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Friki example source code file (

This example Friki source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Friki tags/keywords

border, border, cellpadding='3', cellpadding='3', cellspacing='0, cellspacing='0, classicfiltertest, isbn, isbn, just, justlink, justlinki, mapstringrepository, notanotherwiki:frankcarver, util

The Friki source code

package tests;

import java.util.*;

import org.stringtree.factory.memory.MapStringRepository;
import org.stringtree.util.ResourceUtils;

import com.efsol.friki.*;

public class ClassicFilterTest extends FilterTest
	MapStringRepository context;
	Map remoteNames;

	public ClassicFilterTest(String name)

	public void setUp()
		context = new MapStringRepository();

		remoteNames = new HashMap();
		remoteNames.put("ALife", "");
		remoteNames.put("Wiki", "");

		setFilter(new ClassicToHTMLFilter(context, rep, remoteNames, ResourceUtils.readResource("wiki.transform")));

	public void testPlainText()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.plain text 1", "hello, there",
			"hello, there");

		check("ClassicFilterTest.plain text 2", "then run c:\\bin\\rsync.exe",
			"then run c:\\bin\\rsync.exe");

	public void testItalics()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.italic 1", "uh<i>hello there",
			"uh''hello'' there");

	public void testBold()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.bold 1", "uh<b>hello there",
			"uh'''hello''' there");

	public void testBoldItalic()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.bolditalic 1", "uh<i>hello there",
			"uh'''''hello''''' there");

		check("ClassicFilterTest.bolditalic 2", "uh<i>humhello there",
			"uh''hum'''hello''''' there");

	public void testRuler()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.ruler 1", "\n<hr/>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ruler 2", "\n<hr/>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ruler 3", "\n<hr/>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ruler 4", "---",

	public void testExternalLinks()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 1",
			"<a href=''>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 2",
			"<a href=''>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 3",
			"<a href=''>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 4",
			"<a href='mailto:test@efsol.gif'>mailto:test@efsol.gif",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 5",
			"<a href='mailto:test@'>mailto:test@",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 6",
			"<a href=''>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 7",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.ext 8",
			"<a href=''>",

	public void testInlinedLinks()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.inlined 1",
			"<img src=''/>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.inlined 2",
			"<img src=''/>",

		check("ClassicFilterTest.inlined 3",
			"<img src=''/>",

	public void testUnorderedList()
		check("ClassicFilterTest.unordered 1", "\n<ul>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\n", "\t* first\n\t*second\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.unordered 2", "\n<ul>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\nmore stuff", "\t* first\n\t*second\nmore stuff"); check("ClassicFilterTest.unordered 3", "\n<ul>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\nmore stuff", "\t* first\r\n\t*second\r\nmore stuff"); check("ClassicFilterTest.unordered 4", "JustLink<a href='edit?JustLink'>?\n\n
    • first
    • \n
    • second
    • \n
    \nmore stuff", "JustLink\n\t* first\r\n\t*second\r\nmore stuff"); check("ClassicFilterTest.unordered 5", "\n<ul>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\n
    ", "\t* first\n\t*second\n abc\n def"); check("ClassicFilterTest.unordered 6", "\n\t*\n<ul>\n
  • \n\n", "\t*\n\t* \n"); } public void testOrderedList() { check("ClassicFilterTest.ordered 1", "\n<ol>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\n", "\t1 first\n\t1second\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.ordered 1", "\n<ol>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\n", " 1 first\n 1second\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.ordered 1", "\n<ol>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\n", " 1. first\n 1second\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.ordered 2", "\n<ol>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\nmore stuff", "\t1 first\n\t1second\nmore stuff"); check("ClassicFilterTest.ordered 3", "\n<ol>\n
  • first
  • \n
  • second
  • \n\nmore stuff", "\t1 first\r\n\t1second\r\nmore stuff"); } public void testMixedList() { check("ClassicFilterTest.mixed 1", "\n<ol>\n
  • first
  • \n\n
    • second
    • \n
    \n", "\t1 first\n\t*second\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.mixed 2", "\n<ul>\n
  • first unordered element
  • \n
  • second unordered element
  • \n\n
    1. third ordered element
    2. \n
    \n", "\t* first unordered element\n\t* second unordered element\n\t1 third ordered element"); } public void testMonospace() { check("ClassicFilterTest.monospace 1", "<pre>uhhello there
    ", " uh''hello'' there"); check("ClassicFilterTest.monospace 2", "<pre>uh\n there\n too", " uh\n there\n too"); check("ClassicFilterTest.monospace 3", "<pre>uh\n there\n too", " uh\r\n there\r\n too"); check("ClassicFilterTest.monospace 4", "\n<pre>uh\n there\n too", "\n uh\r\n there\r\n too"); } public void testISBN() { check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 1", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "ISBN 047120708X"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 2", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "[ISBN 047120708X]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 3", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "[ ISBN 047120708X]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 4", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "[ ISBN 047120708X ]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 5", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "ISBN: 047120708X"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 6", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "[ISBN: 047120708X]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 7", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "[ ISBN: 047120708X]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 8", "<a href=''>ISBN 047120708X", "[ ISBN: 047120708X ]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 9", "<a href=''>ISBN 047-120-708-X", "ISBN 047-120-708-X"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 10", "prefix <a href=''>ISBN 047-120-708-X hello", "prefix ISBN 047-120-708-X hello"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 11", "prefix <a href=''>ISBN 047-120-708-X hello", "prefix [ISBN 047-120-708-X] hello"); check("ClassicFilterTest.isbn 12", "prefix <a href=''>ISBN 047-120-708-X hello", "prefix [ ISBN 047-120-708-X ] hello"); } public void testJustLink() { check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 1.1", "JustLink<a href='edit?JustLink'>?", "JustLink"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 1.2", "Just<b>Link", "Just''''''Link"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 1.3", "a JustLink<a href='edit?JustLink'>?", "a JustLink"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 1.4", "a JustLink<a href='edit?JustLink'>? ", "a JustLink "); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 1.5", "JustLink<a href='edit?JustLink'>?\nAnotherLink?\nThirdLink?", "JustLink\nAnotherLink\nThirdLink"); rep.put("JustLink", new Page("JustLink")); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 2", "<a href='view?JustLink'>JustLink", "JustLink"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 3", "Just", "Just"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 4", "JustL", "JustL"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 5", "JustLI", "JustLI"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 6", "JustLinkI", "JustLinkI"); check("ClassicFilterTest.just link 7", "(<a href='view?JustLink'>JustLink)", "(JustLink)"); } public void testInterwikiLinks() { check("ClassicFilterTest.interwiki 1", "<a href=''>ALife:HoopyFrood", "ALife:HoopyFrood"); check("ClassicFilterTest.interwiki 2", "<a href=''>Wiki:FrankCarver", "Wiki:FrankCarver"); check("ClassicFilterTest.interwiki 3", "NotAnotherWiki:FrankCarver", "NotAnotherWiki:FrankCarver"); } public void testDefList() { check("ClassicFilterTest.deflist 1", "<dl>\n\t
    \n\n", "\tfirst:\tsecond\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.deflist 2", "<dl>\n"+ "\t<dt>first term
    This is first definition.
    \n" + "\t<dt>second term
    This is the second definition.
    \n" + "</dl>\n", "\tfirst term:\tThis is first definition.\n\tsecond term:\tThis is the second definition.\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.deflist 3", "<dl>\n"+ "\t<dt>first term
    This is first definition.
    \n" + "\t<dt>second term
    This is the second definition.
    \n" + "</dl>\n", "\tfirst term:\tThis is first definition.\r\n\tsecond term:\tThis is the second definition.\r\n"); } public void testIndents() { check("ClassicFilterTest.indent 1", "\n<ol>\n
    1. first
    2. \n
    \n\n", "\t\t1 first\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.indent 2", "\n<ul>\n
  • hello
  • \n
    1. first
    2. \n
    \n\n", "\t*hello\n\t\t1 first\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.indent 3", "\n<ul>\n
  • hello
  • \n
    • first
    • \n
    \n\n", "\t*hello\n\t\t*first\n"); check("ClassicFilterTest.indent 3", "\n<ul>\n
  • hello
  • \n
    • first
    • \n
    \n\n", " *hello\n *first\n"); } public void testTable() { check("ClassicFilterTest.table 1", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\n
    ", "|hello|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 2", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\nthere\n", "|hello|\n|there|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 3", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhellothere\n", "|hello|there|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 4", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhelloworld\ntheretheir\n", "|hello|world|\n|there|their|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 5", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\n", "|hello|| |\t |"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 6", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\ntheretheir\n", "|hello| |\n|there|their|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 7", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\n", "||hello|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 7a", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\n", "||hello||"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 8", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhelloworld\ntheretheir\n"+ "\n<p/>\n\n\n\n
    ", "|hello|world|\n|there|their|\n\n|hello|world|\n|there|their|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 9", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\nthere\n", "|hello| \t \n|there|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 10", "hello\n<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\n", "hello\n|hello|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.table 11", "whoopee\n<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\nhello\n\ndoo", "whoopee\n|hello|\ndoo"); } public void testBlock() { check("ClassicFilterTest.block 1", "<pre>first\nsecond \nthird", "[\nfirst\nsecond \nthird\n]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.block 2", "aa <pre>first\nsecond \nthirdbb", "aa [\nfirst\nsecond \nthird\n]bb"); check("ClassicFilterTest.block double", "aa\n<pre>first\nsecond \nthird\nbb\n
    first\nsecond  \nthird
    ", "aa\n[\r\nfirst\r\nsecond \r\nthird\r\n]\r\nbb\r\n[\r\nfirst\r\nsecond \r\nthird\r\n]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.block spacey 1", "aa\n<pre>\nfirst", "aa\n[\n\nfirst\n]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.block spacey 2", "aa\n<pre>first\n", "aa\n[\nfirst\n\n]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.block spacey 3", "aa\n<pre>\nfirst\n", "aa\n[\n\nfirst\n\n]"); check("ClassicFilterTest.block spacey 4", "aa\n<pre>\nfirst\n\nsecond", "aa\n[\n\nfirst\n\nsecond\n]"); } public void testBlockTable() { check("ClassicFilterTest.blocktable 1", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\n
    first\nsecond  \nthird
    \n", "|[\nfirst\nsecond \nthird\n]|"); check("ClassicFilterTest.blocktable 2", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\n
    first\nsecond  \nthird
    \n", "||[\nfirst\nsecond \nthird\n]|"); } public void testDollarProtection() { check("ClassicFilterTest.dollar 1", "<table BORDER CELLSPACING='0' CELLPADDING='3'>\n$\n", "|$|"); } }

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