Java example source code file (ByteStreamsTest.java)
The ByteStreamsTest.java Java example source code/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.io; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FilterInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Unit test for {@link ByteStreams}. * * @author Chris Nokleberg */ public class ByteStreamsTest extends IoTestCase { public void testCopyChannel() throws IOException { byte[] expected = newPreFilledByteArray(100); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel outChannel = Channels.newChannel(out); ReadableByteChannel inChannel = Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(expected)); ByteStreams.copy(inChannel, outChannel); assertEquals(expected, out.toByteArray()); } public void testCopyFileChannel() throws IOException { final int chunkSize = 14407; // Random prime, unlikely to match any internal chunk size ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel outChannel = Channels.newChannel(out); File testFile = createTempFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(testFile); byte[] dummyData = newPreFilledByteArray(chunkSize); try { for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { fos.write(dummyData); } } finally { fos.close(); } ReadableByteChannel inChannel = new RandomAccessFile(testFile, "r").getChannel(); try { ByteStreams.copy(inChannel, outChannel); } finally { inChannel.close(); } byte[] actual = out.toByteArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 500 * chunkSize; i += chunkSize) { assertEquals(dummyData, Arrays.copyOfRange(actual, i, i + chunkSize)); } } public void testReadFully() throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[10]; try { ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), null, 0, 10); fail("expected exception"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { ByteStreams.readFully(null, b, 0, 10); fail("expected exception"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { } try { ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, -1, 10); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, 0, -1); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, 0, -1); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, 2, 10); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } try { ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(5), b, 0, 10); fail("expected exception"); } catch (EOFException e) { } Arrays.fill(b, (byte) 0); ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, 0, 0); assertEquals(new byte[10], b); Arrays.fill(b, (byte) 0); ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, 0, 10); assertEquals(newPreFilledByteArray(10), b); Arrays.fill(b, (byte) 0); ByteStreams.readFully(newTestStream(10), b, 0, 5); assertEquals(new byte[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, b); } public void testSkipFully() throws IOException { byte[] bytes = newPreFilledByteArray(100); skipHelper(0, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); skipHelper(50, 50, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); skipHelper(50, 50, new SlowSkipper(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), 1)); skipHelper(50, 50, new SlowSkipper(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), 0)); skipHelper(100, -1, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); try { skipHelper(101, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); fail("expected exception"); } catch (EOFException e) { } } private static void skipHelper(long n, int expect, InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteStreams.skipFully(in, n); assertEquals(expect, in.read()); in.close(); } private static final byte[] bytes = new byte[] { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10 }; public void testNewDataInput_empty() { byte[] b = new byte[0]; ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(b); try { in.readInt(); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } public void testNewDataInput_normal() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); assertEquals(0x12345678, in.readInt()); assertEquals(0x76543210, in.readInt()); try { in.readInt(); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } public void testNewDataInput_readFully() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); byte[] actual = new byte[bytes.length]; in.readFully(actual); assertEquals(bytes, actual); } public void testNewDataInput_readFullyAndThenSome() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); byte[] actual = new byte[bytes.length * 2]; try { in.readFully(actual); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { assertThat(ex.getCause()).isInstanceOf(EOFException.class); } } public void testNewDataInput_readFullyWithOffset() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); byte[] actual = new byte[4]; in.readFully(actual, 2, 2); assertEquals(0, actual[0]); assertEquals(0, actual[1]); assertEquals(bytes[0], actual[2]); assertEquals(bytes[1], actual[3]); } public void testNewDataInput_readLine() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput( "This is a line\r\nThis too\rand this\nand also this".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); assertEquals("This is a line", in.readLine()); assertEquals("This too", in.readLine()); assertEquals("and this", in.readLine()); assertEquals("and also this", in.readLine()); } public void testNewDataInput_readFloat() { byte[] data = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10}; ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(data); assertEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(0x12345678), in.readFloat(), 0.0); assertEquals(Float.intBitsToFloat(0x76543210), in.readFloat(), 0.0); } public void testNewDataInput_readDouble() { byte[] data = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10}; ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(data); assertEquals(Double.longBitsToDouble(0x1234567876543210L), in.readDouble(), 0.0); } public void testNewDataInput_readUTF() { byte[] data = new byte[17]; data[1] = 15; System.arraycopy("Kilroy was here".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8), 0, data, 2, 15); ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(data); assertEquals("Kilroy was here", in.readUTF()); } public void testNewDataInput_readChar() { byte[] data = "qed".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_16BE); ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(data); assertEquals('q', in.readChar()); assertEquals('e', in.readChar()); assertEquals('d', in.readChar()); } public void testNewDataInput_readUnsignedShort() { byte[] data = {0, 0, 0, 1, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, 0x12, 0x34}; ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(data); assertEquals(0, in.readUnsignedShort()); assertEquals(1, in.readUnsignedShort()); assertEquals(65535, in.readUnsignedShort()); assertEquals(0x1234, in.readUnsignedShort()); } public void testNewDataInput_readLong() { byte[] data = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x76, 0x54, 0x32, 0x10}; ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(data); assertEquals(0x1234567876543210L, in.readLong()); } public void testNewDataInput_readBoolean() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); assertTrue(in.readBoolean()); } public void testNewDataInput_readByte() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { assertEquals(bytes[i], in.readByte()); } try { in.readByte(); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { assertThat(ex.getCause()).isInstanceOf(EOFException.class); } } public void testNewDataInput_readUnsignedByte() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { assertEquals(bytes[i], in.readUnsignedByte()); } try { in.readUnsignedByte(); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { assertThat(ex.getCause()).isInstanceOf(EOFException.class); } } public void testNewDataInput_offset() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bytes, 2); assertEquals(0x56787654, in.readInt()); try { in.readInt(); fail("expected exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } public void testNewDataInput_skip() { ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(new byte[2]); assertEquals(2, in.skipBytes(2)); assertEquals(0, in.skipBytes(1)); } public void testNewDataInput_BAIS() { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78}); ByteArrayDataInput in = ByteStreams.newDataInput(bais); assertEquals(0x12345678, in.readInt()); } public void testNewDataOutput_empty() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); assertEquals(0, out.toByteArray().length); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeInt() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeInt(0x12345678); out.writeInt(0x76543210); assertEquals(bytes, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_sized() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(4); out.writeInt(0x12345678); out.writeInt(0x76543210); assertEquals(bytes, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeLong() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeLong(0x1234567876543210L); assertEquals(bytes, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeByteArray() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.write(bytes); assertEquals(bytes, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeByte() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.write(0x12); out.writeByte(0x34); assertEquals(new byte[] {0x12, 0x34}, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeByteOffset() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.write(bytes, 4, 2); byte[] expected = {bytes[4], bytes[5]}; assertEquals(expected, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeBoolean() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeBoolean(false); byte[] expected = {(byte) 1, (byte) 0}; assertEquals(expected, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeChar() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeChar('a'); assertEquals(new byte[] {0, 97}, out.toByteArray()); } // Hardcoded because of Android problems. See testUtf16Expected. private static final byte[] utf16ExpectedWithBom = new byte[] {-2, -1, 0, 114, 0, -55, 0, 115, 0, 117, 0, 109, 0, -55}; public void testNewDataOutput_writeChars() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeChars("r\u00C9sum\u00C9"); // need to remove byte order mark before comparing byte[] expected = Arrays.copyOfRange(utf16ExpectedWithBom, 2, 14); assertEquals(expected, out.toByteArray()); } @AndroidIncompatible // https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=196848 public void testUtf16Expected() { byte[] hardcodedExpected = utf16ExpectedWithBom; byte[] computedExpected = "r\u00C9sum\u00C9".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_16); assertEquals(hardcodedExpected, computedExpected); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeUTF() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeUTF("r\u00C9sum\u00C9"); byte[] expected ="r\u00C9sum\u00C9".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); byte[] actual = out.toByteArray(); // writeUTF writes the length of the string in 2 bytes assertEquals(0, actual[0]); assertEquals(expected.length, actual[1]); assertEquals(expected, Arrays.copyOfRange(actual, 2, actual.length)); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeShort() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeShort(0x1234); assertEquals(new byte[] {0x12, 0x34}, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeDouble() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeDouble(Double.longBitsToDouble(0x1234567876543210L)); assertEquals(bytes, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_writeFloat() { ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(); out.writeFloat(Float.intBitsToFloat(0x12345678)); out.writeFloat(Float.intBitsToFloat(0x76543210)); assertEquals(bytes, out.toByteArray()); } public void testNewDataOutput_BAOS() { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput(baos); out.writeInt(0x12345678); assertEquals(4, baos.size()); assertEquals(new byte[] {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78}, baos.toByteArray()); } public void testToByteArray_withSize_givenCorrectSize() throws IOException { InputStream in = newTestStream(100); byte[] b = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in, 100); assertEquals(100, b.length); } public void testToByteArray_withSize_givenSmallerSize() throws IOException { InputStream in = newTestStream(100); byte[] b = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in, 80); assertEquals(100, b.length); } public void testToByteArray_withSize_givenLargerSize() throws IOException { InputStream in = newTestStream(100); byte[] b = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in, 120); assertEquals(100, b.length); } public void testToByteArray_withSize_givenSizeZero() throws IOException { InputStream in = newTestStream(100); byte[] b = ByteStreams.toByteArray(in, 0); assertEquals(100, b.length); } public void testExhaust() throws IOException { InputStream in = newTestStream(100); assertEquals(100, ByteStreams.exhaust(in)); assertEquals(-1, in.read()); assertEquals(0, ByteStreams.exhaust(in)); InputStream empty = newTestStream(0); assertEquals(0, ByteStreams.exhaust(empty)); assertEquals(-1, empty.read()); } private static InputStream newTestStream(int n) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(newPreFilledByteArray(n)); } /** Stream that will skip a maximum number of bytes at a time. */ private static class SlowSkipper extends FilterInputStream { private final long max; public SlowSkipper(InputStream in, long max) { super(in); this.max = max; } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { return super.skip(Math.min(max, n)); } } public void testReadBytes() throws IOException { final byte[] array = newPreFilledByteArray(1000); assertEquals(array, ByteStreams.readBytes( new ByteArrayInputStream(array), new TestByteProcessor())); } private class TestByteProcessor implements ByteProcessor<byte[]> { private final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @Override public boolean processBytes(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException { out.write(buf, off, len); return true; } @Override public byte[] getResult() { return out.toByteArray(); } } public void testByteProcessorStopEarly() throws IOException { byte[] array = newPreFilledByteArray(10000); assertEquals((Integer) 42, ByteStreams.readBytes(new ByteArrayInputStream(array), new ByteProcessor<Integer>() { @Override public boolean processBytes(byte[] buf, int off, int len) { assertEquals( copyOfRange(buf, off, off + len), newPreFilledByteArray(8192)); return false; } @Override public Integer getResult() { return 42; } })); } public void testNullOutputStream() throws Exception { // create a null output stream OutputStream nos = ByteStreams.nullOutputStream(); // write to the output stream nos.write('n'); String test = "Test string for NullOutputStream"; nos.write(test.getBytes()); nos.write(test.getBytes(), 2, 10); // nothing really to assert? assertSame(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream(), ByteStreams.nullOutputStream()); } public void testLimit() throws Exception { byte[] big = newPreFilledByteArray(5); InputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(big); InputStream lin = ByteStreams.limit(bin, 2); // also test available lin.mark(2); assertEquals(2, lin.available()); int read = lin.read(); assertEquals(big[0], read); assertEquals(1, lin.available()); read = lin.read(); assertEquals(big[1], read); assertEquals(0, lin.available()); read = lin.read(); assertEquals(-1, read); lin.reset(); byte[] small = new byte[5]; read = lin.read(small); assertEquals(2, read); assertEquals(big[0], small[0]); assertEquals(big[1], small[1]); lin.reset(); read = lin.read(small, 2, 3); assertEquals(2, read); assertEquals(big[0], small[2]); assertEquals(big[1], small[3]); } public void testLimit_mark() throws Exception { byte[] big = newPreFilledByteArray(5); InputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(big); InputStream lin = ByteStreams.limit(bin, 2); int read = lin.read(); assertEquals(big[0], read); lin.mark(2); read = lin.read(); assertEquals(big[1], read); read = lin.read(); assertEquals(-1, read); lin.reset(); read = lin.read(); assertEquals(big[1], read); read = lin.read(); assertEquals(-1, read); } public void testLimit_skip() throws Exception { byte[] big = newPreFilledByteArray(5); InputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(big); InputStream lin = ByteStreams.limit(bin, 2); // also test available lin.mark(2); assertEquals(2, lin.available()); lin.skip(1); assertEquals(1, lin.available()); lin.reset(); assertEquals(2, lin.available()); lin.skip(3); assertEquals(0, lin.available()); } public void testLimit_markNotSet() { byte[] big = newPreFilledByteArray(5); InputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(big); InputStream lin = ByteStreams.limit(bin, 2); try { lin.reset(); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessage("Mark not set"); } } public void testLimit_markNotSupported() { InputStream lin = ByteStreams.limit(new UnmarkableInputStream(), 2); try { lin.reset(); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { assertThat(expected).hasMessage("Mark not supported"); } } private static class UnmarkableInputStream extends InputStream { @Override public int read() throws IOException { return 0; } @Override public boolean markSupported() { return false; } } private static byte[] copyOfRange(byte[] in, int from, int to) { byte[] out = new byte[to - from]; for (int i = 0; i < to - from; i++) { out[i] = in[from + i]; } return out; } // TODO(cpovirk): Inline this. private static void assertEquals(byte[] expected, byte[] actual) { assertThat(actual).isEqualTo(expected); } } Other Java examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Java ByteStreamsTest.java source code file: |
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