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 * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.commons.logging.log4j;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;


TestCase for Log4J logging when running on a system with Log4J present, * so that Log4J should be selected and an appropriate * logger configured per the configuration properties.

* * @author Craig R. McClanahan * @version $Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2004/05/19 20:59:56 $ */ public class CustomConfigTestCase extends DefaultConfigTestCase { // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors /** *

Construct a new instance of this test case.

* * @param name Name of the test case */ public CustomConfigTestCase(String name) { super(name); } // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables /** *

The Appender we are utilizing.

*/ protected TestAppender appender = null; /** *

The Logger we are utilizing.

*/ protected Logger logger = null; /** *

The message levels that should have been logged.

*/ protected Level testLevels[] = { Level.INFO, Level.WARN, Level.ERROR, Level.FATAL }; /** *

The message strings that should have been logged.

*/ protected String testMessages[] = { "info", "warn", "error", "fatal" }; // ------------------------------------------- JUnit Infrastructure Methods /** * Set up instance variables required by this test case. */ public void setUp() throws Exception { setUpAppender ("org/apache/commons/logging/log4j/"); setUpLogger("TestLogger"); setUpFactory(); setUpLog("TestLogger"); } /** * Return the tests included in this test suite. */ public static Test suite() { return (new TestSuite(CustomConfigTestCase.class)); } /** * Tear down instance variables required by this test case. */ public void tearDown() { super.tearDown(); Logger.getRootLogger().removeAppender(appender); appender = null; logger = null; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- Test Methods // Test logging message strings with exceptions public void testExceptionMessages() throws Exception { logExceptionMessages(); checkLoggingEvents(true); } // Test logging plain message strings public void testPlainMessages() throws Exception { logPlainMessages(); checkLoggingEvents(false); } // Test pristine Appender instance public void testPristineAppender() { assertNotNull("Appender exists", appender); } // Test pristine Log instance public void testPristineLog() { super.testPristineLog(); } // Test pristine Logger instance public void testPristineLogger() { assertNotNull("Logger exists", logger); assertEquals("Logger level", Level.INFO, logger.getEffectiveLevel()); assertEquals("Logger name", "TestLogger", logger.getName()); } // Test Serializability of Log instance public void testSerializable() throws Exception { super.testSerializable(); testExceptionMessages(); } // -------------------------------------------------------- Support Methods // Check the log instance protected void checkLog() { assertNotNull("Log exists", log); assertEquals("Log class", "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger", log.getClass().getName()); // Assert which logging levels have been enabled assertTrue(log.isErrorEnabled()); assertTrue(log.isWarnEnabled()); assertTrue(log.isInfoEnabled()); assertTrue(!log.isDebugEnabled()); assertTrue(!log.isTraceEnabled()); } // Check the recorded messages protected void checkLoggingEvents(boolean thrown) { Iterator events =; for (int i = 0; i < testMessages.length; i++) { assertTrue("Logged event " + i + " exists",events.hasNext()); LoggingEvent event = (LoggingEvent); assertEquals("LoggingEvent level", testLevels[i], event.getLevel()); assertEquals("LoggingEvent message", testMessages[i], event.getMessage()); /* Does not appear to be logged correctly? assertEquals("LoggingEvent class", this.getClass().getName(), event.getLocationInformation().getClassName()); */ /* Does not appear to be logged correctly? if (thrown) { assertEquals("LoggingEvent method", "logExceptionMessages", event.getLocationInformation().getMethodName()); } else { assertEquals("LoggingEvent method", "logPlainMessages", event.getLocationInformation().getMethodName()); } */ if (thrown) { assertNotNull("LoggingEvent thrown", event.getThrowableInformation().getThrowableStrRep()); assertTrue("LoggingEvent thrown type", event.getThrowableInformation() .getThrowableStrRep()[0] .indexOf("IndexOutOfBoundsException")>0); } else { assertNull("LoggingEvent thrown", event.getThrowableInformation()); } } assertTrue(!events.hasNext()); appender.flush(); } // Log the messages with exceptions protected void logExceptionMessages() { Throwable t = new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); log.trace("trace", t); // Should not actually get logged log.debug("debug", t); // Should not actually get logged"info", t); log.warn("warn", t); log.error("error", t); log.fatal("fatal", t); } // Log the plain messages protected void logPlainMessages() { log.trace("trace"); // Should not actually get logged log.debug("debug"); // Should not actually get logged"info"); log.warn("warn"); log.error("error"); log.fatal("fatal"); } // Set up our custom Appender protected void setUpAppender(String config) throws Exception { Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(config); props.load(is); is.close(); PropertyConfigurator.configure(props); Enumeration appenders = Logger.getRootLogger().getAllAppenders(); appender = (TestAppender) appenders.nextElement(); } // Set up our custom Logger protected void setUpLogger(String name) throws Exception { logger = Logger.getLogger(name); } }
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