Java example source code file (vectors.clj)
The vectors.clj Java example source code; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by ; the terms of this license. ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software. ; Author: Stuart Halloway, Daniel Solano Gómez (ns clojure.test-clojure.vectors (:use clojure.test)) (deftest test-reversed-vec (let [r (range 6) v (into (vector-of :int) r) reversed (.rseq v)] (testing "returns the right impl" (is (= clojure.lang.APersistentVector$RSeq (class reversed)))) (testing "RSeq methods" (is (= [5 4 3 2 1 0] reversed)) (is (= 5 (.index reversed))) (is (= 5 (.first reversed))) (is (= [4 3 2 1 0] (.next reversed))) (is (= [3 2 1 0] (.. reversed next next))) (is (= 6 (.count reversed)))) (testing "clojure calling through" (is (= 5 (first reversed))) (is (= 5 (nth reversed 0)))) (testing "empty reverses to nil" (is (nil? (.. v empty rseq)))))) (deftest test-vecseq (let [r (range 100) vs (into (vector-of :int) r) vs-1 (next vs) vs-32 (.chunkedNext (seq vs))] (testing "=" (are [a b] (= a b) vs vs vs-1 vs-1 vs-32 vs-32) (are [a b] (not= a b) vs vs-1 vs-1 vs vs vs-32 vs-32 vs)) (testing "IPersistentCollection.empty" (are [a] (identical? clojure.lang.PersistentList/EMPTY (.empty (seq a))) vs vs-1 vs-32)) (testing "IPersistentCollection.cons" (are [result input] (= result (.cons input :foo)) [:foo 1] (seq (into (vector-of :int) [1])))) (testing "IPersistentCollection.count" (are [ct s] (= ct (.count (seq s))) 100 vs 99 vs-1 68 vs-32) ;; can't manufacture this scenario: ASeq defers to Counted, but ;; LazySeq doesn't, so Counted never gets checked on reified seq below #_(testing "hops to counted when available" (is (= 200 (.count (concat (seq vs) (reify clojure.lang.ISeq (seq [this] this) clojure.lang.Counted (count [_] 100)))))))) (testing "IPersistentCollection.equiv" (are [a b] (true? (.equiv a b)) vs vs vs-1 vs-1 vs-32 vs-32 vs r) (are [a b] (false? (.equiv a b)) vs vs-1 vs-1 vs vs vs-32 vs-32 vs vs nil)) (testing "internal-reduce" (is (= [99] (into [] (drop 99 vs))))))) (deftest test-primitive-subvector-reduce ;; regression test for CLJ-1082 (is (== 60 (let [prim-vec (into (vector-of :long) (range 1000))] (reduce + (subvec prim-vec 10 15)))))) (deftest test-vec-compare (let [nums (range 1 100) ; randomly replaces a single item with the given value rand-replace (fn[val] (let [r (rand-int 99)] (concat (take r nums) [val] (drop (inc r) nums)))) ; all num sequences in map num-seqs {:standard nums :empty '() ; different lengths :longer (concat nums [100]) :shorter (drop-last nums) ; greater by value :first-greater (concat [100] (next nums)) :last-greater (concat (drop-last nums) [100]) :rand-greater-1 (rand-replace 100) :rand-greater-2 (rand-replace 100) :rand-greater-3 (rand-replace 100) ; lesser by value :first-lesser (concat [0] (next nums)) :last-lesser (concat (drop-last nums) [0]) :rand-lesser-1 (rand-replace 0) :rand-lesser-2 (rand-replace 0) :rand-lesser-3 (rand-replace 0)} ; a way to create compare values based on num-seqs create-vals (fn[base-val] (zipmap (keys num-seqs) (map #(into base-val %1) (vals num-seqs)))) ; Vecs made of int primitives int-vecs (create-vals (vector-of :int)) ; Vecs made of long primitives long-vecs (create-vals (vector-of :long)) ; standard boxing vectors regular-vecs (create-vals []) ; the standard int Vec for comparisons int-vec (:standard int-vecs)] (testing "compare" (testing "identical" (is (= 0 (compare int-vec int-vec)))) (testing "equivalent" (are [x y] (= 0 (compare x y)) ; standard int-vec (:standard long-vecs) (:standard long-vecs) int-vec int-vec (:standard regular-vecs) (:standard regular-vecs) int-vec ; empty (:empty int-vecs) (:empty long-vecs) (:empty long-vecs) (:empty int-vecs))) (testing "lesser" (are [x] (= -1 (compare int-vec x)) (:longer int-vecs) (:longer long-vecs) (:longer regular-vecs) (:first-greater int-vecs) (:first-greater long-vecs) (:first-greater regular-vecs) (:last-greater int-vecs) (:last-greater long-vecs) (:last-greater regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 regular-vecs)) (are [x] (= -1 (compare x int-vec)) nil (:empty int-vecs) (:empty long-vecs) (:empty regular-vecs) (:shorter int-vecs) (:shorter long-vecs) (:shorter regular-vecs) (:first-lesser int-vecs) (:first-lesser long-vecs) (:first-lesser regular-vecs) (:last-lesser int-vecs) (:last-lesser long-vecs) (:last-lesser regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 regular-vecs))) (testing "greater" (are [x] (= 1 (compare int-vec x)) nil (:empty int-vecs) (:empty long-vecs) (:empty regular-vecs) (:shorter int-vecs) (:shorter long-vecs) (:shorter regular-vecs) (:first-lesser int-vecs) (:first-lesser long-vecs) (:first-lesser regular-vecs) (:last-lesser int-vecs) (:last-lesser long-vecs) (:last-lesser regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 regular-vecs)) (are [x] (= 1 (compare x int-vec)) (:longer int-vecs) (:longer long-vecs) (:longer regular-vecs) (:first-greater int-vecs) (:first-greater long-vecs) (:first-greater regular-vecs) (:last-greater int-vecs) (:last-greater long-vecs) (:last-greater regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 regular-vecs)))) (testing "Comparable.compareTo" (testing "incompatible" (is (thrown? NullPointerException (.compareTo int-vec nil))) (are [x] (thrown? ClassCastException (.compareTo int-vec x)) '() {} #{} (sorted-set) (sorted-map) nums 1)) (testing "identical" (is (= 0 (.compareTo int-vec int-vec)))) (testing "equivalent" (are [x] (= 0 (.compareTo int-vec x)) (:standard long-vecs) (:standard regular-vecs))) (testing "lesser" (are [x] (= -1 (.compareTo int-vec x)) (:longer int-vecs) (:longer long-vecs) (:longer regular-vecs) (:first-greater int-vecs) (:first-greater long-vecs) (:first-greater regular-vecs) (:last-greater int-vecs) (:last-greater long-vecs) (:last-greater regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-1 regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-2 regular-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 int-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 long-vecs) (:rand-greater-3 regular-vecs))) (testing "greater" (are [x] (= 1 (.compareTo int-vec x)) (:empty int-vecs) (:empty long-vecs) (:empty regular-vecs) (:shorter int-vecs) (:shorter long-vecs) (:shorter regular-vecs) (:first-lesser int-vecs) (:first-lesser long-vecs) (:first-lesser regular-vecs) (:last-lesser int-vecs) (:last-lesser long-vecs) (:last-lesser regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-1 regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-2 regular-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 int-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 long-vecs) (:rand-lesser-3 regular-vecs)))))) (deftest test-vec-associative (let [empty-v (vector-of :long) v (into empty-v (range 1 6))] (testing "Associative.containsKey" (are [x] (.containsKey v x) 0 1 2 3 4) (are [x] (not (.containsKey v x)) -1 -100 nil [] "" #"" #{} 5 100) (are [x] (not (.containsKey empty-v x)) 0 1)) (testing "contains?" (are [x] (contains? v x) 0 2 4) (are [x] (not (contains? v x)) -1 -100 nil "" 5 100) (are [x] (not (contains? empty-v x)) 0 1)) (testing "Associative.entryAt" (are [idx val] (= (clojure.lang.MapEntry. idx val) (.entryAt v idx)) 0 1 2 3 4 5) (are [idx] (nil? (.entryAt v idx)) -5 -1 5 10 nil "") (are [idx] (nil? (.entryAt empty-v idx)) 0 1)))) (deftest test-vec-creation (testing "Plain (vector-of :type)" (are [x] (and (empty? x) (instance? clojure.core.Vec x)) (vector-of :boolean) (vector-of :byte) (vector-of :short) (vector-of :int) (vector-of :long) (vector-of :float) (vector-of :double) (vector-of :char)) (testing "with invalid type argument" (are [x] (thrown? NullPointerException x) (vector-of nil) (vector-of Float/TYPE) (vector-of 'int) (vector-of "")))) (testing "vector-like (vector-of :type x1 x2 x3 … xn)" (are [vec gvec] (and (instance? clojure.core.Vec gvec) (= (into (vector-of :int) vec) gvec) (= vec gvec) (= (hash vec) (hash gvec))) [1] (vector-of :int 1) [1 2] (vector-of :int 1 2) [1 2 3] (vector-of :int 1 2 3) [1 2 3 4] (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4) [1 2 3 4 5] (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4 5) [1 2 3 4 5 6] (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4 5 6) (apply vector (range 1000)) (apply vector-of :int (range 1000)) [1 2 3] (vector-of :int 1M 2.0 3.1) [97 98 99] (vector-of :int \a \b \c)) (testing "with null values" (are [x] (thrown? NullPointerException x) (vector-of :int nil) (vector-of :int 1 nil) (vector-of :int 1 2 nil) (vector-of :int 1 2 3 nil) (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4 nil) (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4 5 nil) (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4 5 6 nil))) (testing "with unsupported values" (are [x] (thrown? ClassCastException x) (vector-of :int true) (vector-of :int 1 2 3 4 5 false) (vector-of :int {:a 1 :b 2}) (vector-of :int [1 2 3 4] [5 6]) (vector-of :int '(1 2 3 4)) (vector-of :int #{1 2 3 4}) (vector-of :int (sorted-set 1 2 3 4)) (vector-of :int 1 2 "3") (vector-of :int "1" "2" "3"))))) (deftest empty-vector-equality (let [colls [[] (vector-of :long) '()]] (doseq [c1 colls, c2 colls] (is (= c1 c2)) (is (.equals c1 c2))))) (defn =vec [expected v] (and (vector? v) (= expected v))) (deftest test-mapv (are [r c1] (=vec r (mapv + c1)) [1 2 3] [1 2 3]) (are [r c1 c2] (=vec r (mapv + c1 c2)) [2 3 4] [1 2 3] (repeat 1)) (are [r c1 c2 c3] (=vec r (mapv + c1 c2 c3)) [3 4 5] [1 2 3] (repeat 1) (repeat 1)) (are [r c1 c2 c3 c4] (=vec r (mapv + c1 c2 c3 c4)) [4 5 6] [1 2 3] [1 1 1] [1 1 1] [1 1 1])) (deftest test-filterv (are [r c1] (=vec r (filterv even? c1)) [] [1 3 5] [2 4] [1 2 3 4 5])) (deftest test-subvec (let [v1 (vec (range 100)) v2 (subvec v1 50 57)] (is (thrown? IndexOutOfBoundsException (v2 -1))) (is (thrown? IndexOutOfBoundsException (v2 7))) (is (= (v1 50) (v2 0))) (is (= (v1 56) (v2 6))))) (deftest test-vec (is (= [1 2] (vec (first {1 2})))) (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec [0 1 2 3]))) (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec (list 0 1 2 3)))) (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec (sorted-set 0 1 2 3)))) (is (= [[1 2] [3 4]] (vec (sorted-map 1 2 3 4)))) (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec (range 4)))) (is (= [\a \b \c \d] (vec "abcd"))) (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec (object-array (range 4))))) (is (= [1 2 3 4] (vec (eduction (map inc) (range 4))))) (is (= [0 1 2 3] (vec (reify clojure.lang.IReduceInit (reduce [_ f start] (reduce f start (range 4)))))))) Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java vectors.clj source code file: |
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