Friki example source code file (stories.txt)
The Friki stories.txt source codeFriki stories Current ------- + read intermap file from data directory This Release (2.1.1 final) ------------------- Next Release (2.1.2) ------------------- + work out why (& fix) Marion's example crashes Tomcat [Marion Sturtevant] + more understandable "diff" output [Ilja Preuss] + serve arbitrary web files (esp. images and css) from a data dir subdirectory + make the Include directive look relative to the data directory + options to enable/disable console logging + extract layout choices to CSS [Frank Carver] + render utilities (e.g. java2html) [Markus Gebhard] + provide some more interesting example page/css template sets + make page repository more robust + pluggable storage strategy to allow for DB storage etc. + experimental plugin mechanism + pre-update, post-update hooks (for spelling checkers etc.) + pages to be of unlimited size [Danny Cook] ? Unscheduled ------- + externally configurable format for read/write logging + allow link text for links [Michael Weisser] + improve diff facility to highlight modified sections and/or show in context + header markup (e.g. =level 1 header=, ==level 2 header==, or !, !! and !!! etc.) + auto convert email addresses to mailto links + sort recent changes most recent first + rearrange URLs for finer-grained security + options to hide system pages from searches + optional case insensitive search + smart search (lucene? - via plugin?) + deployment config for date format + preview option + alignment options for images + optional hiding of ip addressses/machine names in recent changes [Jason Menard] + make page names case sensitive (is this a Windows issue?) + edit-collision detection [ Frank Carver ] + spelling checker (via plugin?) + attach/recognize names of people, not just ip addresses/machine names (cookie?) + more attractive RecentChanges [Frank Carver] + auto convert "smileys" [Ilja Preuss] + upload and attach a file/image to a page + meta language (see Zope/Python or http://www.flexwiki.com/default.aspx/FlexWiki.WikiTalk) + a way of getting juicer Include to include all files matching a pattern - to ease adding of extensions Done (2.1.1 beta 1) ---- + remove the option of "simple" markup + Bring up to date with current Stringtree utilities + simpler build process [Dirk Schreckmann] [Steve Hutton] + new render engine with external spec + split regex wrappers into separate project jars ? + app name for tomcat console + test and fix the greedy block bug + allow "file:" URLS (and others, eg https: etc.) + internationalization of stored pages and page editing [Ilja Preuss] [Ulf Dittmer] + eliminate the needless "backup" of initially created pages + add a "diff" facility [Ilja Preuss] + fix "blank lines in preformatted table cells" problem [Dirk Schreckmann] + allow unicode upper and lower case letters in page names [Ulf Dittmer] + "config" mode when first installed + allow templates to be fetched from outside the web app + allow wiki.transform to be fetched from outside the web app + allow button spec to be fetched from outside the web app + update docs for new configuration options + allow interwiki file to be fetched from outside the web app Done (2.1.1 beta 2) ---- + stop read/write logging backing up the read requests page [Marion Sturtevant] + remove diff links from read requests page [Marion Sturtevant] + make logging of default pages/templates etc. a bit more useful [Marion Sturtevant] + rename (and check) installing of default pages from resource (dflpages vs dflPages) [Marion Sturtevant] + buildall.bat seems to build a OneDotThree with OneDotFour code in it [Marion Sturtevant] + escape $ in 1.4 regex wrapper (org.stringtree.regex.Pattern.replaceAll(Pattern.java:28)) [Marion Sturtevant] + stop the templating screwing up paypal buttons etc. [Frank Carver] + why does old/EmptyPage not get copied over properly? [Frank Carver] + fix searching error from sourceforge (rogue files in repository again?) [Tillmann Wegst] [Dave Watkins] + check the old --WikiName bug [Frank Carver] + run time command to re-load changed templates, transform etc. [Frank Carver] ( use http://.../friki?button?button=RESET ) + exception on bullet item with no text ( http://tomcat.efsol.com/friki/view?BulletPointBug ) [Dave Watkins] + default to not logging page reads, this causes too much trouble on busy installations [Lasse Koskela] + validity-checking (or documentation update) for directories in stored properties if repository is copied [Dave Watkins] Done (2.1.1 beta 3 / rc1) ---- + use a more-specific regex for mailto links [Frank Carver] + bullets followed by hands-off block loses the block [Marion Sturtevant] + RecentChanges doesn't show page links [Frank Carver] + logfile formatting to still work if a bunch of log lines are copied to a new page (what about diff link?) + ordered search results + patch for searching on MacOSX [Ulf Dittmer] + rationalise which jar files are in the source release [Marion Sturtevant] + better handling of non-Ascii characters in WikiWords & filenames [Ulf Dittmer] Done (2.1.1 final) ---- + allow broader regex in remote wiki links (to support javadoc URLs) + encode search URL in edit template Other Friki examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Friki stories.txt source code file: |
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