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 * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * SMTPReply stores a set of constants for SMTP reply codes.  To interpret
 * the meaning of the codes, familiarity with RFC 821 is assumed.
 * The mnemonic constant names are transcriptions from the code descriptions
 * of RFC 821.  For those who think in terms of the actual reply code values,
 * a set of CODE_NUM constants are provided where NUM is the numerical value
 * of the code.


* @author Daniel F. Savarese ***/ public final class SMTPReply { public static final int CODE_211 = 211; public static final int CODE_214 = 214; public static final int CODE_215 = 215; public static final int CODE_220 = 220; public static final int CODE_221 = 221; public static final int CODE_250 = 250; public static final int CODE_251 = 251; public static final int CODE_354 = 354; public static final int CODE_421 = 421; public static final int CODE_450 = 450; public static final int CODE_451 = 451; public static final int CODE_452 = 452; public static final int CODE_500 = 500; public static final int CODE_501 = 501; public static final int CODE_502 = 502; public static final int CODE_503 = 503; public static final int CODE_504 = 504; public static final int CODE_550 = 550; public static final int CODE_551 = 551; public static final int CODE_552 = 552; public static final int CODE_553 = 553; public static final int CODE_554 = 554; public static final int SYSTEM_STATUS = CODE_211; public static final int HELP_MESSAGE = CODE_214; public static final int SERVICE_READY = CODE_220; public static final int SERVICE_CLOSING_TRANSMISSION_CHANNEL = CODE_221; public static final int ACTION_OK = CODE_250; public static final int USER_NOT_LOCAL_WILL_FORWARD = CODE_251; public static final int START_MAIL_INPUT = CODE_354; public static final int SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE = CODE_421; public static final int ACTION_NOT_TAKEN = CODE_450; public static final int ACTION_ABORTED = CODE_451; public static final int INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = CODE_452; public static final int UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND = CODE_500; public static final int SYNTAX_ERROR_IN_ARGUMENTS = CODE_501; public static final int COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = CODE_502; public static final int BAD_COMMAND_SEQUENCE = CODE_503; public static final int COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FOR_PARAMETER = CODE_504; public static final int MAILBOX_UNAVAILABLE = CODE_550; public static final int USER_NOT_LOCAL = CODE_551; public static final int STORAGE_ALLOCATION_EXCEEDED = CODE_552; public static final int MAILBOX_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED = CODE_553; public static final int TRANSACTION_FAILED = CODE_554; // Cannot be instantiated private SMTPReply() {} /*** * Determine if a reply code is a positive preliminary response. All * codes beginning with a 1 are positive preliminary responses. * Postitive preliminary responses are used to indicate tentative success. * No further commands can be issued to the SMTP server after a positive * preliminary response until a follow up response is received from the * server. *

* Note: No SMTP commands defined in RFC 822 provide this * type of reply. *

* @param reply The reply code to test. * @return True if a reply code is a postive preliminary response, false * if not. ***/ public static boolean isPositivePreliminary(int reply) { return (reply >= 100 && reply < 200); } /*** * Determine if a reply code is a positive completion response. All * codes beginning with a 2 are positive completion responses. * The SMTP server will send a positive completion response on the final * successful completion of a command. *

* @param reply The reply code to test. * @return True if a reply code is a postive completion response, false * if not. ***/ public static boolean isPositiveCompletion(int reply) { return (reply >= 200 && reply < 300); } /*** * Determine if a reply code is a positive intermediate response. All * codes beginning with a 3 are positive intermediate responses. * The SMTP server will send a positive intermediate response on the * successful completion of one part of a multi-part sequence of * commands. For example, after a successful DATA command, a positive * intermediate response will be sent to indicate that the server is * ready to receive the message data. *

* @param reply The reply code to test. * @return True if a reply code is a postive intermediate response, false * if not. ***/ public static boolean isPositiveIntermediate(int reply) { return (reply >= 300 && reply < 400); } /*** * Determine if a reply code is a negative transient response. All * codes beginning with a 4 are negative transient responses. * The SMTP server will send a negative transient response on the * failure of a command that can be reattempted with success. *

* @param reply The reply code to test. * @return True if a reply code is a negative transient response, false * if not. ***/ public static boolean isNegativeTransient(int reply) { return (reply >= 400 && reply < 500); } /*** * Determine if a reply code is a negative permanent response. All * codes beginning with a 5 are negative permanent responses. * The SMTP server will send a negative permanent response on the * failure of a command that cannot be reattempted with success. *

* @param reply The reply code to test. * @return True if a reply code is a negative permanent response, false * if not. ***/ public static boolean isNegativePermanent(int reply) { return (reply >= 500 && reply < 600); } }

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