function which returns identical hash codes for the
  classes TestType1 and TestType2, normal hashes for everything else."
  (if (or (= x TestType1) (= x TestType2))
    999 ;; artificial hash code, to cause a collision
    (original-hash x)))

(deftest protocols-with-hash-collisions
  (with-redefs [hash colliding-hash]
    (extend TestType1 TestProtocolA {:method-a (constantly 1)})
    (extend TestType2 TestProtocolA {:method-a (constantly 2)})
    (is (= 1 (method-a (TestType1.))))
    (is (= 2 (method-a (TestType2.))))))

(defn no-min-hash-in-13-bits
  "Mock hash function which returns hash codes for the classes
  TestType1 through TestType15 such that they cannot be compressed
  into a 13-bit min-hash table. Returns normal hashes for everything
   (= x TestType1) 1
   (= x TestType2) 2
   (= x TestType3) 4
   (= x TestType4) 8
   (= x TestType5) 16
   (= x TestType6) 32
   (= x TestType7) 64
   (= x TestType8) 128
   (= x TestType9) 256
   (= x TestType10) 512
   (= x TestType11) 1024
   (= x TestType12) 2048
   (= x TestType13) 4096
   (= x TestType14) 8192
   (= x TestType15) 16384
   :else (original-hash x)))

(deftest protocols-with-no-min-hash-in-13-bits
  (with-redefs [hash no-min-hash-in-13-bits]
    (extend TestType1 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 1)})
    (extend TestType2 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 2)})
    (extend TestType3 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 3)})
    (extend TestType4 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 4)})
    (extend TestType5 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 5)})
    (extend TestType6 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 6)})
    (extend TestType7 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 7)})
    (extend TestType8 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 8)})
    (extend TestType9 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 9)})
    (extend TestType10 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 10)})
    (extend TestType11 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 11)})
    (extend TestType12 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 12)})
    (extend TestType13 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 13)})
    (extend TestType14 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 14)})
    (extend TestType15 TestProtocolB {:method-b (constantly 15)})
    (is (= 1 (method-b (TestType1.))))
    (is (= 2 (method-b (TestType2.))))
    (is (= 3 (method-b (TestType3.))))
    (is (= 4 (method-b (TestType4.))))
    (is (= 5 (method-b (TestType5.))))
    (is (= 6 (method-b (TestType6.))))
    (is (= 7 (method-b (TestType7.))))
    (is (= 8 (method-b (TestType8.))))
    (is (= 9 (method-b (TestType9.))))
    (is (= 10 (method-b (TestType10.))))
    (is (= 11 (method-b (TestType11.))))
    (is (= 12 (method-b (TestType12.))))
    (is (= 13 (method-b (TestType13.))))
    (is (= 14 (method-b (TestType14.))))
    (is (= 15 (method-b (TestType15.))))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java hash_collisions.clj source code file:

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