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The source code<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <cheatsheet title="Create the Eclipse Browser view"> <intro> <description> This cheat sheet will demonstrate how to create and deploy a plug-in that extends the Eclipse Browser product. </description> </intro> <item title="Create a new plug-in project" dialog="true" skip="false"> <description> To create a new plug-in project, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Select "File->New->Project..." from the main menu to bring up the "New Project" wizard. Expand the "Plug-in Development" category, choose "Plug-in Project" and press "Next"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Input "com.example.xyz" into the "Project Name" text box. Accept all defaults and press "Next"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Accept all default values on the "Plug-in Content" page and press "Finish". A new plug-in project will be created and the plug-in manifest editor will open automatically." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Add an HTML Browser extension" dialog="true" skip="false"> <description> To add an HTML Browser extension, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Open the com.example.xyz/plugin.xml file." skip="true"> <command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.navigate.openResource(filePath=org.eclipse.browser/plugin.xml)" confirm="false"> </command> </subitem> <subitem label="On the "Extensions" page of the plug-in manifest editor, press the "Add..." button to open the "New Extension" wizard." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Deselect the checkbox labeled "Show only extension points from the required plug-ins"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select "org.eclipse.browser.htmlBrowsers" from the "Extension Points" list box and press "Finish"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Choose "Yes" when prompted "Do you want to add plug-in org.eclipsecon.browser, declaring the htmlBrowsers extension point, to the list of plug-in dependencies?"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="(Eclipse 3.2 Only) Right-click on the "org.eclipse.browser.htmlBrowsers" node and select "New->browser" from the context menu." skip="true"> </subitem> <subitem label="Replace the content of the "id" text box under "Extension Element Details" with "com.example.xyz.externalBrowser"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Replace the content of the "name" text box under "Extension Element Details" with "External Browser"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Replace the content of the "class" text box under "Extension Element Details" with "com.example.xyz.ExternalBrowser"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Save the file via "File > Save" from the main menu." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Implement the browser extension" dialog="true" skip="false"> <description> To implement the browser extension, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Click on the "class" link in the "Extension Element Details" section to bring up the "New Java Class" wizard." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Accept all defaults in the wizard, and press Finish. This will create and open an ExternalBrowser.java file." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="In the ExternalBrowser.java file, implement the body of the run() method as follows: try { IWorkbenchBrowserSupport support = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getBrowserSupport(); IWebBrowser browser = support.getExternalBrowser(); browser.openURL(url); } catch (PartInitException e) { }" skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Save the ExternalBrowser.java file via "File > Save" from the main menu." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Export the plug-in" dialog="true" skip="false"> <description> To export the plug-in, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Select File > Export...> Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments from the main menu." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Select the "com.example.xyz" plug-in." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="On the "Destination" tab, make sure the "Directory option is selected." skip="true"> </subitem> <subitem label="Input the location of the root directory of the Eclipse Browser product, e.g. "C:\destination\browser"." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Press Finish." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> <item title="Launch the product" dialog="true" skip="false"> <description> To launch the product and observe the new plug-in in action, perform the following steps: </description> <subitem label="Navigate to the Eclipse Browser product root directory, and double-click on the browser executable." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="When the application starts, note how the Browser view now has a drop down menu." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Press the view's drop down arrow to see the content of the drop down menu." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Observe how it contains two items: "External Browser" (contributed by the com.example.xyz plug-in) and "Internal Browser" contributed by the org.eclipse.browser plug-in." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Toggle back and forth between the two browser options, and observe how the browser setting is honored when you double-click on a node in the tree to open the website." skip="false"> </subitem> <subitem label="Close the application via "File > Exit" from the main menu." skip="false"> </subitem> </item> </cheatsheet> |
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