Commons Math example source code file (StatUtilsTest.java)
The Commons Math StatUtilsTest.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.math.stat; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.commons.math.TestUtils; /** * Test cases for the {@link StatUtils} class. * @version $Revision: 902201 $ $Date: 2010-01-22 13:18:16 -0500 (Fri, 22 Jan 2010) $ */ public final class StatUtilsTest extends TestCase { private double one = 1; private float two = 2; private int three = 3; private double mean = 2; private double sumSq = 18; private double sum = 8; private double var = 0.666666666666666666667; private double min = 1; private double max = 3; private double tolerance = 10E-15; private double nan = Double.NaN; public StatUtilsTest(String name) { super(name); } /** test stats */ public void testStats() { double[] values = new double[] { one, two, two, three }; assertEquals("sum", sum, StatUtils.sum(values), tolerance); assertEquals("sumsq", sumSq, StatUtils.sumSq(values), tolerance); assertEquals("var", var, StatUtils.variance(values), tolerance); assertEquals("var with mean", var, StatUtils.variance(values, mean), tolerance); assertEquals("mean", mean, StatUtils.mean(values), tolerance); assertEquals("min", min, StatUtils.min(values), tolerance); assertEquals("max", max, StatUtils.max(values), tolerance); } public void testN0andN1Conditions() throws Exception { double[] values = new double[0]; assertTrue( "Mean of n = 0 set should be NaN", Double.isNaN(StatUtils.mean(values))); assertTrue( "Variance of n = 0 set should be NaN", Double.isNaN(StatUtils.variance(values))); values = new double[] { one }; assertTrue( "Mean of n = 1 set should be value of single item n1", StatUtils.mean(values) == one); assertTrue( "Variance of n = 1 set should be zero", StatUtils.variance(values) == 0); } public void testArrayIndexConditions() throws Exception { double[] values = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 }; assertEquals( "Sum not expected", 5.0, StatUtils.sum(values, 1, 2), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals( "Sum not expected", 3.0, StatUtils.sum(values, 0, 2), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals( "Sum not expected", 7.0, StatUtils.sum(values, 2, 2), Double.MIN_VALUE); try { StatUtils.sum(values, 2, 3); assertTrue("Didn't throw exception", false); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(true); } try { StatUtils.sum(values, -1, 2); assertTrue("Didn't throw exception", false); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(true); } } public void testSumSq() { double[] x = null; // test null try { StatUtils.sumSq(x); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } try { StatUtils.sumSq(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.sumSq(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.sumSq(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(4, StatUtils.sumSq(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(4, StatUtils.sumSq(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(18, StatUtils.sumSq(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(8, StatUtils.sumSq(x, 1, 2), tolerance); } public void testProduct() { double[] x = null; // test null try { StatUtils.product(x); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } try { StatUtils.product(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.product(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.product(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.product(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.product(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(12, StatUtils.product(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(4, StatUtils.product(x, 1, 2), tolerance); } public void testSumLog() { double[] x = null; // test null try { StatUtils.sumLog(x); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } try { StatUtils.sumLog(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.sumLog(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.sumLog(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Math.log(two), StatUtils.sumLog(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(Math.log(two), StatUtils.sumLog(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Math.log(one) + 2.0 * Math.log(two) + Math.log(three), StatUtils.sumLog(x), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(2.0 * Math.log(two), StatUtils.sumLog(x, 1, 2), tolerance); } public void testMean() { double[] x = null; try { StatUtils.mean(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.mean(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.mean(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(2.5, StatUtils.mean(x, 2, 2), tolerance); } public void testVariance() { double[] x = null; try { StatUtils.variance(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.variance(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(0.0, StatUtils.variance(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(0.5, StatUtils.variance(x, 2, 2), tolerance); // test precomputed mean x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(0.5, StatUtils.variance(x,2.5, 2, 2), tolerance); } public void testMax() { double[] x = null; try { StatUtils.max(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.max(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.max(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(three, StatUtils.max(x, 1, 3), tolerance); // test first nan is ignored x = new double[] {nan, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(three, StatUtils.max(x), tolerance); // test middle nan is ignored x = new double[] {one, nan, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(three, StatUtils.max(x), tolerance); // test last nan is ignored x = new double[] {one, two, nan}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.max(x), tolerance); // test all nan returns nan x = new double[] {nan, nan, nan}; TestUtils.assertEquals(nan, StatUtils.max(x), tolerance); } public void testMin() { double[] x = null; try { StatUtils.min(x, 0, 4); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.min(x, 0, 0), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.min(x, 0, 1), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.min(x, 1, 3), tolerance); // test first nan is ignored x = new double[] {nan, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.min(x), tolerance); // test middle nan is ignored x = new double[] {one, nan, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(one, StatUtils.min(x), tolerance); // test last nan is ignored x = new double[] {one, two, nan}; TestUtils.assertEquals(one, StatUtils.min(x), tolerance); // test all nan returns nan x = new double[] {nan, nan, nan}; TestUtils.assertEquals(nan, StatUtils.min(x), tolerance); } public void testPercentile() { double[] x = null; // test null try { StatUtils.percentile(x, .25); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } try { StatUtils.percentile(x, 0, 4, 0.25); fail("null is not a valid data array."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // success } // test empty x = new double[] {}; TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.percentile(x, 25), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(Double.NaN, StatUtils.percentile(x, 0, 0, 25), tolerance); // test one x = new double[] {two}; TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.percentile(x, 25), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(two, StatUtils.percentile(x, 0, 1, 25), tolerance); // test many x = new double[] {one, two, two, three}; TestUtils.assertEquals(2.5, StatUtils.percentile(x, 70), tolerance); TestUtils.assertEquals(2.5, StatUtils.percentile(x, 1, 3, 62.5), tolerance); } public void testDifferenceStats() throws Exception { double sample1[] = {1d, 2d, 3d, 4d}; double sample2[] = {1d, 3d, 4d, 2d}; double diff[] = {0d, -1d, -1d, 2d}; double small[] = {1d, 4d}; double meanDifference = StatUtils.meanDifference(sample1, sample2); assertEquals(StatUtils.sumDifference(sample1, sample2), StatUtils.sum(diff), tolerance); assertEquals(meanDifference, StatUtils.mean(diff), tolerance); assertEquals(StatUtils.varianceDifference(sample1, sample2, meanDifference), StatUtils.variance(diff), tolerance); try { StatUtils.meanDifference(sample1, small); fail("Expecting IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } try { StatUtils.varianceDifference(sample1, small, meanDifference); fail("Expecting IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } try { double[] single = {1.0}; StatUtils.varianceDifference(single, single, meanDifference); fail("Expecting IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } } public void testGeometricMean() throws Exception { double[] test = null; try { StatUtils.geometricMean(test); fail("Expecting IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } test = new double[] {2, 4, 6, 8}; assertEquals(Math.exp(0.25d * StatUtils.sumLog(test)), StatUtils.geometricMean(test), Double.MIN_VALUE); assertEquals(Math.exp(0.5 * StatUtils.sumLog(test, 0, 2)), StatUtils.geometricMean(test, 0, 2), Double.MIN_VALUE); } } Other Commons Math examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Commons Math StatUtilsTest.java source code file: |
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