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The source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <compositeCheatsheet name="Create the Eclipse Browser Plug-in"> <taskGroup kind="set" name="Create the Eclipse Browser Plug-in" skip="false"> <intro> This cheat sheet will guide you through the individual steps to import, modify, test and extend the Eclipse Browser plug-in using the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE). <br/> <br/> To assist you along the way, wizards and commands will be available for you to launch automatically. </intro> <onCompletion> Congratulations! You just imported, modified, tested and extended the Eclipse Browser plug-in using PDE. </onCompletion> <task kind="cheatsheet" name="Create the Eclipse Browser view" skip="false"> <intro> This cheat sheet will demonstrate how to import, modify and test the Eclipse Browser plug-in. </intro> <onCompletion> Congratulations! You just ran the Eclipse Browser plug-in! </onCompletion> <param name="path" value="view-extension.xml"> </param> </task> <task kind="cheatsheet" name="Extend the Eclipse Browser view" skip="false"> <intro> This cheat sheet will demonstrate how to extend the Eclipse Browser plug-in. </intro> <onCompletion> Congratulations! You just extended the Eclipse Browser plug-in! </onCompletion> <param name="path" value="custom-extension.xml"> </param> </task> </taskGroup> </compositeCheatsheet> |
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