Java example source code file (transducers.clj)
The transducers.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ; Author: Alex Miller (ns clojure.test-clojure.transducers (:require [clojure.string :as s] [clojure.test :refer :all] [clojure.test.check :as chk] [clojure.test.check.generators :as gen] [clojure.test.check.properties :as prop] [clojure.test.check.clojure-test :as ctest])) (defmacro fbind [source-gen f] `(gen/fmap (fn [s#] {:desc (list '~f (:name s#)) :seq (partial ~f (:val s#)) :xf (~f (:val s#))}) ~source-gen)) (defmacro pickfn [& fns] `(gen/elements [~@(for [f fns] `{:val ~f :name '~f})])) (defn literal [g] (gen/fmap (fn [s] {:val s :name s}) g)) ;; These $ versions are "safe" when used with possibly mixed numbers, sequences, etc (defn- inc$ [n] (if (number? n) (inc n) 1)) (defn- dec$ [n] (if (number? n) (dec n) 1)) (defn- odd?$ [n] (if (number? n) (odd? n) false)) (defn- pos?$ [n] (if (number? n) (pos? n) false)) (defn- empty?$ [s] (if (instance? clojure.lang.Seqable s) (empty? s) false)) (def gen-mapfn (pickfn inc$ dec$)) (def gen-mapcatfn (pickfn vector #(if (instance? clojure.lang.Seqable %) (partition-all 3 %) (vector %)))) (def gen-predfn (pickfn odd?$ pos?$ empty?$ sequential?)) (def gen-indexedfn (pickfn (fn [index item] index) (fn [index item] item) (fn [index item] (if (number? item) (+ index item) index)))) (def gen-take (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) take)) (def gen-drop (fbind (literal gen/pos-int) drop)) (def gen-drop-while (fbind gen-predfn drop-while)) (def gen-map (fbind gen-mapfn map)) (def gen-mapcat (fbind gen-mapcatfn mapcat)) (def gen-filter (fbind gen-predfn filter)) (def gen-remove (fbind gen-predfn remove)) (def gen-keep (fbind gen-predfn keep)) (def gen-partition-all (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) partition-all)) (def gen-partition-by (fbind gen-predfn partition-by)) (def gen-take-while (fbind gen-predfn take-while)) (def gen-take-nth (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) take-nth)) (def gen-keep-indexed (fbind gen-indexedfn keep-indexed)) (def gen-map-indexed (fbind gen-indexedfn map-indexed)) (def gen-replace (fbind (literal (gen/return (hash-map (range 100) (range 1 100)))) replace)) (def gen-distinct (gen/return {:desc 'distinct :seq (partial distinct) :xf (distinct)})) (def gen-dedupe (gen/return {:desc 'dedupe :seq (partial dedupe) :xf (dedupe)})) (def gen-interpose (fbind (literal gen/s-pos-int) interpose)) (def gen-action (gen/one-of [gen-take gen-drop gen-map gen-mapcat gen-filter gen-remove gen-keep gen-partition-all gen-partition-by gen-take-while gen-take-nth gen-drop-while gen-keep-indexed gen-map-indexed gen-distinct gen-dedupe gen-interpose])) (def gen-actions (gen/vector gen-action 1 5)) (def gen-coll (gen/vector gen/int)) (defn apply-as-seq [coll actions] (doall (loop [s coll [action & actions'] actions] (if action (recur ((:seq action) s) actions') s)))) (defn apply-as-xf-seq [coll actions] (doall (sequence (apply comp (map :xf actions)) coll))) (defn apply-as-xf-into [coll actions] (into [] (apply comp (map :xf actions)) coll)) (defn apply-as-xf-eduction [coll actions] (into [] (eduction (apply comp (map :xf actions)) coll))) (defn apply-as-xf-transduce [coll actions] (transduce (apply comp (map :xf actions)) conj coll)) (defmacro return-exc [& forms] `(try ~@forms (catch Throwable e# e#))) (defn build-results [coll actions] (let [s (return-exc (apply-as-seq coll actions)) xs (return-exc (apply-as-xf-seq coll actions)) xi (return-exc (apply-as-xf-into coll actions)) xe (return-exc (apply-as-xf-eduction coll actions)) xt (return-exc (apply-as-xf-transduce coll actions))] {:coll coll :actions (concat '(->> coll) (map :desc actions)) :s s :xs xs :xi xi :xe xe :xt xt})) (def result-gen (gen/fmap (fn [[c a]] (build-results c a)) (gen/tuple gen-coll gen-actions))) (defn result-good? [{:keys [s xs xi xe xt]}] (= s xs xi xe xt)) (deftest seq-and-transducer (let [res (chk/quick-check 200000 (prop/for-all* [result-gen] result-good?))] (when-not (:result res) (is (:result res) (-> res :shrunk :smallest first clojure.pprint/pprint with-out-str))))) (deftest test-transduce (let [long+ (fn ([a b] (+ (long a) (long b))) ([a] a) ([] 0)) mapinc (map inc) mapinclong (map (comp inc long)) arange (range 100) avec (into [] arange) alist (into () arange) obj-array (into-array arange) int-array (into-array Integer/TYPE (map #(Integer. (int %)) arange)) long-array (into-array Long/TYPE arange) float-array (into-array Float/TYPE arange) char-array (into-array Character/TYPE (map char arange)) double-array (into-array Double/TYPE arange) byte-array (into-array Byte/TYPE (map byte arange)) int-vec (into (vector-of :int) arange) long-vec (into (vector-of :long) arange) float-vec (into (vector-of :float) arange) char-vec (into (vector-of :char) (map char arange)) double-vec (into (vector-of :double) arange) byte-vec (into (vector-of :byte) (map byte arange))] (is (== 5050 (transduce mapinc + arange) (transduce mapinc + avec) (transduce mapinc + alist) (transduce mapinc + obj-array) (transduce mapinc + int-array) (transduce mapinc + long-array) (transduce mapinc + float-array) (transduce mapinclong + char-array) (transduce mapinc + double-array) (transduce mapinclong + byte-array) (transduce mapinc + int-vec) (transduce mapinc + long-vec) (transduce mapinc + float-vec) (transduce mapinclong + char-vec) (transduce mapinc + double-vec) (transduce mapinclong + byte-vec) )) (is (== 5051 (transduce mapinc + 1 arange) (transduce mapinc + 1 avec) (transduce mapinc + 1 alist) (transduce mapinc + 1 obj-array) (transduce mapinc + 1 int-array) (transduce mapinc + 1 long-array) (transduce mapinc + 1 float-array) (transduce mapinclong + 1 char-array) (transduce mapinc + 1 double-array) (transduce mapinclong + 1 byte-array) (transduce mapinc + 1 int-vec) (transduce mapinc + 1 long-vec) (transduce mapinc + 1 float-vec) (transduce mapinclong + 1 char-vec) (transduce mapinc + 1 double-vec) (transduce mapinclong + 1 byte-vec))))) (deftest test-dedupe (are [x y] (= (transduce (dedupe) conj x) y) [] [] [1] [1] [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1] [1 2 3 1 2 1] [1 1 1 2] [1 2] [1 1 1 1] [1] "" [] "a" [\a] "aaaa" [\a] "aabaa" [\a \b \a] "abba" [\a \b \a] [nil nil nil] [nil] [1 1.0 1.0M 1N] [1 1.0 1.0M 1N] [0.5 0.5] [0.5])) (deftest test-cat (are [x y] (= (transduce cat conj x) y) [] [] [[1 2]] [1 2] [[1 2] [3 4]] [1 2 3 4] [[] [3 4]] [3 4] [[1 2] []] [1 2] [[] []] [] [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]] [1 2 3 4 5 6])) (deftest test-partition-all (are [n coll y] (= (transduce (partition-all n) conj coll) y) 2 [1 2 3] '((1 2) (3)) 2 [1 2 3 4] '((1 2) (3 4)) 2 [] () 1 [] () 1 [1 2 3] '((1) (2) (3)) 5 [1 2 3] '((1 2 3)))) (deftest test-take (are [n y] (= (transduce (take n) conj [1 2 3 4 5]) y) 1 '(1) 3 '(1 2 3) 5 '(1 2 3 4 5) 9 '(1 2 3 4 5) 0 () -1 () -2 ())) (deftest test-drop (are [n y] (= (transduce (drop n) conj [1 2 3 4 5]) y) 1 '(2 3 4 5) 3 '(4 5) 5 () 9 () 0 '(1 2 3 4 5) -1 '(1 2 3 4 5) -2 '(1 2 3 4 5))) (deftest test-take-nth (are [n y] (= (transduce (take-nth n) conj [1 2 3 4 5]) y) 1 '(1 2 3 4 5) 2 '(1 3 5) 3 '(1 4) 4 '(1 5) 5 '(1) 9 '(1))) (deftest test-take-while (are [coll y] (= (transduce (take-while pos?) conj coll) y) [] () [1 2 3 4] '(1 2 3 4) [1 2 3 -1] '(1 2 3) [1 -1 2 3] '(1) [-1 1 2 3] () [-1 -2 -3] ())) (deftest test-drop-while (are [coll y] (= (transduce (drop-while pos?) conj coll) y) [] () [1 2 3 4] () [1 2 3 -1] '(-1) [1 -1 2 3] '(-1 2 3) [-1 1 2 3] '(-1 1 2 3) [-1 -2 -3] '(-1 -2 -3))) (deftest test-re-reduced (is (= [:a] (transduce (take 1) conj [:a]))) (is (= [:a] (transduce (comp (take 1) (take 1)) conj [:a]))) (is (= [:a] (transduce (comp (take 1) (take 1) (take 1)) conj [:a]))) (is (= [:a] (transduce (comp (take 1) (take 1) (take 1) (take 1)) conj [:a]))) (is (= [[:a]] (transduce (comp (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)) conj [] [:a]))) (is (= [[:a]] (sequence (comp (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)) [:a]))) (is (= [[[:a]]] (sequence (comp (partition-by keyword?) (take 1) (partition-by keyword?) (take 1)) [:a]))) (is (= [[0]] (transduce (comp (take 1) (partition-all 3) (take 1)) conj [] (range 15)))) (is (= [1] (transduce (take 1) conj (seq (long-array [1 2 3 4])))))) (deftest test-sequence-multi-xform (is (= [11 12 13 14] (sequence (map +) [1 2 3 4] (repeat 10)))) (is (= [11 12 13 14] (sequence (map +) (repeat 10) [1 2 3 4]))) (is (= [31 32 33 34] (sequence (map +) (repeat 10) (repeat 20) [1 2 3 4])))) (deftest test-eduction (testing "one xform" (is (= [1 2 3 4 5] (eduction (map inc) (range 5))))) (testing "multiple xforms" (is (= ["2" "4"] (eduction (map inc) (filter even?) (map str) (range 5))))) (testing "materialize at the end" (is (= [1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4] (->> (range 5) (eduction (mapcat range) (map inc)) sort))) (is (= [1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4] (vec (->> (range 5) (eduction (mapcat range) (map inc)) to-array)))) (is (= {1 4, 2 3, 3 2, 4 1} (->> (range 5) (eduction (mapcat range) (map inc)) frequencies))) (is (= ["drib" "god" "hsif" "kravdraa" "tac"] (->> ["cat" "dog" "fish" "bird" "aardvark"] (eduction (map clojure.string/reverse)) (sort-by first))))) (testing "expanding transducer with nils" (is (= '(1 2 3 nil 4 5 6 nil) (eduction cat [[1 2 3 nil] [4 5 6 nil]]))))) (deftest test-eduction-completion (testing "eduction completes inner xformed reducing fn" (is (= [[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7]] (into [] (comp cat (partition-all 3)) (eduction (partition-all 5) (range 8)))))) (testing "outer reducing fn completed only once" (let [counter (atom 0) ;; outer rfn rf (completing conj #(do (swap! counter inc) (vec %))) coll (eduction (map inc) (range 5)) res (transduce (map str) rf [] coll)] (is (= 1 @counter)) (is (= ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"] res))))) (deftest test-run! (is (nil? (run! identity [1]))) (is (nil? (run! reduced (range))))) (deftest test-distinct (are [out in] (= out (sequence (distinct in)) (sequence (distinct) in)) [] [] (range 10) (range 10) [0] (repeat 10 0) [0 1 2] [0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0] [1] [1 1N])) (deftest test-interpose (are [out in] (= out (sequence (interpose :s) in)) [] (range 0) [0] (range 1) [0 :s 1] (range 2) [0 :s 1 :s 2] (range 3)) (testing "Can end reduction on separator or input" (let [expected (interpose :s (range))] (dotimes [i 10] (is (= (take i expected) (sequence (comp (interpose :s) (take i)) (range)))))))) (deftest test-map-indexed (is (= [] (sequence (map-indexed vector) []))) (is (= [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3] [3 4]] (sequence (map-indexed vector) (range 1 5))))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java transducers.clj source code file: |
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