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Java example source code file (rt.clj)

This example Java source code file (rt.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The rt.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Author: Stuart Halloway

(ns clojure.test-clojure.rt
  (:require clojure.set)
  (:use clojure.test clojure.test-helper))

(defn bare-rt-print
  "Return string RT would print prior to print-initialize"
     (push-thread-bindings {#'clojure.core/print-initialized false})
     (clojure.lang.RT/print x *out*)

(deftest rt-print-prior-to-print-initialize
  (testing "pattern literals"
    (is (= "#\"foo\"" (bare-rt-print #"foo")))))

(deftest error-messages
  (testing "binding a core var that already refers to something"
     #"WARNING: prefers already refers to: #'clojure.core/prefers in namespace: .*\r?\n"
     (defn prefers [] (throw (RuntimeException. "rebound!")))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve field"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - reference to field blah can't be resolved\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [x] (.blah x))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve field on known class"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - reference to field blah on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [^String x] (.blah x))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because it is missing"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method zap on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved \(no such method\)\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [^String x] (.zap x 1))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because it has incompatible argument types"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method getBytes on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved \(argument types: java\.util\.regex\.Pattern\)\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [^String x] (.getBytes x #"boom"))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because it has unknown argument types"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method getBytes on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved \(argument types: unknown\)\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [^String x y] (.getBytes x y))))
  (testing "reflection error prints correctly for nil arguments"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method divide on java\.math\.BigDecimal can't be resolved \(argument types: unknown, unknown\)\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [a] (.divide 1M a nil))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because target class is unknown"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method zap can't be resolved \(target class is unknown\)\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [x] (.zap x 1))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve static method"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to static method valueOf on java\.lang\.Integer can't be resolved \(argument types: java\.util\.regex\.Pattern\)\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [] (Integer/valueOf #"boom"))))
  (testing "reflection cannot resolve constructor"
     #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to java\.lang\.String ctor can't be resolved\.\r?\n"
     (defn foo [] (String. 1 2 3)))))

(def example-var)
(deftest binding-root-clears-macro-metadata
  (alter-meta! #'example-var assoc :macro true)
  (is (contains? (meta #'example-var) :macro))
  (.bindRoot #'example-var 0)
  (is (not (contains? (meta #'example-var) :macro))))

(deftest last-var-wins-for-core
  (testing "you can replace a core name, with warning"
    (let [ns (temp-ns)
        replacement (gensym)]
      (with-err-string-writer (intern ns 'prefers replacement))
      (is (= replacement @('prefers (ns-publics ns))))))
  (testing "you can replace a name you defined before"
    (let [ns (temp-ns)
          s (gensym)
          v1 (intern ns 'foo s)
          v2 (intern ns 'bar s)]
      (with-err-string-writer (.refer ns 'flatten v1))
      (.refer ns 'flatten v2)
      (is (= v2 (ns-resolve ns 'flatten)))))
  (testing "you cannot intern over an existing non-core name"
    (let [ns (temp-ns 'clojure.set)
          replacement (gensym)]
      (is (thrown? IllegalStateException
                   (intern ns 'subset? replacement)))
      (is (nil? ('subset? (ns-publics ns))))
      (is (= #'clojure.set/subset? ('subset? (ns-refers ns))))))
  (testing "you cannot refer over an existing non-core name"
    (let [ns (temp-ns 'clojure.set)
          replacement (gensym)]
      (is (thrown? IllegalStateException
                   (.refer ns 'subset? #'clojure.set/intersection)))
      (is (nil? ('subset? (ns-publics ns))))
      (is (= #'clojure.set/subset? ('subset? (ns-refers ns)))))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

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