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The source codepackage bsh; public class Variable implements java.io.Serializable { static final int DECLARATION=0, ASSIGNMENT=1; /** A null type means an untyped variable */ String name; Class type = null; String typeDescriptor; Object value; Modifiers modifiers; LHS lhs; Variable( String name, Class type, LHS lhs ) { this.name = name; this.lhs = lhs; this.type = type; } Variable( String name, Object value, Modifiers modifiers ) throws UtilEvalError { this( name, (Class)null/*type*/, value, modifiers ); } /** This constructor is used in class generation. */ Variable( String name, String typeDescriptor, Object value, Modifiers modifiers ) throws UtilEvalError { this( name, (Class)null/*type*/, value, modifiers ); this.typeDescriptor = typeDescriptor; } /** @param value may be null if this */ Variable( String name, Class type, Object value, Modifiers modifiers ) throws UtilEvalError { this.name=name; this.type = type; this.modifiers = modifiers; setValue( value, DECLARATION ); } /** Set the value of the typed variable. @param value should be an object or wrapped bsh Primitive type. if value is null the appropriate default value will be set for the type: e.g. false for boolean, zero for integer types. */ public void setValue( Object value, int context ) throws UtilEvalError { // check this.value if ( hasModifier("final") && this.value != null ) throw new UtilEvalError ("Final variable, can't re-assign."); if ( value == null ) value = Primitive.getDefaultValue( type ); if ( lhs != null ) { lhs.assign( value, false/*strictjava*/ ); return; } if ( type != null ) value = Types.castObject( value, type, context == DECLARATION ? Types.CAST : Types.ASSIGNMENT ); this.value= value; } Object getValue() throws UtilEvalError { if ( lhs != null ) return lhs.getValue(); return value; } /** A type of null means loosely typed variable */ public Class getType() { return type; } public String getTypeDescriptor() { return typeDescriptor; } public Modifiers getModifiers() { return modifiers; } public String getName() { return name; } public boolean hasModifier( String name ) { return modifiers != null && modifiers.hasModifier(name); } public String toString() { return "Variable: "+super.toString()+" "+name+", type:"+type +", value:"+value +", lhs = "+lhs; } } |
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