Hibernate example source code file (additionalmodules.xml)
This example Hibernate source code file (additionalmodules.xml) is included in the DevDaily.com
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The Hibernate additionalmodules.xml source code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
~ Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
~ indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
~ statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are
~ distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
~ This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
~ copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
~ Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
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<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
<chapter id="additionalmodules">
<title>Additional modules
<para>Hibernate Core also offers integration with some external
modules/projects. This includes Hibernate Validator the reference
implementation of Bean Validation (JSR 303) and Hibernate Search. </para>
<title>Bean Validation
<para>Bean Validation standardizes how to define and declare domain model
level constraints. You can, for example, express that a property should
never be null, that the account balance should be strictly positive, etc.
These domain model constraints are declared in the bean itself by
annotating its properties. Bean Validation can then read them and check
for constraint violations. The validation mechanism can be executed in
different layers in your application without having to duplicate any of
these rules (presentation layer, data access layer). Following the DRY
principle, Bean Validation and its reference implementation Hibernate
Validator has been designed for that purpose.</para>
<para>The integration between Hibernate and Bean Validation works at two
levels. First, it is able to check in-memory instances of a class for
constraint violations. Second, it can apply the constraints to the
Hibernate metamodel and incorporate them into the generated database
<para>Each constraint annotation is associated to a validator
implementation responsible for checking the constraint on the entity
instance. A validator can also (optionally) apply the constraint to the
Hibernate metamodel, allowing Hibernate to generate DDL that expresses the
constraint. With the appropriate event listener, you can execute the
checking operation on inserts, updates and deletes done by
<para>When checking instances at runtime, Hibernate Validator returns
information about constraint violations in a set of
<classname>ConstraintViolations. Among other information, the
<classname>ConstraintViolation contains an error description
message that can embed the parameter values bundle with the annotation
(eg. size limit), and message strings that may be externalized to a
<title>Adding Bean Validation
<para>To enable Hibernate's Bean Validation integration, simply add a
Bean Validation provider (preferably Hibernate Validation 4) on your
<para>By default, no configuration is necessary.
<para>The Default group is validated on entity
insert and update and the database model is updated accordingly based on
the <classname>Default group as well.
<para>You can customize the Bean Validation integration by setting the
validation mode. Use the
<literal>javax.persistence.validation.mode property and set it
up for example in your <filename>persistence.xml file or your
<filename>hibernate.cfg.xml file. Several options are
<para>auto (default): enable integration between
Bean Validation and Hibernate (callback and ddl generation) only if
Bean Validation is present in the classpath.</para>
<para>none: disable all integration between Bean
Validation and Hibernate</para>
<para>callback: only validate entities when they
are either inserted, updated or deleted. An exception is raised if
no Bean Validation provider is present in the classpath.</para>
<para>ddl: only apply constraints to the database
schema when generated by Hibernate. An exception is raised if no
Bean Validation provider is present in the classpath. This value is
not defined by the Java Persistence spec and is specific to
<para>You can use both callback and
<literal>ddl together by setting the property to
<literal>callback, dll
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><persistence ...>
<persistence-unit ...>
<property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode"
value="callback, ddl"/>
<para>This is equivalent to auto except that if no
Bean Validation provider is present, an exception is raised.</para>
<para>If you want to validate different groups during insertion, update
and deletion, use:</para>
groups validated when an entity is about to be persisted (default to
groups validated when an entity is about to be updated (default to
groups validated when an entity is about to be deleted (default to
no group)</para>
<para>org.hibernate.validator.group.ddl: groups
considered when applying constraints on the database schema (default
to <classname>Default)
<para>Each property accepts the fully qualified class names of the
groups validated separated by a comma (,)</para>
<title>Using custom groups for validation
<programlisting language="XML" role="XML"><persistence ...>
<persistence-unit ...>
<property name="javax.persistence.validation.group.pre-update"
value="javax.validation.group.Default, com.acme.group.Strict"/>
<property name="javax.persistence.validation.group.pre-remove"
<property name="org.hibernate.validator.group.ddl"
<para>You can set these properties in
<filename>hibernate.properties or programmatically.
<title>Catching violations
<para>If an entity is found to be invalid, the list of constraint
violations is propagated by the
<classname>ConstraintViolationException which exposes the
set of <classname>ConstraintViolations.
<para>This exception is wrapped in a
<classname>RollbackException when the violation happens at
commit time. Otherwise the
<classname>ConstraintViolationException is returned (for
example when calling <methodname>flush(). Note that
generally, catchable violations are validated at a higher level (for
example in Seam / JSF 2 via the JSF - Bean Validation integration or in
your business layer by explicitly calling Bean Validation).</para>
<para>An application code will rarely be looking for a
<classname>ConstraintViolationException raised by Hibernate.
This exception should be treated as fatal and the persistence context
should be discarded (<classname>EntityManager or
<title>Database schema
<para>Hibernate uses Bean Validation constraints to generate an accurate
database schema:</para>
<para>@NotNull leads to a not null column
(unless it conflicts with components or table inheritance)</para>
<para>@Size.max leads to a
<literal>varchar(max) definition for Strings
<para>@Min, @Max lead
to column checks (like <code>value <= max)
<para>@Digits leads to the definition of
precision and scale (ever wondered which is which? It's easy now
with <classname>@Digits :) )
<para>These constraints can be declared directly on the entity
properties or indirectly by using constraint composition.</para>
<para>For more information check the Hibernate Validator
<title>Hibernate Search
<para>Full text search engines like Apache
Lucene</productname> are a very powerful technology to bring free
text/efficient queries to applications. If suffers several mismatches
when dealing with a object domain model (keeping the index up to date,
mismatch between the index structure and the domain model, querying
mismatch...) Hibernate Search indexes your domain model thanks to a few
annotations, takes care of the database / index synchronization and
brings you back regular managed objects from free text queries.
Hibernate Search is using <ulink url="http://lucene.apache.org">Apache
Lucene</ulink> under the cover.
<title>Integration with Hibernate Annotations
<para>Hibernate Search integrates with Hibernate Core transparently
provided that the Hibernate Search jar is present on the classpath. If
you do not wish to automatically register Hibernate Search event
listeners, you can set
<literal>hibernate.search.autoregister_listeners to false.
Such a need is very uncommon and not recommended.</para>
<para>Check the Hibernate Search
Other Hibernate examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Hibernate additionalmodules.xml source code file: