Java example source code file (rt.clj)
The rt.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ; Author: Stuart Halloway (ns clojure.test-clojure.rt (:require clojure.set) (:use clojure.test clojure.test-helper)) (defn bare-rt-print "Return string RT would print prior to print-initialize" [x] (with-out-str (try (push-thread-bindings {#'clojure.core/print-initialized false}) (clojure.lang.RT/print x *out*) (finally (pop-thread-bindings))))) (deftest rt-print-prior-to-print-initialize (testing "pattern literals" (is (= "#\"foo\"" (bare-rt-print #"foo"))))) (deftest error-messages (testing "binding a core var that already refers to something" (should-print-err-message #"WARNING: prefers already refers to: #'clojure.core/prefers in namespace: .*\r?\n" (defn prefers [] (throw (RuntimeException. "rebound!"))))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve field" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - reference to field blah can't be resolved\.\r?\n" (defn foo [x] (.blah x)))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve field on known class" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - reference to field blah on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved\.\r?\n" (defn foo [^String x] (.blah x)))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because it is missing" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method zap on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved \(no such method\)\.\r?\n" (defn foo [^String x] (.zap x 1)))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because it has incompatible argument types" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method getBytes on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved \(argument types: java\.util\.regex\.Pattern\)\.\r?\n" (defn foo [^String x] (.getBytes x #"boom")))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because it has unknown argument types" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method getBytes on java\.lang\.String can't be resolved \(argument types: unknown\)\.\r?\n" (defn foo [^String x y] (.getBytes x y)))) (testing "reflection error prints correctly for nil arguments" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method divide on java\.math\.BigDecimal can't be resolved \(argument types: unknown, unknown\)\.\r?\n" (defn foo [a] (.divide 1M a nil)))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve instance method because target class is unknown" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to method zap can't be resolved \(target class is unknown\)\.\r?\n" (defn foo [x] (.zap x 1)))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve static method" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to static method valueOf on java\.lang\.Integer can't be resolved \(argument types: java\.util\.regex\.Pattern\)\.\r?\n" (defn foo [] (Integer/valueOf #"boom")))) (testing "reflection cannot resolve constructor" (should-print-err-message #"Reflection warning, .*:\d+:\d+ - call to java\.lang\.String ctor can't be resolved\.\r?\n" (defn foo [] (String. 1 2 3))))) (def example-var) (deftest binding-root-clears-macro-metadata (alter-meta! #'example-var assoc :macro true) (is (contains? (meta #'example-var) :macro)) (.bindRoot #'example-var 0) (is (not (contains? (meta #'example-var) :macro)))) (deftest last-var-wins-for-core (testing "you can replace a core name, with warning" (let [ns (temp-ns) replacement (gensym)] (with-err-string-writer (intern ns 'prefers replacement)) (is (= replacement @('prefers (ns-publics ns)))))) (testing "you can replace a name you defined before" (let [ns (temp-ns) s (gensym) v1 (intern ns 'foo s) v2 (intern ns 'bar s)] (with-err-string-writer (.refer ns 'flatten v1)) (.refer ns 'flatten v2) (is (= v2 (ns-resolve ns 'flatten))))) (testing "you cannot intern over an existing non-core name" (let [ns (temp-ns 'clojure.set) replacement (gensym)] (is (thrown? IllegalStateException (intern ns 'subset? replacement))) (is (nil? ('subset? (ns-publics ns)))) (is (= #'clojure.set/subset? ('subset? (ns-refers ns)))))) (testing "you cannot refer over an existing non-core name" (let [ns (temp-ns 'clojure.set) replacement (gensym)] (is (thrown? IllegalStateException (.refer ns 'subset? #'clojure.set/intersection))) (is (nil? ('subset? (ns-publics ns)))) (is (= #'clojure.set/subset? ('subset? (ns-refers ns))))))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java rt.clj source code file: |
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