Friki example source code file (wiki-before.txt)
The Friki wiki-before.txt source codeThis installation of Friki uses "classic" formatting. In this style page formatting is based on the style used in the "original" Wiki described at Wiki:TextFormattingRules. Text is mostly displayed as you have typed it. To prevent problems with rendering HTML, important characters such as '<'. '>, and '&' are "escaped". HTML normally joins lines and wraps the result, so to start a new paragraph, you need to put a blank line (which will be converted to a <p> tag). "Classic" markup also adds ways to indicate ''emphasis'', '''strong emphasis''', and so on. The thing that makes this a "Wiki", and not just a collection of editable pages is the ability to create "links" between pages. In the "classic" formatting, a link is identified by creating a "W''''''ikiWord"; placing two or more initial-capitalised words together (eg. FrontPage). If the page exists, you'll see a link to it, if it doesn't exist yet, you'll see the name followed by a '?', which you can click to create the page. The rules are described in more detail below: ---- '''Emphasis''' * Use doubled single-quotes ('') for emphasis (usually italics) * Use tripled single-quotes (''') for strong emphasis (usually bold) * Emphasis can be used multiple times within a line, but cannot span across line boundaries '''References''' * J''''''oinCapitalizedWords to make references to other pages on this Wiki. * Precede URLs with "http:", "ftp:", "gopher:", "mailto:", or "news:" to create links automatically as in: http://www.efsol.com/ * URLs of objects ending with .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png are inlined as images. * Refer to pages on other Wikis using "interwiki" syntax as described at MeatBall:InterMap * Use Six Single Quotes to A''''''voidMakingReferencesToOtherPagesOnThisWiki, or separate suffixes (like 's') (eg. FrontPage''''''s). * ISBN: 0-13-748310-4 links to a bookseller. (The pattern is: "ISBN", optional colon, space, ten digits with optional hyphens, the whole thing optionally in square brackets. The last digit can be an "X".) We are an Amazon Associate. * I S B N: 0123456789 becomes ISBN: 0123456789 * [I S B N 0123456789] becomes [ISBN 0123456789] * [I S B N: 123-456-789-X] becomes [ISBN: 123-456-789-X] '''Horizontal Lines''' * Four or more hyphens at the beginning of a line make a horizontal rule '''Bullets or Numbered Lists''' * One line for each item * '''tab''' '''*''' (or 8 spaces and '''*'''), for first level * '''tab''' '''tab''' '''*''' for second level, etc. * Use * for bullet lists, 1. for numbered lists (mix at will) -- always use 1., it will be renumbered automagically. '''Definition Lists''' * '''tab''' ''term'' colon '''tab''' ''Definition'', for example: first term: This is first definition. second term: This is the second definition. '''Fonts''' * Indent with one or more spaces to use a monospace font: This is text in a monospaced font. This is indented with three spaces. This is not. Notice that there is a MonospaceIndentationProblem. '''Indented Paragraphs''' ''(Quotes)'' * '''tab''' '''space''' : '''tab''' may be used (often with emphasis) for quotations. Sample: : This is quoted. This isn't. '''Preformatted Blocks''' * A line ending with '[' starts a preformatted block, which runs up to the next line which starts with ']'. Within a preformatted block Wiki''''''Words, lists, quotes, tables etc. have no significance, and indentation is preserved. Typically preformatted blocks are used for source code examples, or other complex text. '''Tables''' This Wiki implements Ward Cunningham's table syntax introduced for his Wiki at http://fit.c2.com/, but not yet propagated back to the original Wiki. * Any line starting and ending with | (with optional trailing whitespace) will appear as a table. * Separate columns with | * Empty cells are merged with adjacent cells to form single spanning cells. * If you really want an empty cell, put six-single-quotes in it, and it will show as empty. * You can put preformatted blocks in table cells using |[ and ]| |'''''' |Example Table| || |'''type'''|with |spanning|header | |'''cols'''| and |several| columns | |BlockTransform.java| |[ package com.efsol.friki.transform; import com.efsol.friki.*; public class BlockTransform extends DynamicTransform { private Transformer tx; private String URL="http://www.efsol.com/" public BlockTransform() { super("\\[" + newLinePattern + "((?:[^\\n\\r]*" + newLinePattern + ")+)" + "\\]"); tx = new Transformer(); tx.addTransform(newLinePattern, "<br>"); tx.addTransform("\\|", "\\\\|"); } } ]| Other Friki examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Friki wiki-before.txt source code file: |
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