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Java example source code file (transducers.clj)

This example Java source code file (transducers.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The transducers.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Author: Alex Miller

(ns clojure.test-clojure.transducers
  (:require [clojure.string :as s]
            [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [clojure.test.check :as chk]
            [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]
            [ :as prop]
            [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :as ctest]))

(defmacro fbind [source-gen f]
     (fn [s#]
       {:desc (list '~f (:name s#))
        :seq  (partial ~f (:val s#))
        :xf   (~f (:val s#))})

(defmacro pickfn [& fns]
     [~@(for [f fns] `{:val ~f :name '~f})]))

(defn literal
    (fn [s] {:val s :name s})

;; These $ versions are "safe" when used with possibly mixed numbers, sequences, etc

(defn- inc$ [n]
  (if (number? n) (inc n) 1))

(defn- dec$ [n]
  (if (number? n) (dec n) 1))

(defn- odd?$ [n]
  (if (number? n) (odd? n) false))

(defn- pos?$ [n]
  (if (number? n) (pos? n) false))

(defn- empty?$ [s]
  (if (instance? clojure.lang.Seqable s) (empty? s) false))

(def gen-mapfn
  (pickfn inc$ dec$))

(def gen-mapcatfn
  (pickfn vector
          #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Seqable %) (partition-all 3 %) (vector %))))

(def gen-predfn
  (pickfn odd?$ pos?$ empty?$ sequential?))

(def gen-indexedfn
  (pickfn (fn [index item] index)
          (fn [index item] item)
          (fn [index item] (if (number? item) (+ index item) index))))

(def gen-take (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) take))
(def gen-drop (fbind (literal gen/pos-int) drop))
(def gen-drop-while (fbind gen-predfn drop-while))
(def gen-map (fbind gen-mapfn map))
(def gen-mapcat (fbind gen-mapcatfn mapcat))
(def gen-filter (fbind gen-predfn filter))
(def gen-remove (fbind gen-predfn remove))
(def gen-keep (fbind gen-predfn keep))
(def gen-partition-all (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) partition-all))
(def gen-partition-by (fbind gen-predfn partition-by))
(def gen-take-while (fbind gen-predfn take-while))
(def gen-take-nth (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) take-nth))
(def gen-keep-indexed (fbind gen-indexedfn keep-indexed))
(def gen-map-indexed (fbind gen-indexedfn map-indexed))
(def gen-replace (fbind (literal (gen/return (hash-map (range 100) (range 1 100)))) replace))
(def gen-distinct (gen/return {:desc 'distinct :seq (partial distinct) :xf (distinct)}))
(def gen-dedupe (gen/return {:desc 'dedupe :seq (partial dedupe) :xf (dedupe)}))
(def gen-interpose (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) interpose))

(def gen-action
  (gen/one-of [gen-take gen-drop gen-map gen-mapcat
               gen-filter gen-remove gen-keep
               gen-partition-all gen-partition-by gen-take-while
               gen-take-nth gen-drop-while
               gen-keep-indexed gen-map-indexed
               gen-distinct gen-dedupe gen-interpose]))

(def gen-actions
  (gen/vector gen-action 1 5))

(def gen-coll
  (gen/vector gen/int))

(defn apply-as-seq [coll actions]
    (loop [s coll
           [action & actions'] actions]
          (if action
            (recur ((:seq action) s) actions')

(defn apply-as-xf-seq
  [coll actions]
  (doall (sequence (apply comp (map :xf actions)) coll)))

(defn apply-as-xf-into
  [coll actions]
  (into [] (apply comp (map :xf actions)) coll))

(defn apply-as-xf-eduction
  [coll actions]
  (into [] (eduction (apply comp (map :xf actions)) coll)))

(defn apply-as-xf-transduce
  [coll actions]
  (transduce (apply comp (map :xf actions)) conj coll))

(defmacro return-exc [& forms]
  `(try ~@forms (catch Throwable e# e#)))

(defn build-results
  [coll actions]
  (let [s (return-exc (apply-as-seq coll actions))
        xs (return-exc (apply-as-xf-seq coll actions))
        xi (return-exc (apply-as-xf-into coll actions))
        xe (return-exc (apply-as-xf-eduction coll actions))
        xt (return-exc (apply-as-xf-transduce coll actions))]
    {:coll    coll
     :actions (concat '(->> coll) (map :desc actions))
     :s       s
     :xs      xs
     :xi      xi
     :xe      xe
     :xt      xt}))

(def result-gen
    (fn [[c a]] (build-results c a))
    (gen/tuple gen-coll gen-actions)))

(defn result-good?
  [{:keys [s xs xi xe xt]}]
  (= s xs xi xe xt))

(deftest seq-and-transducer
  (let [res (chk/quick-check
              (prop/for-all* [result-gen] result-good?))]
    (when-not (:result res)
        (:result res)

(deftest test-transduce
  (let [long+ (fn ([a b] (+ (long a) (long b)))
                ([a] a)
                ([] 0))
        mapinc (map inc)
        mapinclong (map (comp inc long))
        arange (range 100)
        avec (into [] arange)
        alist (into () arange)
        obj-array (into-array arange)
        int-array (into-array Integer/TYPE (map #(Integer. (int %)) arange))
        long-array (into-array Long/TYPE arange)
        float-array (into-array Float/TYPE arange)
        char-array (into-array Character/TYPE (map char arange))
        double-array (into-array Double/TYPE arange)
        byte-array (into-array Byte/TYPE (map byte arange))
        int-vec (into (vector-of :int) arange)
        long-vec (into (vector-of :long) arange)
        float-vec (into (vector-of :float) arange)
        char-vec (into (vector-of :char) (map char arange))
        double-vec (into (vector-of :double) arange)
        byte-vec (into (vector-of :byte) (map byte arange))]
    (is (== 5050
            (transduce mapinc + arange)
            (transduce mapinc + avec)
            (transduce mapinc + alist)
            (transduce mapinc + obj-array)
            (transduce mapinc + int-array)
            (transduce mapinc + long-array)
            (transduce mapinc + float-array)
            (transduce mapinclong + char-array)
            (transduce mapinc + double-array)
            (transduce mapinclong + byte-array)
            (transduce mapinc + int-vec)
            (transduce mapinc + long-vec)
            (transduce mapinc + float-vec)
            (transduce mapinclong + char-vec)
            (transduce mapinc + double-vec)
            (transduce mapinclong + byte-vec)
    (is (== 5051
            (transduce mapinc + 1 arange)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 avec)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 alist)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 obj-array)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 int-array)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 long-array)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 float-array)
            (transduce mapinclong + 1 char-array)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 double-array)
            (transduce mapinclong + 1 byte-array)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 int-vec)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 long-vec)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 float-vec)
            (transduce mapinclong + 1 char-vec)
            (transduce mapinc + 1 double-vec)
            (transduce mapinclong + 1 byte-vec)))))

(deftest test-dedupe
  (are [x y] (= (transduce (dedupe) conj x) y)
             [] []
             [1] [1]
             [1 2 3] [1 2 3]
             [1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1] [1 2 3 1 2 1]
             [1 1 1 2] [1 2]
             [1 1 1 1] [1]

             "" []
             "a" [\a]
             "aaaa" [\a]
             "aabaa" [\a \b \a]
             "abba" [\a \b \a]

             [nil nil nil] [nil]
             [1 1.0 1.0M 1N] [1 1.0 1.0M 1N]
             [0.5 0.5] [0.5]))

(deftest test-cat
  (are [x y] (= (transduce cat conj x) y)
             [] []
             [[1 2]] [1 2]
             [[1 2] [3 4]] [1 2 3 4]
             [[] [3 4]] [3 4]
             [[1 2] []] [1 2]
             [[] []] []
             [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]] [1 2 3 4 5 6]))

(deftest test-partition-all
  (are [n coll y] (= (transduce (partition-all n) conj coll) y)
                  2 [1 2 3] '((1 2) (3))
                  2 [1 2 3 4] '((1 2) (3 4))
                  2 [] ()
                  1 [] ()
                  1 [1 2 3] '((1) (2) (3))
                  5 [1 2 3] '((1 2 3))))

(deftest test-take
  (are [n y] (= (transduce (take n) conj [1 2 3 4 5]) y)
             1 '(1)
             3 '(1 2 3)
             5 '(1 2 3 4 5)
             9 '(1 2 3 4 5)
             0 ()
             -1 ()
             -2 ()))

(deftest test-drop
  (are [n y] (= (transduce (drop n) conj [1 2 3 4 5]) y)
             1 '(2 3 4 5)
             3 '(4 5)
             5 ()
             9 ()
             0 '(1 2 3 4 5)
             -1 '(1 2 3 4 5)
             -2 '(1 2 3 4 5)))

(deftest test-take-nth
  (are [n y] (= (transduce (take-nth n) conj [1 2 3 4 5]) y)
             1 '(1 2 3 4 5)
             2 '(1 3 5)
             3 '(1 4)
             4 '(1 5)
             5 '(1)
             9 '(1)))

(deftest test-take-while
  (are [coll y] (= (transduce (take-while pos?) conj coll) y)
                [] ()
                [1 2 3 4] '(1 2 3 4)
                [1 2 3 -1] '(1 2 3)
                [1 -1 2 3] '(1)
                [-1 1 2 3] ()
                [-1 -2 -3] ()))

(deftest test-drop-while
  (are [coll y] (= (transduce (drop-while pos?) conj coll) y)
                [] ()
                [1 2 3 4] ()
                [1 2 3 -1] '(-1)
                [1 -1 2 3] '(-1 2 3)
                [-1 1 2 3] '(-1 1 2 3)
                [-1 -2 -3] '(-1 -2 -3)))

(deftest test-re-reduced
  (is (= [:a] (transduce (take 1) conj [:a])))
  (is (= [:a] (transduce (comp (take 1) (take 1)) conj [:a])))
  (is (= [:a] (transduce (comp (take 1) (take 1) (take 1)) conj [:a])))
  (is (= [:a] (transduce (comp (take 1) (take 1) (take 1) (take 1)) conj [:a])))
  (is (= [[:a]] (transduce (comp (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)) conj [] [:a])))
  (is (= [[:a]] (sequence (comp (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)) [:a])))
  (is (= [[[:a]]] (sequence (comp (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)  (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)) [:a])))
  (is (= [[0]] (transduce (comp (take 1) (partition-all 3) (take 1)) conj [] (range 15))))
  (is (= [1] (transduce (take 1) conj (seq (long-array [1 2 3 4]))))))

(deftest test-sequence-multi-xform
  (is (= [11 12 13 14] (sequence (map +) [1 2 3 4] (repeat 10))))
  (is (= [11 12 13 14] (sequence (map +) (repeat 10) [1 2 3 4])))
  (is (= [31 32 33 34] (sequence (map +) (repeat 10) (repeat 20) [1 2 3 4]))))

(deftest test-eduction
  (testing "one xform"
    (is (= [1 2 3 4 5]
           (eduction (map inc) (range 5)))))
  (testing "multiple xforms"
    (is (= ["2" "4"]
           (eduction (map inc) (filter even?) (map str) (range 5)))))
  (testing "materialize at the end"
    (is (= [1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4]
          (->> (range 5)
            (eduction (mapcat range) (map inc))
    (is (= [1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4]
          (vec (->> (range 5)
                 (eduction (mapcat range) (map inc))
    (is (= {1 4, 2 3, 3 2, 4 1}
          (->> (range 5)
            (eduction (mapcat range) (map inc))
    (is (= ["drib" "god" "hsif" "kravdraa" "tac"]
          (->> ["cat" "dog" "fish" "bird" "aardvark"]
            (eduction (map clojure.string/reverse))
            (sort-by first)))))
  (testing "expanding transducer with nils"
           (is (= '(1 2 3 nil 4 5 6 nil)
                  (eduction cat [[1 2 3 nil] [4 5 6 nil]])))))

(deftest test-eduction-completion
  (testing "eduction completes inner xformed reducing fn"
    (is (= [[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7]]
           (into []
                 (comp cat (partition-all 3))
                 (eduction (partition-all 5) (range 8))))))
  (testing "outer reducing fn completed only once"
    (let [counter (atom 0)
          ;; outer rfn
          rf      (completing conj #(do (swap! counter inc)
                                        (vec %)))
          coll    (eduction  (map inc) (range 5))
          res     (transduce (map str) rf [] coll)]
      (is (= 1 @counter))
      (is (= ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"] res)))))

(deftest test-run!
  (is (nil? (run! identity [1])))
  (is (nil? (run! reduced (range)))))

(deftest test-distinct
  (are [out in] (= out (sequence (distinct in)) (sequence (distinct) in))
       [] []
       (range 10) (range 10)
       [0] (repeat 10 0)
       [0 1 2] [0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0]
       [1] [1 1N]))

(deftest test-interpose
  (are [out in] (= out (sequence (interpose :s) in))
       [] (range 0)
       [0] (range 1)
       [0 :s 1] (range 2)
       [0 :s 1 :s 2] (range 3))
  (testing "Can end reduction on separator or input"
    (let [expected (interpose :s (range))]
      (dotimes [i 10]
        (is (= (take i expected)
          (sequence (comp (interpose :s) (take i))

(deftest test-map-indexed
  (is (= []
         (sequence (map-indexed vector) [])))
  (is (= [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3] [3 4]]
         (sequence (map-indexed vector) (range 1 5)))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java transducers.clj source code file:

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