Commons IO example source code file (upgradeto1_1.xml)
The Commons IO upgradeto1_1.xml source code<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <document> <properties> <title>Upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 <author email="dev@commons.apache.org">Commons Documentation Team </properties> <body> <section name="Upgrade"> <p> These are the release notes and advice for upgrading Commons-IO from version 1.0 to version 1.1. <source> Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes for java.io's hierarchy. Classes in this package are considered to be so standard and of such high reuse as to justify existence in java.io. Commons IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters, and endian transformation classes. Incompatible changes from 1.0 ----------------------------- Binary compatible - Yes Source compatible - Yes Semantic compatible - Yes, except: - FileUtils.writeStringToFile() A null encoding previously used 'ISO-8859-1', now it uses the platform default Generally this will make no difference - LockableFileWriter Improved validation and now create directories if necesssary plus these bug fixes may affect you semantically: - FileUtils.touch() (Bug fix 29821) Now creates the file if it did not previously exist - FileUtils.toFile(URL) (Bug fix 32575) Now handles escape syntax such as %20 - FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory() (Bug fix 36801) May now return a size of 0 if the directory is security restricted Deprecations from 1.0 --------------------- - CopyUtils has been deprecated. Its methods have been moved to IOUtils. The new IOUtils methods handle nulls better, and have clearer names. - IOUtils.toByteArray(String) - Use {@link String#getBytes()} - IOUtils.toString(byte[]) - Use {@link String#String(byte[])} - IOUtils.toString(byte[],String) - Use {@link String#String(byte[],String)} Bug fixes from 1.0 ------------------ - FileUtils - touch() [29821] Now creates the file if it did not previously exist - FileUtils - toFile(URL) [32575] Now handles escape syntax such as %20 - FileFilterUtils - makeCVSAware(IOFileFilter) [33023] Fixed bug that caused method to be completely broken - CountingInputStream [33336] Fixed bug that caused the count to reduce by one at the end of the stream - CountingInputStream - skip(long) [34311] Bytes from calls to this method were not previously counted - NullOutputStream [33481] Remove unecessary synchronization - AbstractFileFilter - accept(File, String) [30992] Fixed broken implementation - FileUtils [36801] Previously threw NPE when listing files in a security restricted directory Now throw IOException with a better message - FileUtils - writeStringToFile() Null encoding now correctly uses the platform default Enhancements from 1.0 --------------------- - FilenameUtils - new class [33303,29351] A static utility class for working with filenames Seeks to ease the pain of developing on Windows and deploying on Unix - FileSystemUtils - new class [32982,36325] A static utility class for working with file systems Provides one method at present, to get the free space on the filing system - IOUtils - new public constants Constants for directory and line separators on Windows and Unix - IOUtils - toByteArray(Reader,encoding) Handles encodings when reading to a byte array - IOUtils - toCharArray(InputStream) [28979] - toCharArray(InputStream,encoding) - toCharArray(Reader) Reads a stream/reader into a charatcter array - IOUtils - readLines(InputStream) [36214] - readLines(InputStream,encoding) - readLines(Reader) Reads a stream/reader line by line into a List of Strings - IOUtils - toInputStream(String) [32958] - toInputStream(String,encoding) Creates an input stream that uses the string as a source of data - IOUtils - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,OutputStream) [36214] - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,OutputStream,encoding) - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,Writer) Writes a collection to a stream/writer line by line - IOUtils - write(...) Write data to a stream/writer (moved from CopyUtils with better null handling) - IOUtils - copy(...) Copy data between streams (moved from CopyUtils with better null handling) - IOUtils - contentEquals(Reader,Reader) Method to compare the contents of two readers - FileUtils - toFiles(URL[]) Converts an array of URLs to an array of Files - FileUtils - copyDirectory() [32944] New methods to copy a directory - FileUtils - readFileToByteArray(File) Reads an entire file into a byte array - FileUtils - writeByteArrayToFile(File,byte[]) Writes a byte array to a file - FileUtils - readLines(File,encoding) [36214] Reads a file line by line into a List of Strings - FileUtils - writeLines(File,encoding,List) writeLines(File,encoding,List,lineEnding) Writes a collection to a file line by line - FileUtils - EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY Constant for an empty array of File objects - ConditionalFileFilter - new interface [30705] Defines the behaviour of list based filters - AndFileFilter, OrFileFilter [30705] Now support a list of filters to and/or - WildcardFilter [31115] New filter that can match using wildcard file names - FileFilterUtils - makeSVNAware(IOFileFilter) New method, like makeCVSAware, that ignores Subversion source control directories - ClassLoaderObjectInputStream An ObjectInputStream that supports a ClassLoader - CountingInputStream,CountingOutputStream - resetCount() [28976] Adds the ability to reset the count part way through reading/writing the stream - DeferredFileOutputStream - writeTo(OutputStream) [34173] New method to allow current contents to be written to a stream - DeferredFileOutputStream [34142] Performance optimizations avoiding double buffering - LockableFileWriter - encoding support [36825] Add support for character encodings to LockableFileWriter Improve the validation Create directories if necesssary - IOUtils and EndianUtils are no longer final [28978] Allows developers to have subclasses if desired </source> </p> </section> </body> </document> Other Commons IO examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Commons IO upgradeto1_1.xml source code file: |
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