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Groovy example source code file (View.groovy)

This example Groovy source code file (View.groovy) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Groovy tags/keywords

awt, bean, both, both, east, greet, gui, horizontal, horizontal, javabean, listcellrenderer, login, object, propertychangelistener, remainder, remainder, string, string, swing

The Groovy View.groovy source code

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: Danno.Ferrin
 * Date: Apr 26, 2008
 * Time: 8:31:21 AM
package swing.greet

import java.awt.Cursor
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
import javax.swing.*

lookAndFeel('nimbus', 'mac', ['metal', [boldFonts: false]])

actions() {
    loginAction = action(
        name: 'Login',
        enabled: bind(source: controller, sourceProperty: 'allowLogin'),
        closure: controller.&login

    filterTweets = action(
        name: 'Filter',
        enabled: bind(source: controller, sourceProperty: 'allowSelection'),
        closure: controller.&filterTweets

    userSelected = action(
        name: 'Select User',
        enabled: bind(source: controller, sourceProperty: 'allowSelection'),
        closure: controller.&userSelected

    tweetAction = action(
        name: 'Update',
        enabled: bind(source: controller, sourceProperty: 'allowTweet'),
        closure: controller.&tweet

tweetLineFont = new java.awt.Font("Ariel", 0, 12)
tweetLine = panel(border: emptyBorder(3), preferredSize:[250,84]) {
    tweetIcon = label(verticalTextPosition:SwingConstants.BOTTOM,
        //anchor: BASELINE, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3])
        anchor: CENTER, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3])
    tweetText = textArea(rows: 4, lineWrap: true, wrapStyleWord: true,
        opaque: false, editable: false, font: tweetLineFont,
        gridwidth: REMAINDER, weightx: 1.0, fill: BOTH, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3])
tweetRenderer = {list, tweet, index, isSelected, isFocused ->
    if (tweet?.user as String) {
        tweetIcon.icon = controller.api.imageMap[tweet.user.profile_image_url as String]
        tweetIcon.text = tweet.user.screen_name
        tweetText.text = tweet.text
    } else if (tweet?.text as String) {
        tweetIcon.icon = controller.api.imageMap[tweet.parent().profile_image_url as String]
        tweetIcon.text = tweet.parent().screen_name
        tweetText.text = tweet.text
    } else {
        tweetIcon.icon = null
        tweetIcon.text = null
        tweetText.text = null
} as ListCellRenderer

userCell = label(border: emptyBorder(3))
userCellRenderer = {list, user, index, isSelected, isFocused ->
    if (user) {
        userCell.icon = controller.api.imageMap[user.profile_image_url as String]
        userCell.text = "<html>$user.screen_name
" } else { userCell.icon = null userCell.text = null } userCell } as ListCellRenderer greetFrame = frame(title: "Greet - A Groovy Twitter Client", defaultCloseOperation: javax.swing.JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, size: [320, 480], locationByPlatform:true) { panel(cursor: bind(source: controller, sourceProperty: 'allowSelection', converter: {it ? null : Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)}) ) { gridBagLayout() users = comboBox(renderer: userCellRenderer, action: userSelected, gridwidth: REMAINDER, insets: [6, 6, 3, 6], fill: HORIZONTAL) label('Search:', insets: [3, 6, 3, 3]) searchField = textField(columns: 20, action: filterTweets, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3], weightx: 1.0, fill: BOTH) button(action: filterTweets, gridwidth: REMAINDER, insets: [3, 3, 3, 6], fill:HORIZONTAL) tabbedPane(gridwidth: REMAINDER, weighty: 1.0, fill: BOTH) { scrollPane(title: 'Timeline') { timelineList = list(visibleRowCount: 20, cellRenderer: tweetRenderer) } scrollPane(title: 'Tweets') { tweetList = list(visibleRowCount: 20, cellRenderer: tweetRenderer) } scrollPane(title: 'Statuses') { statusList = list(visibleRowCount: 20, cellRenderer: tweetRenderer) } // add data change listeners [timeline:timelineList, tweets:tweetList, statuses:statusList].each {p, w -> controller.addPropertyChangeListener(p, {evt -> w.listData = evt.newValue as Object[]} as PropertyChangeListener ) } } separator(fill: HORIZONTAL, gridwidth: REMAINDER) tweetBox = textField(action:tweetAction, fill:BOTH, weightx:1.0, insets:[3,3,3,3], gridwidth:2) tweetButton = button(tweetAction, enabled:bind(source:tweetBox, sourceProperty:'text', converter:{it.length() < 140}), gridwidth:REMAINDER, insets:[3,3,3,3]) separator(fill: HORIZONTAL, gridwidth: REMAINDER) statusLine = label(text: bind(source: controller.api, sourceProperty: 'status'), gridwidth: REMAINDER, insets: [3, 6, 3, 6], anchor: WEST ) } loginDialog = dialog( title: "Login to Greet", pack: true, resizable: false, defaultCloseOperation: WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE, locationByPlatform:true) { panel(border: emptyBorder(3), cursor: bind(source: controller, sourceProperty: 'allowLogin', converter: {it ? null : Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)}) ) { gridBagLayout() label("Username:", anchor: EAST, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3]) twitterNameField = textField(action:loginAction, columns: 20, gridwidth: REMAINDER, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3]) label("Password:", anchor: EAST, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3]) twitterPasswordField = passwordField(action:loginAction, columns: 20, gridwidth: REMAINDER, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3]) panel() button(loginAction, defaultButton: true, anchor: EAST, insets: [3, 3, 3, 3]) } } } controller.addPropertyChangeListener("friends", {evt -> view.edt { users.model = new DefaultComboBoxModel(evt.newValue as Object[]) } } as PropertyChangeListener) new Timer(120000, filterTweets).start()

Other Groovy examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy View.groovy source code file:

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