Friki example source code file (TableRow.java)
The Friki TableRow.java source codepackage wiki; import org.stringtree.regex.Pattern; import org.stringtree.factory.AbstractStringFetcher; import org.stringtree.juicer.string.RegexSplitStringFilter; import org.stringtree.juicer.string.StringFilter; import org.stringtree.juicer.string.StringStringSource; import org.stringtree.util.StringUtils; public class TableRow extends AbstractStringFetcher { private static final Pattern bar = Pattern.compile("(?<!\\\\)\\|"); private void renderCell(StringBuffer buf, String cell, int blanks) { buf.append("<td"); if (blanks > 0) { buf.append(" colspan='"); buf.append(blanks+1); buf.append("'"); } buf.append(">"); buf.append(cell); buf.append("</td>"); } public void renderRow(String row, StringBuffer buf) { row = row.trim(); if (row.endsWith("|")) row = row.substring(0,row.length()-1); String[] cells = bar.split(row); int blanks = 0; String lastCell = null; buf.append("\n<tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; ++i) { String cell = cells[i]; if (StringUtils.isBlank(cell)) { ++blanks; } else { if(lastCell != null) { renderCell(buf, lastCell, blanks); blanks = 0; } lastCell = cell; } } if(lastCell != null) { renderCell(buf, lastCell, blanks); } buf.append("</tr>"); } public Object getObject(String content) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String prev = null; StringFilter rows = new RegexSplitStringFilter("(^|\n)\\|"); rows.connectSource(new StringStringSource(content)); for (String row = rows.nextString(); row != null; row = rows.nextString()) { if (row.length()==0) { prev = "|"; } else { if (prev != null) { row = prev + row; } renderRow(row, buf); } } String ret = buf.toString(); return ret; } } Other Friki examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Friki TableRow.java source code file: |
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