Cobertura example source code file (FunctionalConditionCoverageTest.java)
The Cobertura FunctionalConditionCoverageTest.java source code/* * Cobertura - http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/ * * Copyright (C) 2006 John Lewis * Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Doliner * * Note: This file is dual licensed under the GPL and the Apache * Source License 1.1 (so that it can be used from both the main * Cobertura classes and the ant tasks). * * Cobertura is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * Cobertura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Cobertura; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ package net.sourceforge.cobertura.ant; import java.io.File; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import net.sourceforge.cobertura.reporting.JUnitXMLHelper; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Java; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path.PathElement; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.DataConversionException; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import test.condition.ConditionCalls; /** * These tests generally exec ant to run a test.xml file. A different target is used for * each test. The text.xml file sets up a test, instruments, runs junit, and generates a * coverage xml report. Then the xml report is parsed and checked. * * @author jwlewi */ public class FunctionalConditionCoverageTest extends TestCase { private final static File BASEDIR = new File((System.getProperty("basedir") != null) ? System .getProperty("basedir") : ".", "examples/functionalconditiontest"); private final static String CONDITION_MISSING_TRUE = "50%"; private final static String CONDITION_MISSING_FALSE = "50%"; private final static Map testInfoMap = new HashMap(); static { ConditionTestInfo[] expectedConditions; TestInfo info; /* * Load expected information into testInfoMap for each method. */ expectedConditions = new ConditionTestInfo[1]; expectedConditions[0] = new ConditionTestInfo("0", "jump", CONDITION_MISSING_FALSE); info = new TestInfo(ConditionCalls.CALL_CONDITION_LINE_NUMBER, "50% (1/2)", expectedConditions); info.setIgnoreLineNumber(ConditionCalls.CALL_IGNORE_LINE_NUMBER); testInfoMap.put("call", info); expectedConditions = new ConditionTestInfo[1]; expectedConditions[0] = new ConditionTestInfo("0", "switch", "33%"); info = new TestInfo(ConditionCalls.LOOKUP_SWITCH_LINE_NUMBER, "33% (1/3)", expectedConditions); testInfoMap.put("callLookupSwitch", info); expectedConditions = new ConditionTestInfo[1]; expectedConditions[0] = new ConditionTestInfo("0", "switch", "10%"); info = new TestInfo(ConditionCalls.TABLE_SWITCH_LINE_NUMBER, "10% (1/10)", expectedConditions); testInfoMap.put("callTableSwitch", info); expectedConditions = new ConditionTestInfo[3]; expectedConditions[0] = new ConditionTestInfo("0", "jump", CONDITION_MISSING_TRUE); expectedConditions[1] = new ConditionTestInfo("1", "jump", "0%"); expectedConditions[2] = new ConditionTestInfo("2", "jump", CONDITION_MISSING_FALSE); info = new TestInfo(ConditionCalls.MULTI_CONDITION_LINE_NUMBER, "33% (2/6)", expectedConditions); testInfoMap.put("callMultiCondition", info); expectedConditions = new ConditionTestInfo[3]; expectedConditions[0] = new ConditionTestInfo("0", "jump", CONDITION_MISSING_FALSE); expectedConditions[1] = new ConditionTestInfo("1", "jump", CONDITION_MISSING_FALSE); expectedConditions[2] = new ConditionTestInfo("2", "jump", "0%"); info = new TestInfo(ConditionCalls.MULTI_CONDITION2_LINE_NUMBER, "33% (2/6)", expectedConditions); testInfoMap.put("callMultiCondition2", info); }; private static class TestInfo { int conditionNumber; String expectedLineConditionCoverage; ConditionTestInfo[] expectedConditions; Integer ignoreLineNumber; TestInfo(int conditionNumber, String expectedLineConditionCoverage, ConditionTestInfo[] expectedConditions) { this.conditionNumber = conditionNumber; this.expectedLineConditionCoverage = expectedLineConditionCoverage; this.expectedConditions = expectedConditions; } public void setIgnoreLineNumber(int number) { ignoreLineNumber = new Integer(number); } } private static class ConditionTestInfo { String number; String type; String coverage; ConditionTestInfo(String number, String type, String coverage) { this.number = number; this.type = type; this.coverage = coverage; } } public static void testConditionCoverage() throws Exception { runTestAntScript("condition-coverage", "test-condition-coverage"); verify("condition-coverage"); } private static void verify(String testName) throws Exception { verifyXml(testName); verifyHtml(testName); } private static void verifyXml(String testName) throws Exception { // Get a list of all classes listed in the XML report List classesList = getClassElements(); assertTrue("Test " + testName + ": Did not find any classes listed in the XML report.", classesList.size() > 0); boolean conditionCallsClassFound = false; for (Iterator iter = classesList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element classElement = (Element)iter.next(); String className = classElement.getAttributeValue("name"); if (className.equals("test.condition.ConditionCalls")) { conditionCallsClassFound = true; } else fail("Test " + testName + ": Found a class with the name '" + className + "' in the XML report, but was only expecting 'test.condition.ConditionCalls'."); verifyClass(testName, classElement); } assertTrue("Test " + testName + ": Did not find class 'test.condition.ConditionCalls' in the XML report.", conditionCallsClassFound); } /** * Use XPath to get all <class> elements in the * cobertura.xml file under the given directory. * @return A list of JDOM Elements. */ private static List getClassElements() throws IOException, JDOMException { File xmlFile = new File(BASEDIR, "reports/cobertura-xml/coverage.xml"); Document document = JUnitXMLHelper.readXmlFile(xmlFile, true); XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/coverage/packages/package/classes/class"); List classesList = xpath.selectNodes(document); return classesList; } /** * Verify that the class's condition information is correct. */ private static void verifyClass(String testName, Element classElement) { // Get a list of methods Element methodsElement = classElement.getChild("methods"); List methodList = methodsElement.getChildren("method"); assertTrue("Test " + testName + ": Did not find any methods listed in the class " + classElement.getAttributeValue("name"), methodList.size() > 0); List methodsFound = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = methodList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element methodElement = (Element)iter.next(); String methodName = methodElement.getAttributeValue("name"); TestInfo info = (TestInfo) testInfoMap.get(methodName); if (info != null) { if (methodsFound.contains(methodName)) { fail("Test " + testName + ": Found more than one instance of the method " + methodName + " in the class " + classElement.getAttributeValue("name")); } methodsFound.add(methodName); verifyMethod(info, testName, classElement, methodElement); } else if (methodName.equals("<clinit>") || methodName.equals("<init>") || methodName.startsWith("util") || methodName.equals("class$")) { // These methods are ok--ignore them. } else { fail("Test " + testName + ": Found method " + methodName + " in the class " + classElement.getAttributeValue("name") + ", but was only expecting either 'call' or 'dontCall'."); } } /* * now make sure all methods in testInfoMap were found and verified */ for (Iterator iter = testInfoMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String methodName = (String) iter.next(); assertTrue("Test " + testName + ": Did not find method " + methodName + " in the class " + classElement.getAttributeValue("name"), methodsFound.contains(methodName)); } } private static void verifyMethod(TestInfo info, String testName, Element classElement, Element methodElement) { Element linesElement = methodElement.getChild("lines"); List lineList = linesElement.getChildren("line"); String methodName = methodElement.getAttributeValue("name"); assertTrue("Test " + testName + ", class " + classElement.getAttributeValue("name") + ": Did not find any lines in the method " + methodName, lineList.size() > 0); boolean foundCondition = false; for (Iterator iter = lineList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element lineElement = (Element)iter.next(); int number; try { number = lineElement.getAttribute("number").getIntValue(); if ((info.ignoreLineNumber != null) && (info.ignoreLineNumber.intValue() == number)) { fail("Expected line " + info.ignoreLineNumber + " to be ignored."); } } catch (DataConversionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); } if (number == info.conditionNumber) { foundCondition = true; verifyLineConditionInfo(lineElement, info.conditionNumber, info.expectedLineConditionCoverage, info.expectedConditions); } } assertTrue("Expected condition element for line " + info.conditionNumber + " of " + methodName, foundCondition); } private static void verifyLineConditionInfo(Element lineElement, int conditionLineNumber, String expectedLineConditionCoverage, ConditionTestInfo[] expectedConditions) { String errorMessage = "Line " + conditionLineNumber; boolean branch = false; try { branch = lineElement.getAttribute("branch").getBooleanValue(); } catch (DataConversionException e) { fail(errorMessage + " has missing or wrong branch attribute"); } assertTrue(errorMessage + "Branch attribute should be true", branch); String lineCoverageStr = getRequiredAttribute(lineElement, "condition-coverage", errorMessage).getValue(); assertEquals(errorMessage + " has incorrect condition-coverage", expectedLineConditionCoverage, lineCoverageStr); List conditionList = lineElement.getChildren("conditions"); assertTrue(errorMessage + " should have one and only one conditions element.", conditionList.size() == 1); conditionList = ((Element) conditionList.get(0)).getChildren("condition"); assertEquals(errorMessage + " has incorrect number of condition elements.", expectedConditions.length, conditionList.size()); errorMessage = "Condition for " + conditionLineNumber; int i = 0; for (Iterator iter = conditionList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); i++) { Element element = (Element) iter.next(); verifyCondition(element, errorMessage, expectedConditions[i]); } } private static void verifyCondition(Element conditionElement, String errorMessage, ConditionTestInfo info) { String numberStr = getRequiredAttribute(conditionElement, "number", errorMessage).getValue(); assertEquals(errorMessage + " has incorrect number", info.number, numberStr); String typeStr = getRequiredAttribute(conditionElement, "type", errorMessage).getValue(); assertEquals(errorMessage + " has incorrect type", info.type, typeStr); String coverageStr = getRequiredAttribute(conditionElement, "coverage", errorMessage).getValue(); assertEquals(errorMessage + " has incorrect coverage", info.coverage, coverageStr); } private static Attribute getRequiredAttribute(Element element, String attribute, String errorMessage) { Attribute attr = element.getAttribute(attribute); assertNotNull(errorMessage + " has missing " + attribute + " attribute.", attr); return attr; } private static void verifyHtml(String testName) throws Exception { File htmlReportDir = new File(BASEDIR, "reports/cobertura-html"); // Get all files from report directory String htmlFiles[] = htmlReportDir.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.endsWith(".html"); } }); Arrays.sort(htmlFiles); assertTrue(htmlFiles.length >= 5); // Assert that all required files are there String[] requiredFiles = { "index.html", "help.html", "frame-packages.html", "frame-summary.html", "frame-sourcefiles.html" }; for (int i = 0; i < requiredFiles.length; i++) { if (!containsFile(htmlFiles, requiredFiles[i])) { fail("Test " + testName + ": File " + requiredFiles[i] + " not found among report files"); } } // Validate selected files String previousPrefix = "NONE"; for (int i = 0; i < htmlFiles.length; i++) { // Validate file if has prefix different than previous one, or is required file if (containsFile(requiredFiles, htmlFiles[i]) || !htmlFiles[i].startsWith(previousPrefix)) { JUnitXMLHelper.readXmlFile(new File(htmlReportDir, htmlFiles[i]), true); } if (htmlFiles[i].length() > 7) { previousPrefix = htmlFiles[i].substring(0, 7); } else { previousPrefix = htmlFiles[i]; } } } private static boolean containsFile(String[] files, String fileName) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].equals(fileName)) return true; } return false; } /** * Use the ant 'java' task to run the test.xml * file and the specified target. */ private static void runTestAntScript(String testName, String target) throws IOException { Java task = new Java(); task.setTaskName("java"); task.setProject(new Project()); task.init(); // Call ant launcher. Requires ant-lancher.jar. task.setClassname("org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher"); task.setFork(true); AntUtil.transferCoberturaDataFileProperty(task); task.createArg().setValue("-f"); task.createArg().setValue(BASEDIR + "/build.xml"); task.createArg().setValue(target); task.setFailonerror(true); // Set output to go to a temp file File outputFile = Util.createTemporaryTextFile("cobertura-test"); task.setOutput(outputFile); // Set the classpath to the same classpath as this JVM Path classpath = task.createClasspath(); PathElement pathElement = classpath.createPathElement(); pathElement.setPath(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); try { task.execute(); } finally { if (outputFile.exists()) { // Put the contents of the output file in the exception System.out.println("\n\n\nOutput from Ant for " + testName + " test:\n----------------------------------------\n" + Util.getText(outputFile) + "----------------------------------------"); outputFile.delete(); } } } } Other Cobertura examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Cobertura FunctionalConditionCoverageTest.java source code file: |
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