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The source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <cheatsheet title="Creating and publishing a feature"> <intro href="/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/reference/ref-cheatsheets.htm"> <description> This cheat sheet will automatically launch wizards, perform actions, and guide you through the individual steps to create a feature and publish it using the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE). To learn more about using cheat sheets or to see a list of available cheat sheets click help (?). To start working on this cheat sheet, click the "Click to Begin" button below. </description> </intro> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_setup.htm" title="Switching to the PDE perspective"> <action pluginId="org.eclipse.pde.ui" class="org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.OpenPDEPerspectiveAction"/> <description> Select <b>Window->Open Perspective->Other...->Plug-in Development to switch to the PDE perspective. The PDE perspective is automatically launched when you click the "Click to Perform" button. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_creating.htm" title="Creating the plug-in project" skip="true"> <action pluginId="org.eclipse.pde.ui" param1="com.example.xyz" param2="org.eclipse.pde.ui.pluginContent.helloWorld" class="org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.wizards.plugin.OpenProjectWizardAction"/> <description> Select <b>File->New->Plug-in Project to bring up the plug-in project creation wizard. Choose 'com.example.xyz' for the project name. Accept all the defaults. Pick the <b>Hello, World template from the list of templates and press <b>Finish. The wizard is automatically launched when you click the "Click to Perform" button. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_feature_setup.htm" title="Creating the feature project" skip="true"> <action pluginId="org.eclipse.pde.ui" param1="com.example.xyz-feature" param2="com.example.xyz" param3="XYZ Feature" class="org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.wizards.feature.OpenProjectWizardAction"/> <description> Select <b>File->New->Feature Project to bring up the feature project creation wizard. Choose 'com.example.xyz-feature' for the project name. Choose 'com.example.xyz' for the feature id and 'XYZ Feature' for the feature name. Check 'com.example.xyz' plug-in in the list of plug-ins and press <b>Finish. The wizard is automatically launched when you click the "Click to Perform" button. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_feature_manifest.htm" title="Adding description and license agreement"> <description> Switch to the <b>Information page of the feature editor opened as a result of the previous step. Enter a short description in the <b>Description tab. Switch to the License Agreement tab and enter a short license text (features without a license will not be accepted by Eclipse Update). Press 'Ctrl+S' to save the file. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_setup.htm" title="Creating an update site project" skip="true"> <action pluginId="org.eclipse.pde.ui" param1="updates" class="org.eclipse.pde.internal.ui.wizards.site.OpenProjectWizardAction"/> <description> Select <b>File->New->Project->Plug-in Development->Update Site Project to bring up the update site project creation wizard. Choose 'updates' for the project name and press <b>Finish. The wizard is automatically launched when you click the "Click to Perform" button. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_editor.htm" title="Selecting features to build"> <description> Select <b>Add... in Features to Build section and check 'com.example.xyz' from the list. Verify that the feature appears in the section upon clicking <b>Finish. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_editor.htm" title="Creating a feature category"> <description> Select <b>New Category... in Features to Publish section and enter 'sample' for category name, 'Sample' for the label and some random text for description. Verify that the category appears in the section upon clicking <b>OK. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_editor.htm" title="Adding feature to category"> <description> Select 'com.example.xyz' feature in <b>Features to Build section and drag it to the 'Sample' category in <b>Features to Publish section. Verify that the feature appears as a child of the category. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_building.htm" title="Saving and building"> <description> Select 'Ctrl+S' to save the file. Select the <b>Build All button in the Features to Build section. Verify that 'plugins' and 'features' folders in the update site project contain JARs after the build is done. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_previewing.htm" title="Testing the update site"> <action pluginId="org.eclipse.ui.ide" class="org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.update.InstallWizardAction"/> <description> Select <b>Help->Software Updates->Find and Install.... The wizard is automatically launched when you click the "Click to Perform" button. Select the <b>Search for new features to install radio button. Click <b>Next. Select Add Local Site.... Find the workspace in the local file system and navigate to the update site project. Check the site, expand it and verify that 'Sample' category shows up. Click <b>Next. <br/> The wizard list should show 'XYZ Feature'. Select it and verify that the description shows up. Click the <b>Properties button and verify that properties are correct. Click <b>Next. Verify that the license agreement shows up correctly. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_previewing.htm" title="Installing the feature"> <description> When ready to test the feature itself, install another Eclipse instance and start it. Select <b>Help->Software Updates->Find and Install.... in that instance. Repeat the previous two steps. This time, go all the way to the end of the wizard and press <b>Finish. Accept to restart the workbench. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_previewing.htm" title="Verifying the installation"> <description> Upon restart, select <b>Help->Software Updates->Manage Configuration.... Expand the install location under <b>Eclipse Platform. Verify that the 'XYZ Feature' exists. </description> </item> <item href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/pde_site_previewing.htm" title="Publishing the update site"> <description> Once the update site is verified in the local file system, export the update site project and copy it to an HTTP server. </description> </item> </cheatsheet> |
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