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* *
* This file is part of the BeanShell Java Scripting distribution. *
* Documentation and updates may be found at http://www.beanshell.org/ *
* *
* Sun Public License Notice: *
* *
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version *
* 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with *
* the License. A copy of the License is available at http://www.sun.com *
* *
* The Original Code is BeanShell. The Initial Developer of the Original *
* Code is Pat Niemeyer. Portions created by Pat Niemeyer are Copyright *
* (C) 2000. All Rights Reserved. *
* *
* GNU Public License Notice: *
* *
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of *
* the GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL"), in which case the *
* provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to *
* allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the LGPL *
* and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the SPL, *
* indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace *
* them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL. If you *
* do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of *
* this file under either the SPL or the LGPL. *
* *
* Patrick Niemeyer (pat@pat.net) *
* Author of Learning Java, O'Reilly & Associates *
* http://www.pat.net/~pat/ *
* *
package bsh;
import org.objectweb.asm.Constants;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.CodeVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
ClassGeneratorUtil utilizes the ASM (www.objectweb.org) bytecode generator
by Eric Bruneton in order to generate class "stubs" for BeanShell at
Stub classes contain all of the fields of a BeanShell scripted class
as well as two "callback" references to BeanShell namespaces: one for
static methods and one for instance methods. Methods of the class are
delegators which invoke corresponding methods on either the static or
instance bsh object and then unpack and return the results. The static
namespace utilizes a static import to delegate variable access to the
class' static fields. The instance namespace utilizes a dynamic import
(i.e. mixin) to delegate variable access to the class' instance variables.
Constructors for the class delegate to the static initInstance() method of
ClassGeneratorUtil to initialize new instances of the object. initInstance()
invokes the instance intializer code (init vars and instance blocks) and
then delegates to the corresponding scripted constructor method in the
instance namespace. Constructors contain special switch logic which allows
the BeanShell to control the calling of alternate constructors (this() or
super() references) at runtime.
Specially named superclass delegator methods are also generated in order to
allow BeanShell to access overridden methods of the superclass (which
reflection does not normally allow).
@author Pat Niemeyer
It would not be hard to eliminate the use of org.objectweb.asm.Type from
this class, making the distribution a tiny bit smaller.
public class ClassGeneratorUtil implements Constants
/** The name of the static field holding the reference to the bsh
static This (the callback namespace for static methods) */
static final String BSHSTATIC="_bshStatic";
/** The name of the instance field holding the reference to the bsh
instance This (the callback namespace for instance methods) */
static final String BSHTHIS="_bshThis";
/** The prefix for the name of the super delegate methods. e.g.
_bshSuperfoo() is equivalent to super.foo() */
static final String BSHSUPER="_bshSuper";
/** The bsh static namespace variable name of the instance initializer */
static final String BSHINIT="_bshInstanceInitializer";
/** The bsh static namespace variable that holds the constructor methods */
static final String BSHCONSTRUCTORS="_bshConstructors";
/** The switch branch number for the default constructor.
The value -1 will cause the default branch to be taken. */
static final int DEFAULTCONSTRUCTOR = -1;
static final String OBJECT= "Ljava/lang/Object;";
String className;
/** fully qualified class name (with package) e.g. foo/bar/Blah */
String fqClassName;
Class superClass;
String superClassName;
Class [] interfaces;
Variable [] vars;
Constructor [] superConstructors;
DelayedEvalBshMethod [] constructors;
DelayedEvalBshMethod [] methods;
NameSpace classStaticNameSpace;
Modifiers classModifiers;
boolean isInterface;
@param packageName e.g. "com.foo.bar"
public ClassGeneratorUtil(
Modifiers classModifiers, String className, String packageName,
Class superClass, Class [] interfaces, Variable [] vars,
DelayedEvalBshMethod [] bshmethods, NameSpace classStaticNameSpace,
boolean isInterface
this.classModifiers = classModifiers;
this.className = className;
if ( packageName != null )
this.fqClassName = packageName.replace('.','/') + "/" + className;
this.fqClassName = className;
if ( superClass == null )
superClass = Object.class;
this.superClass = superClass;
this.superClassName = Type.getInternalName( superClass );
if ( interfaces == null )
interfaces = new Class[0];
this.interfaces = interfaces;
this.vars = vars;
this.classStaticNameSpace = classStaticNameSpace;
this.superConstructors = superClass.getDeclaredConstructors();
// Split the methods into constructors and regular method lists
List consl = new ArrayList();
List methodsl = new ArrayList();
String classBaseName = getBaseName( className ); // for inner classes
for( int i=0; i< bshmethods.length; i++ )
if ( bshmethods[i].getName().equals( classBaseName ) )
consl.add( bshmethods[i] );
methodsl.add( bshmethods[i] );
this.constructors = (DelayedEvalBshMethod [])consl.toArray(
new DelayedEvalBshMethod[0] );
this.methods = (DelayedEvalBshMethod [])methodsl.toArray(
new DelayedEvalBshMethod[0] );
try {
BSHCONSTRUCTORS, constructors, false/*strict*/ );
} catch ( UtilEvalError e ) {
throw new InterpreterError("can't set cons var");
this.isInterface = isInterface;
Generate the class bytecode for this class.
@param className should be a path style name, e.g.
"TestClass" or "mypackage/TestClass"
public byte [] generateClass()
// Force the class public for now...
int classMods = getASMModifiers( classModifiers ) | ACC_PUBLIC;
if ( isInterface )
classMods |= ACC_INTERFACE;
String [] interfaceNames = new String [interfaces.length];
for(int i=0; i 0 ;
boolean overridden = classContainsMethod(
superClass, methods[i].getName(),
methods[i].getParamTypeDescriptors() ) ;
if ( !isStatic && overridden )
generateSuperDelegateMethod( superClass, superClassName,
methods[i].getName(), returnType,
methods[i].getParamTypeDescriptors(), modifiers, cw );
return cw.toByteArray();
Translate bsh.Modifiers into ASM modifier bitflags.
static int getASMModifiers( Modifiers modifiers )
int mods = 0;
if ( modifiers == null )
return mods;
if ( modifiers.hasModifier("public") )
mods += ACC_PUBLIC;
if ( modifiers.hasModifier("protected") )
if ( modifiers.hasModifier("static") )
mods += ACC_STATIC;
if ( modifiers.hasModifier("synchronized") )
if ( modifiers.hasModifier("abstract") )
return mods;
Generate a field - static or instance.
static void generateField(
String fieldName, String type, int modifiers, ClassWriter cw )
cw.visitField( modifiers, fieldName, type, null/*value*/ );
Generate a delegate method - static or instance.
The generated code packs the method arguments into an object array
(wrapping primitive types in bsh.Primitive), invokes the static or
instance namespace invokeMethod() method, and then unwraps / returns
the result.
static void generateMethod(
String className, String fqClassName, String methodName,
String returnType, String[] paramTypes, int modifiers, ClassWriter cw )
String [] exceptions = null;
boolean isStatic = (modifiers & ACC_STATIC) != 0 ;
if ( returnType == null ) // map loose return type to Object
returnType = OBJECT;
String methodDescriptor = getMethodDescriptor( returnType, paramTypes );
// Generate method body
CodeVisitor cv = cw.visitMethod(
modifiers, methodName, methodDescriptor, exceptions );
if ( (modifiers & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0 )
// Generate code to push the BSHTHIS or BSHSTATIC field
if ( isStatic )
GETSTATIC, fqClassName, BSHSTATIC+className, "Lbsh/This;" );
// Push 'this'
cv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
// Get the instance field
GETFIELD, fqClassName, BSHTHIS+className, "Lbsh/This;" );
// Push the name of the method as a constant
cv.visitLdcInsn( methodName );
// Generate code to push arguments as an object array
generateParameterReifierCode( paramTypes, isStatic, cv );
// Push nulls for various args of invokeMethod
cv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); // interpreter
cv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); // callstack
cv.visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); // callerinfo
// Push the boolean constant 'true' (for declaredOnly)
// Invoke the method This.invokeMethod( name, Class [] sig, boolean )
INVOKEVIRTUAL, "bsh/This", "invokeMethod",
new Type [] {
Type.getType(Object [].class),
// Generate code to unwrap bsh Primitive types
INVOKESTATIC, "bsh/Primitive", "unwrap",
"(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;" );
// Generate code to return the value
generateReturnCode( returnType, cv );
// Need to calculate this... just fudging here for now.
cv.visitMaxs( 20, 20 );
Generate a constructor.
void generateConstructor(
int index, String [] paramTypes, int modifiers, ClassWriter cw )
/** offset after params of the args object [] var */
final int argsVar = paramTypes.length+1;
/** offset after params of the ConstructorArgs var */
final int consArgsVar = paramTypes.length+2;
String [] exceptions = null;
String methodDescriptor = getMethodDescriptor( "V", paramTypes );
// Create this constructor method
CodeVisitor cv =
cw.visitMethod( modifiers, "", methodDescriptor, exceptions );
// Generate code to push arguments as an object array
generateParameterReifierCode( paramTypes, false/*isStatic*/, cv );
cv.visitVarInsn( ASTORE, argsVar );
// Generate the code implementing the alternate constructor switch
generateConstructorSwitch( index, argsVar, consArgsVar, cv );
// Generate code to invoke the ClassGeneratorUtil initInstance() method
// push 'this'
cv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 );
// Push the class/constructor name as a constant
cv.visitLdcInsn( className );
// Push arguments as an object array
cv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, argsVar );
// invoke the initInstance() method
INVOKESTATIC, "bsh/ClassGeneratorUtil", "initInstance",
cv.visitInsn( RETURN );
// Need to calculate this... just fudging here for now.
cv.visitMaxs( 20, 20 );
Generate a switch with a branch for each possible alternate
constructor. This includes all superclass constructors and all
constructors of this class. The default branch of this switch is the
default superclass constructor.
This method also generates the code to call the static
getConstructorArgs() method which inspects the scripted constructor to
find the alternate constructor signature (if any) and evalute the
arguments at runtime. The getConstructorArgs() method returns the
actual arguments as well as the index of the constructor to call.
void generateConstructorSwitch(
int consIndex, int argsVar, int consArgsVar, CodeVisitor cv )
Label defaultLabel = new Label();
Label endLabel = new Label();
int cases = superConstructors.length + constructors.length ;
Label [] labels = new Label[ cases ];
for(int i=0; i", "()V" );
// done with switch
cv.visitLabel( endLabel );
Generate a branch of the constructor switch. This method is called by
The code generated by this method assumes that the argument array is
on the stack.
static void doSwitchBranch(
int index, String targetClassName, String [] paramTypes,
Label endLabel, Label [] labels, int consArgsVar, CodeVisitor cv
cv.visitLabel( labels[index] );
//cv.visitLineNumber( index, labels[index] );
cv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, 0 ); // push this before args
// Unload the arguments from the ConstructorArgs object
for (int i=0; i", descriptor );
cv.visitJumpInsn( GOTO, endLabel );
static String getMethodDescriptor( String returnType, String [] paramTypes )
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("(");
for(int i=0; i", "(" + desc + ")V");
} else {
// Technically incorrect here - we need to wrap null values
// as bsh.Primitive.NULL. However the This.invokeMethod()
// will do that much for us.
// We need to generate a conditional here to test for null
// and return Primitive.NULL
cv.visitVarInsn( ALOAD, localVarIndex );
localVarIndex +=
( (param.equals("D") || param.equals("J")) ? 2 : 1 );
Generates the code to unreify the result of the given method. For a
method "int m (int i, String s)", this code is the bytecode
corresponding to the "((Integer)...).intValue()" expression.
@param m a method object.
@param cv the code visitor to be used to generate the bytecode.
@author Eric Bruneton
@author Pat Niemeyer
public static void generateReturnCode (
String returnType, CodeVisitor cv )
if ( returnType.equals("V") )
else if ( isPrimitive( returnType ) )
int opcode = IRETURN;
String type;
String meth;
if ( returnType.equals("B") ) {
type = "java/lang/Byte";
meth = "byteValue";
} else if (returnType.equals("I") ) {
type = "java/lang/Integer";
meth = "intValue";
} else if (returnType.equals("Z") ) {
type = "java/lang/Boolean";
meth = "booleanValue";
} else if (returnType.equals("D") ) {
opcode = DRETURN;
type = "java/lang/Double";
meth = "doubleValue";
} else if (returnType.equals("F") ) {
opcode = FRETURN;
type = "java/lang/Float";
meth = "floatValue";
} else if (returnType.equals("J") ) {
opcode = LRETURN;
type = "java/lang/Long";
meth = "longValue";
} else if (returnType.equals("C") ) {
type = "java/lang/Character";
meth = "charValue";
} else /*if (returnType.equals("S") )*/ {
type = "java/lang/Short";
meth = "shortValue";
String desc = returnType;
cv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, type ); // type is correct here
cv.visitMethodInsn( INVOKEVIRTUAL, type, meth, "()" + desc );
} else
cv.visitTypeInsn( CHECKCAST, descriptorToClassName(returnType) );
Evaluate the arguments (if any) for the constructor specified by
the constructor index. Return the ConstructorArgs object which
contains the actual arguments to the alternate constructor and also the
index of that constructor for the constructor switch.
@param args the arguments to the constructor. These are necessary in
the evaluation of the alt constructor args. e.g. Foo(a) { super(a); }
@return the ConstructorArgs object containing a constructor selector
and evaluated arguments for the alternate constructor
public static ConstructorArgs getConstructorArgs(
String superClassName, This classStaticThis,
Object [] consArgs, int index )
DelayedEvalBshMethod [] constructors;
try {
constructors =
(DelayedEvalBshMethod [])classStaticThis.getNameSpace()
.getVariable( BSHCONSTRUCTORS );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new InterpreterError(
"unable to get instance initializer: "+e );
if ( index == DEFAULTCONSTRUCTOR ) // auto-gen default constructor
return ConstructorArgs.DEFAULT; // use default super constructor
DelayedEvalBshMethod constructor = constructors[index];
if ( constructor.methodBody.jjtGetNumChildren() == 0 )
return ConstructorArgs.DEFAULT; // use default super constructor
// Determine if the constructor calls this() or super()
String altConstructor = null;
BSHArguments argsNode = null;
SimpleNode firstStatement =
if ( firstStatement instanceof BSHPrimaryExpression )
firstStatement = (SimpleNode)firstStatement.jjtGetChild(0);
if ( firstStatement instanceof BSHMethodInvocation )
BSHMethodInvocation methodNode =
BSHAmbiguousName methodName = methodNode.getNameNode();
if ( methodName.text.equals("super")
|| methodName.text.equals("this")
) {
altConstructor = methodName.text;
argsNode = methodNode.getArgsNode();
if ( altConstructor == null )
return ConstructorArgs.DEFAULT; // use default super constructor
// Make a tmp namespace to hold the original constructor args for
// use in eval of the parameters node
NameSpace consArgsNameSpace =
new NameSpace( classStaticThis.getNameSpace(), "consArgs" );
String [] consArgNames = constructor.getParameterNames();
Class [] consArgTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes();
for( int i=0; i 0 && constructor == null )
throw new InterpreterError(
"Can't find constructor: "+ className );
// Evaluate the constructor
if ( constructor != null )
constructor.invoke( args, interpreter, callstack,
null/*callerInfo*/, false/*overrideNameSpace*/ ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( e instanceof TargetError )
e =(Exception)((TargetError)e).getTarget();
if ( e instanceof InvocationTargetException )
e = (Exception)((InvocationTargetException)e)
e.printStackTrace( System.err );
throw new InterpreterError("Error in class initialization: "+e );
Get the static bsh namespace field from the class.
@param className may be the name of clas itself or a superclass of clas.
static This getClassStaticThis( Class clas, String className )
try {
return (This)Reflect.getStaticField(
clas, BSHSTATIC + className );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new InterpreterError("Unable to get class static space: "+e);
Get the instance bsh namespace field from the object instance.
@return the class instance This object or null if the object has not
been initialized.
static This getClassInstanceThis( Object instance, String className )
try {
Object o = Reflect.getObjectField( instance, BSHTHIS+className );
return (This)Primitive.unwrap(o); // unwrap Primitive.Null to null
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new InterpreterError(
"Generated class: Error getting This"+e );
Does the type descriptor string describe a primitive type?
private static boolean isPrimitive( String typeDescriptor )
return typeDescriptor.length() == 1; // right?
static String[] getTypeDescriptors( Class [] cparams )
String [] sa = new String [cparams.length];
for(int i=0; i