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The source code############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ############################################################################### Image_analyzer = Image Analyzer None = None White = White Black = Black Red = Red Green = Green Blue = Blue X_scale = X Scale Y_scale = Y Scale Alpha_K = Alpha-K Display = Display Incremental = Incremental Transparent = Transparent Transparent_lc = transparent Mask = Mask Background = Background Animation = Animation Previous = < &Previous Next = &Next > Animate = &Animate Type_initial = Type: Type_string = Type: {0} Type_index = Type: {0} [{1,number,integer} of {2,number,integer}] Size_initial = Size: Size_value = Size: {0,number,integer} x {1,number,integer} Depth_initial = Depth: Depth_value = Depth: {0} Transparent_pixel_initial = Transparent pixel: Transparent_pixel_value = Transparent pixel: {0} Time_to_load_initial = Time to load: Time_to_load_value = Time to load: {0} ms Animation_size_initial = Animation size: Animation_size_value = Animation size: {0,number,integer} x {1,number,integer} Background_pixel_initial = Background pixel: Background_pixel_value = Background pixel: {0} Image_location_initial = Image location: Image_location_value = Image location: ({0,number,integer}, {1,number,integer}) Disposal_initial = Disposal: Disposal_value = Disposal: {0,number,integer} ({1}) Delay_initial = Delay: Delay_value = Delay: {0,number,integer} ms (using {1,number,integer} ms) Delay_used = Delay: {0,number,integer} ms Repeats_initial = Repeats: Repeats_value = Repeats: {0,number,integer} Repeats_forever = Repeats: {0,number,integer} (forever) Palette_initial = Palette: Palette_direct = Palette: Direct Palette_value = Palette size: {0,number,integer} Max_length_string = Transparent pixel: -1 (none) Pixel_data_initial = Pixel data: Pixel_data_value = Pixel data: Bytes per line: {0,number,integer} \ Scanline pad: {1,number,integer} {2} {3} Depth_info = Depth: {0,number,integer} -- {1} One_byte = 1 byte per pixel Multi_bytes = {0,number,integer} bytes per pixel Multi_pixels = {0,number,integer} pixels per byte {1} Scroll_for_alpha = (Scroll down to see alpha data) File = &File OpenFile = &Open File...\tCtrl+O OpenURL = Open &URL...\tCtrl+U Reopen = &Reopen LoadFile = &Load File...\tCtrl+L Save = &Save\tCtrl+S Save_as = Save &As... Save_mask_as = Save &Mask As... Print = &Print\tCtrl+P Exit = E&xit Alpha = Alpha OpenURLDialog = Open URL EnterURL = Enter the URL for an image (bmp, gif, ico, jfif, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff): All_images = All Image Files Loading_lc = loading Saving_lc = saving Unknown_extension = Unknown file extension: {0}\nPlease use bmp, gif, ico, jfif, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, or tiff. Overwrite = Overwrite {0}? Save_all = Save all {0} images into a multi-image file? Analyzer_on = Image Analyzer on: {0} Reloading_lc = reloading Color_at = Image color at ({0,number,integer}, {1,number,integer}) \ - pixel {2,number,integer} [0x{3}] - is {4} [0x{5}] {6} RGB = RGB '{'{0}, {1}, {2}'}' RGBA = RGBA '{'{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}'}' Color_at_transparent = (transparent) Creating_image = Creating image # {0,number,integer} from OK = OK Cancel = Cancel Stop = &Stop Creating_from = Creating image read from Bytes_per_line = Bytes per line: Scanline_pad = Scanline pad: Printing_error = Printing error: Error = Error {0} file\n{1}\n\n Unsupported_lc = unsupported None_lc = none Background_lc = background Previous_lc = previous Unspecified_lc = unspecified Unknown_ac = UNKNOWN Forever_lc = forever Save_as_type = Save As BMP Type... Save_as_type_label = Select the type of BMP to save as: Save_as_type_no_compress = No Compression Save_as_type_rle_compress = RLE Compression Save_as_type_os2 = OS/2 BMP |
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