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Commons Beanutils example source code file (

This example Commons Beanutils source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Commons Beanutils tags/keywords

exception, exception, illegalaccessexception, integer, invocationtargetexception, key, new, new, reflection, string, string, threw, throwable, throwable, util, value

The Commons Beanutils source code

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.commons.beanutils;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.ArrayConverter;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.DateConverter;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

 * <p>
 *  Test Case for the BeanUtils class.  The majority of these tests use
 *  instances of the TestBean class, so be sure to update the tests if you
 *  change the characteristics of that class.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *  Template for this stolen from Craigs PropertyUtilsTestCase
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   Note that the tests are dependant upon the static aspects
 *   (such as array sizes...) of the class, so ensure
 *   than all changes to TestBean are reflected here.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *  So far, this test case has tests for the following methods of the
 *  <code>BeanUtils class:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>getArrayProperty(Object bean, String name)
 * </ul>
 * @author <a href="">Geir Magnusson Jr.
 * @version $Revision: 658830 $

public class BeanUtilsTestCase extends TestCase {

    // ---------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

     * The test bean for each test.
    protected TestBean bean = null;

     * The set of properties that should be described.
    protected String describes[] =
    { "booleanProperty",
      //      "intIndexed",
      //      "mappedProperty",
      //      "mappedIntProperty",
      //      "stringIndexed",

    /** Test Calendar value */
    protected java.util.Calendar testCalendar;

    /** Test java.util.Date value */
    protected java.util.Date testUtilDate;

    /** Test String Date value */
    protected String testStringDate;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------- Constructors

     * Construct a new instance of this test case.
     * @param name Name of the test case
    public BeanUtilsTestCase(String name) {

    // -------------------------------------------------- Overall Test Methods

     * Set up instance variables required by this test case.
    public void setUp() {
        BeanUtilsBean.setInstance(new BeanUtilsBean());

     * Shared Set up.
    protected void setUpShared() {
        bean = new TestBean();

        DateConverter dateConverter = new DateConverter(null);
        ConvertUtils.register(dateConverter, java.util.Date.class);

        ArrayConverter dateArrayConverter = 
            new ArrayConverter(java.util.Date[].class, dateConverter, 0);
        ConvertUtils.register(dateArrayConverter, java.util.Date[].class);
        testCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        testCalendar.set(1992, 11, 28, 0, 0, 0);
        testCalendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
        testUtilDate = testCalendar.getTime();
        testStringDate = "28.12.1992";

     * Return the tests included in this test suite.
    public static Test suite() {
        return (new TestSuite(BeanUtilsTestCase.class));

     * Tear down instance variables required by this test case.
    public void tearDown() {
        bean = null;

    // ------------------------------------------------ Individual Test Methods

     * Test the copyProperties() method from a DynaBean.
    public void testCopyPropertiesDynaBean() {

        // Set up an origin bean with customized properties
        DynaClass dynaClass = DynaBeanUtilsTestCase.createDynaClass();
        DynaBean orig = null;
        try {
            orig = dynaClass.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("newInstance(): " + e);
        orig.set("booleanProperty", Boolean.FALSE);
        orig.set("byteProperty", new Byte((byte) 111));
        orig.set("doubleProperty", new Double(333.33));
                 new String[] { "New 0", "New 1", "New 2" });
        orig.set("intArray", new int[] { 100, 200, 300 });
        orig.set("intProperty", new Integer(333));
        orig.set("longProperty", new Long(3333));
        orig.set("shortProperty", new Short((short) 33));
        orig.set("stringArray", new String[] { "New 0", "New 1" });
        orig.set("stringProperty", "Custom string");

        // Copy the origin bean to our destination test bean
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperties(bean, orig);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Threw exception: " + e);

        // Validate the results for scalar properties
        assertEquals("Copied boolean property",
        assertEquals("Copied byte property",
                     (byte) 111,
        assertEquals("Copied double property",
        assertEquals("Copied int property",
        assertEquals("Copied long property",
        assertEquals("Copied short property",
                     (short) 33,
        assertEquals("Copied string property",
                     "Custom string",

        // Validate the results for array properties
        String dupProperty[] = bean.getDupProperty();
        assertNotNull("dupProperty present", dupProperty);
        assertEquals("dupProperty length", 3, dupProperty.length);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[0]", "New 0", dupProperty[0]);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[1]", "New 1", dupProperty[1]);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[2]", "New 2", dupProperty[2]);
        int intArray[] = bean.getIntArray();
        assertNotNull("intArray present", intArray);
        assertEquals("intArray length", 3, intArray.length);
        assertEquals("intArray[0]", 100, intArray[0]);
        assertEquals("intArray[1]", 200, intArray[1]);
        assertEquals("intArray[2]", 300, intArray[2]);
        String stringArray[] = bean.getStringArray();
        assertNotNull("stringArray present", stringArray);
        assertEquals("stringArray length", 2, stringArray.length);
        assertEquals("stringArray[0]", "New 0", stringArray[0]);
        assertEquals("stringArray[1]", "New 1", stringArray[1]);


     * Test copyProperties() when the origin is a a <code>Map.
    public void testCopyPropertiesMap() {

        Map map = new HashMap();
        map.put("booleanProperty", "false");
        map.put("byteProperty", "111");
        map.put("doubleProperty", "333.0");
        map.put("dupProperty", new String[] { "New 0", "New 1", "New 2" });
        map.put("floatProperty", "222.0");
        map.put("intArray", new String[] { "0", "100", "200" });
        map.put("intProperty", "111");
        map.put("longProperty", "444");
        map.put("shortProperty", "555");
        map.put("stringProperty", "New String Property");

        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperties(bean, map);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t.toString());

        // Scalar properties
        assertEquals("booleanProperty", false,
        assertEquals("byteProperty", (byte) 111,
        assertEquals("doubleProperty", 333.0,
                     bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        assertEquals("floatProperty", (float) 222.0,
                     bean.getFloatProperty(), (float) 0.005);
        assertEquals("longProperty", 111,
        assertEquals("longProperty", 444,
        assertEquals("shortProperty", (short) 555,
        assertEquals("stringProperty", "New String Property",

        // Indexed Properties
        String dupProperty[] = bean.getDupProperty();
        assertNotNull("dupProperty present", dupProperty);
        assertEquals("dupProperty length", 3, dupProperty.length);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[0]", "New 0", dupProperty[0]);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[1]", "New 1", dupProperty[1]);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[2]", "New 2", dupProperty[2]);
        int intArray[] = bean.getIntArray();
        assertNotNull("intArray present", intArray);
        assertEquals("intArray length", 3, intArray.length);
        assertEquals("intArray[0]", 0, intArray[0]);
        assertEquals("intArray[1]", 100, intArray[1]);
        assertEquals("intArray[2]", 200, intArray[2]);


     * Test the copyProperties() method from a standard JavaBean.
    public void testCopyPropertiesStandard() {

        // Set up an origin bean with customized properties
        TestBean orig = new TestBean();
        orig.setByteProperty((byte) 111);
        orig.setDupProperty(new String[] { "New 0", "New 1", "New 2" });
        orig.setIntArray(new int[] { 100, 200, 300 });
        orig.setShortProperty((short) 33);
        orig.setStringArray(new String[] { "New 0", "New 1" });
        orig.setStringProperty("Custom string");

        // Copy the origin bean to our destination test bean
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperties(bean, orig);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Threw exception: " + e);

        // Validate the results for scalar properties
        assertEquals("Copied boolean property",
        assertEquals("Copied byte property",
                     (byte) 111,
        assertEquals("Copied double property",
        assertEquals("Copied int property",
        assertEquals("Copied long property",
        assertEquals("Copied short property",
                     (short) 33,
        assertEquals("Copied string property",
                     "Custom string",

        // Validate the results for array properties
        String dupProperty[] = bean.getDupProperty();
        assertNotNull("dupProperty present", dupProperty);
        assertEquals("dupProperty length", 3, dupProperty.length);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[0]", "New 0", dupProperty[0]);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[1]", "New 1", dupProperty[1]);
        assertEquals("dupProperty[2]", "New 2", dupProperty[2]);
        int intArray[] = bean.getIntArray();
        assertNotNull("intArray present", intArray);
        assertEquals("intArray length", 3, intArray.length);
        assertEquals("intArray[0]", 100, intArray[0]);
        assertEquals("intArray[1]", 200, intArray[1]);
        assertEquals("intArray[2]", 300, intArray[2]);
        String stringArray[] = bean.getStringArray();
        assertNotNull("stringArray present", stringArray);
        assertEquals("stringArray length", 2, stringArray.length);
        assertEquals("stringArray[0]", "New 0", stringArray[0]);
        assertEquals("stringArray[1]", "New 1", stringArray[1]);


     * Test the describe() method.
    public void testDescribe() {

        Map map = null;
        try {
            map = BeanUtils.describe(bean);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            fail("Threw exception " + e);

        // Verify existence of all the properties that should be present
        for (int i = 0; i < describes.length; i++) {
            assertTrue("Property '" + describes[i] + "' is present",
        assertTrue("Property 'writeOnlyProperty' is not present",

        // Verify the values of scalar properties
        assertEquals("Value of 'booleanProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("booleanProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'byteProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("byteProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'doubleProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("doubleProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'floatProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("floatProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'intProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("intProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'longProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("longProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'shortProperty'",
                     (String) map.get("shortProperty"));
        assertEquals("Value of 'stringProperty'",
                     "This is a string",
                     (String) map.get("stringProperty"));


     *  tests the string and int arrays of TestBean
    public void testGetArrayProperty() {
        try {
            String arr[] = BeanUtils.getArrayProperty(bean, "stringArray");
            String comp[] = bean.getStringArray();

            assertTrue("String array length = " + comp.length,
                    (comp.length == arr.length));

            arr = BeanUtils.getArrayProperty(bean, "intArray");
            int iarr[] = bean.getIntArray();

            assertTrue("String array length = " + iarr.length,
                    (iarr.length == arr.length));

            // Test property which isn't array or collection
            arr = BeanUtils.getArrayProperty(bean, "shortProperty");
            String shortAsString = "" + bean.getShortProperty();
            assertEquals("Short List Test lth", 1, arr.length);
            assertEquals("Short Test value", shortAsString, arr[0]);

            // Test comma delimited list
            String value1 = "ABC";
            arr = BeanUtils.getArrayProperty(bean, "stringProperty");
            assertEquals("Delimited List Test lth", 1, arr.length);
            assertEquals("Delimited List Test value1", "ABC", arr[0]);

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {


     * Test <code>getArrayProperty() converting to a String.
    public void testGetArrayPropertyDate() {
        String[] value = null;
        try {
            bean.setDateArrayProperty(new java.util.Date[] {testUtilDate});
            value = BeanUtils.getArrayProperty(bean, "dateArrayProperty");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[] --> String[] length", 1, value.length);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[] --> String[] value ", testUtilDate.toString(), value[0]);

     *  tests getting an indexed property
    public void testGetIndexedProperty1() {
        try {
            String val = BeanUtils.getIndexedProperty(bean, "intIndexed[3]");
            String comp = String.valueOf(bean.getIntIndexed(3));
            assertTrue("intIndexed[3] == " + comp, val.equals(comp));

            val = BeanUtils.getIndexedProperty(bean, "stringIndexed[3]");
            comp = bean.getStringIndexed(3);
            assertTrue("stringIndexed[3] == " + comp, val.equals(comp));
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

     * Test <code>getArrayProperty() converting to a String.
    public void testGetIndexedPropertyDate() {
        String value = null;
        try {
            bean.setDateArrayProperty(new java.util.Date[] {testUtilDate});
            value = BeanUtils.getIndexedProperty(bean, "dateArrayProperty[0]");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[0] --> String", testUtilDate.toString(), value);

     *  tests getting an indexed property
    public void testGetIndexedProperty2() {
        try {
            String val = BeanUtils.getIndexedProperty(bean, "intIndexed", 3);
            String comp = String.valueOf(bean.getIntIndexed(3));

            assertTrue("intIndexed,3 == " + comp, val.equals(comp));

            val = BeanUtils.getIndexedProperty(bean, "stringIndexed", 3);
            comp = bean.getStringIndexed(3);

            assertTrue("stringIndexed,3 == " + comp, val.equals(comp));

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

     *  tests getting a nested property
    public void testGetNestedProperty() {
        try {
            String val = BeanUtils.getNestedProperty(bean, "nested.stringProperty");
            String comp = bean.getNested().getStringProperty();
            assertTrue("nested.StringProperty == " + comp,
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

     *  tests getting a 'whatever' property
    public void testGetGeneralProperty() {
        try {
            String val = BeanUtils.getProperty(bean, "nested.intIndexed[2]");
            String comp = String.valueOf(bean.getIntIndexed(2));

            assertTrue("nested.intIndexed[2] == " + comp,
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

     *  tests getting a 'whatever' property
    public void testGetSimpleProperty() {
        try {
            String val = BeanUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean, "shortProperty");
            String comp = String.valueOf(bean.getShortProperty());

            assertTrue("shortProperty == " + comp,
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

     * Test <code>getSimpleProperty() converting to a String.
    public void testGetSimplePropertyDate() {
        String value = null;
        try {
            value = BeanUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean, "dateProperty");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date --> String", testUtilDate.toString(), value);

     * Test populate() method on individual array elements.
    public void testPopulateArrayElements() {

        try {

            HashMap map = new HashMap();
            map.put("intIndexed[0]", "100");
            map.put("intIndexed[2]", "120");
            map.put("intIndexed[4]", "140");

            BeanUtils.populate(bean, map);

            assertEquals("intIndexed[0] is 100",
                         100, bean.getIntIndexed(0));
            assertEquals("intIndexed[1] is 10",
                         10, bean.getIntIndexed(1));
            assertEquals("intIndexed[2] is 120",
                         120, bean.getIntIndexed(2));
            assertEquals("intIndexed[3] is 30",
                         30, bean.getIntIndexed(3));
            assertEquals("intIndexed[4] is 140",
                         140, bean.getIntIndexed(4));

            map.put("stringIndexed[1]", "New String 1");
            map.put("stringIndexed[3]", "New String 3");

            BeanUtils.populate(bean, map);

            assertEquals("stringIndexed[0] is \"String 0\"",
                         "String 0", bean.getStringIndexed(0));
            assertEquals("stringIndexed[1] is \"New String 1\"",
                         "New String 1", bean.getStringIndexed(1));
            assertEquals("stringIndexed[2] is \"String 2\"",
                         "String 2", bean.getStringIndexed(2));
            assertEquals("stringIndexed[3] is \"New String 3\"",
                         "New String 3", bean.getStringIndexed(3));
            assertEquals("stringIndexed[4] is \"String 4\"",
                         "String 4", bean.getStringIndexed(4));

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {


     * Test populate() method on array properties as a whole.
    public void testPopulateArrayProperties() {

        try {

            HashMap map = new HashMap();
            int intArray[] = new int[] { 123, 456, 789 };
            map.put("intArray", intArray);
            String stringArray[] = new String[]
                { "New String 0", "New String 1" };
            map.put("stringArray", stringArray);

            BeanUtils.populate(bean, map);

            intArray = bean.getIntArray();
            assertNotNull("intArray is present", intArray);
            assertEquals("intArray length",
                         3, intArray.length);
            assertEquals("intArray[0]", 123, intArray[0]);
            assertEquals("intArray[1]", 456, intArray[1]);
            assertEquals("intArray[2]", 789, intArray[2]);
            stringArray = bean.getStringArray();
            assertNotNull("stringArray is present", stringArray);
            assertEquals("stringArray length", 2, stringArray.length);
            assertEquals("stringArray[0]", "New String 0", stringArray[0]);
            assertEquals("stringArray[1]", "New String 1", stringArray[1]);

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {


     * Test populate() on mapped properties.
    public void testPopulateMapped() {

        try {

            HashMap map = new HashMap();
            map.put("mappedProperty(First Key)", "New First Value");
            map.put("mappedProperty(Third Key)", "New Third Value");

            BeanUtils.populate(bean, map);

            assertEquals("mappedProperty(First Key)",
                         "New First Value",
                         bean.getMappedProperty("First Key"));
            assertEquals("mappedProperty(Second Key)",
                         "Second Value",
                         bean.getMappedProperty("Second Key"));
            assertEquals("mappedProperty(Third Key)",
                         "New Third Value",
                         bean.getMappedProperty("Third Key"));
            assertNull("mappedProperty(Fourth Key",
                       bean.getMappedProperty("Fourth Key"));

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {


     * Test populate() method on nested properties.
    public void testPopulateNested() {

        try {

            HashMap map = new HashMap();
            map.put("nested.booleanProperty", "false");
            // booleanSecond is left at true
            map.put("nested.doubleProperty", "432.0");
            // floatProperty is left at 123.0
            map.put("nested.intProperty", "543");
            // longProperty is left at 321
            map.put("nested.shortProperty", "654");
            // stringProperty is left at "This is a string"
            map.put("nested.writeOnlyProperty", "New writeOnlyProperty value");

            BeanUtils.populate(bean, map);

            assertTrue("booleanProperty is false",
            assertTrue("booleanSecond is true",
            assertEquals("doubleProperty is 432.0",
            assertEquals("floatProperty is 123.0",
                         (float) 123.0,
                         (float) 0.005);
            assertEquals("intProperty is 543",
                         543, bean.getNested().getIntProperty());
            assertEquals("longProperty is 321",
                         321, bean.getNested().getLongProperty());
            assertEquals("shortProperty is 654",
                         (short) 654, bean.getNested().getShortProperty());
            assertEquals("stringProperty is \"This is a string\"",
                         "This is a string",
            assertEquals("writeOnlyProperty is \"New writeOnlyProperty value\"",
                         "New writeOnlyProperty value",

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {


     * Test populate() method on scalar properties.
    public void testPopulateScalar() {

        try {

            bean.setNullProperty("Non-null value");

            HashMap map = new HashMap();
            map.put("booleanProperty", "false");
            // booleanSecond is left at true
            map.put("byteProperty", "111");
            map.put("doubleProperty", "432.0");
            // floatProperty is left at 123.0
            map.put("intProperty", "543");
            map.put("longProperty", "");
            map.put("nullProperty", null);
            map.put("shortProperty", "654");
            // stringProperty is left at "This is a string"
            map.put("writeOnlyProperty", "New writeOnlyProperty value");
            map.put("readOnlyProperty", "New readOnlyProperty value");

            BeanUtils.populate(bean, map);

            assertTrue("booleanProperty is false", !bean.getBooleanProperty());
            assertTrue("booleanSecond is true", bean.isBooleanSecond());
            assertEquals("byteProperty is 111",
                         (byte) 111, bean.getByteProperty());
            assertEquals("doubleProperty is 432.0",
                         432.0, bean.getDoubleProperty(),
            assertEquals("floatProperty is 123.0",
                         (float) 123.0, bean.getFloatProperty(),
                         (float) 0.005);
            assertEquals("intProperty is 543",
                         543, bean.getIntProperty());
            assertEquals("longProperty is 0",
                         0, bean.getLongProperty());
            assertNull("nullProperty is null",
            assertEquals("shortProperty is 654",
                         (short) 654, bean.getShortProperty());
            assertEquals("stringProperty is \"This is a string\"",
                         "This is a string", bean.getStringProperty());
            assertEquals("writeOnlyProperty is \"New writeOnlyProperty value\"",
                         "New writeOnlyProperty value",
            assertEquals("readOnlyProperty is \"Read Only String Property\"",
                         "Read Only String Property",

        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {


     * Test calling setProperty() with null property values.
    public void testSetPropertyNullValues() throws Exception {

        Object oldValue = null;
        Object newValue = null;

        // Scalar value into array
        oldValue = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean, "stringArray");
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray", (String) null);
        newValue = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean, "stringArray");
        assertNotNull("stringArray is not null", newValue);
        assertTrue("stringArray of correct type",
                   newValue instanceof String[]);
        assertEquals("stringArray length",
                     1, ((String[]) newValue).length);
        PropertyUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray", oldValue);

        // Indexed value into array
        oldValue = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean, "stringArray");
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray[2]", (String) null);
        newValue = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(bean, "stringArray");
        assertNotNull("stringArray is not null", newValue);
        assertTrue("stringArray of correct type",
                   newValue instanceof String[]);
        assertEquals("stringArray length",
                     5, ((String[]) newValue).length);
        assertTrue("stringArray[2] is null",
                   ((String[]) newValue)[2] == null);
        PropertyUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray", oldValue);

        // Value into scalar
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringProperty", null);
        assertTrue("stringProperty is now null",
                   BeanUtils.getProperty(bean, "stringProperty") == null);


     * Test converting to and from primitive wrapper types.
    public void testSetPropertyOnPrimitiveWrappers() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean,"intProperty", new Integer(1));
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean,"stringProperty", new Integer(1));
        assertEquals(1, Integer.parseInt(bean.getStringProperty()));


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on byte.
    public void testSetPropertyByte() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Double((double) 123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Float((float) 123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());


     * Test <code>setProperty() conversion.
    public void testSetPropertyConvert() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "dateProperty", testCalendar);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("Calendar --> java.util.Date", testUtilDate, bean.getDateProperty());

     * Test <code>setProperty() converting from a String.
    public void testSetPropertyConvertFromString() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "dateProperty", testStringDate);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("String --> java.util.Date", testUtilDate, bean.getDateProperty());

     * Test <code>setProperty() converting to a String.
    public void testSetPropertyConvertToString() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringProperty", testUtilDate);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date --> String", testUtilDate.toString(), bean.getStringProperty());

     * Test <code>setProperty() converting to a String array.
    public void testSetPropertyConvertToStringArray() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray", new java.util.Date[] {testUtilDate});
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[] --> String[] length", 1, bean.getStringArray().length);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[] --> String[] value ", testUtilDate.toString(), bean.getStringArray()[0]);

     * Test <code>setProperty() converting to a String on indexed property
    public void testSetPropertyConvertToStringIndexed() {
        try {
            bean.setStringArray(new String[1]);
            BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray[0]", testUtilDate);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date --> String[]", testUtilDate.toString(), bean.getStringArray()[0]);

     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on double.
    public void testSetPropertyDouble() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on float.
    public void testSetPropertyFloat() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on int.
    public void testSetPropertyInteger() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Double((double) 123));
        assertEquals((int) 123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Float((float) 123));
        assertEquals((int) 123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on long.
    public void testSetPropertyLong() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Double((double) 123));
        assertEquals((long) 123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Float((float) 123));
        assertEquals((long) 123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());


     * Test setting a null property value.
    public void testSetPropertyNull() throws Exception {

        bean.setNullProperty("non-null value");
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "nullProperty", null);
        assertNull("nullProperty is null", bean.getNullProperty());


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on short.
    public void testSetPropertyShort() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Double((double) 123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Float((float) 123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());


     * Test setting a String value to a String array property
    public void testSetPropertyStringToArray() throws Exception {
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "stringArray", "ABC,DEF,GHI");
        String[] strArray =  bean.getStringArray();
        assertEquals("length", 3, strArray.length);
        assertEquals("value[0]", "ABC", strArray[0]);
        assertEquals("value[1]", "DEF", strArray[1]);
        assertEquals("value[2]", "GHI", strArray[2]);

        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "intArray", "0, 10, 20, 30, 40");
        int[] intArray =  bean.getIntArray();
        assertEquals("length", 5, intArray.length);
        assertEquals("value[0]", 0, intArray[0]);
        assertEquals("value[1]", 10, intArray[1]);
        assertEquals("value[2]", 20, intArray[2]);
        assertEquals("value[3]", 30, intArray[3]);
        assertEquals("value[4]", 40, intArray[4]);

     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on byte.
    public void testCopyPropertyByte() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "byteProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals((byte) 123, bean.getByteProperty());


     * Test <code>copyProperty() conversion.
    public void testCopyPropertyConvert() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "dateProperty", testCalendar);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("Calendar --> java.util.Date", testUtilDate, bean.getDateProperty());

     * Test <code>copyProperty() converting from a String.
    public void testCopyPropertyConvertFromString() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "dateProperty", testStringDate);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("String --> java.util.Date", testUtilDate, bean.getDateProperty());

     * Test <code>copyProperty() converting to a String.
    public void testCopyPropertyConvertToString() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "stringProperty", testUtilDate);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date --> String", testUtilDate.toString(), bean.getStringProperty());

     * Test <code>copyProperty() converting to a String.
    public void testCopyPropertyConvertToStringArray() {
        try {
            BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "stringArray", new java.util.Date[] {testUtilDate});
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[] --> String[] length", 1, bean.getStringArray().length);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date[] --> String[] value ", testUtilDate.toString(), bean.getStringArray()[0]);

     * Test <code>copyProperty() converting to a String on indexed property
    public void testCopyPropertyConvertToStringIndexed() {
        try {
            bean.setStringArray(new String[1]);
            BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "stringArray[0]", testUtilDate);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t);
        assertEquals("java.util.Date --> String[]", testUtilDate.toString(), bean.getStringArray()[0]);

     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on double.
    public void testCopyPropertyDouble() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "doubleProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getDoubleProperty(), 0.005);


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on float.
    public void testCopyPropertyFloat() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "floatProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getFloatProperty(), 0.005);


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on int.
    public void testCopyPropertyInteger() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getIntProperty());


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on long.
    public void testCopyPropertyLong() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "longProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals(123, bean.getLongProperty());


     * Test narrowing and widening conversions on short.
    public void testCopyPropertyShort() throws Exception {

        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Byte((byte) 123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Double(123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Float(123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Long(123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "shortProperty", new Short((short) 123));
        assertEquals((short) 123, bean.getShortProperty());


     * Test copying a property using a nested indexed array expression,
     * with and without conversions.
    public void testCopyPropertyNestedIndexedArray() throws Exception {

        int origArray[] = { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 };
        int intArray[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
        int intChanged[] = { 0, 0, 0 };

        // No conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intArray[1]", new Integer(1));
        checkIntArray(bean.getIntArray(), origArray);
        intChanged[1] = 1;
        checkIntArray(bean.getNested().getIntArray(), intChanged);

        // Widening conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intArray[1]", new Byte((byte) 2));
        checkIntArray(bean.getIntArray(), origArray);
        intChanged[1] = 2;
        checkIntArray(bean.getNested().getIntArray(), intChanged);

        // Narrowing conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intArray[1]", new Long(3));
        checkIntArray(bean.getIntArray(), origArray);
        intChanged[1] = 3;
        checkIntArray(bean.getNested().getIntArray(), intChanged);

        // String conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intArray[1]", "4");
        checkIntArray(bean.getIntArray(), origArray);
        intChanged[1] = 4;
        checkIntArray(bean.getNested().getIntArray(), intChanged);


     * Test copying a property using a nested mapped map property.
    public void testCopyPropertyNestedMappedMap() throws Exception {

        Map origMap = new HashMap();
        origMap.put("First Key", "First Value");
        origMap.put("Second Key", "Second Value");
        Map changedMap = new HashMap();
        changedMap.put("First Key", "First Value");
        changedMap.put("Second Key", "Second Value");

        // No conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.mapProperty(Second Key)",
                               "New Second Value");
        checkMap(bean.getMapProperty(), origMap);
        changedMap.put("Second Key", "New Second Value");
        checkMap(bean.getNested().getMapProperty(), changedMap);


     * Test copying a property using a nested simple expression, with and
     * without conversions.
    public void testCopyPropertyNestedSimple() throws Exception {


        // No conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intProperty", new Integer(1));
        assertEquals(0, bean.getIntProperty());
        assertEquals(1, bean.getNested().getIntProperty());

        // Widening conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intProperty", new Byte((byte) 2));
        assertEquals(0, bean.getIntProperty());
        assertEquals(2, bean.getNested().getIntProperty());

        // Narrowing conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intProperty", new Long(3));
        assertEquals(0, bean.getIntProperty());
        assertEquals(3, bean.getNested().getIntProperty());

        // String conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nested.intProperty", "4");
        assertEquals(0, bean.getIntProperty());
        assertEquals(4, bean.getNested().getIntProperty());


     * Test copying a null property value.
    public void testCopyPropertyNull() throws Exception {

        bean.setNullProperty("non-null value");
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "nullProperty", null);
        assertNull("nullProperty is null", bean.getNullProperty());


     * Test copying a new value to a write-only property, with and without
     * conversions.
    public void testCopyPropertyWriteOnly() throws Exception {

        bean.setWriteOnlyProperty("Original value");

        // No conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "writeOnlyProperty", "New value");
        assertEquals("New value", bean.getWriteOnlyPropertyValue());

        // Integer->String conversion required
        BeanUtils.copyProperty(bean, "writeOnlyProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals("123", bean.getWriteOnlyPropertyValue());


     * Test setting a new value to a write-only property, with and without
     * conversions.
    public void testSetPropertyWriteOnly() throws Exception {

        bean.setWriteOnlyProperty("Original value");

        // No conversion required
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "writeOnlyProperty", "New value");
        assertEquals("New value", bean.getWriteOnlyPropertyValue());

        // Integer->String conversion required
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "writeOnlyProperty", new Integer(123));
        assertEquals("123", bean.getWriteOnlyPropertyValue());


     * Test setting a value out of a mapped Map
    public void testSetMappedMap() {
        TestBean bean = new TestBean();
        Map map = new HashMap();
        map.put("sub-key-1", "sub-value-1");
        map.put("sub-key-2", "sub-value-2");
        map.put("sub-key-3", "sub-value-3");
        bean.getMapProperty().put("mappedMap", map);

        assertEquals("BEFORE", "sub-value-3", ((Map)bean.getMapProperty().get("mappedMap")).get("sub-key-3"));
        try {
            BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "mapProperty(mappedMap)(sub-key-3)", "SUB-KEY-3-UPDATED");
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            fail("Threw " + t + "");
        assertEquals("AFTER", "SUB-KEY-3-UPDATED", ((Map)bean.getMapProperty().get("mappedMap")).get("sub-key-3"));

    /** Tests that separate instances can register separate instances */
    public void testSeparateInstances() throws Exception {
        BeanUtilsBean utilsOne = new BeanUtilsBean(
                                                new ConvertUtilsBean(), 
                                                new PropertyUtilsBean());
        BeanUtilsBean utilsTwo = new BeanUtilsBean(
                                                new ConvertUtilsBean(), 
                                                new PropertyUtilsBean());        
        TestBean bean = new TestBean();
        // Make sure what we're testing works
        utilsOne.setProperty(bean, "booleanProperty", "true");
        assertEquals("Set property failed (1)", bean.getBooleanProperty(), true);
        utilsTwo.setProperty(bean, "booleanProperty", "true");
        assertEquals("Set property failed (2)", bean.getBooleanProperty(), true);       
        // now change the registered conversion
        utilsOne.getConvertUtils().register(new ThrowExceptionConverter(), Boolean.TYPE);
        try {
            utilsOne.setProperty(bean, "booleanProperty", "true");
            fail("Registered conversion not used.");
        } catch (PassTestException e) { /* Do nothing */ }
        // make sure that this conversion has no been registered in the other instance
        try {
            utilsTwo.setProperty(bean, "booleanProperty", "true");
            assertEquals("Set property failed (3)", bean.getBooleanProperty(), true);
        } catch (PassTestException e) {
            fail("Registed converter is used by other instances");

    public void testArrayPropertyConversion() throws Exception {
        BeanUtilsBean beanUtils = new BeanUtilsBean(
                                                    new ConvertUtilsBean(), 
                                                    new PropertyUtilsBean());
        TestBean bean = new TestBean();
        String [] results = beanUtils.getArrayProperty(bean, "intArray");
        int[] values = bean.getIntArray();
                    "Converted array size not equal to property array size.",
        for (int i=0, size=values.length ;  i<size; i++) {
                    "Value " + i + " incorrectly converted ", 
                    values[i] + "",

    // Ensure that the actual int[] matches the expected int[]
    protected void checkIntArray(int actual[], int expected[]) {
        assertNotNull("actual array not null", actual);
        assertEquals("actual array length", expected.length, actual.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("actual array value[" + i + "]",
                         expected[i], actual[i]);

    // Ensure that the actual Map matches the expected Map
    protected void checkMap(Map actual, Map expected) {
        assertNotNull("actual map not null", actual);
        assertEquals("actual map size", expected.size(), actual.size());
        Iterator keys = expected.keySet().iterator();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            Object key =;
            assertEquals("actual map value(" + key + ")",
                         expected.get(key), actual.get(key));

    public void testMappedProperty() throws Exception {
        MappedPropertyTestBean bean = new MappedPropertyTestBean();
        BeanUtils.setProperty(bean, "mapproperty(this.that.the-other)", "some.dotty.value");
                        "Mapped property set correctly", 

     * Test for {@link BeanUtilsBean#initCause(Throwable, Throwable)} method.
    public void testInitCause() {
        if (isPre14JVM()) {
        String parentMsg = "PARENT-THROWABLE";
        String causeMsg  = "THROWABLE-CAUSE";
        try {
            initCauseAndThrowException(parentMsg, causeMsg);
        } catch (Throwable thrownParent) {
            assertEquals("Parent", parentMsg, thrownParent.getMessage());
            try {
                assertEquals("Parent", parentMsg, thrownParent.getMessage());
                Throwable thrownCause = getCause(thrownParent);
                assertNotNull("Cause Null", thrownCause);
                assertEquals("Cause", causeMsg, thrownCause.getMessage());
            } catch (Throwable testError) {
                fail("If you're running JDK 1.3 then don't worry this should fail," +
                        " if not then needs checking out: " + testError);

     * Use reflection to get the cause
    private Throwable getCause(Throwable t) throws Throwable {
        return (Throwable)PropertyUtils.getProperty(t, "cause");

     * Catch a cause, initialize using BeanUtils.initCause() and throw new exception
    private void initCauseAndThrowException(String parent, String cause) throws Throwable {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            Throwable t = new Exception(parent);
            BeanUtils.initCause(t, e);
            throw t;

     * Throw an exception with the specified message. 
    private void throwException(String msg) throws Throwable {
        throw new Exception(msg);

     * Test for JDK 1.4
    private boolean isPre14JVM() {
        String version = System.getProperty("java.specification.version");
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(version,".");
        if (tokenizer.nextToken().equals("1")) {
            String minorVersion = tokenizer.nextToken();
            if (minorVersion.equals("0")) return true;
            if (minorVersion.equals("1")) return true;
            if (minorVersion.equals("2")) return true;
            if (minorVersion.equals("3")) return true;
        return false;

Other Commons Beanutils examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Commons Beanutils source code file:

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