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The source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cheatsheet title="Extend the Eclipse Browser view"> <intro> <description> This cheat sheet will demonstrate how to extend the Eclipse Browser view by adding a custom extesion using PDE. <br/> <br/> To learn more about using cheat sheets, click the help button in the top right corner (?). </description> </intro> <item title="Create a new plug-in" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/project_wizards/new_plugin_project.htm"> <description> To create the plug-in, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Select "File->New->Project..." from the main menu to bring up the "New Project" wizard. Expand the "Plug-in Development" category, choose "Plug-in Project" and press "Next"." skip="false"> <command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.newWizard(newWizardId=org.eclipse.pde.ui.NewProjectWizard)" confirm="false"> </command> </subitem> <subitem label="Input "org.eclipse.browser.extension" into the "Project Name" text box. Accept all defaults and press "Next"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Accept all default values on the "Plug-in Content" page and press "Finish". A new plug-in project will be created and the plug-in manifest editor will open automatically." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Define a new link" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/editors/manifest_editor/extensions.htm"> <description> To contribute a new link to the Eclipse Browser view, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="On the "Extensions" page of the plug-in manifest editor, press the "Add..." button in the "All Extensions" section to open the "New Extension" wizard." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Deselect the checkbox labeled "Show only extension points from the required plug-ins"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select "org.eclipse.browser.usefulLinks" from the "Extension Points" list box and press "Finish"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select "No" when prompted "Do you want to add plug-in org.eclipsecon.browser, declaring the usefulLinks extension point, to the list of plug-in dependencies?"." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Add new link object" dialog="false" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/editors/manifest_editor/extensions.htm"> <description> To add an additional link object, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Right-click the "org.eclipse.browser.usefulLinks" in the list box under "All Extensions" heading in the "Extensions" page and select "New->linkObject" from the context menu." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Replace the content of the "name" text box under "Extension Element Details" with "Eclipse Articles"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Replace the content of the "link" text box with "http://www.eclipse.org/articles/"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Right-click on the "linkObject" element and select "New>description" from the context menu." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select the "description" element. Expand the "Body Text" section at the bottom of the "Extensions" page and input "Web site to find Eclipse-related articles" in the text area." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select "File->Save" from the main menu." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Test the plug-in" dialog="false" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/launchers/eclipse_application_launcher.htm"> <description> To test your plug-in, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="On the "Overview" of the plug-in manifest editor, click the "Launch an Eclipse application" hyperlink under the "Testing" heading to launch a second instance of Eclipse." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Note the "Eclipse Articles" link under the "Useful Links" section in the Eclipse Browser view. Click on it to view the associated web site in an embedded browser." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select "File->Exit" from the main menu to close the second Eclipse instance." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> </cheatsheet> |
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