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What this is

This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

Goals of the API:
- Option 1: Can add page to synchronize view and wizard to synchronize wizard (complete control over presentation and behavior)

- Option 2: ISVs that implement Subscriber gets our synchronize workflows with the following configuration points (FTP, CVS, WEBDAV)
  - can provide configurability of context/toolbar actions (how?)
  - resource selection synchronize wizard
  - inherit presaentation models, workflows for refreshing
  - use of sync info compare input, synchronize input, synchronize dialog
  - (internal) adding model provider
- Option 3: ISVs that don't implement a Subscriber but builds their own SynInfo?
  - synchronize dialog (displays compare input in a dialog)
  - synchronize input (displays a participant page in the compare infrastructure)
  - sync info compare input (display sync info in compare editor)
  - can they display the sync info using the default model providers?
  - working set in compare with latest to scope the changes shown
  x navigate actions in dialogs
  x progress fetching contents in dialog part
  - progress in dialog/wizards
  x fix-up actions enabled in dialogs/wizards
  x SubscriberPageConfiguration never created? I would expect SubscriberParticipant to create one.
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