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Friki example source code file (

This example Friki source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Friki tags/keywords

contentfilter, filtertest, filtertest, inmemoryrepository, io, pagerepository, pagerepository, string, string, stringreader, stringwriter, stringwriter, testcase

The Friki source code

package tests;


import junit.framework.*;

import com.efsol.friki.*;

public class FilterTest extends TestCase
	protected PageRepository rep;
	protected ContentFilter filter;

	public FilterTest(String name)

	public void setUp()
		rep = new PageRepository(new InMemoryRepository());

	protected void setFilter(ContentFilter filter)
		this.filter = filter;

	protected String convert(String content)
		StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
			filter.filter(new StringReader(content), out);
		catch(IOException ioe)

		return out.toString();

	protected void check(String name, String expected, String source, boolean log)
		String result = convert(source);
		if (log)
			System.out.println(name + ":\n  '" + source + "'->'" + result + "' expected (" + expected + ")");
		assertEquals(name, expected, result);

	protected void check(String name, String expected, String source)
		check(name, expected, source, false);

	public void testEmpty()
		check("FilterTest.empty 1", "", "");

	public void testOneLine()
		check("FilterTest.oneline 1", "hello", "hello");

	public void testTwoLines()
		check("FilterTest.twolines 1", "hello\nthere", "hello\nthere");

	public void testTwoParagraphs()
		check("FilterTest.twoparas 1", "hello\n<p/>\nthere",
		check("FilterTest.twoparas 2", "hello\n<p/>\nthere",
			"hello\n  \nthere");
		check("FilterTest.twoparas 3", "hello\n<p/>\nthere",

	public void testLT()
		check(" 1", "a < b",
			"a < b");

	public void testGT()
		check(" 1", "a > b",
			"a > b");

Other Friki examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Friki source code file:

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