Commons Beanutils example source code file (LazyDynaMapTestCase.java)
This example Commons Beanutils source code file (LazyDynaMapTestCase.java) is included in the DevDaily.com
"Java Source Code
Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.
The Commons Beanutils LazyDynaMapTestCase.java source code
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.beanutils;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* <p>Test Case for the LazyDynaMap implementation class.
* @author Niall Pemberton
public class LazyDynaMapTestCase extends TestCase {
protected LazyDynaMap dynaMap = null;
protected String testProperty = "myProperty";
protected String testPropertyA = "myProperty-A";
protected String testPropertyB = "myProperty-B";
protected String testString1 = "myStringValue-1";
protected String testString2 = "myStringValue-2";
protected Integer testInteger1 = new Integer(30);
protected Integer testInteger2 = new Integer(40);
protected String testKey = "myKey";
// ---------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
* Construct a new instance of this test case.
* @param name Name of the test case
public LazyDynaMapTestCase(String name) {
// -------------------------------------------------- Overall Test Methods
* Run thus Test
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Return the tests included in this test suite.
public static Test suite() {
return (new TestSuite(LazyDynaMapTestCase.class));
* Set up instance variables required by this test case.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
dynaMap = new LazyDynaMap();
* Tear down instance variables required by this test case.
public void tearDown() {
dynaMap = null;
// ------------------------------------------------ Individual Test Methods
* General Tests
public void testGeneral() {
// LazyDynaMap bean = new LazyDynaMap("TestBean");
assertEquals("Check DynaClass name", "TestBean", new LazyDynaMap("TestBean").getName());
* Test Getting/Setting a Simple Property
public void testSimpleProperty() {
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Set a new property - should add new property and set value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testInteger1);
assertEquals("Check First Value is correct", testInteger1, dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertEquals("Check Property type is correct", Integer.class, dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).getType());
// Set the property again - should set the new value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testInteger2);
assertEquals("Check Second Value is correct", testInteger2, dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Set the property again - with a different type, should succeed
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testString1);
assertEquals("Check Third Value is correct", testString1, dynaMap.get(testProperty));
* Test Setting a Simple Property when MutableDynaClass is set to restricted
public void testSimplePropertyRestricted() {
// Set the MutableDyanClass to 'restricted' (i.e. no new properties cab be added
assertTrue("Check MutableDynaClass is restricted", dynaMap.isRestricted());
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Set the property - should fail because property doesn't exist and MutableDynaClass is restricted
try {
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testString1);
fail("expected IllegalArgumentException trying to add new property to restricted DynaClass");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// expected result
* Test Getting/Setting a 'Mapped' Property - default HashMap property
public void testMappedPropertyDefault() {
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Mapped Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Map is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Mapped Value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
// Set a new mapped property - should add new HashMap property and set the mapped value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testKey, testInteger1);
assertEquals("Check Mapped Property exists", HashMap.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
assertEquals("Check First Mapped Value is correct(a)", testInteger1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
assertEquals("Check First Mapped Value is correct(b)", testInteger1, ((HashMap)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).get(testKey));
// Set the property again - should set the new value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testKey, testInteger2);
assertEquals("Check Second Mapped Value is correct(a)", testInteger2, dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
assertEquals("Check Second Mapped Value is correct(b)", testInteger2, ((HashMap)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).get(testKey));
* Test Getting/Setting a 'Mapped' Property - use TreeMap property
public void testMappedPropertyTreeMap() {
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Mapped Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Map is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Add a 'TreeMap' property to the DynaClass
dynaMap.add(testProperty, TreeMap.class);
assertTrue("Check Property is mapped", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).isMapped());
assertEquals("Check Property is correct type", TreeMap.class, dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).getType());
assertEquals("Check Mapped Property now exists", TreeMap.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
// Set a new mapped property - should instatiate a new TreeMap property and set the mapped value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testKey, testInteger1);
assertEquals("Check Mapped Property exists", TreeMap.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
assertEquals("Check First Mapped Value is correct(a)", testInteger1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
assertEquals("Check First Mapped Value is correct(b)", testInteger1, ((TreeMap)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).get(testKey));
// Set the property again - should set the new value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testKey, testInteger2);
assertEquals("Check Second Mapped Value is correct(a)", testInteger2, dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
assertEquals("Check Second Mapped Value is correct(b)", testInteger2, ((TreeMap)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).get(testKey));
* Test Setting a 'Mapped' Property using PropertyUtils
public void testMappedPropertyUtils() {
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertFalse("Check Mapped Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.isDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Map is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Mapped Value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
// Set the mapped property using PropertyUtils
try {
PropertyUtils.setProperty(dynaMap, testProperty+"("+testKey+")", testString1);
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
fail("testIndexedPropertyUtils threw "+ex);
catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
fail("testIndexedPropertyUtils threw "+ex);
catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
fail("testIndexedPropertyUtils threw "+ex);
// Check property value correctly set
assertEquals("Check Mapped Bean Value is correct", testString1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, testKey));
* Test Setting a Mapped Property when MutableDynaClass is set to restricted
public void testMappedPropertyRestricted() {
// Set the MutableDyanClass to 'restricted' (i.e. no new properties cab be added
assertTrue("Check MutableDynaClass is restricted", dynaMap.isRestricted());
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Set the property - should fail because property doesn't exist and MutableDynaClass is restricted
try {
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testKey, testInteger1);
fail("expected IllegalArgumentException trying to add new property to restricted MutableDynaClass");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// expected result
* Test setting mapped property for type which is not Map
public void testMappedInvalidType() {
dynaMap.set(testProperty, new Integer(1));
assertFalse("Check Property is not mapped", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).isMapped());
try {
dynaMap.set(testProperty, testKey, testInteger1);
fail("set(property, key, value) should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// expected result
* Test Getting/Setting an 'Indexed' Property - default ArrayList property
public void testIndexedPropertyDefault() {
int index = 3;
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Indexed Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed Property is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
// Set the property, should create new ArrayList and set appropriate indexed value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testInteger1);
assertNotNull("Check Indexed Property is not null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property is correct type", ArrayList.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
assertEquals("Check First Indexed Value is correct", testInteger1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check First Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((ArrayList)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).size()));
// Set a second indexed value, should automatically grow the ArrayList and set appropriate indexed value
index = index + 2;
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testString1);
assertEquals("Check Second Indexed Value is correct", testString1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check Second Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((ArrayList)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).size()));
* Test Getting/Setting a List 'Indexed' Property - use alternative List (LinkedList)
public void testIndexedLinkedList() {
int index = 3;
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Indexed Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed Property is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Add a 'LinkedList' property to the DynaClass - should instantiate a new LinkedList
dynaMap.add(testProperty, LinkedList.class);
assertTrue("Check Property is indexed", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).isIndexed());
assertEquals("Check Property is correct type", LinkedList.class, dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).getType());
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property now exists", LinkedList.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
// Set the Indexed property, should grow the list to the correct size
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testString1);
assertEquals("Check Property type is correct", LinkedList.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
assertEquals("Check First Indexed Value is correct", testString1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check First Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((LinkedList)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).size()));
// Set a second indexed value, should automatically grow the LinkedList and set appropriate indexed value
index = index + 2;
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testInteger1);
assertEquals("Check Second Indexed Value is correct", testInteger1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check Second Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((LinkedList)dynaMap.get(testProperty)).size()));
* Test Getting/Setting a primitive array 'Indexed' Property - use int[]
public void testIndexedPrimitiveArray() {
int index = 3;
int[] primitiveArray = new int[0];
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Indexed Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed Property is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Add a DynaProperty of type int[]
dynaMap.add(testProperty, primitiveArray.getClass());
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property exists", primitiveArray.getClass(), dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).getType());
assertTrue("Check Indexed Property exists", dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass().isInstance(primitiveArray));
// Set an indexed value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testInteger1);
assertNotNull("Check Indexed Property is not null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property is correct type", primitiveArray.getClass(), dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
assertEquals("Check First Indexed Value is correct(a)", testInteger1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check First Indexed Value is correct(b)", testInteger1, new Integer(((int[])dynaMap.get(testProperty))[index]));
assertEquals("Check Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((int[])dynaMap.get(testProperty)).length));
// Set a second indexed value, should automatically grow the int[] and set appropriate indexed value
index = index + 2;
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testInteger2);
assertEquals("Check Second Indexed Value is correct(a)", testInteger2, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check Second Indexed Value is correct(b)", testInteger2, new Integer(((int[])dynaMap.get(testProperty))[index]));
assertEquals("Check Second Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((int[])dynaMap.get(testProperty)).length));
* Test Getting/Setting an Object array 'Indexed' Property - use String[]
public void testIndexedObjectArray() {
int index = 3;
Object objectArray = new String[0];
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Indexed Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed Property is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Add a DynaProperty of type String[]
dynaMap.add(testProperty, objectArray.getClass());
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property exists", objectArray.getClass(), dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).getType());
assertTrue("Check Indexed Property exists", dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass().isInstance(objectArray));
// Set an indexed value
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testString1);
assertNotNull("Check Indexed Property is not null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property is correct type", objectArray.getClass(), dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
assertEquals("Check First Indexed Value is correct(a)", testString1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check First Indexed Value is correct(b)", testString1, ((String[])dynaMap.get(testProperty))[index]);
assertEquals("Check Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((String[])dynaMap.get(testProperty)).length));
// Set a second indexed value, should automatically grow the String[] and set appropriate indexed value
index = index + 2;
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testString2);
assertEquals("Check Second Indexed Value is correct(a)", testString2, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
assertEquals("Check Second Indexed Value is correct(b)", testString2, ((String[])dynaMap.get(testProperty))[index]);
assertEquals("Check Second Array length is correct", new Integer(index+1), new Integer(((String[])dynaMap.get(testProperty)).length));
* Test Getting/Setting an DynaBean[] array
public void testIndexedDynaBeanArray() {
int index = 3;
Object objectArray = new LazyDynaBean[0];
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Indexed Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed Property is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Add a DynaProperty of type String[]
dynaMap.add(testProperty, objectArray.getClass());
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property exists", objectArray.getClass(), dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).getType());
assertEquals("Check Indexed Property is correct type", objectArray.getClass(), dynaMap.get(testProperty).getClass());
// Retrieving from Array should initialize DynaBean
for (int i = index; i >= 0; i--) {
assertEquals("Check Array Components initialized", LazyDynaBean.class, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index).getClass());
dynaMap.add(testPropertyB, objectArray.getClass());
LazyDynaBean newBean = new LazyDynaBean();
newBean.set(testPropertyB, testString2);
dynaMap.set(testPropertyA, index, newBean);
assertEquals("Check Indexed Value is correct(a)", testString2, ((DynaBean)dynaMap.get(testPropertyA, index)).get(testPropertyB));
* Test Setting an 'Indexed' Property using PropertyUtils
public void testIndexedPropertyUtils() {
int index = 3;
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertFalse("Check Indexed Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.isDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed Property is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Indexed value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
// Use PropertyUtils to set the indexed value
try {
PropertyUtils.setProperty(dynaMap, testProperty+"["+index+"]", testString1);
catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
fail("testIndexedPropertyUtils threw "+ex);
catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
fail("testIndexedPropertyUtils threw "+ex);
catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
fail("testIndexedPropertyUtils threw "+ex);
// Check property value correctly set
assertEquals("Check Indexed Bean Value is correct", testString1, dynaMap.get(testProperty, index));
* Test Setting an Indexed Property when MutableDynaClass is set to restricted
public void testIndexedPropertyRestricted() {
int index = 3;
// Set the MutableDyanClass to 'restricted' (i.e. no new properties cab be added
assertTrue("Check MutableDynaClass is restricted", dynaMap.isRestricted());
// Check the property & value doesn't exist
assertNull("Check Property doesn't exist", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty));
assertNull("Check Value is null", dynaMap.get(testProperty));
// Set the property - should fail because property doesn't exist and MutableDynaClass is restricted
try {
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testInteger1);
fail("expected IllegalArgumentException trying to add new property to restricted MutableDynaClass");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// expected result
* Test setting indexed property for type which is not List or Array
public void testIndexedInvalidType() {
int index = 3;
dynaMap.set(testProperty, "Test String");
assertFalse("Check Property is not indexed", dynaMap.getDynaProperty(testProperty).isIndexed());
try {
dynaMap.set(testProperty, index, testString1);
fail("set(property, index, value) should have thrown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// expected result
* Test creating using DynaClass.newInstance()
public void testNewInstance() {
// Create LazyDynaMap using TreeMap
// containing some properties
LazyDynaMap orig = new LazyDynaMap(new TreeMap());
orig.set("indexProp", 0, "indexVal0");
orig.set("indexProp", 1, "indexVal1");
assertEquals("Index prop size", 2, ((List)orig.get("indexProp")).size());
LazyDynaMap newOne = (LazyDynaMap)orig.newInstance();
Map newMap = newOne.getMap();
assertEquals("Check Map type", TreeMap.class, newMap.getClass());
ArrayList indexProp = (ArrayList)newMap.get("indexProp");
assertNotNull("Indexed Prop missing", indexProp);
assertEquals("Index prop size", 0, indexProp.size());
Other Commons Beanutils examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Commons Beanutils LazyDynaMapTestCase.java source code file: