Glassfish example source code file (java.c)
The Glassfish java.c source code/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can * obtain a copy of the License at * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html * or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. * * GPL Classpath Exception: * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License * file that accompanied this code. * * Modifications: * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or * only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor] * elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL * Version 2] license." If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ #include "java.h" #define AWT_HEADLESS_OPTION "-Djava.awt.headless=true" #define CLASSPATH_OPTION "-classpath" #define ENDORSED_DIRS_OPTION "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=" #define JAVA_IO_TMPDIR_OPTION "-Djava.io.tmpdir=" #define MAX_HEAP_OPTION "-Xmx512m" #define STATE_OPTION "-DInstallFile=" #define DEBUG_OPTION "-Ddebug=true" #define DOMAIN_CREATION_OPTION "-Dno.domain=true" #define PORT_VERIFICATION_OPTION "-Dno.port.verification=true" #define PASSWORD_VISIBLE_OPTION "-Dpassword.visible=true" #define TMPDIR_OPTION "-Dtemp.dir=" static const char *progname = NULL; static JavaVMOption *options = NULL; static JavaPropsOption *props = NULL; static int numOptions = 0; static int numProps = 0; static int maxOptions = 0; static int maxProps = 0; /* * Prototypes for functions internal to launcher. */ static void AddOption(char *str); static void AddProp(char *str); static jboolean ParseArguments(int *pargc, char ***pargv, char **pJavaHome, char **pTempDir, jboolean *pShowConsole, jboolean *pUseAnswerFileOption, char **pAnswerFile, jboolean *pUseAlternateRootOption, char **pAlternateRoot, jboolean *pStoreAnswerFile, char **pAnswerFileLocation, jboolean *pLogLevelOption, jboolean *pUseLogsLocation, char **pLogsLocation, int *pret); static jboolean CheckJavaVersion(const char *jrepath); static void DeleteWorkingDirectory(void); static void PrepareToExit(); #ifdef WIN32 static long WINAPI HandleException(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS exc); #else static void HandleSignalAndExit(int sig); static void HandleSignalAndAbort(int sig); #endif static void PrintUsage(void); static const char *SetExecName(const char *program); static char *jdkClassPath[] = JDK_CLASSPATH; #define NUM_JDK_CLASSPATH (sizeof(jdkClassPath) / sizeof(char *)) static char *applicationHome = NULL; static char *workdir = NULL; static jboolean isDebug = JNI_FALSE; static jboolean noPortVerification = JNI_FALSE; static jboolean noDomainCreation = JNI_FALSE; static jboolean visiblePassword = JNI_FALSE; static jboolean printWizardID = JNI_FALSE; static jboolean inJava = JNI_FALSE; static jboolean doCleanup = JNI_FALSE; /* * Entry point. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *s; int ret; int i; int j; int size; char **original_argv = argv; const char *apphome; const char *execname; char *javahome = NULL; char *tmpdir = NULL; char *jrepath = NULL; char **appclasspath = NULL; jboolean showconsole = JNI_FALSE; jzfile *zipFile; int zipError; char *upgradeInvokerName = NULL; /* Used for saving answer file. */ jboolean useAnswerFileOption = JNI_FALSE; char *answerFile= NULL; /* Use Alternate Root */ jboolean useAlternateRootOption = JNI_FALSE; char *alternateRoot = NULL; /* Logs Location */ jboolean useLogsLocation = JNI_FALSE; char *logsLocation = NULL; /* Dry Run file location */ jboolean storeAnswerFile = JNI_FALSE; char *answerFileLocation = NULL; /* Log Level */ jboolean logLevelOption = JNI_FALSE; /* reference to Open Installer Framework zip File */ char oiZipFile[MAXPATHLEN]; /* reference to jdk zip File */ char jdkZipFile[MAXPATHLEN]; char classPath[2048]; #ifdef WIN32 ULONGLONG requiredDisk; unsigned __int64 availableDisk; unsigned __int64 freebytestocaller; unsigned __int64 totalbytes; unsigned __int64 freebytes; #else unsigned long long requiredDisk; unsigned long long availableDisk; struct statvfs64 buf; struct sigaction act; #endif /* Compute the name of the executable */ if ((execname = SetExecName(*argv)) == NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_resolve_exec_path"); fprintf(stderr, message); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } /* Check if another instance is already running */ ExitIfNotOnlyInstance(); if ((s = strrchr(execname, FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) != 0) progname = s + 1; ++argv; --argc; #ifdef WIN32 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(HandleException); #else sigfillset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; /* Signals to ignore */ act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGPWR, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGWINCH, &act, NULL); /* Signals to run exit handler */ act.sa_handler = HandleSignalAndExit; sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGPOLL, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGVTALRM, &act, NULL); /* Signals to run exit handler and dump core */ act.sa_handler = HandleSignalAndAbort; sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); #endif /* * Parse command line options and convert any relative paths in the * argument list to absolute paths. This function will also remove * the program name from argv so that the argument list conforms * to the Java argument list format. */ if (!ParseArguments(&argc, &argv, &javahome, &tmpdir, &showconsole, &useAnswerFileOption, &answerFile, &useAlternateRootOption, &alternateRoot, &storeAnswerFile, &answerFileLocation, &logLevelOption, &useLogsLocation, &logsLocation, &ret)) return ret; /* Remove it after console mode support has been turned on */ showconsole = JNI_FALSE; /* Create the temporary directory */ s = GetLocalizedMessage("checking_disk_space"); statusf(s); s = NULL; /* if tmpdir explicitly set, override environment variables on relevant platforms */ #ifdef WIN32 if (tmpdir != NULL) { char setenvline[1024]; sprintf(setenvline, "TMP=%s", tmpdir); _putenv(setenvline); } #endif #ifdef LINUX if (tmpdir != NULL) { setenv("TMPDIR", tmpdir, 1); } #endif /* if tmpdir has not already been set through command line option get it... */ if (tmpdir == NULL) { tmpdir = GetTempDir(); } if ((tmpdir == NULL) || (workdir = tempnam(tmpdir, progname)) == NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir"); fprintf(stderr, message, tmpdir); free(message); message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message, progname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } /* * Create the working directory and protect against the possibility that * the working directory may already exist. */ #ifdef WIN32 while (!CreateDirectory(workdir, NULL)) #else while (mkdir(workdir, S_IRWXU)) #endif { free(workdir); if ((workdir = tempnam(tmpdir, progname)) == NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir"); fprintf(stderr, message, tmpdir); free(message); message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message, progname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } } /* Check that there enough temporary space */ requiredDisk = 0; if ((zipFile = zipOpen(execname, &zipError)) != NULL) { jzentry *zipEntry; /* Get the uncompressed size of the embedded files */ i = 0; while ((zipEntry = zipGetNextEntry(zipFile, i++)) != NULL) { requiredDisk += zipEntry->size; zipFreeEntry(zipFile, zipEntry); } zipClose(zipFile); /* Reset application home to the working directory */ free(applicationHome); applicationHome = StrDup(workdir); } /* Add a little extra for the SetupSDK's native executable */ requiredDisk += 100000; ret = 0; #ifdef WIN32 if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(workdir, (PULARGE_INTEGER) &freebytestocaller, (PULARGE_INTEGER) &totalbytes, (PULARGE_INTEGER) &freebytes)) ret = 1; availableDisk = freebytestocaller; #else if (statvfs64(workdir, &buf)) { if (errno == EOVERFLOW) { /* * If there is an overflow, we can safely assume that there * is plenty of free disk space */ availableDisk = requiredDisk + 1; } else { ret = 1; } } availableDisk = buf.f_frsize * buf.f_bavail; #endif if (ret) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir"); fprintf(stderr, message, tmpdir); free(message); message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message, progname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } else if (requiredDisk > availableDisk) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_space_system_tmpdir"); /* * This is workaround for Windows printf quirk - second lli will * be printed with zero value if printed directly */ char required_buf[32]; char available_buf[32]; sprintf(required_buf, "%lli", requiredDisk); sprintf(available_buf, "%lli", availableDisk); fprintf(stderr, message, tmpdir, required_buf, available_buf); free(message); message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_writable_system_tmpdir_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message, progname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } /* Find out where the JRE is that we will be using. */ s = GetLocalizedMessage("checking_java"); statusf(s); s = NULL; ret = 0; if (javahome) { /* Make sure version is OK */ if ((jrepath = GetJREPath(javahome)) == NULL || !CheckJavaVersion(jrepath)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_find_specified_java"); fprintf(stderr, message, javahome); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } } /* if javahome is not explicitly passed, then check public JREs on the machine. */ else { if ((jrepath = GetPublicJREPath()) == NULL) { /* If no JDK/JRE is found on the machine, then do not quit yet. Look at the installer bundled to see if there is a bundled JDK. Prior to this the installer bundle itself has to be unzipped in temp dir. */ ret = 1; } } if ((zipFile = zipOpen(execname, &zipError)) != NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("unzipping_files"); statusf(message); free(message); message = NULL; if (!UnzipFiles(zipFile, workdir, NULL)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("corrupted_zip_file"); fprintf(stderr, message, execname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } zipClose(zipFile); } /* Check to see if there is a bundled jdk.zip in the installer bundle. */ /* If Java is not found in the environment, then check to see if there is a jdk.zip in package directory. If found one, then unzip it and use it to launch installer. This will only be valid in case of Java EE SDK bundles that includes a jdk in them. */ if (!javahome && ret == 1) { sprintf(jdkZipFile, "%s" JDK_ZIP_PATH, workdir); if ((zipFile = zipOpen(jdkZipFile, &zipError)) != NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("unzipping_files_jdk_zip"); char bundledJavaHome[MAXPATHLEN]; statusf(message); free(message); message = NULL; if (!UnzipFiles(zipFile, workdir, NULL)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("corrupted_zip_file"); fprintf(stderr, message, execname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } zipClose(zipFile); /* Now check to make sure that the bundled version is okay. */ /* Make sure version is OK */ sprintf(bundledJavaHome,"%s\\jdk",workdir); if ((jrepath = GetJREPath(bundledJavaHome)) == NULL || !CheckJavaVersion(jrepath)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_find_specified_java"); fprintf(stderr, message, javahome); free(message); message = NULL; ret = 1; } } else { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_find_java_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message, MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_VM_VERSION, SUPPORTED_VM_URL, progname); free(message); message = NULL; return ret; } } /* Could have wrapped this repeated piece of code in a method, but too many arguments to pass, Moreover this is a temp. fix */ sprintf(oiZipFile, "%s" ENGINE_ZIP_PATH, workdir); if ((zipFile = zipOpen(oiZipFile, &zipError)) != NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("unzipping_files_engine_zip"); statusf(message); free(message); message = NULL; if (!UnzipFiles(zipFile, workdir, NULL)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("corrupted_zip_file"); fprintf(stderr, message, execname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } zipClose(zipFile); } sprintf(oiZipFile, "%s" RESOURCES_ZIP_PATH, workdir); if ((zipFile = zipOpen(oiZipFile , &zipError)) != NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("unzipping_files_resources_zip"); statusf(message); free(message); message = NULL; if (!UnzipFiles(zipFile, workdir, NULL)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("corrupted_zip_file"); fprintf(stderr, message, execname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } zipClose(zipFile); } sprintf(oiZipFile, "%s" METADATA_ZIP_PATH, workdir); if ((zipFile = zipOpen(oiZipFile , &zipError)) != NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("unzipping_files_metadata_zip"); statusf(message); free(message); message = NULL; if (!UnzipFiles(zipFile, workdir, NULL)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("corrupted_zip_file"); fprintf(stderr, message, execname); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } zipClose(zipFile); } /* Set CLASSPATH */ if ((apphome = GetApplicationHome()) == NULL) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_find_exec_dir"); fprintf(stderr, message); free(message); message = NULL; return 1; } size = sizeof(CLASSPATH_OPTION) + strlen(apphome) + 1; j = GetJavaClasspathElements(&appclasspath); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) size += strlen(apphome) + strlen(appclasspath[i]) + 1; if (IsJDK(jrepath)) { int jrepathLen = strlen(jrepath); for (i = 0; i < NUM_JDK_CLASSPATH; i++) size += jrepathLen + strlen(jdkClassPath[i]) + 1; s = (char *)MemAlloc(size + 1); strcpy(s, CLASSPATH_OPTION); for (i = 0; i < NUM_JDK_CLASSPATH; i++) { strcat(s, jrepath); strcat(s, jdkClassPath[i]); strcat(s, PATH_SEPARATOR); } } else { s = (char *)MemAlloc(size + 1); strcpy(s, CLASSPATH_OPTION); } AddOption(StrDup(CLASSPATH_OPTION)); strcpy(s, apphome); for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { strcat(s, PATH_SEPARATOR); strcat(s, apphome); strcat(s, appclasspath[i]); } AddOption(s); s = NULL; /* Set the "java.io.tmpdir" property */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(JAVA_IO_TMPDIR_OPTION) + strlen(workdir) + 1); sprintf(s, JAVA_IO_TMPDIR_OPTION "%s", workdir); AddOption(s); s = NULL; /* pass the temp dir */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(TMPDIR_OPTION) + strlen(tmpdir) + 1); sprintf(s, TMPDIR_OPTION "%s", tmpdir); AddOption(s); s = NULL; /* Set the "java.endorsed.dir" property to use the default XML parser */ /* TODO FIX AddOption(StrDup(ENDORSED_DIRS_OPTION)); */ /* Set the "-Xmx" argument high enough so load the main class */ AddOption(StrDup(MAX_HEAP_OPTION)); /* Set debug option */ if (isDebug) { AddOption(StrDup(DEBUG_OPTION)); } /* Set Creator installation options */ if (noPortVerification) { AddOption(StrDup(PORT_VERIFICATION_OPTION)); } if (noDomainCreation) { AddOption(StrDup(DOMAIN_CREATION_OPTION)); } if (visiblePassword) { AddOption(StrDup(PASSWORD_VISIBLE_OPTION)); } /* Set Open Installer Specific parameters */ /* Setup default options first */ AddOption(StrDup(CONFIGURATOR_OPTION)); /* Setup INSTALL_ENGINE Option */ AddOption(StrDup(INSTALL_ENGINE_OPTION)); /* Setup INSTALL_RESOURCE */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(INSTALL_RESOURCE_OPTION) + strlen(workdir) + 19 + 1); sprintf(s, INSTALL_RESOURCE_OPTION "%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install" FILE_SEPARATOR "metadata",workdir); AddOption(s); s = NULL; /* Setup DEFAULT_RESOURCE */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(DEFAULT_RESOURCE_OPTION) + strlen(workdir) + 250 + 1); sprintf(s, DEFAULT_RESOURCE_OPTION "%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install" FILE_SEPARATOR "lib" FILE_SEPARATOR "resources/",workdir); AddOption(s); s = NULL; /* Setup SIMS Native File */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(SIMS_NATIVE_OPTION) + strlen(workdir) + 18 + 1); sprintf(s, SIMS_NATIVE_OPTION "%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install" FILE_SEPARATOR "lib", workdir); AddOption(s); s = NULL; /* Set the "DEFAULT_PRODUCTID_PROP" property */ AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(DEFAULT_PRODUCTID_PROP)); /* Set the "PKG_FORMAT_PROP" property */ AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(PKG_FORMAT_PROP)); /* Set the "PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PROP" property */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PROP) + strlen(workdir) + strlen(PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH) + 10); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(s, PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PROP "%s" PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH, workdir); #else sprintf(s, PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PROP "%s" PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH, workdir); #endif AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; /* Set the "PROVIDER_PATH_PROP" property */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(PROVIDER_PATH_PROP) + strlen(workdir) + strlen(PROVIDER_PATH) + 10); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(s, PROVIDER_PATH_PROP "%s" PROVIDER_PATH, workdir); #else sprintf(s, PROVIDER_PATH_PROP "file://%s" PROVIDER_PATH, workdir); #endif AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; /* Set the "DRY_RUN_FILE_PROP" property */ if (storeAnswerFile) { s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(DRY_RUN_FILE_PROP) + strlen(answerFileLocation) + 1); sprintf(s, DRY_RUN_FILE_PROP "%s", answerFileLocation); AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; } /* CONDITIONAL */ /* Set the "ANSWER_FILE_PROP" property */ if (useAnswerFileOption) { s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(ANSWER_FILE_PROP) + strlen(answerFile) + strlen(workdir) + 100); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(s, ANSWER_FILE_PROP ",file:///%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install.windows.properties,%s" ,workdir, answerFile); #else sprintf(s, ANSWER_FILE_PROP ",file://%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install.properties,%s" ,workdir, answerFile); #endif } else { /* assign default */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(ANSWER_FILE_PROP) + strlen(workdir) + 100); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(s, ANSWER_FILE_PROP ",file:///%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install.windows.properties" , workdir); #else sprintf(s, ANSWER_FILE_PROP ",file://%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "install.properties" , workdir); #endif } AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; /* CONDITIONAL */ /* Set the "LOGS-LOCATION" property */ if (useLogsLocation) { s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(LOGS_LOCATION_PROP) + strlen(logsLocation) + 5); sprintf(s, LOGS_LOCATION_PROP "%s", logsLocation); } else { s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(LOGS_LOCATION_PROP) + strlen(tmpdir) + 8); sprintf(s, LOGS_LOCATION_PROP "%s", tmpdir); } AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; /* CONDITIONAL */ /* Set the "ALTERNATE_ROOT_PROP" property */ if (useAlternateRootOption) { s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(ALTERNATE_ROOT_PROP) + strlen(alternateRoot) + 15); sprintf(s, ALTERNATE_ROOT_PROP "%s", alternateRoot); AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; } /* Set savestate file */ /* Set the "INSTALLABLE_UNIT_PROP" property */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(INSTALLABLE_UNIT_PROP) + strlen(workdir) + 35); sprintf(s, INSTALLABLE_UNIT_PROP "file:///%s" FILE_SEPARATOR "Product", workdir); AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; /* Set the "MEDIA_LOCATION_PROP" property */ s = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(MEDIA_LOCATION_PROP) + strlen(workdir) + strlen(MEDIA_PATH) + 35); #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(s, MEDIA_LOCATION_PROP "file:///%s" MEDIA_PATH , workdir); #else sprintf(s, MEDIA_LOCATION_PROP "file://%s" MEDIA_PATH , workdir); #endif AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(s)); s = NULL; /* * Change the working directory to the directory where the executable * is located since the SetupSDK classes expect that. Conversion of * any relative paths in the argument list should have already been * converted to absolute paths before this step. */ ret = 1; #ifdef WIN32 if (SetCurrentDirectory(apphome)) ret = 0; #else if (!chdir(apphome)) ret = 0; #endif if (ret) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_set_specified_working_dir"); fprintf(stderr, message, apphome); free(message); message = NULL; return ret; } /* Create a console if necessary */ if (showconsole) SetPrintToConsole(JNI_TRUE); /* Invoke Java */ s = GetLocalizedMessage("executing_java"); statusf(s); s = NULL; inJava = JNI_TRUE; ret = ExecuteJava(jrepath, numOptions, options, numProps, props); doCleanup = JNI_TRUE; inJava = JNI_FALSE; doCleanup = JNI_TRUE; PrepareToExit(); return ret; } jboolean IsAbsolutePath(const char *path) { #ifdef WIN32 int len = strlen(path); if (len >= 1 && path[0] == FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) return JNI_TRUE; else if (len >= 2 && strchr(path, ':')) return JNI_TRUE; #else if (path[0] == FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) return JNI_TRUE; #endif return JNI_FALSE; } #ifndef WIN32 /* * Find the absolute path for the executable. */ static char * FindExecName(const char *program) { const char *envvar; char *execpath = NULL; if (IsAbsolutePath(program)) { execpath = Resolve("", program); if (execpath && !IsExecutable(execpath)) { free(execpath); execpath = NULL; } return execpath; } else if (strchr(program, FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) != 0) { char *cwd = NULL; int size = MAXPATHLEN; while ((cwd = getcwd(NULL, size)) == NULL) size += MAXPATHLEN; execpath = Resolve(cwd, program); free(cwd); cwd = NULL; if (execpath && !IsExecutable(execpath)) { free(execpath); execpath = NULL; } return execpath; } /* Look in PATH environment variable */ envvar = getenv("PATH"); if (envvar) { char *path = NULL; char *tokstr; char *currentpath; jboolean jdkfound = JNI_FALSE; path = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(envvar) + 1); strcpy(path, envvar); tokstr = path; while (!execpath && tokstr) { /* * Look for the Java executable and, if found, find its * installation directory */ currentpath = tokstr; if ((tokstr = strchr(currentpath, PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) != NULL) *tokstr++ = '\0'; if (strlen(currentpath) == 0) currentpath = "."; execpath = Resolve(currentpath, program); if (execpath && !IsExecutable(execpath)) { free(execpath); execpath = NULL; } } } return execpath; } #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ static char *execname = NULL; /* * Compute the name of the executable */ static const char * SetExecName(const char *program) { if (!execname) { #ifdef WIN32 int size = MAXPATHLEN; char *path = NULL; int ret; path = (char *)MemAlloc(size); while ((ret = GetModuleFileName(0, path, size)) != 0 && ret >= size) { size += MAXPATHLEN; free(path); path = (char *)MemAlloc(size); } if (ret) { execname = path; } else { free(path); path = NULL; } #else execname = FindExecName(program); #endif } return execname; } /* * Return the name of the executable. Used in java_md.c to find the JRE area. */ const char * GetExecName() { return execname; } /* * If app is "/foo/x" then return "/foo". */ const char * GetApplicationHome() { if (!applicationHome) { const char *execname = GetExecName(); if (execname) { applicationHome = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(execname) + 1); strcpy(applicationHome, execname); *(strrchr(applicationHome, FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) = '\0'; } } return applicationHome; } /* * Adds a new VM option with the given given name and value. */ static void AddOption(char *str) { /* * Expand options array if needed to accomodate at least one more * VM option. */ if (numOptions >= maxOptions) { if (options == NULL) { maxOptions = 4; options = MemAlloc(maxOptions * sizeof(JavaVMOption)); } else { JavaVMOption *tmp; maxOptions *= 2; tmp = MemAlloc(maxOptions * sizeof(JavaVMOption)); memcpy(tmp, options, numOptions * sizeof(JavaVMOption)); free(options); options = tmp; } } options[numOptions].optionString = str; options[numOptions++].extraInfo = NULL; } /* * Adds a new proerty with the given given name and value. * These properties are to be passed to OpenInstaller's EngineBootstrap Java Class. */ static void AddProp(char *str) { /* * Expand Props array if needed to accomodate at least one more * VM Props. */ if (numProps >= maxProps) { if (props == NULL) { maxProps= 50; props = MemAlloc(maxProps * sizeof(JavaPropsOption)); } else { JavaPropsOption*tmp; maxProps *= 2; tmp = MemAlloc(maxProps * sizeof(JavaPropsOption)); memcpy(tmp, props, numProps * sizeof(JavaPropsOption)); free(props); props = tmp; } } props[numProps++].propsString = str; } /* * Parses command line arguments. */ static jboolean ParseArguments(int *pargc, char ***pargv, char **pJavaHome, char **pTempDir, jboolean *pShowConsole, jboolean *pUseAnswerFileOption, char **pAnswerFile, jboolean *pUseAlternateRootOption, char **pAlternateRoot, jboolean *pStoreAnswerFile, char **pAnswerFileLocation, jboolean *pLogLevelOption, jboolean *pUseLogsLocation, char **pLogsLocation, int *pret) { int argc = *pargc; char **argv = *pargv; char *arg; jboolean consoleOption = JNI_TRUE; int appArgc; char **appArgv = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; unsigned int size = MAXPATHLEN; *pret = 1; appArgc = 0; *pJavaHome = NULL; *pShowConsole = JNI_FALSE; while ((arg = *argv) != 0) { argv++; --argc; if (strcmp(arg, "-help") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "-h") == 0) { *pret = 0; PrintUsage(); goto error; } /* -Check if -a is passed, if so validate the file and set Answer-Files property. if not, then set it to "-p Answer-Files=,file://<InstallDir>/install.properties". TODO: Validate the given file name for readability */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-a") == 0) { if (argc < 1) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("missing_answerfile_argument"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; PrintUsage(); goto error; } *pUseAnswerFileOption = JNI_TRUE; /* Convert the path to absolute path, otherwise the file gets written to the temp directory that is eventually cleaned up immediately after installation. */ *pAnswerFile = FindAbsolutePath(*argv); if (access(*pAnswerFile, R_OK) != 0) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("answerfile_not_accessible"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; /* PrintUsage(); */ goto error; } appArgc += 2; argv++; --argc; } /*Check if -l is passed, if so validate the file and set Logs-Location property. if not, then set it to "-p Logs-Location=<Directory>". TODO: Validate the given directory for readability */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-l") == 0) { if (argc < 1) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("missing_log_directory_argument"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; PrintUsage(); goto error; } *pUseLogsLocation = JNI_TRUE; *pLogsLocation = StrDup(*argv); if (access(*pLogsLocation, W_OK) != 0) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("log_directory_not_accessible"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; /* PrintUsage(); */ goto error; } appArgc += 2; argv++; --argc; } /*-Check if -n is passed, if so validate the file and set Dry-Run-File property. if not, then set it to "-p Dry-Run-File=<Non Existing filename>". TODO: Validate the given directory for readability */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-n") == 0) { if (argc < 1) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("missing_state_file_argument"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; /* PrintUsage(); */ goto error; } *pStoreAnswerFile = JNI_TRUE; /* Convert the path to absolute path, otherwise the file gets written to the temp directory that is eventually cleaned up immediately after installation. */ *pAnswerFileLocation = FindAbsolutePath(*argv); /* If the file already exists, then bail out */ if (access(*pAnswerFileLocation, F_OK) == 0) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("answer_file_already_exists"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; /* PrintUsage(); */ goto error; } appArgc += 2; argv++; --argc; } /* Check if -s is passed for silent */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-s") == 0) { AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(SILENT_MODE_PROP)); appArgc++; } /* Check if -q is passed for setting log level to warning */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-q") == 0) { AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(WARNING_LOG_LEVEL_PROP)); *pLogLevelOption = JNI_TRUE; appArgc++; } /* Check if -v is passed for setting log level to verbose/finest */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-v") == 0) { AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(FINEST_LOG_LEVEL_PROP)); *pLogLevelOption = JNI_TRUE; appArgc++; } /* Check if -j is passed for setting custom javahome */ else if (strcmp(arg, "-j") == 0) { if (argc < 1) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("missing_jvm_dir"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; PrintUsage(); goto error; } *pJavaHome = StrDup(*argv); argv++; --argc; } else { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_valid_arg"); fprintf(stderr, message, arg); free(message); message = NULL; PrintUsage(); goto error; } } /* CONDITIONAL */ /* Set the Default Log Level property */ if (*pLogLevelOption == JNI_FALSE) { AddProp(StrDup("-p")); AddProp(StrDup(DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL_PROP)); } *pJavaHome = FindAbsolutePath(*pJavaHome); #ifdef WIN32 /* If running in GUI mode, check if there are enough colors */ if (!consoleOption) { int colordepth = 0; HDC dc = GetDC(NULL); if (dc) { colordepth = GetDeviceCaps(dc, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(dc, BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC(NULL, dc); dc = NULL; } /* At least 256 colors are needed */ if (colordepth < 8) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("need_more_colors"); if (MessageBox(statusdialog, message, GetTitle(), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL) == IDYES) { consoleOption = JNI_TRUE; appArgc++; } free(message); message = NULL; if (!consoleOption) { PrintUsage(); goto error; } } } #else #ifndef LINUX /* If running in GUI mode, check that GUI is available */ /* This whole section is being skipped for Linux - Motif is obsoleted there */ if (!consoleOption) { const char *envvar = getenv("DISPLAY"); char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("connecting_x11"); statusf(message, envvar ? envvar : ":0.0"); free(message); message = NULL; SetPrintToConsole(JNI_FALSE); if (!LoadX11(JNI_TRUE)) { message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_connect_x11"); fprintf(stderr, message, envvar ? envvar : ":0.0"); free(message); message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_connect_x11_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message, progname); free(message); message = NULL; goto error; } } #endif #ifndef ALLOW_AWT_HEADLESS /* * If running in console or silent mode, check that X11 libraries can be * loaded since the AWT libraries are linked to them */ if ((consoleOption) && !LoadX11(JNI_FALSE)) { char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_motif_libs"); fprintf(stderr, message); free(message); message = GetLocalizedMessage("no_motif_libs_usage"); fprintf(stderr, message); free(message); message = NULL; goto error; } #endif #endif if (appArgc >= 0) { int i = 0; appArgv = (char **)MemAlloc(sizeof(char**) * (appArgc + 1)); if (consoleOption) { /* Defer allocation of and printing to terminal */ *pShowConsole = JNI_TRUE; appArgv[i++] = "-nodisplay"; } appArgv[i++] = NULL; *pargc = appArgc; *pargv = appArgv; } return JNI_TRUE; error: /* if (appArgv) { free(appArgv); appArgv = NULL; } if (cwd) { free(cwd); cwd = NULL; } if (*pJavaHome) { free(*pJavaHome); *pJavaHome = NULL; } if (*pTempDir) { free(*pTempDir); *pTempDir = NULL; } if (*pAnswerFile) { free(*pAnswerFile); *pAnswerFile= NULL; } if (*pAlternateRoot) { free(pAlternateRoot); *pAlternateRoot= NULL; } if (*pLogsLocation) { free(pLogsLocation); *pLogsLocation= NULL; } if (*pAnswerFileLocation) { free(pAnswerFileLocation); *pAnswerFileLocation= NULL; } *pargv = NULL; */ return JNI_FALSE; } /* * Returns a pointer to a block of at least 'size' bytes of memory. * Prints error message and exits if the memory could not be allocated. */ void * MemAlloc(size_t size) { void *p = malloc(size); if (p == NULL) { perror("Out of memory"); exit(1); } return p; } /* * Returns a pointer to a copy of the specified string. * Prints error message and exits if the memory could not be allocated. */ char * StrDup(const char *str) { char *newstr = NULL; newstr = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(newstr, str); return newstr; } static char *supported_vm_versions[] = SUPPORTED_VM_VERSIONS; #define NUM_SUPPORTED_VM_VERSIONS (sizeof(supported_vm_versions) / sizeof(char *)) #define JAVA_VERSION_PROPERTY "java.version" /* * Checks the version information from the java.version property. */ jboolean CheckJavaVersion(const char *jrepath) { jboolean ret = JNI_FALSE; char *version = NULL; if ((version = CheckJREVersion(jrepath)) != NULL) { ret = JNI_TRUE; free(version); version = NULL; } return ret; } /* * Checks the version information against the specified string. */ jboolean CheckVersion(const char *version) { int i; /* Find a matching supported version */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_SUPPORTED_VM_VERSIONS; i++) { if (!strncmp(supported_vm_versions[i], version, strlen(supported_vm_versions[i]))) return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } /* * Checks that the Java class file exists and is readable */ jboolean CheckJavaClassFile() { jboolean ret = JNI_FALSE; char *classfile = NULL; const char *apphome = GetApplicationHome(); const char *class = GetJavaClassName(); if ((classfile = (char *)malloc(strlen(apphome) + strlen(class) + 8)) != NULL) { strcpy(classfile, apphome); strcat(classfile, FILE_SEPARATOR); strcat(classfile, class); strcat(classfile, ".class"); /* If the class file is gone, then the uninstall succeeded */ /* if (access(classfile, R_OK) == 0) ret = JNI_TRUE; */ free(classfile); classfile = NULL; } return ret; } /* * Custom version of strchr() that properly ignores the specified character * if it is part of a multi-byte character. */ char *_strchr(const char *s, int c) { const char *t; if (!s) return NULL; for (t = s; *t; t++) { if (*t != c || !IsMultiByteChar(s, t - s)) continue; return (char *)t; } return NULL; } /* * Custom version of strrchr() that properly ignores the specified character * if it is part of a multi-byte character. */ char *_strrchr(const char *s, int c) { const char *t; if (!s) return NULL; for (t = s + strlen(s); t >= s; t--) { if (*t != c || !IsMultiByteChar(s, t - s)) continue; return (char *)t; } return NULL; } /* * Prints default usage message. */ static void PrintUsage() { char *message; /* char *classname = GetJavaClassName(); if (strcmp(classname,"appserv_uninstall") ==0) message = GetLocalizedMessage("uninstallusage"); else message = GetLocalizedMessage("installusage"); */ message = GetLocalizedMessage("usage_text"); fprintf(stderr, message); free(message); message = NULL; } static void PrepareToExit() { /* char *message = GetLocalizedMessage("performing_cleanup"); statusf(message); free(message); message = NULL; */ #ifdef WIN32 SetCurrentDirectory(".."); #endif if (doCleanup) Cleanup(); DeleteWorkingDirectory(); } #ifdef WIN32 long WINAPI HandleException(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS exc) { if (exc->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT) PrepareToExit(); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } #else static void HandleSignalAndExit(int sig) { PrepareToExit(); _exit(255); } static void HandleSignalAndAbort(int sig) { struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); PrepareToExit(); sigaction(SIGABRT, &act, NULL); abort(); } #endif static void DeleteWorkingDirectory() { if (workdir) DeleteFilesAndDirectories(workdir, NULL); free(workdir); workdir = NULL; } /* * Find and return the absolute path of the given file. */ char * FindAbsolutePath(char *filePath) { char *absolutePath = NULL; char *currentDirectory = NULL; unsigned int size = MAXPATHLEN; #ifdef WIN32 currentDirectory = (char *)MemAlloc(size); while (GetCurrentDirectory(size, currentDirectory) >= size) { size += MAXPATHLEN; free(currentDirectory); currentDirectory = (char *)MemAlloc(size); } #else while ((currentDirectory = getcwd(NULL, size)) == NULL) size += MAXPATHLEN; #endif if (filePath && !IsAbsolutePath(filePath)) { absolutePath = (char *)MemAlloc(strlen(currentDirectory ) + strlen(filePath) + 2); sprintf(absolutePath, "%s%c%s", currentDirectory, FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR, filePath); } else { absolutePath = filePath; } free(currentDirectory); currentDirectory = NULL; return absolutePath; } /* * Unzip the contents of a zip file into the specified directory. */ jboolean UnzipFiles(jzfile *zipFile, const char *outputDir, const char *entrySubdir) { jzentry *zipEntry; char *outpath = NULL; char *s; int i; int j; int len = MAXPATHLEN; int outdirlen = strlen(outputDir); struct stat sb; if (!zipFile || !outputDir) return JNI_FALSE; outpath = (char *)MemAlloc(MAXPATHLEN); i = 0; while ((zipEntry = zipGetNextEntry(zipFile, i++)) != NULL) { /* Skip any entries that don't match the entry subdirectory filter */ if (entrySubdir && strncmp(entrySubdir, zipEntry->name, strlen(entrySubdir))) goto leave_zip_entry; if ((j = outdirlen + strlen(zipEntry->name) + 2) > len) { len = j; free(outpath); outpath = (char *)MemAlloc(len); } /* * Important note: we expect that the entry name is not an * absolute path and we need to parse the entry name using * a Unix file separator character instead of the native * file separator */ sprintf(outpath, "%s/%s", outputDir, zipEntry->name); s = outpath + outdirlen; while ((s = strchr(s, '/')) != NULL) { *s = '\0'; if (stat(outpath, &sb) == 0 && (sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != S_IFDIR) unlink(outpath); #ifdef WIN32 CreateDirectory(outpath, NULL); #else mkdir(outpath, S_IRWXU); #endif /* Skip directory entries */ if (strlen(s + 1) == 0) goto leave_zip_entry; /* Use the native file separator so that it is a valid path */ *s++ = FILE_SEPARATOR_CHAR; } if (!zipReadEntry(zipFile, zipEntry, outpath)) { zipFreeEntry(zipFile, zipEntry); free(outpath); outpath = NULL; return JNI_FALSE; } leave_zip_entry: zipFreeEntry(zipFile, zipEntry); } free(outpath); outpath = NULL; return JNI_TRUE; } Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Glassfish java.c source code file: |
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