Groovy example source code file (assemble.gradle)
The Groovy assemble.gradle source codeimport java.util.jar.Manifest import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Replace import java.text.SimpleDateFormat apply plugin: 'osgi' group = 'org.codehaus.groovy' archivesBaseName = 'groovy' allManifest = manifest { attributes("Built-By": System.properties['user.name'], "Extension-Name": 'groovy', "Specification-Title": 'Groovy: a powerful, dynamic language for the JVM', "Specification-Version": project.version, "Specification-Vendor": 'The Codehaus', "Implementation-Title": 'Groovy: a powerful, dynamic language for the JVM', "Implementation-Version": project.version, "Implementation-Vendor": 'The Codehaus', "Bundle-ManifestVersion": '2', "Bundle-Name": 'Groovy Runtime', "Bundle-Description": 'Groovy Runtime', "Bundle-Version": groovyBundleVersion, "Bundle-Vendor": 'The Codehaus', "Bundle-ClassPath": '.', "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment": 'J2SE-1.5', "Eclipse-BuddyPolicy": 'dependent', "Eclipse-LazyStart": 'true', "DynamicImport-Package": '*', "Main-class": 'groovy.ui.GroovyMain') } licenseSpec = copySpec { from "$projectDir/config/build" from(zipTree(configurations.compile.fileCollection { it.name.startsWith 'commons-cli' }.singleFile).matching { include 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt' }) { eachFile {details -> details.path = details.path - 'META-INF' details.name = "CLI-LICENSE.txt" } } } binaryJarsMetaInf = { Date buildTime = new Date() from "$projectDir/LICENSE.txt" from("$projectDir/src/main/META-INF/groovy-release-info.properties") { filter {String line -> ['##ImplementationVersion##': project.version, '##BundleVersion##': project.groovyBundleVersion, '##BuildDate##': new SimpleDateFormat('dd-MMM-yyyy').format(buildTime), '##BuildTime##': new SimpleDateFormat('hh:mm aa').format(buildTime)].each {key, value -> line = line.replace(key, value) } line } } } task copy(type: Copy) { into "$buildDir/meta" with licenseSpec } commonOsgiManifest = { // We exclude the Bnd-LastModified attribute as it always triggers a rebuild without being really needed. from(allManifest) { eachEntry {details -> if (details.key == 'Bnd-LastModified') { details.exclude() } } } version = groovyBundleVersion instruction '-nouses', 'true' instruction 'Export-Package', "*;version=${version}" classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath } jar { metaInf binaryJarsMetaInf manifest = osgiManifest { symbolicName = 'groovy' instruction 'Import-Package', "antlr", "org.objectweb.asm", "*;resolution:=optional" classesDir = sourceSets.main.classesDir } manifest commonOsgiManifest exclude '**/package-info.class' } task jarAll(type: Jar, dependsOn: jar) { metaInfDir = "$buildDir/tmp/groovy-all-metainf" inputs.files jar.archivePath inputs.dir metaInfDir appendix = 'all' doLast { manifest.writeTo("$metaInfDir/MANIFEST.MF") copy { into "$buildDir/tmp/groovy-all-metainf" with licenseSpec } project.ant { taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask", classpath: configurations.tools.asPath jarjar(jarfile: archivePath, manifest: "$metaInfDir/MANIFEST.MF") { zipfileset(dir: "$metaInfDir", prefix: 'META-INF') zipfileset(src: jar.archivePath) configurations.runtime.files.findAll {file -> ['antlr', 'asm', 'commons-cli'].any { file.name.startsWith(it) } && ['asm-attr', 'asm-util', 'asm-analysis'].every { !file.name.startsWith(it) } }.each {jarjarFile -> zipfileset(src: jarjarFile) } rule pattern: "antlr.**", result: "groovyjarjarantlr.@1" rule pattern: "org.objectweb.**", result: "groovyjarjarasm.@1" rule pattern: "org.apache.commons.cli.**", result: "groovyjarjarcommonscli.@1" } } } // We exclude the Bnd-LastModified attribute as it always triggers a rebuild without being really needed. manifest = osgiManifest { symbolicName = 'groovy-all' instruction 'Import-Package', "*;resolution:=optional" classesDir = jar.archivePath } manifest commonOsgiManifest } task sourceJar(type: Jar) { classifier = 'sources' // from sourceSets.main.allSource from "$projectDir/src/main" } task sourceAllJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: sourceJar) { appendix = 'all' classifier = 'sources' with sourceJar.rootSpec } task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) { classifier = 'javadoc' from javadoc.destinationDir } task javadocAllJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadocJar) { appendix = 'all' classifier = 'javadoc' with javadocJar.rootSpec } distSpec = copySpec { from("$projectDir") { include "LICENSE.txt", "NOTICE.txt" } into("lib") { from configurations.runtime.fileCollection {dep -> !(dep instanceof FileCollectionDependency) && !dep.name.startsWith('livetribe') }, jar.archivePath } into("conf") { from "src/conf" } into("bin") { from("src/bin") { filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [GROOVYJAR:jar.archiveName]) fileMode = 0755 } from("src/tools/org/codehaus/groovy/tools/groovy.ico") } into("embeddable") { from jarAll.archivePath } } task installGroovy(type: Sync, dependsOn: [jar, jarAll]) { from distSpec into System.properties.installDirectory ?: "$buildDir/install" } //task jars(dependsOn: tasks.withType(Jar)) //task dists(dependsOn: tasks.withType(Zip).matching {task -> !(task instanceof Jar)}) task distBin(type: Zip, dependsOn: [jar, jarAll]) { appendix = 'binary' into("groovy-$version") { with distSpec with licenseSpec } } task distDoc(type: Zip, dependsOn: doc) { appendix = 'docs' into("groovy-$version") into("pdf") { from 'src/wiki-snapshot.pdf' } into("html/api") { from javadoc.destinationDir } into("html/gapi") { from groovydoc.destinationDir } into("html/groovy-jdk") { from docGDK.destinationDir } } task distSrc(type: Zip, dependsOn: [javadoc, groovydoc, docGDK]) { appendix = 'src' into("groovy-$version") from(projectDir) { exclude 'target', buildDirName, 'classes/**', 'cruise/**', '.clover/*', 'local.build.properties', 'cobertura.ser', 'junitvmwatcher*.properties' } } task compareArchives << { jarTasks = tasks.withType(Zip) jarTasks.each {jar -> File antJar = "$projectDir/target/dist/${jar.archivePath.name}" as File println "Comparing $jar.name with ant jar $antJar. Ant jar exists=${antJar.isFile()}" if (antJar.isFile()) { compare(jar.archiveName, jar.archivePath, antJar, true) } } } def compare(String name, File gradleJar, File antJar, boolean checkManifest) { def File diffDir = new File(buildDir, "diff/$name") ant.delete(dir: diffDir) def unzipGradle = new File(diffDir, "gradle") def unzipAnt = new File(diffDir, "ant") ant.unzip(src: gradleJar, dest: unzipGradle) ant.unzip(src: antJar, dest: unzipAnt) def antFiles = [:] def gradleFiles = [:] FileUtils.listFiles(unzipAnt, null, true).each {File file -> antFiles[file.absolutePath - unzipAnt.absolutePath] = file } FileUtils.listFiles(unzipGradle, null, true).each {File file -> gradleFiles[file.absolutePath - unzipGradle.absolutePath] = file } antFiles.each {key, value -> if (!gradleFiles[key]) { println "ant only: $key" } else if (checkManifest && key == '/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF') { Manifest manifestAnt = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(antFiles[key])) Manifest manifestGradle = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(gradleFiles[key])) if (!manifestAnt.equals(manifestGradle)) { def ant = manifestAnt.mainAttributes def gradle = manifestGradle.mainAttributes compareMap(ant, gradle) } } gradleFiles.remove(key) } gradleFiles.keySet().each {file -> println "gradle only: $file" } } def compareMap(Map ant, Map gradle) { (ant.keySet() + gradle.keySet()).each {attribute -> antValue = ant[attribute] gradleValue = gradle[attribute] if (!(['Ant-Version', 'Created-By', 'Bnd-LastModified', 'Tool', 'Originally-Created-By'].contains(attribute as String))) { if (antValue) { if (!gradleValue) { println "$attribute: ant only" } else if (antValue != gradleValue) { if (attribute.toString() == 'Export-Package' || attribute.toString() == 'Import-Package') { def antOnly = antValue.split(',') as LinkedHashSet def gradleOnly = gradleValue.split(',') as LinkedHashSet antOnly.removeAll(gradleOnly) gradleOnly.removeAll(antValue.split(',') as LinkedHashSet) println("""$attribute: ant only: $antOnly gradle only: $gradleOnly""") } else { println("""$attribute: ant value: ${antValue} gradle value: ${gradleValue}""") } } } else { println "$attribute: gradle only" } } } } Other Groovy examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy assemble.gradle source code file: |
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