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 * - jEdit's text component
 * :tabSize=8:indentSize=8:noTabs=false:
 * :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
 * Copyright (C) 1999, 2004 Slava Pestov
 * Portions copyright (C) 2000 Ollie Rutherfurd
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

package org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea;

//{{{ Imports
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.text.Segment;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.buffer.*;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.*;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.*;
import org.gjt.sp.util.Log;

 * jEdit's text component.

* * Unlike most other text editors, the selection API permits selection and * concurrent manipulation of multiple, non-contiguous regions of text. * Methods in this class that deal with selecting text rely upon classes derived * the {@link Selection} class. * * @author Slava Pestov * @author John Gellene (API documentation) * @version $Id:,v 1.320 2004/08/12 22:42:45 spestov Exp $ */ public class JEditTextArea extends JComponent { //{{{ JEditTextArea constructor /** * Creates a new JEditTextArea. */ public JEditTextArea(View view) { enableEvents(AWTEvent.FOCUS_EVENT_MASK | AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK); this.view = view; //{{{ Initialize some misc. stuff selection = new Vector(); chunkCache = new ChunkCache(this); painter = new TextAreaPainter(this); gutter = new Gutter(view,this); listenerList = new EventListenerList(); caretEvent = new MutableCaretEvent(); blink = true; lineSegment = new Segment(); returnValue = new Point(); structureMatchers = new LinkedList(); structureMatchers.add(new StructureMatcher.BracketMatcher()); //}}} //{{{ Initialize the GUI setLayout(new ScrollLayout()); add(CENTER,painter); add(LEFT,gutter); // some plugins add stuff in a "right-hand" gutter verticalBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); verticalBox.add(vertical = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.VERTICAL)); vertical.setRequestFocusEnabled(false); add(RIGHT,verticalBox); add(BOTTOM,horizontal = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL)); horizontal.setRequestFocusEnabled(false); horizontal.setValues(0,0,0,0); //}}} //{{{ this ensures that the text area's look is slightly // more consistent with the rest of the metal l&f. // while it depends on not-so-well-documented portions // of Swing, it only affects appearance, so future // breakage shouldn't matter if(UIManager.getLookAndFeel() instanceof MetalLookAndFeel) { setBorder(new TextAreaBorder()); vertical.putClientProperty("JScrollBar.isFreeStanding", Boolean.FALSE); horizontal.putClientProperty("JScrollBar.isFreeStanding", Boolean.FALSE); //horizontal.setBorder(null); } //}}} //{{{ Add some event listeners vertical.addAdjustmentListener(new AdjustHandler()); horizontal.addAdjustmentListener(new AdjustHandler()); mouseHandler = new MouseHandler(); painter.addMouseListener(mouseHandler); painter.addMouseMotionListener(mouseHandler); addFocusListener(new FocusHandler()); //}}} // This doesn't seem very correct, but it fixes a problem // when setting the initial caret position for a buffer // (eg, from the recent file list) focusedComponent = this; popupEnabled = true; } //}}} //{{{ dispose() method /** * Plugins and macros should not call this method. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void dispose() { DisplayManager.textAreaDisposed(this); } //}}} //{{{ Getters and setters //{{{ getView() method /** * Returns this text area's view. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public View getView() { return view; } //}}} //{{{ getPainter() method /** * Returns the object responsible for painting this text area. */ public final TextAreaPainter getPainter() { return painter; } //}}} //{{{ getGutter() method /** * Returns the gutter to the left of the text area or null if the gutter * is disabled */ public final Gutter getGutter() { return gutter; } //}}} //{{{ getDisplayManager() method /** * Returns the display manager used by this text area. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public DisplayManager getDisplayManager() { return displayManager; } //}}} //{{{ isCaretBlinkEnabled() method /** * Returns true if the caret is blinking, false otherwise. */ public final boolean isCaretBlinkEnabled() { return caretBlinks; } //}}} //{{{ setCaretBlinkEnabled() method /** * Toggles caret blinking. * @param caretBlinks True if the caret should blink, false otherwise */ public void setCaretBlinkEnabled(boolean caretBlinks) { this.caretBlinks = caretBlinks; if(!caretBlinks) blink = false; if(buffer != null) invalidateLine(caretLine); } //}}} //{{{ getElectricScroll() method /** * Returns the number of lines from the top and button of the * text area that are always visible. */ public final int getElectricScroll() { return electricScroll; } //}}} //{{{ setElectricScroll() method /** * Sets the number of lines from the top and bottom of the text * area that are always visible * @param electricScroll The number of lines always visible from * the top or bottom */ public final void setElectricScroll(int electricScroll) { this.electricScroll = electricScroll; } //}}} //{{{ isQuickCopyEnabled() method /** * Returns if clicking the middle mouse button pastes the most * recent selection (% register), and if Control-dragging inserts * the selection at the caret. */ public final boolean isQuickCopyEnabled() { return quickCopy; } //}}} //{{{ setQuickCopyEnabled() method /** * Sets if clicking the middle mouse button pastes the most * recent selection (% register), and if Control-dragging inserts * the selection at the caret. * @param quickCopy A boolean flag */ public final void setQuickCopyEnabled(boolean quickCopy) { this.quickCopy = quickCopy; } //}}} //{{{ getBuffer() method /** * Returns the buffer this text area is editing. */ public final Buffer getBuffer() { return buffer; } //}}} //{{{ setBuffer() method /** * Sets the buffer this text area is editing. Do not call this method - * use {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditPane#setBuffer(Buffer)} instead. * @param buffer The buffer */ public void setBuffer(Buffer buffer) { if(this.buffer == buffer) return; try { bufferChanging = true; if(this.buffer != null) { // dubious? //setFirstLine(0); selectNone(); caretLine = caret = caretScreenLine = 0; match = null; } this.buffer = buffer; chunkCache.setBuffer(buffer); propertiesChanged(); if(displayManager != null) { DisplayManager.releaseDisplayManager( displayManager); } displayManager = DisplayManager.getDisplayManager( buffer,this); displayManager.init(); if(!buffer.isLoaded()) updateScrollBars(); repaint(); fireScrollEvent(true); } finally { bufferChanging = false; } } //}}} //{{{ isEditable() method /** * Returns true if this text area is editable, false otherwise. */ public final boolean isEditable() { return buffer.isEditable(); } //}}} //{{{ getDragAndDropCallback() method /** * Drag and drop of text in jEdit is implementing using jEdit 1.4 APIs, * however since jEdit must run with Java 1.3, this class only has the * necessary support to call a hook method via reflection. The method * is provided by the {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.Java14} class and handles * the drag and drop API calls themselves. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public Method getDragAndDropCallback() { return dndCallback; } //}}} //{{{ setDragAndDropCallback() method /** * Drag and drop of text in jEdit is implementing using jEdit 1.4 APIs, * however since jEdit must run with Java 1.3, this class only has the * necessary support to call a hook method via reflection. The method * is provided by the {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.Java14} class and handles * the drag and drop API calls themselves. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public void setDragAndDropCallback(Method meth) { dndCallback = meth; } //}}} //{{{ isDragInProgress() method /** * Drag and drop of text in jEdit is implementing using jEdit 1.4 APIs, * however since jEdit must run with Java 1.3, this class only has the * necessary support to call a hook method via reflection. This method * is called by the {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.Java14} class to signal that * a drag is in progress. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public boolean isDragInProgress() { return dndInProgress; } //}}} //{{{ setDragInProgress() method /** * Drag and drop of text in jEdit is implementing using jEdit 1.4 APIs, * however since jEdit must run with Java 1.3, this class only has the * necessary support to call a hook method via reflection. This method * is called by the {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.Java14} class to signal that * a drag is in progress. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public void setDragInProgress(boolean dndInProgress) { this.dndInProgress = dndInProgress; } //}}} //{{{ isDragEnabled() method /** * Returns if drag and drop of text is enabled. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public boolean isDragEnabled() { return dndEnabled; } //}}} //{{{ setDragEnabled() method /** * Sets if drag and drop of text is enabled. * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public void setDragEnabled(boolean dndEnabled) { this.dndEnabled = dndEnabled; } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Scrolling //{{{ Debugging code /* public void scrollTest(boolean paint) { Image im = painter.createImage(painter.getWidth(),painter.getHeight()); Graphics gfx = im.getGraphics(); gfx.setFont(painter.getFont()); gfx.setColor(painter.getForeground()); gfx.clipRect(0,0,painter.getWidth(),painter.getHeight()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(int i = 0; i < displayManager.getScrollLineCount(); i++) { setFirstLine(i); if(!paint) chunkCache.getLineInfo(visibleLines - 1); else painter.paintComponent(gfx); } System.err.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start); } */ //}}} //{{{ getFirstLine() method /** * Returns the vertical scroll bar position. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public final int getFirstLine() { return displayManager.firstLine.scrollLine + displayManager.firstLine.skew; } //}}} //{{{ setFirstLine() method public Exception trace; /** * Sets the vertical scroll bar position * * @param firstLine The scroll bar position */ public void setFirstLine(int firstLine) { if(Debug.SCROLL_DEBUG) { Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"setFirstLine() from " + getFirstLine() + " to " + firstLine); } //{{{ ensure we don't have empty space at the bottom or top, etc int max = displayManager.getScrollLineCount() - visibleLines + (lastLinePartial ? 1 : 0); if(firstLine > max) firstLine = max; if(firstLine < 0) firstLine = 0; //}}} int oldFirstLine = getFirstLine(); if(firstLine == oldFirstLine) return; trace = new Exception(); if(firstLine >= oldFirstLine + visibleLines) { displayManager.firstLine.scrollDown(firstLine - oldFirstLine); chunkCache.invalidateAll(); } else if(firstLine <= oldFirstLine - visibleLines) { displayManager.firstLine.scrollUp(oldFirstLine - firstLine); chunkCache.invalidateAll(); } else if(firstLine > oldFirstLine) { displayManager.firstLine.scrollDown(firstLine - oldFirstLine); chunkCache.scrollDown(firstLine - oldFirstLine); } else if(firstLine < oldFirstLine) { displayManager.firstLine.scrollUp(oldFirstLine - firstLine); chunkCache.scrollUp(oldFirstLine - firstLine); } // we have to be careful displayManager._notifyScreenLineChanges(); //if(buffer.isLoaded()) // recalculateLastPhysicalLine(); repaint(); fireScrollEvent(true); } //}}} //{{{ getFirstPhysicalLine() method /** * Returns the first visible physical line index. * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public final int getFirstPhysicalLine() { return displayManager.firstLine.physicalLine; } //}}} //{{{ setFirstPhysicalLine() method /** * Sets the vertical scroll bar position. * @param physFirstLine The first physical line to display * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void setFirstPhysicalLine(int physFirstLine) { setFirstPhysicalLine(physFirstLine,0); } //}}} //{{{ setFirstPhysicalLine() method /** * Sets the vertical scroll bar position. * @param physFirstLine The first physical line to display * @param skew A local screen line delta * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void setFirstPhysicalLine(int physFirstLine, int skew) { if(Debug.SCROLL_DEBUG) { Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"setFirstPhysicalLine(" + physFirstLine + "," + skew + ")"); } //{{{ ensure we don't have empty space at the bottom or top, etc /* int screenLineCount = 0; int physicalLine = displayManager.getLastVisibleLine(); int visibleLines = this.visibleLines - (lastLinePartial ? 1 : 0); for(;;) { screenLineCount += displayManager.getScreenLineCount(physicalLine); if(screenLineCount >= visibleLines) break; int prevLine = displayManager.getPrevVisibleLine(physicalLine); if(prevLine == -1) break; physicalLine = prevLine; } if(physFirstLine > physicalLine) physFirstLine = physicalLine; */ //}}} int amount = (physFirstLine - displayManager.firstLine.physicalLine); int oldFirstLine = getFirstLine(); if(amount == 0) { skew -= displayManager.firstLine.skew; // JEditTextArea.scrollTo() needs this to simplify // its code if(skew < 0) displayManager.firstLine.scrollUp(-skew); else if(skew > 0) displayManager.firstLine.scrollDown(skew); else { // nothing to do return; } } else if(amount > 0) displayManager.firstLine.physDown(amount,skew); else if(amount < 0) displayManager.firstLine.physUp(-amount,skew); int firstLine = getFirstLine(); if(firstLine == oldFirstLine) /* do nothing */; else if(firstLine >= oldFirstLine + visibleLines || firstLine <= oldFirstLine - visibleLines) { chunkCache.invalidateAll(); } else if(firstLine > oldFirstLine) { chunkCache.scrollDown(firstLine - oldFirstLine); } else if(firstLine < oldFirstLine) { chunkCache.scrollUp(oldFirstLine - firstLine); } // we have to be careful displayManager._notifyScreenLineChanges(); //if(buffer.isLoaded()) // recalculateLastPhysicalLine(); repaint(); fireScrollEvent(true); } //}}} //{{{ getLastPhysicalLine() method /** * Returns the last visible physical line index. * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public final int getLastPhysicalLine() { return physLastLine; } //}}} //{{{ getVisibleLines() method /** * Returns the number of lines visible in this text area. */ public final int getVisibleLines() { return visibleLines; } //}}} //{{{ getHorizontalOffset() method /** * Returns the horizontal offset of drawn lines. */ public final int getHorizontalOffset() { return horizontalOffset; } //}}} //{{{ setHorizontalOffset() method /** * Sets the horizontal offset of drawn lines. This can be used to * implement horizontal scrolling. * @param horizontalOffset offset The new horizontal offset */ public void setHorizontalOffset(int horizontalOffset) { if(horizontalOffset > 0) horizontalOffset = 0; if(horizontalOffset == this.horizontalOffset) return; this.horizontalOffset = horizontalOffset; if(horizontalOffset != horizontal.getValue()) updateScrollBars(); painter.repaint(); fireScrollEvent(false); } //}}} //{{{ scrollUpLine() method /** * Scrolls up by one line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void scrollUpLine() { setFirstLine(getFirstLine() - 1); } //}}} //{{{ scrollUpPage() method /** * Scrolls up by one page. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void scrollUpPage() { setFirstLine(getFirstLine() - getVisibleLines() + (lastLinePartial ? 1 : 0)); } //}}} //{{{ scrollDownLine() method /** * Scrolls down by one line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void scrollDownLine() { setFirstLine(getFirstLine() + 1); } //}}} //{{{ scrollDownPage() method /** * Scrolls down by one page. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void scrollDownPage() { setFirstLine(getFirstLine() + getVisibleLines() - (lastLinePartial ? 1 : 0)); } //}}} //{{{ scrollToCaret() method /** * Ensures that the caret is visible by scrolling the text area if * necessary. * @param doElectricScroll If true, electric scrolling will be performed */ public void scrollToCaret(boolean doElectricScroll) { scrollTo(caretLine,caret - buffer.getLineStartOffset(caretLine), doElectricScroll); } //}}} //{{{ scrollTo() method /** * Ensures that the specified location in the buffer is visible. * @param offset The offset from the start of the buffer * @param doElectricScroll If true, electric scrolling will be performed * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public void scrollTo(int offset, boolean doElectricScroll) { int line = buffer.getLineOfOffset(offset); scrollTo(line,offset - buffer.getLineStartOffset(line), doElectricScroll); } //}}} //{{{ scrollTo() method /** * Ensures that the specified location in the buffer is visible. * @param line The line number * @param offset The offset from the start of the line * @param doElectricScroll If true, electric scrolling will be performed * @since jEdit 4.0pre6 */ public void scrollTo(int line, int offset, boolean doElectricScroll) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"scrollTo(), lineCount=" + getLineCount()); //{{{ Get ready int extraEndVirt; int lineLength = buffer.getLineLength(line); if(offset > lineLength) { extraEndVirt = charWidth * (offset - lineLength); offset = lineLength; } else extraEndVirt = 0; int _electricScroll = (doElectricScroll && visibleLines - 1 > electricScroll * 2 ? electricScroll : 0); //}}} if(visibleLines <= 1) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"visibleLines <= 0"); setFirstPhysicalLine(line,_electricScroll); return; } //{{{ Scroll vertically int screenLine = chunkCache.getScreenLineOfOffset(line,offset); int visibleLines = getVisibleLines(); if(screenLine == -1) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"screenLine == -1"); ChunkCache.LineInfo[] infos = chunkCache .getLineInfosForPhysicalLine(line); int subregion = chunkCache.getSubregionOfOffset( offset,infos); int prevLine = displayManager.getPrevVisibleLine(getFirstPhysicalLine()); int nextLine = displayManager.getNextVisibleLine(getLastPhysicalLine()); if(line == getFirstPhysicalLine()) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,line + " == " + getFirstPhysicalLine()); setFirstPhysicalLine(line,subregion - _electricScroll); } else if(line == prevLine) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,line + " == " + prevLine); setFirstPhysicalLine(prevLine,subregion - _electricScroll); } else if(line == getLastPhysicalLine()) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,line + " == " + getLastPhysicalLine()); setFirstPhysicalLine(line, subregion + _electricScroll - visibleLines + (lastLinePartial ? 2 : 1)); } else if(line == nextLine) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,line + " == " + nextLine); setFirstPhysicalLine(nextLine, subregion + electricScroll - visibleLines + (lastLinePartial ? 2 : 1)); } else { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) { Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"neither"); Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"Last physical line is " + getLastPhysicalLine()); } setFirstPhysicalLine(line,subregion - visibleLines / 2); if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) { Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"Last physical line is " + getLastPhysicalLine()); } } } else if(screenLine < _electricScroll) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"electric up"); setFirstLine(getFirstLine() - _electricScroll + screenLine); } else if(screenLine > visibleLines - _electricScroll - (lastLinePartial ? 2 : 1)) { if(Debug.SCROLL_TO_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"electric down"); setFirstLine(getFirstLine() + _electricScroll - visibleLines + screenLine + (lastLinePartial ? 2 : 1)); } //}}} //{{{ Scroll horizontally if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(line)) return; Point point = offsetToXY(line,offset,returnValue); if(point == null) { Log.log(Log.ERROR,this,"BUG: screenLine=" + screenLine + ",visibleLines=" + visibleLines + ",physicalLine=" + line + ",firstPhysicalLine=" + getFirstPhysicalLine() + ",lastPhysicalLine=" + getLastPhysicalLine()); } point.x += extraEndVirt; if(point.x < 0) { setHorizontalOffset(horizontalOffset - point.x + charWidth + 5); } else if(point.x >= painter.getWidth() - charWidth - 5) { setHorizontalOffset(horizontalOffset + (painter.getWidth() - point.x) - charWidth - 5); } //}}} } //}}} //{{{ addScrollListener() method /** * Adds a scroll listener to this text area. * @param listener The listener * @since jEdit 3.2pre2 */ public final void addScrollListener(ScrollListener listener) { listenerList.add(ScrollListener.class,listener); } //}}} //{{{ removeScrollListener() method /** * Removes a scroll listener from this text area. * @param listener The listener * @since jEdit 3.2pre2 */ public final void removeScrollListener(ScrollListener listener) { listenerList.remove(ScrollListener.class,listener); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Screen line stuff //{{{ getPhysicalLineOfScreenLine() method /** * Returns the physical line number that contains the specified screen * line. * @param screenLine The screen line * @since jEdit 4.0pre6 */ public int getPhysicalLineOfScreenLine(int screenLine) { return chunkCache.getLineInfo(screenLine).physicalLine; } //}}} //{{{ getScreenLineOfOffset() method /** * Returns the screen (wrapped) line containing the specified offset. * Returns -1 if the line is not currently visible on the screen. * @param offset The offset * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public int getScreenLineOfOffset(int offset) { int line = buffer.getLineOfOffset(offset); offset -= buffer.getLineStartOffset(line); return chunkCache.getScreenLineOfOffset(line,offset); } //}}} //{{{ getScreenLineStartOffset() method /** * Returns the start offset of the specified screen (wrapped) line. * @param line The line * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public int getScreenLineStartOffset(int line) { ChunkCache.LineInfo lineInfo = chunkCache.getLineInfo(line); if(lineInfo.physicalLine == -1) return -1; return buffer.getLineStartOffset(lineInfo.physicalLine) + lineInfo.offset; } //}}} //{{{ getScreenLineEndOffset() method /** * Returns the end offset of the specified screen (wrapped) line. * @param line The line * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public int getScreenLineEndOffset(int line) { ChunkCache.LineInfo lineInfo = chunkCache.getLineInfo(line); if(lineInfo.physicalLine == -1) return -1; return buffer.getLineStartOffset(lineInfo.physicalLine) + lineInfo.offset + lineInfo.length; } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Offset conversion //{{{ xyToOffset() method /** * Converts a point to an offset. * Note that unlike in previous jEdit versions, this method now returns * -1 if the y co-ordinate is out of bounds. * * @param x The x co-ordinate of the point * @param y The y co-ordinate of the point */ public int xyToOffset(int x, int y) { return xyToOffset(x,y,true); } //}}} //{{{ xyToOffset() method /** * Converts a point to an offset. * Note that unlike in previous jEdit versions, this method now returns * -1 if the y co-ordinate is out of bounds. * * @param x The x co-ordinate of the point * @param y The y co-ordinate of the point * @param round Round up to next letter if past the middle of a letter? * @since jEdit 3.2pre6 */ public int xyToOffset(int x, int y, boolean round) { FontMetrics fm = painter.getFontMetrics(); int height = fm.getHeight(); int line = y / height; if(line < 0 || line >= visibleLines) return -1; return xToScreenLineOffset(line,x,round); } //}}} //{{{ xToScreenLineOffset() method /** * Converts a point in a given screen line to an offset. * Note that unlike in previous jEdit versions, this method now returns * -1 if the y co-ordinate is out of bounds. * * @param x The x co-ordinate of the point * @param screenLine The screen line * @param round Round up to next letter if past the middle of a letter? * @since jEdit 3.2pre6 */ public int xToScreenLineOffset(int screenLine, int x, boolean round) { ChunkCache.LineInfo lineInfo = chunkCache.getLineInfo(screenLine); if(lineInfo.physicalLine == -1) { return getLineEndOffset(displayManager .getLastVisibleLine()) - 1; } else { int offset = Chunk.xToOffset(lineInfo.chunks, x - horizontalOffset,round); if(offset == -1 || offset == lineInfo.offset + lineInfo.length) offset = lineInfo.offset + lineInfo.length - 1; return getLineStartOffset(lineInfo.physicalLine) + offset; } } //}}} //{{{ offsetToXY() method /** * Converts an offset into a point in the text area painter's * co-ordinate space. * @param offset The offset * @return The location of the offset on screen, or null * if the specified offset is not visible */ public Point offsetToXY(int offset) { int line = buffer.getLineOfOffset(offset); offset -= buffer.getLineStartOffset(line); Point retVal = new Point(); return offsetToXY(line,offset,retVal); } //}}} //{{{ offsetToXY() method /** * Converts an offset into a point in the text area painter's * co-ordinate space. * @param line The physical line number * @param offset The offset, from the start of the line * @param retVal The point to store the return value in * @return retVal for convenience, or null * if the specified offset is not visible * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public Point offsetToXY(int line, int offset, Point retVal) { if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(line)) return null; int screenLine = chunkCache.getScreenLineOfOffset(line,offset); if(screenLine == -1) return null; FontMetrics fm = painter.getFontMetrics(); retVal.y = screenLine * fm.getHeight(); ChunkCache.LineInfo info = chunkCache.getLineInfo(screenLine); retVal.x = (int)(horizontalOffset + Chunk.offsetToX( info.chunks,offset)); return retVal; } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Painting //{{{ invalidateScreenLineRange() method /** * Marks a range of screen lines as needing a repaint. * @param start The first line * @param end The last line * @since jEdit 4.0pre4 */ public void invalidateScreenLineRange(int start, int end) { if(!buffer.isLoaded()) return; //if(start != end) // System.err.println(start + ":" + end + ":" + chunkCache.needFullRepaint()); if(start > end) { int tmp = end; end = start; start = tmp; } if(chunkCache.needFullRepaint()) end = visibleLines; FontMetrics fm = painter.getFontMetrics(); int y = start * fm.getHeight(); int height = (end - start + 1) * fm.getHeight(); painter.repaint(0,y,painter.getWidth(),height); gutter.repaint(0,y,gutter.getWidth(),height); } //}}} //{{{ invalidateLine() method /** * Marks a line as needing a repaint. * @param line The physical line to invalidate */ public void invalidateLine(int line) { if(!isShowing() || !buffer.isLoaded() || line < getFirstPhysicalLine() || line > physLastLine || !displayManager.isLineVisible(line)) return; int startLine = -1; int endLine = -1; for(int i = 0; i < visibleLines; i++) { ChunkCache.LineInfo info = chunkCache.getLineInfo(i); if((info.physicalLine >= line || info.physicalLine == -1) && startLine == -1) { startLine = i; } if((info.physicalLine >= line && info.lastSubregion) || info.physicalLine == -1) { endLine = i; break; } } if(chunkCache.needFullRepaint() || endLine == -1) endLine = visibleLines; //if(startLine != endLine) // System.err.println(startLine + ":" + endLine); invalidateScreenLineRange(startLine,endLine); } //}}} //{{{ invalidateLineRange() method /** * Marks a range of physical lines as needing a repaint. * @param start The first line to invalidate * @param end The last line to invalidate */ public void invalidateLineRange(int start, int end) { if(!isShowing() || !buffer.isLoaded()) return; if(end < start) { int tmp = end; end = start; start = tmp; } if(end < getFirstPhysicalLine() || start > getLastPhysicalLine()) return; int startScreenLine = -1; int endScreenLine = -1; for(int i = 0; i < visibleLines; i++) { ChunkCache.LineInfo info = chunkCache.getLineInfo(i); if((info.physicalLine >= start || info.physicalLine == -1) && startScreenLine == -1) { startScreenLine = i; } if((info.physicalLine >= end && info.lastSubregion) || info.physicalLine == -1) { endScreenLine = i; break; } } if(startScreenLine == -1) startScreenLine = 0; if(chunkCache.needFullRepaint() || endScreenLine == -1) endScreenLine = visibleLines; invalidateScreenLineRange(startScreenLine,endScreenLine); } //}}} //{{{ invalidateSelectedLines() method /** * Repaints the lines containing the selection. */ public void invalidateSelectedLines() { // to hide line highlight if selections are being added later on invalidateLine(caretLine); for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); invalidateLineRange(s.startLine,s.endLine); } } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Convenience methods //{{{ getBufferLength() method /** * Returns the length of the buffer. */ public final int getBufferLength() { return buffer.getLength(); } //}}} //{{{ getLineCount() method /** * Returns the number of physical lines in the buffer. */ public final int getLineCount() { return buffer.getLineCount(); } //}}} //{{{ getLineOfOffset() method /** * Returns the line containing the specified offset. * @param offset The offset */ public final int getLineOfOffset(int offset) { return buffer.getLineOfOffset(offset); } //}}} //{{{ getLineStartOffset() method /** * Returns the start offset of the specified line. * @param line The line * @return The start offset of the specified line, or -1 if the line is * invalid */ public int getLineStartOffset(int line) { return buffer.getLineStartOffset(line); } //}}} //{{{ getLineEndOffset() method /** * Returns the end offset of the specified line. * @param line The line * @return The end offset of the specified line, or -1 if the line is * invalid. */ public int getLineEndOffset(int line) { return buffer.getLineEndOffset(line); } //}}} //{{{ getLineLength() method /** * Returns the length of the specified line. * @param line The line */ public int getLineLength(int line) { return buffer.getLineLength(line); } //}}} //{{{ getText() method /** * Returns the specified substring of the buffer. * @param start The start offset * @param len The length of the substring * @return The substring */ public final String getText(int start, int len) { return buffer.getText(start,len); } //}}} //{{{ getText() method /** * Copies the specified substring of the buffer into a segment. * @param start The start offset * @param len The length of the substring * @param segment The segment */ public final void getText(int start, int len, Segment segment) { buffer.getText(start,len,segment); } //}}} //{{{ getLineText() method /** * Returns the text on the specified line. * @param lineIndex The line * @return The text, or null if the line is invalid */ public final String getLineText(int lineIndex) { return buffer.getLineText(lineIndex); } //}}} //{{{ getLineText() method /** * Copies the text on the specified line into a segment. If the line * is invalid, the segment will contain a null string. * @param lineIndex The line */ public final void getLineText(int lineIndex, Segment segment) { buffer.getLineText(lineIndex,segment); } //}}} //{{{ getText() method /** * Returns the entire text of this text area. */ public String getText() { return buffer.getText(0,buffer.getLength()); } //}}} //{{{ setText() method /** * Sets the entire text of this text area. */ public void setText(String text) { try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); buffer.remove(0,buffer.getLength()); buffer.insert(0,text); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Selection //{{{ selectAll() method /** * Selects all text in the buffer. */ public final void selectAll() { setSelection(new Selection.Range(0,buffer.getLength())); moveCaretPosition(buffer.getLength(),true); } //}}} //{{{ selectLine() method /** * Selects the current line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void selectLine() { int caretLine = getCaretLine(); int start = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int end = getLineEndOffset(caretLine) - 1; Selection s = new Selection.Range(start,end); if(multi) addToSelection(s); else setSelection(s); moveCaretPosition(end); } //}}} //{{{ selectParagraph() method /** * Selects the paragraph at the caret position. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void selectParagraph() { int caretLine = getCaretLine(); if(getLineLength(caretLine) == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int start = caretLine; int end = caretLine; while(start >= 0) { if(getLineLength(start) == 0) break; else start--; } while(end < getLineCount()) { if(getLineLength(end) == 0) break; else end++; } int selectionStart = getLineStartOffset(start + 1); int selectionEnd = getLineEndOffset(end - 1) - 1; Selection s = new Selection.Range(selectionStart,selectionEnd); if(multi) addToSelection(s); else setSelection(s); moveCaretPosition(selectionEnd); } //}}} //{{{ selectWord() method /** * Selects the word at the caret position. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void selectWord() { int line = getCaretLine(); int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(line); int offset = getCaretPosition() - lineStart; if(getLineLength(line) == 0) return; String lineText = getLineText(line); String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); if(offset == getLineLength(line)) offset--; int wordStart = TextUtilities.findWordStart(lineText,offset,noWordSep); int wordEnd = TextUtilities.findWordEnd(lineText,offset+1,noWordSep); Selection s = new Selection.Range(lineStart + wordStart, lineStart + wordEnd); if(multi) addToSelection(s); else setSelection(s); moveCaretPosition(lineStart + wordEnd); } //}}} //{{{ selectToMatchingBracket() method /** * Selects from the bracket at the specified position to the * corresponding bracket. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public Selection selectToMatchingBracket(int position, boolean quickCopy) { int positionLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(position); int lineOffset = position - buffer.getLineStartOffset(positionLine); if(getLineLength(positionLine) != 0) { int bracket = TextUtilities.findMatchingBracket(buffer, positionLine,Math.max(0,lineOffset - 1)); if(bracket != -1) { Selection s; if(bracket < position) { if(!quickCopy) moveCaretPosition(position,false); s = new Selection.Range(bracket,position); } else { if(!quickCopy) moveCaretPosition(bracket + 1,false); s = new Selection.Range(position - 1,bracket + 1); } if(!multi && !quickCopy) selectNone(); addToSelection(s); return s; } } return null; } //}}} //{{{ selectToMatchingBracket() method /** * Selects from the bracket at the caret position to the corresponding * bracket. * @since jEdit 4.0pre2 */ public void selectToMatchingBracket() { selectToMatchingBracket(caret,false); } //}}} //{{{ selectBlock() method /** * Selects the code block surrounding the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void selectBlock() { String openBrackets = "([{"; String closeBrackets = ")]}"; Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); int start, end; if(s == null) start = end = caret; else { start = s.start; end = s.end; } String text = getText(0,buffer.getLength()); // Scan backwards, trying to find a bracket int count = 1; char openBracket = '\0'; char closeBracket = '\0'; // We can't do the backward scan if start == 0 if(start == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } backward_scan: while(--start > 0) { char c = text.charAt(start); int index = openBrackets.indexOf(c); if(index != -1) { if(--count == 0) { openBracket = c; closeBracket = closeBrackets.charAt(index); break backward_scan; } } else if(closeBrackets.indexOf(c) != -1) count++; } // Reset count count = 1; // Scan forward, matching that bracket if(openBracket == '\0') { getToolkit().beep(); return; } else { forward_scan: do { char c = text.charAt(end); if(c == closeBracket) { if(--count == 0) { end++; break forward_scan; } } else if(c == openBracket) count++; } while(++end < buffer.getLength()); } s = new Selection.Range(start,end); if(multi) addToSelection(s); else setSelection(s); moveCaretPosition(end); } //}}} //{{{ lineInStructureScope() method /** * Returns if the specified line is contained in the currently * matched structure's scope. * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public boolean lineInStructureScope(int line) { if(match == null) return false; if(match.startLine < caretLine) return (line >= match.startLine && line <= caretLine); else return (line <= match.endLine && line >= caretLine); } //}}} //{{{ invertSelection() method /** * Inverts the selection. * @since jEdit 4.0pre1 */ public final void invertSelection() { Selection[] newSelection = new Selection[selection.size() + 1]; int lastOffset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); newSelection[i] = new Selection.Range(lastOffset, s.getStart()); lastOffset = s.getEnd(); } newSelection[selection.size()] = new Selection.Range( lastOffset,buffer.getLength()); setSelection(newSelection); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionCount() method /** * Returns the number of selections. This can be used to test * for the existence of selections. * @since jEdit 3.2pre2 */ public int getSelectionCount() { return selection.size(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelection() method /** * Returns the current selection. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public Selection[] getSelection() { Selection[] sel = new Selection[selection.size()]; selection.copyInto(sel); return sel; } //}}} //{{{ selectNone() method /** * Deselects everything. */ public void selectNone() { setSelection((Selection)null); } //}}} //{{{ setSelection() method /** * Sets the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged * where possible. * @param selection The new selection * since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void setSelection(Selection[] selection) { // invalidate the old selection invalidateSelectedLines(); this.selection.removeAllElements(); if(selection != null) { for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) _addToSelection(selection[i]); } fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ setSelection() method /** * Sets the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged * where possible. * @param selection The new selection * since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void setSelection(Selection selection) { invalidateSelectedLines(); this.selection.removeAllElements(); if(selection != null) _addToSelection(selection); fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ addToSelection() method /** * Adds to the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged * where possible. * @param selection The new selection * since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void addToSelection(Selection[] selection) { if(selection != null) { for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) _addToSelection(selection[i]); } // to hide current line highlight invalidateLine(caretLine); fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ addToSelection() method /** * Adds to the selection. Nested and overlapping selections are merged * where possible. * @param selection The new selection * since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void addToSelection(Selection selection) { _addToSelection(selection); // to hide current line highlight invalidateLine(caretLine); fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionAtOffset() method /** * Returns the selection containing the specific offset, or null * if there is no selection at that offset. * @param offset The offset * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public Selection getSelectionAtOffset(int offset) { if(selection != null) { for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); if(offset >= s.start && offset <= s.end) return s; } } return null; } //}}} //{{{ removeFromSelection() method /** * Deactivates the specified selection. * @param sel The selection * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void removeFromSelection(Selection sel) { selection.removeElement(sel); invalidateLineRange(sel.startLine,sel.endLine); // to hide current line highlight invalidateLine(caretLine); fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ removeFromSelection() method /** * Deactivates the selection at the specified offset. If there is * no selection at that offset, does nothing. * @param offset The offset * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void removeFromSelection(int offset) { Selection sel = getSelectionAtOffset(offset); if(sel == null) return; selection.removeElement(sel); invalidateLineRange(sel.startLine,sel.endLine); // to hide current line highlight invalidateLine(caretLine); fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ resizeSelection() method /** * Resizes the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new * one if there is no selection at the specified offset. This is a * utility method that is mainly useful in the mouse event handler * because it handles the case of end being before offset gracefully * (unlike the rest of the selection API). * @param offset The offset * @param end The new selection end * @param extraEndVirt Only for rectangular selections - specifies how * far it extends into virtual space. * @param rect Make the selection rectangular? * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void resizeSelection(int offset, int end, int extraEndVirt, boolean rect) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(offset); if(s != null) { invalidateLineRange(s.startLine,s.endLine); selection.removeElement(s); } boolean reversed = false; if(end < offset) { int tmp = offset; offset = end; end = tmp; reversed = true; } Selection newSel; if(rect) { Selection.Rect rectSel = new Selection.Rect(offset,end); if(reversed) rectSel.extraStartVirt = extraEndVirt; else rectSel.extraEndVirt = extraEndVirt; newSel = rectSel; } else newSel = new Selection.Range(offset,end); _addToSelection(newSel); fireCaretEvent(); } //}}} //{{{ extendSelection() method /** * Extends the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new * one if there is no selection at the specified offset. This is * different from resizing in that the new chunk is added to the * selection in question, instead of replacing it. * @param offset The offset * @param end The new selection end * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void extendSelection(int offset, int end) { extendSelection(offset,end,0,0); } //}}} //{{{ extendSelection() method /** * Extends the selection at the specified offset, or creates a new * one if there is no selection at the specified offset. This is * different from resizing in that the new chunk is added to the * selection in question, instead of replacing it. * @param offset The offset * @param end The new selection end * @param extraStartVirt Extra virtual space at the start * @param extraEndVirt Extra virtual space at the end * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void extendSelection(int offset, int end, int extraStartVirt, int extraEndVirt) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(offset); if(s != null) { invalidateLineRange(s.startLine,s.endLine); selection.removeElement(s); if(offset == s.start) { offset = end; end = s.end; } else if(offset == s.end) { offset = s.start; } } if(end < offset) { int tmp = end; end = offset; offset = tmp; } if(rectangularSelectionMode) { s = new Selection.Rect(offset,end); ((Selection.Rect)s).extraStartVirt = extraStartVirt; ((Selection.Rect)s).extraEndVirt = extraEndVirt; } else s = new Selection.Range(offset,end); _addToSelection(s); fireCaretEvent(); if(rectangularSelectionMode && extraEndVirt != 0) { int line = getLineOfOffset(end); scrollTo(line,getLineLength(line) + extraEndVirt,false); } } //}}} //{{{ getSelectedText() method /** * Returns the text in the specified selection. * @param s The selection * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public String getSelectedText(Selection s) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); s.getText(buffer,buf); return buf.toString(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectedText() method /** * Returns the text in all active selections. * @param separator The string to insert between each text chunk * (for example, a newline) * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public String getSelectedText(String separator) { if(selection.size() == 0) return null; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { if(i != 0) buf.append(separator); ((Selection)selection.elementAt(i)).getText(buffer,buf); } return buf.toString(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectedText() method /** * Returns the text in all active selections, with a newline * between each text chunk. */ public String getSelectedText() { return getSelectedText("\n"); } //}}} //{{{ setSelectedText() method /** * Replaces the selection with the specified text. * @param s The selection * @param selectedText The new text * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void setSelectedText(Selection s, String selectedText) { if(!isEditable()) { throw new InternalError("Text component" + " read only"); } try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); moveCaretPosition(s.setText(buffer,selectedText)); } // No matter what happends... stops us from leaving buffer // in a bad state finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } // no no no!!!! //selectNone(); } //}}} //{{{ setSelectedText() method /** * Replaces the selection at the caret with the specified text. * If there is no selection at the caret, the text is inserted at * the caret position. */ public void setSelectedText(String selectedText) { setSelectedText(selectedText,true); } //}}} //{{{ setSelectedText() method /** * Replaces the selection at the caret with the specified text. * If there is no selection at the caret, the text is inserted at * the caret position. * @param selectedText The new selection * @param moveCaret Move caret to insertion location if necessary * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public void setSelectedText(String selectedText, boolean moveCaret) { if(!isEditable()) { throw new InternalError("Text component" + " read only"); } Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(selection.length == 0) { // for compatibility with older jEdit versions buffer.insert(caret,selectedText); } else { try { int newCaret = -1; buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { newCaret = selection[i].setText(buffer,selectedText); } if(moveCaret) moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } selectNone(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectedLines() method /** * Returns a sorted array of line numbers on which a selection or * selections are present.

* * This method is the most convenient way to iterate through selected * lines in a buffer. The line numbers in the array returned by this * method can be passed as a parameter to such methods as * {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer#getLineText(int)}. * * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public int[] getSelectedLines() { if(selection.size() == 0) return new int[] { caretLine }; Integer line; Set set = new TreeSet(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); int endLine = (s.end == getLineStartOffset(s.endLine) ? s.endLine - 1 : s.endLine); for(int j = s.startLine; j <= endLine; j++) { line = new Integer(j); set.add(line); } } int[] returnValue = new int[set.size()]; int i = 0; Iterator iter = set.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { line = (Integer); returnValue[i++] = line.intValue(); } return returnValue; } //}}} //{{{ showSelectLineRangeDialog() method /** * Displays the 'select line range' dialog box, and selects the * specified range of lines. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void showSelectLineRangeDialog() { new SelectLineRange(view); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Caret //{{{ addStructureMatcher() method /** * Adds a structure matcher. * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public void addStructureMatcher(StructureMatcher matcher) { structureMatchers.add(matcher); } //}}} //{{{ removeStructureMatcher() method /** * Removes a structure matcher. * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public void removeStructureMatcher(StructureMatcher matcher) { structureMatchers.remove(matcher); } //}}} //{{{ getStructureMatch() method /** * Returns the structure element (bracket, or XML tag, etc) matching the * one before the caret. * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public StructureMatcher.Match getStructureMatch() { return match; } //}}} //{{{ blinkCaret() method /** * Blinks the caret. */ public final void blinkCaret() { if(caretBlinks) { blink = !blink; invalidateLine(caretLine); } else blink = true; } //}}} //{{{ centerCaret() method /** * Centers the caret on the screen. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void centerCaret() { int offset = getScreenLineStartOffset(visibleLines / 2); if(offset == -1) getToolkit().beep(); else setCaretPosition(offset); } //}}} //{{{ setCaretPosition() method /** * Sets the caret position and deactivates the selection. * @param newCaret The caret position */ public void setCaretPosition(int newCaret) { invalidateSelectedLines(); selection.removeAllElements(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret,true); } //}}} //{{{ setCaretPosition() method /** * Sets the caret position and deactivates the selection. * @param newCaret The caret position * @param doElectricScroll Do electric scrolling? */ public void setCaretPosition(int newCaret, boolean doElectricScroll) { invalidateSelectedLines(); selection.removeAllElements(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret,doElectricScroll); } //}}} //{{{ moveCaretPosition() method /** * Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection. * @param newCaret The caret position */ public void moveCaretPosition(int newCaret) { moveCaretPosition(newCaret,true); } //}}} //{{{ moveCaretPosition() method /** * Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection. * @param newCaret The caret position * @param doElectricScroll Do electric scrolling? */ public void moveCaretPosition(int newCaret, boolean doElectricScroll) { moveCaretPosition(newCaret,doElectricScroll ? ELECTRIC_SCROLL : NORMAL_SCROLL); } //}}} //{{{ moveCaretPosition() method public static int NO_SCROLL = 0; public static int NORMAL_SCROLL = 1; public static int ELECTRIC_SCROLL = 2; /** * Sets the caret position without deactivating the selection. * @param newCaret The caret position * @param scrollMode The scroll mode (NO_SCROLL, NORMAL_SCROLL, or * ELECTRIC_SCROLL). * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void moveCaretPosition(int newCaret, int scrollMode) { if(newCaret < 0 || newCaret > buffer.getLength()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("caret out of bounds: " + newCaret); } if(match != null) { if(caretLine < match.startLine) invalidateLineRange(caretLine,match.endLine); else invalidateLineRange(match.startLine,caretLine); match = null; } if(caret == newCaret) { if(scrollMode == NORMAL_SCROLL) finishCaretUpdate(false,false); else if(scrollMode == ELECTRIC_SCROLL) finishCaretUpdate(true,false); } else { int newCaretLine = getLineOfOffset(newCaret); magicCaret = -1; if(caretLine == newCaretLine) { if(caretScreenLine != -1) invalidateScreenLineRange(caretScreenLine,caretScreenLine); } else { int newCaretScreenLine = chunkCache.getScreenLineOfOffset(newCaretLine, newCaret - buffer.getLineStartOffset(newCaretLine)); if(caretScreenLine == -1) invalidateScreenLineRange(newCaretScreenLine,newCaretScreenLine); else invalidateScreenLineRange(caretScreenLine,newCaretScreenLine); caretScreenLine = newCaretScreenLine; } caret = newCaret; caretLine = newCaretLine; if(scrollMode == NORMAL_SCROLL) finishCaretUpdate(false,true); else if(scrollMode == ELECTRIC_SCROLL) finishCaretUpdate(true,true); } } //}}} //{{{ getCaretPosition() method /** * Returns a zero-based index of the caret position. */ public int getCaretPosition() { return caret; } //}}} //{{{ getCaretLine() method /** * Returns the line number containing the caret. */ public int getCaretLine() { return caretLine; } //}}} //{{{ getMagicCaretPosition() method /** * Returns an internal position used to keep the caret in one * column while moving around lines of varying lengths. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public int getMagicCaretPosition() { if(magicCaret == -1) { magicCaret = chunkCache.subregionOffsetToX( caretLine,caret - getLineStartOffset(caretLine)); } return magicCaret; } //}}} //{{{ setMagicCaretPosition() method /** * Sets the `magic' caret position. This can be used to preserve * the column position when moving up and down lines. * @param magicCaret The magic caret position * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void setMagicCaretPosition(int magicCaret) { this.magicCaret = magicCaret; } //}}} //{{{ addCaretListener() method /** * Adds a caret change listener to this text area. * @param listener The listener */ public final void addCaretListener(CaretListener listener) { listenerList.add(CaretListener.class,listener); } //}}} //{{{ removeCaretListener() method /** * Removes a caret change listener from this text area. * @param listener The listener */ public final void removeCaretListener(CaretListener listener) { listenerList.remove(CaretListener.class,listener); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextBracket() method /** * Moves the caret to the next closing bracket. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2. */ public void goToNextBracket(boolean select) { int newCaret = -1; if(caret != buffer.getLength()) { String text = getText(caret,buffer.getLength() - caret - 1); loop: for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { switch(text.charAt(i)) { case ')': case ']': case '}': newCaret = caret + i + 1; break loop; } } } if(newCaret == -1) getToolkit().beep(); else { if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } } //}}} //{{{ goToNextCharacter() method /** * Moves the caret to the next character. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2. */ public void goToNextCharacter(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); if(!select && s instanceof Selection.Range) { if(multi) { if(caret != s.end) { moveCaretPosition(s.end); return; } } else { setCaretPosition(s.end); return; } } int extraStartVirt, extraEndVirt; if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { extraStartVirt = ((Selection.Rect)s).extraStartVirt; extraEndVirt = ((Selection.Rect)s).extraEndVirt; } else { extraStartVirt = 0; extraEndVirt = 0; } int newCaret = caret; if(caret == buffer.getLength()) { if(select && (rectangularSelectionMode || s instanceof Selection.Rect)) { if(s != null && caret == s.start) extraStartVirt++; else extraEndVirt++; } else { getToolkit().beep(); return; } } else if(caret == getLineEndOffset(caretLine) - 1) { if(select && (rectangularSelectionMode || s instanceof Selection.Rect)) { if(s != null && caret == s.start) extraStartVirt++; else extraEndVirt++; } else { int line = displayManager.getNextVisibleLine(caretLine); if(line == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } else newCaret = getLineStartOffset(line); } } else newCaret = caret + 1; if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret,extraStartVirt,extraEndVirt); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextLine() method /** * Move the caret to the next line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToNextLine(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); boolean rectSelect = (s == null ? rectangularSelectionMode : s instanceof Selection.Rect); int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); int newCaret = chunkCache.getBelowPosition(caretLine, caret - buffer.getLineStartOffset(caretLine),magic + 1, rectSelect && select); if(newCaret == -1) { int end = getLineEndOffset(caretLine) - 1; if(caret == end) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } else newCaret = end; } if(select) { RectParams params = getRectParams(caret,newCaret); int extraStartVirt; int extraEndVirt; if(params == null) { extraStartVirt = 0; extraEndVirt = 0; } else { extraStartVirt = params.extraStartVirt; extraEndVirt = params.extraEndVirt; newCaret = params.newCaret; } extendSelection(caret,newCaret,extraStartVirt,extraEndVirt); } else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextMarker() method /** * Moves the caret to the next marker. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToNextMarker(boolean select) { Vector markers = buffer.getMarkers(); if(markers.size() == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } Marker marker = null; for(int i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) { Marker _marker = (Marker)markers.get(i); if(_marker.getPosition() > caret) { marker = _marker; break; } } if(marker == null) marker = (Marker)markers.get(0); if(select) extendSelection(caret,marker.getPosition()); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(marker.getPosition()); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextPage() method /** * Moves the caret to the next screenful. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2. */ public void goToNextPage(boolean select) { scrollToCaret(false); int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); if(caretLine < displayManager.getFirstVisibleLine()) { caretLine = displayManager.getNextVisibleLine( caretLine); } int newCaret; if(getFirstLine() + getVisibleLines() >= displayManager .getScrollLineCount()) { int lastVisibleLine = displayManager .getLastVisibleLine(); newCaret = getLineEndOffset(lastVisibleLine) - 1; } else { int caretScreenLine = getScreenLineOfOffset(caret); scrollDownPage(); newCaret = xToScreenLineOffset(caretScreenLine, magic,true); } if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret,false); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextParagraph() method /** * Moves the caret to the start of the next paragraph. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToNextParagraph(boolean select) { int lineNo = getCaretLine(); int newCaret = getBufferLength(); boolean foundBlank = false; loop: for(int i = lineNo + 1; i < getLineCount(); i++) { if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(i)) continue; getLineText(i,lineSegment); for(int j = 0; j < lineSegment.count; j++) { switch(lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + j]) { case ' ': case '\t': break; default: if(foundBlank) { newCaret = getLineStartOffset(i); break loop; } else continue loop; } } foundBlank = true; } if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextWord() method /** * Moves the caret to the start of the next word. * Note that if the "view.eatWhitespace" boolean propery is false, * this method moves the caret to the end of the current word instead. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToNextWord(boolean select) { goToNextWord(select,false); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextWord() method /** * Moves the caret to the start of the next word. * @since jEdit 4.1pre5 */ public void goToNextWord(boolean select, boolean eatWhitespace) { int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int newCaret = caret - lineStart; String lineText = getLineText(caretLine); if(newCaret == lineText.length()) { int nextLine = displayManager.getNextVisibleLine(caretLine); if(nextLine == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } newCaret = getLineStartOffset(nextLine); } else { String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); newCaret = TextUtilities.findWordEnd(lineText, newCaret + 1,noWordSep,true,eatWhitespace); newCaret += lineStart; } if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevBracket() method /** * Moves the caret to the previous bracket. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToPrevBracket(boolean select) { String text = getText(0,caret); int newCaret = -1; loop: for(int i = getCaretPosition() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { switch(text.charAt(i)) { case '(': case '[': case '{': newCaret = i; break loop; } } if(newCaret == -1) getToolkit().beep(); else { if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevCharacter() method /** * Moves the caret to the previous character. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2. */ public void goToPrevCharacter(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); if(!select && s instanceof Selection.Range) { if(multi) { if(caret != s.start) { moveCaretPosition(s.start); return; } } else { setCaretPosition(s.start); return; } } int extraStartVirt = 0; int extraEndVirt = 0; int newCaret = caret; if(select && caret == getLineEndOffset(caretLine) - 1) { if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { extraStartVirt = ((Selection.Rect)s).extraStartVirt; extraEndVirt = ((Selection.Rect)s).extraEndVirt; if(caret == s.start) { if(extraStartVirt == 0) newCaret = caret - 1; else extraStartVirt--; } else { if(extraEndVirt == 0) newCaret = caret - 1; else extraEndVirt--; } } else newCaret = caret - 1; } else if(caret == getLineStartOffset(caretLine)) { int line = displayManager.getPrevVisibleLine(caretLine); if(line == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } newCaret = getLineEndOffset(line) - 1; } else newCaret = caret - 1; if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret,extraStartVirt,extraEndVirt); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevLine() method /** * Moves the caret to the previous line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToPrevLine(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); boolean rectSelect = (s == null ? rectangularSelectionMode : s instanceof Selection.Rect); int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); int newCaret = chunkCache.getAbovePosition(caretLine, caret - buffer.getLineStartOffset(caretLine),magic + 1, rectSelect && select); if(newCaret == -1) { int start = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); if(caret == start) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } else newCaret = start; } if(select) { RectParams params = getRectParams(caret,newCaret); int extraStartVirt; int extraEndVirt; if(params == null) { extraStartVirt = 0; extraEndVirt = 0; } else { extraStartVirt = params.extraStartVirt; extraEndVirt = params.extraEndVirt; newCaret = params.newCaret; } extendSelection(caret,newCaret,extraStartVirt,extraEndVirt); } else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevMarker() method /** * Moves the caret to the previous marker. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToPrevMarker(boolean select) { Vector markers = buffer.getMarkers(); if(markers.size() == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } Marker marker = null; for(int i = markers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Marker _marker = (Marker)markers.elementAt(i); if(_marker.getPosition() < caret) { marker = _marker; break; } } if(marker == null) marker = (Marker)markers.get(markers.size() - 1); if(select) extendSelection(caret,marker.getPosition()); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(marker.getPosition()); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevPage() method /** * Moves the caret to the previous screenful. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToPrevPage(boolean select) { scrollToCaret(false); int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); if(caretLine < displayManager.getFirstVisibleLine()) { caretLine = displayManager.getNextVisibleLine( caretLine); } int newCaret; if(getFirstLine() == 0) { int firstVisibleLine = displayManager .getFirstVisibleLine(); newCaret = getLineStartOffset(firstVisibleLine); } else { int caretScreenLine = getScreenLineOfOffset(caret); scrollUpPage(); newCaret = xToScreenLineOffset(caretScreenLine, magic,true); } if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret,false); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevParagraph() method /** * Moves the caret to the start of the previous paragraph. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToPrevParagraph(boolean select) { int lineNo = caretLine; int newCaret = 0; boolean foundBlank = false; loop: for(int i = lineNo - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(i)) continue; getLineText(i,lineSegment); for(int j = 0; j < lineSegment.count; j++) { switch(lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + j]) { case ' ': case '\t': break; default: if(foundBlank) { newCaret = getLineEndOffset(i) - 1; break loop; } else continue loop; } } foundBlank = true; } if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevWord() method /** * Moves the caret to the start of the previous word. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToPrevWord(boolean select) { goToPrevWord(select,false); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevWord() method /** * Moves the caret to the start of the previous word. * @since jEdit 4.1pre5 */ public void goToPrevWord(boolean select, boolean eatWhitespace) { int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int newCaret = caret - lineStart; String lineText = getLineText(caretLine); if(newCaret == 0) { if(lineStart == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } else { int prevLine = displayManager.getPrevVisibleLine(caretLine); if(prevLine == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } newCaret = getLineEndOffset(prevLine) - 1; } } else { String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); newCaret = TextUtilities.findWordStart(lineText, newCaret - 1,noWordSep,true,eatWhitespace); newCaret += lineStart; } if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ smartHome() method /** * On subsequent invocations, first moves the caret to the first * non-whitespace character of the line, then the beginning of the * line, then to the first visible line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void smartHome(boolean select) { Macros.Recorder recorder = view.getMacroRecorder(); switch(view.getInputHandler().getLastActionCount()) { case 1: if(recorder != null) recorder.record("textArea.goToStartOfWhiteSpace(" + select + ");"); goToStartOfWhiteSpace(select); break; case 2: if(recorder != null) recorder.record("textArea.goToStartOfLine(" + select + ");"); goToStartOfLine(select); break; default: //case 3: if(recorder != null) recorder.record("textArea.goToFirstVisibleLine(" + select + ");"); goToFirstVisibleLine(select); break; } } //}}} //{{{ smartEnd() method /** * On subsequent invocations, first moves the caret to the last * non-whitespace character of the line, then the end of the * line, then to the last visible line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void smartEnd(boolean select) { Macros.Recorder recorder = view.getMacroRecorder(); switch(view.getInputHandler().getLastActionCount()) { case 1: if(recorder != null) recorder.record("textArea.goToEndOfWhiteSpace(" + select + ");"); goToEndOfWhiteSpace(select); break; case 2: if(recorder != null) recorder.record("textArea.goToEndOfLine(" + select + ");"); goToEndOfLine(select); break; default: //case 3: if(recorder != null) recorder.record("textArea.goToLastVisibleLine(" + select + ");"); goToLastVisibleLine(select); break; } } //}}} //{{{ goToStartOfLine() method /** * Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToStartOfLine(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); int line = (select || s == null ? caretLine : s.startLine); int newCaret = getLineStartOffset(line); if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ goToEndOfLine() method /** * Moves the caret to the end of the current line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToEndOfLine(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); int line = (select || s == null ? caretLine : s.endLine); int newCaret = getLineEndOffset(line) - 1; if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); // so that end followed by up arrow will always put caret at // the end of the previous line, for example //setMagicCaretPosition(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } //}}} //{{{ goToStartOfWhiteSpace() method /** * Moves the caret to the first non-whitespace character of the current * line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToStartOfWhiteSpace(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); int line, offset; if(select || s == null) { line = caretLine; offset = caret - buffer.getLineStartOffset(line); } else { line = s.startLine; offset = s.start - buffer.getLineStartOffset(line); } int firstIndent = chunkCache.getSubregionStartOffset(line,offset); if(firstIndent == getLineStartOffset(line)) { firstIndent = MiscUtilities.getLeadingWhiteSpace(getLineText(line)); if(firstIndent == getLineLength(line)) firstIndent = 0; firstIndent += getLineStartOffset(line); } if(select) extendSelection(caret,firstIndent); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(firstIndent); } //}}} //{{{ goToEndOfWhiteSpace() method /** * Moves the caret to the last non-whitespace character of the current * line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToEndOfWhiteSpace(boolean select) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); int line, offset; if(select || s == null) { line = caretLine; offset = caret - getLineStartOffset(line); } else { line = s.endLine; offset = s.end - getLineStartOffset(line); } int lastIndent = chunkCache.getSubregionEndOffset(line,offset); if(lastIndent == getLineEndOffset(line)) { lastIndent = getLineLength(line) - MiscUtilities.getTrailingWhiteSpace(getLineText(line)); if(lastIndent == 0) lastIndent = getLineLength(line); lastIndent += getLineStartOffset(line); } else { lastIndent--; } if(select) extendSelection(caret,lastIndent); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(lastIndent); } //}}} //{{{ goToFirstVisibleLine() method /** * Moves the caret to the first visible line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToFirstVisibleLine(boolean select) { int firstVisibleLine = getFirstLine() == 0 ? 0 : electricScroll; int firstVisible = getScreenLineStartOffset(firstVisibleLine); if(firstVisible == -1) { firstVisible = getLineStartOffset(displayManager .getFirstVisibleLine()); } if(select) extendSelection(caret,firstVisible); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(firstVisible); } //}}} //{{{ goToLastVisibleLine() method /** * Moves the caret to the last visible line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void goToLastVisibleLine(boolean select) { int lastVisible; if(getFirstLine() + visibleLines >= displayManager.getScrollLineCount()) { lastVisible = getLineEndOffset(displayManager .getLastVisibleLine()) - 1; } else { lastVisible = visibleLines - electricScroll - 1; if(lastLinePartial) lastVisible--; if(lastVisible < 0) lastVisible = 0; lastVisible = getScreenLineEndOffset(lastVisible) - 1; if(lastVisible == -1) { lastVisible = getLineEndOffset(displayManager .getLastVisibleLine()) - 1; } } if(select) extendSelection(caret,lastVisible); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(lastVisible); } //}}} //{{{ goToBufferStart() method /** * Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void goToBufferStart(boolean select) { int start = buffer.getLineStartOffset( displayManager.getFirstVisibleLine()); if(select) extendSelection(caret,start); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(start); } //}}} //{{{ goToBufferEnd() method /** * Moves the caret to the end of the buffer. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void goToBufferEnd(boolean select) { int end = buffer.getLineEndOffset( displayManager.getLastVisibleLine()) - 1; if(select) extendSelection(caret,end); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(end); } //}}} //{{{ goToMatchingBracket() method /** * Moves the caret to the bracket matching the one before the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre3 */ public void goToMatchingBracket() { if(getLineLength(caretLine) != 0) { int dot = caret - getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int bracket = TextUtilities.findMatchingBracket( buffer,caretLine,Math.max(0,dot - 1)); if(bracket != -1) { selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(bracket + 1,false); return; } } getToolkit().beep(); } //}}} //{{{ showGoToLineDialog() method /** * Displays the 'go to line' dialog box, and moves the caret to the * specified line number. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void showGoToLineDialog() { String line = GUIUtilities.input(view,"goto-line",null); if(line == null) return; try { int lineNumber = Integer.parseInt(line) - 1; setCaretPosition(getLineStartOffset(lineNumber)); } catch(Exception e) { getToolkit().beep(); } } //}}} //}}} //{{{ User input //{{{ userInput() method /** * Handles the insertion of the specified character. It performs the * following operations above and beyond simply inserting the text: *

  • Inserting a TAB with a selection will shift to the right *
  • Inserting a space with automatic abbrev expansion enabled will * try to expand the abbrev *
  • Inserting an indent open/close bracket will re-indent the current * line as necessary *
* * @param ch The character * @see #setSelectedText(String) * @see #isOverwriteEnabled() * @since jEdit 2.7pre3 */ public void userInput(char ch) { if(!isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } if(ch == ' ' && Abbrevs.getExpandOnInput() && Abbrevs.expandAbbrev(view,false)) return; else if(ch == '\t') { if(selection.size() == 1) { Selection sel = (Selection)selection.elementAt(0); if(sel instanceof Selection.Rect || (sel.startLine == sel.endLine && (sel.start != buffer.getLineStartOffset(sel.startLine) || sel.end != buffer.getLineEndOffset(sel.startLine) - 1))) { insertTab(); } else shiftIndentRight(); } else if(selection.size() != 0) shiftIndentRight(); else insertTab(); return; } else { boolean indent; // check if the user entered a bracket String indentOpenBrackets = (String)buffer .getProperty("indentOpenBrackets"); String indentCloseBrackets = (String)buffer .getProperty("indentCloseBrackets"); if((indentCloseBrackets != null && indentCloseBrackets.indexOf(ch) != -1) || (indentOpenBrackets != null && indentOpenBrackets.indexOf(ch) != -1)) { indent = true; } else { indent = false; } String str = String.valueOf(ch); Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(selection.length != 0) { for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; setSelectedText(s,str); /* if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { addToSelection(new Selection.Rect( s.start + 1,s.end + 1)); } */ } return; } if(ch == ' ') { if(doWordWrap(true)) return; } else doWordWrap(false); try { // Don't overstrike if we're on the end of // the line if(overwrite || indent) buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); if(overwrite) { int caretLineEnd = getLineEndOffset(caretLine); if(caretLineEnd - caret > 1) buffer.remove(caret,1); } buffer.insert(caret,str); if(indent) buffer.indentLine(caretLine,true); } finally { if(overwrite || indent) buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } } //}}} //{{{ isOverwriteEnabled() method /** * Returns true if overwrite mode is enabled, false otherwise. */ public final boolean isOverwriteEnabled() { return overwrite; } //}}} //{{{ setOverwriteEnabled() method /** * Sets overwrite mode. */ public final void setOverwriteEnabled(boolean overwrite) { blink = true; caretTimer.restart(); this.overwrite = overwrite; invalidateLine(caretLine); if(view.getStatus() != null) view.getStatus().updateMiscStatus(); } //}}} //{{{ toggleOverwriteEnabled() method /** * Toggles overwrite mode. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public final void toggleOverwriteEnabled() { setOverwriteEnabled(!overwrite); if(view.getStatus() != null) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear( jEdit.getProperty("view.status.overwrite-changed", new Integer[] { new Integer(overwrite ? 1 : 0) })); } } //}}} //{{{ backspace() method /** * Deletes the character before the caret, or the selection, if one is * active. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void backspace() { delete(false); } //}}} //{{{ backspaceWord() method /** * Deletes the word before the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void backspaceWord() { backspaceWord(false); } //}}} //{{{ backspaceWord() method /** * Deletes the word before the caret. * @param eatWhitespace If true, will eat whitespace * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public void backspaceWord(boolean eatWhitespace) { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } if(selection.size() != 0) { setSelectedText(""); return; } int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int _caret = caret - lineStart; String lineText = getLineText(caretLine); if(_caret == 0) { if(lineStart == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } _caret--; } else { String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); _caret = TextUtilities.findWordStart(lineText,_caret-1, noWordSep,true,eatWhitespace); } buffer.remove(_caret + lineStart, caret - (_caret + lineStart)); } //}}} //{{{ delete() method /** * Deletes the character after the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void delete() { delete(true); } //}}} //{{{ deleteToEndOfLine() method /** * Deletes from the caret to the end of the current line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void deleteToEndOfLine() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.remove(caret,getLineEndOffset(caretLine) - caret - 1); } //}}} //{{{ deleteLine() method /** * Deletes the line containing the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void deleteLine() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int start = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int end = getLineEndOffset(caretLine); int x = chunkCache.subregionOffsetToX(caretLine,caret - start); // otherwise a bunch of consecutive C+d's would be merged // into one edit try { if(end > buffer.getLength()) { if(start != 0) start--; end--; } buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); buffer.remove(start,end - start); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } int lastLine = displayManager.getLastVisibleLine(); if(caretLine == lastLine) { int offset = chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(lastLine,0,x,true); setCaretPosition(buffer.getLineStartOffset(lastLine) + offset); } else { int offset = chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(caretLine,0,x,true); setCaretPosition(start + offset); } } //}}} //{{{ deleteParagraph() method /** * Deletes the paragraph containing the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void deleteParagraph() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int start = 0, end = buffer.getLength(); loop: for(int i = caretLine - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(i)) // continue loop; getLineText(i,lineSegment); for(int j = 0; j < lineSegment.count; j++) { switch(lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + j]) { case ' ': case '\t': break; default: continue loop; } } start = getLineStartOffset(i); break loop; } loop: for(int i = caretLine + 1; i < getLineCount(); i++) { //if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(i)) // continue loop; getLineText(i,lineSegment); for(int j = 0; j < lineSegment.count; j++) { switch(lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + j]) { case ' ': case '\t': break; default: continue loop; } } end = getLineEndOffset(i) - 1; break loop; } buffer.remove(start,end - start); } //}}} //{{{ deleteToStartOfLine() method /** * Deletes from the caret to the beginning of the current line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void deleteToStartOfLine() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.remove(getLineStartOffset(caretLine), caret - getLineStartOffset(caretLine)); } //}}} //{{{ deleteWord() method /** * Deletes the word in front of the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void deleteWord() { deleteWord(false); } //}}} //{{{ deleteWord() method /** * Deletes the word in front of the caret. * . * @param eatWhitespace If true, will eat whitespace * @since jEdit 4.2pre5 */ public void deleteWord(boolean eatWhitespace) { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } if(selection.size() != 0) { setSelectedText(""); return; } int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int _caret = caret - lineStart; String lineText = getLineText(caretLine); if(_caret == lineText.length()) { if(lineStart + _caret == buffer.getLength()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } _caret++; } else { String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); _caret = TextUtilities.findWordEnd(lineText, _caret+1,noWordSep,true,eatWhitespace); } buffer.remove(caret,(_caret + lineStart) - caret); } //}}} //{{{ isMultipleSelectionEnabled() method /** * Returns if multiple selection is enabled. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public final boolean isMultipleSelectionEnabled() { return multi; } //}}} //{{{ toggleMultipleSelectionEnabled() method /** * Toggles multiple selection. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public final void toggleMultipleSelectionEnabled() { setMultipleSelectionEnabled(!multi); if(view.getStatus() != null) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear( jEdit.getProperty("view.status.multi-changed", new Integer[] { new Integer(multi ? 1 : 0) })); } } //}}} //{{{ setMultipleSelectionEnabled() method /** * Set multiple selection on or off according to the value of * multi. This only affects the ability to * make multiple selections in the user interface; macros and plugins * can manipulate them regardless of the setting of this flag. In fact, * in most cases, calling this method should not be necessary. * * @param multi Should multiple selection be enabled? * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public final void setMultipleSelectionEnabled(boolean multi) { this.multi = multi; if(view.getStatus() != null) view.getStatus().updateMiscStatus(); painter.repaint(); } //}}} //{{{ isRectangularSelectionEnabled() method /** * Returns if rectangular selection is enabled. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public final boolean isRectangularSelectionEnabled() { return rectangularSelectionMode; } //}}} //{{{ toggleRectangularSelectionEnabled() method /** * Toggles rectangular selection. * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public final void toggleRectangularSelectionEnabled() { setRectangularSelectionEnabled(!rectangularSelectionMode); if(view.getStatus() != null) { view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear( jEdit.getProperty("view.status.rect-select-changed", new Integer[] { new Integer(rectangularSelectionMode ? 1 : 0) })); } } //}}} //{{{ setRectangularSelectionEnabled() method /** * Set rectangular selection on or off according to the value of * rectangularSelectionMode. This only affects the ability * to make multiple selections from the keyboard. A rectangular * selection can always be created by dragging with the mouse by holding * down Control, regardless of the state of this flag. * * @param rectangularSelectionMode Should rectangular selection be * enabled? * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public final void setRectangularSelectionEnabled( boolean rectangularSelectionMode) { this.rectangularSelectionMode = rectangularSelectionMode; if(view.getStatus() != null) view.getStatus().updateMiscStatus(); painter.repaint(); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Markers //{{{ goToMarker() method /** * Moves the caret to the marker with the specified shortcut. * @param shortcut The shortcut * @param select True if the selection should be extended, * false otherwise * @since jEdit 3.2pre2 */ public void goToMarker(char shortcut, boolean select) { Marker marker = buffer.getMarker(shortcut); if(marker == null) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int pos = marker.getPosition(); if(select) extendSelection(caret,pos); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(pos); } //}}} //{{{ addMarker() method /** * Adds a marker at the caret position. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void addMarker() { // always add markers on selected lines Selection[] selection = getSelection(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; if(s.startLine != s.endLine) { if(s.startLine != caretLine) buffer.addMarker('\0',s.start); } if(s.endLine != caretLine) buffer.addMarker('\0',s.end); } // toggle marker on caret line buffer.addOrRemoveMarker('\0',caret); } //}}} //{{{ swapMarkerAndCaret() method /** * Moves the caret to the marker with the specified shortcut, * then sets the marker position to the former caret position. * @param shortcut The shortcut * @since jEdit 3.2pre2 */ public void swapMarkerAndCaret(char shortcut) { Marker marker = buffer.getMarker(shortcut); if(marker == null) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int caret = getCaretPosition(); setCaretPosition(marker.getPosition()); buffer.addMarker(shortcut,caret); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Folding //{{{ goToParentFold() method /** * Moves the caret to the fold containing the one at the caret * position. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void goToParentFold() { int line = -1; int level = buffer.getFoldLevel(caretLine); for(int i = caretLine - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(buffer.getFoldLevel(i) < level) { line = i; break; } } if(line == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); int newCaret = buffer.getLineStartOffset(line) + chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(line,0,magic + 1,true); if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ goToNextFold() method /** * Moves the caret to the next fold. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void goToNextFold(boolean select) { int nextFold = -1; for(int i = caretLine + 1; i < buffer.getLineCount(); i++) { if(buffer.isFoldStart(i) && displayManager.isLineVisible(i)) { nextFold = i; break; } } if(nextFold == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); int newCaret = buffer.getLineStartOffset(nextFold) + chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(nextFold,0,magic + 1,true); if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ goToPrevFold() method /** * Moves the caret to the previous fold. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void goToPrevFold(boolean select) { int prevFold = -1; for(int i = caretLine - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(buffer.isFoldStart(i) && displayManager.isLineVisible(i)) { prevFold = i; break; } } if(prevFold == -1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } int magic = getMagicCaretPosition(); int newCaret = buffer.getLineStartOffset(prevFold) + chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(prevFold,0,magic + 1,true); if(select) extendSelection(caret,newCaret); else if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); setMagicCaretPosition(magic); } //}}} //{{{ collapseFold() method /** * Like {@link DisplayManager#collapseFold(int)}, but * also moves the caret to the first line of the fold. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void collapseFold() { int x = chunkCache.subregionOffsetToX(caretLine, caret - getLineStartOffset(caretLine)); displayManager.collapseFold(caretLine); if(displayManager.isLineVisible(caretLine)) return; int line = displayManager.getPrevVisibleLine(caretLine); if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(buffer.getLineStartOffset(line) + chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(line,0,x,true)); } //}}} //{{{ expandFold() method /** * Like {@link DisplayManager#expandFold(int,boolean)}, but * also moves the caret to the first sub-fold. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void expandFold(boolean fully) { int x = chunkCache.subregionOffsetToX(caretLine, caret - getLineStartOffset(caretLine)); int line = displayManager.expandFold(caretLine,fully); if(!fully && line != -1) { if(!multi) selectNone(); moveCaretPosition(getLineStartOffset(line) + chunkCache.xToSubregionOffset(line,0,x,true)); } } //}}} //{{{ selectFold() method /** * Selects the fold that contains the caret line number. * @since jEdit 3.1pre3 */ public void selectFold() { selectFold(caretLine); } //}}} //{{{ selectFold() method /** * Selects the fold that contains the specified line number. * @param line The line number * @since jEdit 4.0pre1 */ public void selectFold(int line) { int[] lines = buffer.getFoldAtLine(line); int newCaret = getLineEndOffset(lines[1]) - 1; Selection s = new Selection.Range(getLineStartOffset(lines[0]),newCaret); if(multi) addToSelection(s); else setSelection(s); moveCaretPosition(newCaret); } //}}} //{{{ narrowToFold() method /** * Hides all lines except those in the fold containing the caret. * @since jEdit 4.0pre1 */ public void narrowToFold() { int[] lines = buffer.getFoldAtLine(caretLine); if(lines[0] == 0 && lines[1] == buffer.getLineCount() - 1) getToolkit().beep(); else displayManager.narrow(lines[0],lines[1]); } //}}} //{{{ narrowToSelection() method /** * Hides all lines except those in the selection. * @since jEdit 4.0pre1 */ public void narrowToSelection() { if(selection.size() != 1) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } Selection sel = (Selection)selection.elementAt(0); displayManager.narrow(sel.getStartLine(),sel.getEndLine()); selectNone(); } //}}} //{{{ addExplicitFold() method /** * Surrounds the selection with explicit fold markers. * @since jEdit 4.0pre3 */ public void addExplicitFold() { if(!buffer.getStringProperty("folding").equals("explicit")) { GUIUtilities.error(view,"folding-not-explicit",null); return; } // BUG: if there are multiple selections in different // contexts, the wrong comment strings will be inserted. String lineComment = buffer.getContextSensitiveProperty(caret,"lineComment"); String commentStart = buffer.getContextSensitiveProperty(caret,"commentStart"); String commentEnd = buffer.getContextSensitiveProperty(caret,"commentEnd"); String start, end; if(lineComment != null) { start = lineComment + "{{{ \n"; end = lineComment + "}}}"; } else if(commentStart != null && commentEnd != null) { start = commentStart + "{{{ " + commentEnd + "\n"; end = commentStart + "}}}" + commentEnd; } else { start = "{{{ \n"; end = "}}}"; } try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); if(selection.size() == 0) { String line = buffer.getLineText(caretLine); String whitespace = line.substring(0, MiscUtilities.getLeadingWhiteSpace(line)); int loc = caret + start.length() - 1; start = start + whitespace; buffer.insert(caret,start); // stupid: caret will automatically be incremented buffer.insert(caret,end); moveCaretPosition(loc,false); } else { int loc = -1; for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); String line = buffer.getLineText(s.startLine); String whitespace = line.substring(0, MiscUtilities.getLeadingWhiteSpace(line)); loc = s.start + start.length() - 1; buffer.insert(s.start,start + whitespace); if(s.end == buffer.getLineStartOffset( s.endLine)) { buffer.insert(s.end,end); } else { buffer.insert(s.end," " + end); } } setCaretPosition(loc,false); } } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Text editing //{{{ lineComment() method /** * Prepends each line of the selection with the line comment string. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void lineComment() { String comment = buffer.getContextSensitiveProperty(caret,"lineComment"); if(!buffer.isEditable() || comment == null || comment.length() == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } comment = comment + ' '; buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); int[] lines = getSelectedLines(); try { for(int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { String text = getLineText(lines[i]); buffer.insert(getLineStartOffset(lines[i]) + MiscUtilities.getLeadingWhiteSpace(text), comment); } } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } selectNone(); } //}}} //{{{ rangeComment() method /** * Adds comment start and end strings to the beginning and end of the * selection. * @since jEdit 3.2pre1 */ public void rangeComment() { String commentStart = buffer.getContextSensitiveProperty(caret,"commentStart"); String commentEnd = buffer.getContextSensitiveProperty(caret,"commentEnd"); if(!buffer.isEditable() || commentStart == null || commentEnd == null || commentStart.length() == 0 || commentEnd.length() == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } commentStart = commentStart + ' '; commentEnd = ' ' + commentEnd; try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(selection.length == 0) { int oldCaret = caret; buffer.insert(caret,commentStart); buffer.insert(caret,commentEnd); setCaretPosition(oldCaret + commentStart.length()); } for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; if(s instanceof Selection.Range) { buffer.insert(s.start,commentStart); buffer.insert(s.end,commentEnd); } else if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { Selection.Rect rect = (Selection.Rect)s; int start = rect.getStartColumn(buffer); int end = rect.getEndColumn(buffer); for(int j = s.startLine; j <= s.endLine; j++) { buffer.insertAtColumn(j,end, commentEnd); buffer.insertAtColumn(j,start, commentStart); } } } selectNone(); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } //}}} //{{{ formatParagraph() method /** * Formats the paragraph containing the caret. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void formatParagraph() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } if(maxLineLen <= 0) { GUIUtilities.error(view,"format-maxlinelen",null); return; } Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(selection.length != 0) { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; setSelectedText(s,TextUtilities.format( getSelectedText(s),maxLineLen, buffer.getTabSize())); } buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } else { int lineNo = getCaretLine(); int start = 0, end = buffer.getLength(); loop: for(int i = lineNo - 1; i >= 0; i--) { getLineText(i,lineSegment); for(int j = 0; j < lineSegment.count; j++) { switch(lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + j]) { case ' ': case '\t': break; default: continue loop; } } start = getLineEndOffset(i); break loop; } loop: for(int i = lineNo + 1; i < getLineCount(); i++) { getLineText(i,lineSegment); for(int j = 0; j < lineSegment.count; j++) { switch(lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + j]) { case ' ': case '\t': break; default: continue loop; } } end = getLineStartOffset(i) - 1; break loop; } try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); String text = buffer.getText(start,end - start); buffer.remove(start,end - start); buffer.insert(start,TextUtilities.format( text,maxLineLen,buffer.getTabSize())); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } } //}}} //{{{ spacesToTabs() method /** * Converts spaces to tabs in the selection. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void spacesToTabs() { Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); if(selection.length == 0) { setText(TextUtilities.spacesToTabs( getText(), buffer.getTabSize())); } else { for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; setSelectedText(s,TextUtilities.spacesToTabs( getSelectedText(s),buffer.getTabSize())); } } buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } //}}} //{{{ tabsToSpaces() method /** * Converts tabs to spaces in the selection. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void tabsToSpaces() { Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); if(selection.length == 0) { setText(TextUtilities.tabsToSpaces( getText(), buffer.getTabSize())); } else { for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; setSelectedText(s,TextUtilities.tabsToSpaces( getSelectedText(s),buffer.getTabSize())); } } buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } //}}} //{{{ toUpperCase() method /** * Converts the selected text to upper case. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void toUpperCase() { Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(!buffer.isEditable() || selection.length == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; setSelectedText(s,getSelectedText(s).toUpperCase()); } buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } //}}} //{{{ toLowerCase() method /** * Converts the selected text to lower case. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void toLowerCase() { Selection[] selection = getSelection(); if(!buffer.isEditable() || selection.length == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); for(int i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) { Selection s = selection[i]; setSelectedText(s,getSelectedText(s).toLowerCase()); } buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } //}}} //{{{ removeTrailingWhiteSpace() method /** * Removes trailing whitespace from all lines in the selection. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void removeTrailingWhiteSpace() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) getToolkit().beep(); else { buffer.removeTrailingWhiteSpace(getSelectedLines()); } } //}}} //{{{ insertEnterAndIndent() method public void insertEnterAndIndent() { if(!isEditable()) getToolkit().beep(); else { try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); setSelectedText("\n"); buffer.indentLine(caretLine,true); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } } //}}} //{{{ insertTabAndIndent() method public void insertTabAndIndent() { if(!isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } if(selection.size() == 0) { // if caret is inside leading whitespace, indent. String text = buffer.getLineText(caretLine); int start = buffer.getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int whiteSpace = MiscUtilities.getLeadingWhiteSpace(text); if(caret - start <= whiteSpace && buffer.indentLine(caretLine,false)) return; } userInput('\t'); } //}}} //{{{ indentSelectedLines() method /** * Indents all selected lines. * @since jEdit 3.1pre3 */ public void indentSelectedLines() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) getToolkit().beep(); else { buffer.indentLines(getSelectedLines()); selectNone(); } } //}}} //{{{ shiftIndentLeft() method /** * Shifts the indent to the left. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void shiftIndentLeft() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) getToolkit().beep(); else { buffer.shiftIndentLeft(getSelectedLines()); } } //}}} //{{{ shiftIndentRight() method /** * Shifts the indent to the right. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void shiftIndentRight() { if(!buffer.isEditable()) getToolkit().beep(); else buffer.shiftIndentRight(getSelectedLines()); } //}}} //{{{ joinLines() method /** * Joins the current and the next line. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void joinLines() { int end = getLineEndOffset(caretLine); if(!buffer.isEditable() || end > buffer.getLength()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); buffer.remove( end - 1,MiscUtilities.getLeadingWhiteSpace( buffer.getLineText(caretLine + 1)) + 1); buffer.insert(end - 1, " "); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } setCaretPosition(end - 1); } //}}} //{{{ showWordCountDialog() method /** * Displays the 'word count' dialog box. * @since jEdit 2.7pre2 */ public void showWordCountDialog() { String selection = getSelectedText(); if(selection != null) { doWordCount(view,selection); return; } doWordCount(view,buffer.getText(0,buffer.getLength())); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Right click popup //{{{ isRightClickPopupEnabled() method /** * Returns if the right click popup menu is enabled. The Gestures * plugin uses this API. * @since jEdit 4.2pre13 */ public boolean isRightClickPopupEnabled() { return popupEnabled; } //}}} //{{{ setRightClickPopupEnabled() method /** * Sets if the right click popup menu is enabled. The Gestures * plugin uses this API. * @since jEdit 4.2pre13 */ public void setRightClickPopupEnabled(boolean popupEnabled) { this.popupEnabled = popupEnabled; } //}}} //{{{ getRightClickPopup() method /** * Returns the right click popup menu. */ public final JPopupMenu getRightClickPopup() { return popup; } //}}} //{{{ setRightClickPopup() method /** * Sets the right click popup menu. * @param popup The popup */ public final void setRightClickPopup(JPopupMenu popup) { this.popup = popup; } //}}} //{{{ handlePopupTrigger() method /** * Do the same thing as right-clicking on the text area. The Gestures * plugin uses this API. * @since jEdit 4.2pre13 */ public void handlePopupTrigger(MouseEvent evt) { if(popup.isVisible()) popup.setVisible(false); else { int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); int dragStart = xyToOffset(x,y, !(painter.isBlockCaretEnabled() || isOverwriteEnabled())); if(getSelectionCount() == 0 || multi) moveCaretPosition(dragStart,false); GUIUtilities.showPopupMenu(popup,painter,x,y); } } //}}} //}}} //{{{ AWT stuff //{{{ addLeftOfScrollBar() method /** * Adds a component to the box left of the vertical scroll bar. The * ErrorList plugin uses this to show a global error overview, for * example. * * @param comp The component * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void addLeftOfScrollBar(Component comp) { verticalBox.add(comp,verticalBox.getComponentCount() - 1); } //}}} //{{{ removeLeftOfScrollBar() method /** * Removes a component from the box left of the vertical scroll bar. * * @param comp The component * @since jEdit 4.2pre1 */ public void removeLeftOfScrollBar(Component comp) { verticalBox.remove(comp); } //}}} //{{{ addNotify() method /** * Called by the AWT when this component is added to a parent. * Adds document listener. */ public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().registerComponent(painter); ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().registerComponent(gutter); recalculateVisibleLines(); if(buffer.isLoaded()) recalculateLastPhysicalLine(); propertiesChanged(); } //}}} //{{{ removeNotify() method /** * Called by the AWT when this component is removed from it's parent. * This clears the pointer to the currently focused component. * Also removes document listener. */ public void removeNotify() { super.removeNotify(); ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().unregisterComponent(painter); ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().unregisterComponent(gutter); if(focusedComponent == this) focusedComponent = null; } //}}} //{{{ getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled() method /** * Java 1.4 compatibility fix to make Tab key work. * @since jEdit 3.2pre4 */ public boolean getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled() { return false; } //}}} //{{{ getFocusCycleRoot() method /** * Java 1.4 compatibility fix to make Tab traversal work in a sane * manner. * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public boolean getFocusCycleRoot() { return true; } //}}} //{{{ processKeyEvent() method public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) { view.processKeyEvent(evt,View.TEXT_AREA); if(!evt.isConsumed()) super.processKeyEvent(evt); } //}}} //{{{ addTopComponent() method /** * Adds a component above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar. * * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public void addTopComponent(Component comp) { add(TOP,comp); } //}}} //{{{ removeTopComponent() method /** * Removes a component from above the gutter, text area, and vertical scroll bar. * * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ public void removeTopComponent(Component comp) { remove(comp); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ propertiesChanged() method /** * Called by jEdit when necessary. Plugins should not call this method. */ public void propertiesChanged() { if(buffer == null) return; int _tabSize = buffer.getTabSize(); char[] foo = new char[_tabSize]; for(int i = 0; i < foo.length; i++) { foo[i] = ' '; } tabSize = (float)painter.getStringWidth(new String(foo)); charWidth = (int)Math.round( painter.getFont().getStringBounds(foo,0,1, painter.getFontRenderContext()).getWidth()); boolean invalidateCachedScreenLineCounts = false; String wrap = buffer.getStringProperty("wrap"); if(!wrap.equals(this.wrap)) { this.wrap = wrap; hardWrap = wrap.equals("hard"); if(displayManager != null && !bufferChanging) { displayManager.firstLine.callReset = true; displayManager.scrollLineCount.callReset = true; } invalidateCachedScreenLineCounts = true; } int maxLineLen = buffer.getIntegerProperty("maxLineLen",0); if(maxLineLen != this.maxLineLen) { this.maxLineLen = maxLineLen; if(displayManager != null && !bufferChanging) { displayManager.firstLine.callReset = true; displayManager.scrollLineCount.callReset = true; } invalidateCachedScreenLineCounts = true; } if(invalidateCachedScreenLineCounts) buffer.invalidateCachedScreenLineCounts(); chunkCache.invalidateAll(); if(displayManager != null && !bufferChanging) { displayManager.updateWrapSettings(); displayManager._notifyScreenLineChanges(); } gutter.repaint(); painter.repaint(); } //}}} //{{{ Deprecated methods //{{{ getSelectionStart() method /** * @deprecated Instead, obtain a Selection instance using * any means, and call its getStart() method */ public final int getSelectionStart() { if(selection.size() != 1) return caret; return ((Selection)selection.elementAt(0)).getStart(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionStart() method /** * @deprecated Instead, obtain a Selection instance using * any means, and call its getStart(int) method */ public int getSelectionStart(int line) { if(selection.size() != 1) return caret; return ((Selection)selection.elementAt(0)).getStart( buffer,line); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionStartLine() method /** * @deprecated Instead, obtain a Selection instance using * any means, and call its getStartLine() method */ public final int getSelectionStartLine() { if(selection.size() != 1) return caret; return ((Selection)selection.elementAt(0)).getStartLine(); } //}}} //{{{ setSelectionStart() method /** * @deprecated Do not use. */ public final void setSelectionStart(int selectionStart) { select(selectionStart,getSelectionEnd(),true); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionEnd() method /** * @deprecated Instead, obtain a Selection instance using * any means, and call its getEnd() method */ public final int getSelectionEnd() { if(selection.size() != 1) return caret; return ((Selection)selection.elementAt(0)).getEnd(); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionEnd() method /** * @deprecated Instead, obtain a Selection instance using * any means, and call its getEnd(int) method */ public int getSelectionEnd(int line) { if(selection.size() != 1) return caret; return ((Selection)selection.elementAt(0)).getEnd( buffer,line); } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionEndLine() method /** * @deprecated Instead, obtain a Selection instance using * any means, and call its getEndLine() method */ public final int getSelectionEndLine() { if(selection.size() != 1) return caret; return ((Selection)selection.elementAt(0)).getEndLine(); } //}}} //{{{ setSelectionEnd() method /** * @deprecated Do not use. */ public final void setSelectionEnd(int selectionEnd) { select(getSelectionStart(),selectionEnd,true); } //}}} //{{{ getMarkPosition() method /** * @deprecated Do not use. */ public final int getMarkPosition() { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); if(s == null) return caret; if(s.start == caret) return s.end; else if(s.end == caret) return s.start; else return caret; } //}}} //{{{ getMarkLine() method /** * @deprecated Do not use. */ public final int getMarkLine() { if(selection.size() != 1) return caretLine; Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(0); if(s.start == caret) return s.endLine; else if(s.end == caret) return s.startLine; else return caretLine; } //}}} //{{{ select() method /** * @deprecated Instead, call either addToSelection(), * or setSelection() with a new Selection instance. */ public void select(int start, int end) { select(start,end,true); } //}}} //{{{ select() method /** * @deprecated Instead, call either addToSelection(), * or setSelection() with a new Selection instance. */ public void select(int start, int end, boolean doElectricScroll) { selectNone(); int newStart, newEnd; if(start < end) { newStart = start; newEnd = end; } else { newStart = end; newEnd = start; } setSelection(new Selection.Range(newStart,newEnd)); moveCaretPosition(end,doElectricScroll); } //}}} //{{{ isSelectionRectangular() method /** * @deprecated Instead, check if the appropriate Selection * is an instance of the Selection.Rect class. */ public boolean isSelectionRectangular() { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); if(s == null) return false; else return (s instanceof Selection.Rect); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Package-private members //{{{ Instance variables Segment lineSegment; MouseHandler mouseHandler; ChunkCache chunkCache; DisplayManager displayManager; boolean bufferChanging; int maxHorizontalScrollWidth; String wrap; boolean hardWrap; float tabSize; int charWidth; int maxLineLen; boolean scrollBarsInitialized; // this is package-private so that the painter can use it without // having to call getSelection() (which involves an array copy) Vector selection; // used to store offsetToXY() results Point returnValue; boolean lastLinePartial; //}}} //{{{ isCaretVisible() method /** * Returns true if the caret is visible, false otherwise. */ final boolean isCaretVisible() { return blink && hasFocus(); } //}}} //{{{ isStructureHighlightVisible() method /** * Returns true if the structure highlight is visible, false otherwise. * @since jEdit 4.2pre3 */ final boolean isStructureHighlightVisible() { return match != null && hasFocus() && displayManager.isLineVisible(match.startLine) && displayManager.isLineVisible(match.endLine); } //}}} //{{{ updateMaxHorizontalScrollWidth() method void updateMaxHorizontalScrollWidth() { int max = chunkCache.getMaxHorizontalScrollWidth(); if(max != maxHorizontalScrollWidth) { maxHorizontalScrollWidth = max; horizontal.setValues(Math.max(0, Math.min(maxHorizontalScrollWidth + charWidth - painter.getWidth(), -horizontalOffset)), painter.getWidth(), 0,maxHorizontalScrollWidth + charWidth); } } //}}} //{{{ recalculateVisibleLines() method void recalculateVisibleLines() { if(painter == null) return; int height = painter.getHeight(); int lineHeight = painter.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); if(lineHeight == 0) visibleLines = 0; else if(height <= 0) { visibleLines = 0; lastLinePartial = false; } else { visibleLines = height / lineHeight; lastLinePartial = (height % lineHeight != 0); if(lastLinePartial) visibleLines++; } chunkCache.recalculateVisibleLines(); // this does the "trick" to eliminate blank space at the end if(displayManager != null && buffer != null && buffer.isLoaded()) setFirstLine(getFirstLine()); updateScrollBars(); } //}}} //{{{ foldStructureChanged() method void foldStructureChanged() { chunkCache.invalidateAll(); recalculateLastPhysicalLine(); repaint(); } //}}} //{{{ updateScrollBars() method /** * Updates the state of the scroll bars. This should be called * if the number of lines in the buffer changes, or when the * size of the text are changes. */ void updateScrollBars() { if(buffer == null) return; if(Debug.SCROLL_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"updateScrollBars(), slc=" + displayManager.getScrollLineCount()); if(vertical != null && visibleLines != 0) { if(Debug.SCROLL_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"Vertical ok"); int lineCount = displayManager.getScrollLineCount(); int firstLine = getFirstLine(); int visible = visibleLines - (lastLinePartial ? 1 : 0); vertical.setValues(firstLine,visible,0,lineCount); vertical.setUnitIncrement(2); vertical.setBlockIncrement(visible); } int width = painter.getWidth(); if(horizontal != null && width != 0) { if(Debug.SCROLL_DEBUG) Log.log(Log.DEBUG,this,"Horizontal ok"); painter.repaint(); horizontal.setValue(-horizontalOffset); horizontal.setUnitIncrement(painter.getFontMetrics() .charWidth('w')); horizontal.setBlockIncrement(width / 2); } } //}}} //{{{ _finishCaretUpdate() method /* called by DisplayManager.BufferChangeHandler.transactionComplete() */ void _finishCaretUpdate() { if(!queuedCaretUpdate) return; try { // When the user is typing, etc, we don't want the caret // to blink blink = true; caretTimer.restart(); if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(caretLine)) { if(caretLine < displayManager.getFirstVisibleLine() || caretLine > displayManager.getLastVisibleLine()) { int collapseFolds = buffer.getIntegerProperty( "collapseFolds",0); if(collapseFolds != 0) { displayManager.expandFolds(collapseFolds); displayManager.expandFold(caretLine,false); } else displayManager.expandAllFolds(); } else displayManager.expandFold(caretLine,false); } scrollToCaret(queuedScrollToElectric); updateBracketHighlightWithDelay(); if(queuedFireCaretEvent) fireCaretEvent(); } // in case one of the above fails, we still want to // clear these flags. finally { queuedCaretUpdate = queuedScrollToElectric = queuedFireCaretEvent = false; } } //}}} //{{{ getSelectionStartEndOnLine() method /** * Returns the x co-ordinates of the selection start and end on the * given line. May return null. */ int[] getSelectionStartAndEnd(int screenLine, int physicalLine, Selection s) { int start = getScreenLineStartOffset(screenLine); int end = getScreenLineEndOffset(screenLine); if(end <= s.start || start > s.end) return null; int selStartScreenLine; if(displayManager.isLineVisible(s.startLine)) selStartScreenLine = getScreenLineOfOffset(s.start); else selStartScreenLine = -1; int selEndScreenLine; if(displayManager.isLineVisible(s.endLine)) selEndScreenLine = getScreenLineOfOffset(s.end); else selEndScreenLine = -1; int lineStart = buffer.getLineStartOffset(physicalLine); int x1, x2; if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { start -= lineStart; end -= lineStart; Selection.Rect rect = (Selection.Rect)s; int _start = rect.getStartColumn(buffer); int _end = rect.getEndColumn(buffer); int lineLen = buffer.getLineLength(physicalLine); int[] total = new int[1]; int rectStart = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( physicalLine,_start,total); if(rectStart == -1) { x1 = (_start - total[0]) * charWidth; rectStart = lineLen; } else x1 = 0; int rectEnd = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( physicalLine,_end,total); if(rectEnd == -1) { x2 = (_end - total[0]) * charWidth; rectEnd = lineLen; } else x2 = 0; if(end <= rectStart || start > rectEnd) return null; x1 = (rectStart < start ? 0 : x1 + offsetToXY(physicalLine, rectStart,returnValue).x); x2 = (rectEnd > end ? getWidth() : x2 + offsetToXY(physicalLine, rectEnd,returnValue).x); } else if(selStartScreenLine == selEndScreenLine && selStartScreenLine != -1) { x1 = offsetToXY(physicalLine, s.start - lineStart,returnValue).x; x2 = offsetToXY(physicalLine, s.end - lineStart,returnValue).x; } else if(screenLine == selStartScreenLine) { x1 = offsetToXY(physicalLine, s.start - lineStart,returnValue).x; x2 = getWidth(); } else if(screenLine == selEndScreenLine) { x1 = 0; x2 = offsetToXY(physicalLine, s.end - lineStart,returnValue).x; } else { x1 = 0; x2 = getWidth(); } if(x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if(x2 < 0) x2 = 0; if(x1 == x2) x2++; return new int[] { x1, x2 }; } //}}} //{{{ insideSelection() method /** * Returns if the given point is inside a selection. * Used by drag and drop code in MouseHandler below. */ boolean insideSelection(int x, int y) { int offset = xyToOffset(x,y); Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(offset); if(s == null) return false; int screenLine = getScreenLineOfOffset(offset); if(screenLine == -1) return false; int[] selectionStartAndEnd = getSelectionStartAndEnd( screenLine,buffer.getLineOfOffset(offset),s); if(selectionStartAndEnd == null) return false; return x >= selectionStartAndEnd[0] && x <= selectionStartAndEnd[1]; } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Private members //{{{ Static variables private static final String CENTER = "center"; private static final String RIGHT = "right"; private static final String LEFT = "left"; private static final String BOTTOM = "bottom"; private static final String TOP = "top"; private static Timer caretTimer; private static Timer structureTimer; private static JEditTextArea focusedComponent; //}}} //{{{ Instance variables private View view; private Gutter gutter; private TextAreaPainter painter; private JPopupMenu popup; private boolean popupEnabled; private EventListenerList listenerList; private MutableCaretEvent caretEvent; private boolean caretBlinks; private boolean blink; private int physLastLine; private int screenLastLine; private int visibleLines; private int electricScroll; private int horizontalOffset; private boolean quickCopy; // JDiff, error list add stuff here private Box verticalBox; private JScrollBar vertical; private JScrollBar horizontal; private Buffer buffer; private int caret; private int caretLine; private int caretScreenLine; private List structureMatchers; private StructureMatcher.Match match; private int magicCaret; private boolean multi; private boolean overwrite; private boolean rectangularSelectionMode; /* on JDK 1.4, this is set to a method by Java14. The method must take * these parameters: * - a JEditTextArea * - an InputEvent * - a boolean (copy text or move, depending on modifier user held down) */ private boolean dndEnabled; private Method dndCallback; private boolean dndInProgress; // see finishCaretUpdate() & _finishCaretUpdate() private boolean queuedCaretUpdate; private boolean queuedScrollToElectric; private boolean queuedFireCaretEvent; //}}} //{{{ startDragAndDrop() method // calls dndCallback via reflection private void startDragAndDrop(InputEvent evt, boolean copy) { try { dndCallback.invoke(null,new Object[] { this, evt, new Boolean(copy) }); } catch(Exception e) { Log.log(Log.ERROR,this,e); } } //}}} //{{{ _addToSelection() method private void _addToSelection(Selection addMe) { if(addMe.start > addMe.end) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(addMe.start + " > " + addMe.end); } else if(addMe.start == addMe.end) { if(addMe instanceof Selection.Range) return; else if(addMe instanceof Selection.Rect) { if(((Selection.Rect)addMe).extraEndVirt == 0) return; } } for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { // try and merge existing selections one by // one with the new selection Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); if(s.overlaps(addMe)) { addMe.start = Math.min(s.start,addMe.start); addMe.end = Math.max(s.end,addMe.end); selection.removeElement(s); i--; } } addMe.startLine = getLineOfOffset(addMe.start); addMe.endLine = getLineOfOffset(addMe.end); boolean added = false; for(int i = 0; i < selection.size(); i++) { Selection s = (Selection)selection.elementAt(i); if(addMe.start < s.start) { selection.insertElementAt(addMe,i); added = true; break; } } if(!added) selection.addElement(addMe); invalidateLineRange(addMe.startLine,addMe.endLine); } //}}} //{{{ finishCaretUpdate() method /** * the collapsing of scrolling/event firing inside compound edits * greatly speeds up replace-all. */ private void finishCaretUpdate(boolean doElectricScroll, boolean fireCaretEvent) { this.queuedScrollToElectric |= doElectricScroll; this.queuedFireCaretEvent |= fireCaretEvent; if(queuedCaretUpdate) return; queuedCaretUpdate = true; if(!buffer.isTransactionInProgress()) _finishCaretUpdate(); /* otherwise DisplayManager.BufferChangeHandler calls */ } //}}} //{{{ fireCaretEvent() method private void fireCaretEvent() { Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); for(int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if(listeners[i] == CaretListener.class) { try { ((CaretListener)listeners[i+1]).caretUpdate(caretEvent); } catch(Throwable t) { Log.log(Log.ERROR,this,t); } } } } //}}} //{{{ fireScrollEvent() method private void fireScrollEvent(boolean vertical) { Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList(); for(int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if(listeners[i] == ScrollListener.class) { try { if(vertical) ((ScrollListener)listeners[i+1]).scrolledVertically(this); else ((ScrollListener)listeners[i+1]).scrolledHorizontally(this); } catch(Throwable t) { Log.log(Log.ERROR,this,t); } } } } //}}} //{{{ insertTab() method private void insertTab() { int tabSize = buffer.getTabSize(); if(buffer.getBooleanProperty("noTabs")) { int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); String line = getText(lineStart,caret - lineStart); int pos = 0; for(int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { switch(line.charAt(pos)) { case '\t': pos = 0; break; default: if(++pos >= tabSize) pos = 0; break; } } setSelectedText(MiscUtilities.createWhiteSpace( tabSize - pos,0)); } else setSelectedText("\t"); } //}}} //{{{ doWordWrap() method /** * Does hard wrap. */ private boolean doWordWrap(boolean spaceInserted) { if(!hardWrap || maxLineLen <= 0) return false; buffer.getLineText(caretLine,lineSegment); int start = getLineStartOffset(caretLine); int end = getLineEndOffset(caretLine); int len = end - start - 1; int caretPos = caret - start; // only wrap if we're at the end of a line, or the rest of the // line text is whitespace for(int i = caretPos; i < len; i++) { char ch = lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + i]; if(ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') return false; } int tabSize = buffer.getTabSize(); String wordBreakChars = buffer.getStringProperty("wordBreakChars"); int lastInLine = 0; // last character before wrap int logicalLength = 0; // length with tabs expanded int lastWordOffset = -1; boolean lastWasSpace = true; for(int i = 0; i < caretPos; i++) { char ch = lineSegment.array[lineSegment.offset + i]; if(ch == '\t') { logicalLength += tabSize - (logicalLength % tabSize); if(!lastWasSpace && logicalLength <= maxLineLen) { lastInLine = i; lastWordOffset = i; lastWasSpace = true; } } else if(ch == ' ') { logicalLength++; if(!lastWasSpace && logicalLength <= maxLineLen + 1) { lastInLine = i; lastWordOffset = i; lastWasSpace = true; } } else if(wordBreakChars != null && wordBreakChars.indexOf(ch) != -1) { logicalLength++; if(!lastWasSpace && logicalLength <= maxLineLen) { lastInLine = i; lastWordOffset = i; lastWasSpace = true; } } else { lastInLine = i; logicalLength++; lastWasSpace = false; } } boolean returnValue; int insertNewLineAt; if(spaceInserted && logicalLength == maxLineLen && lastInLine == caretPos - 1) { insertNewLineAt = caretPos; returnValue = true; } else if(logicalLength >= maxLineLen && lastWordOffset != -1) { insertNewLineAt = lastWordOffset; returnValue = false; } else return false; try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); buffer.insert(start + insertNewLineAt,"\n"); // caretLine would have been incremented // since insertNewLineAt <= caretPos buffer.indentLine(caretLine,true); } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } /* only ever return true if space was pressed * with logicalLength == maxLineLen */ return returnValue; } //}}} //{{{ doWordCount() method private void doWordCount(View view, String text) { char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); int characters = chars.length; int words; if(characters == 0) words = 0; else words = 1; int lines = 1; boolean word = false; for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { switch(chars[i]) { case '\r': case '\n': lines++; case ' ': case '\t': if(word) { words++; word = false; } break; default: word = true; break; } } // Fix bug #922951 Off-by-one error in Word Count if(!word) words--; Object[] args = { new Integer(characters), new Integer(words), new Integer(lines) }; GUIUtilities.message(view,"wordcount",args); } //}}} //{{{ updateStructureHighlightWithDelay() method private void updateBracketHighlightWithDelay() { structureTimer.stop(); structureTimer.start(); } //}}} //{{{ updateStructureHighlight() method private void updateStructureHighlight() { if(!painter.isStructureHighlightEnabled() && !gutter.isStructureHighlightEnabled()) return; Iterator iter = structureMatchers.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { StructureMatcher matcher = (StructureMatcher); match = matcher.getMatch(this); if(match != null) break; } if(match != null) { if(caretLine < match.startLine) invalidateLineRange(caretLine,match.endLine); else invalidateLineRange(match.startLine,caretLine); if(!displayManager.isLineVisible(match.startLine) || chunkCache.getScreenLineOfOffset( match.startLine,match.start - getLineStartOffset(match.startLine)) == -1) { showStructureStatusMessage(match.startLine < caretLine); } } } //}}} //{{{ showStructureStatusMessage() method private void showStructureStatusMessage(boolean backward) { String text = buffer.getLineText(match.startLine).trim(); if(backward && match.startLine != 0 && text.length() == 1) { switch(text.charAt(0)) { case '{': case '}': case '[': case ']': case '(': case ')': text = buffer.getLineText(match.startLine - 1) .trim() + " " + text; break; } } // get rid of embedded tabs not removed by trim() text = text.replace('\t',' '); view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear(jEdit.getProperty( "view.status.bracket",new Object[] { new Integer(match.startLine + 1), text })); } //}}} //{{{ recalculateLastPhysicalLine() method void recalculateLastPhysicalLine() { int oldScreenLastLine = screenLastLine; for(int i = visibleLines - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ChunkCache.LineInfo info = chunkCache.getLineInfo(i); if(info.physicalLine != -1) { physLastLine = info.physicalLine; screenLastLine = i; break; } } invalidateScreenLineRange(oldScreenLastLine,screenLastLine); } //}}} //{{{ getRectParams() method static class RectParams { int extraStartVirt; int extraEndVirt; int newCaret; RectParams(int extraStartVirt, int extraEndVirt, int newCaret) { this.extraStartVirt = extraStartVirt; this.extraEndVirt = extraEndVirt; this.newCaret = newCaret; } } /** * Used when doing S+UP/DOWN to simplify dealing with virtual space. */ private RectParams getRectParams(int caret, int newCaret) { Selection s = getSelectionAtOffset(caret); int virtualWidth; if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { if(caret == s.end) { virtualWidth = buffer.getVirtualWidth( s.endLine,s.end - getLineStartOffset( s.endLine)) + ((Selection.Rect)s).extraEndVirt; } else { virtualWidth = buffer.getVirtualWidth( s.startLine,s.start - getLineStartOffset( s.startLine)) + ((Selection.Rect)s).extraStartVirt; } } else if(rectangularSelectionMode) { virtualWidth = buffer.getVirtualWidth( caretLine,caret - buffer.getLineStartOffset(caretLine)); } else return null; int newLine = getLineOfOffset(newCaret); int[] totalVirtualWidth = new int[1]; int newOffset = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn(newLine, virtualWidth,totalVirtualWidth); if(newOffset == -1) { int extraVirt = virtualWidth - totalVirtualWidth[0]; newCaret = getLineEndOffset(newLine) - 1; RectParams returnValue; boolean bias; if(s == null) bias = (newCaret < caret); else if(s.start == caret) bias = (newCaret <= s.end); else if(s.end == caret) bias = (newCaret <= s.start); else bias = false; if(bias) returnValue = new RectParams(extraVirt,0,newCaret); else returnValue = new RectParams(0,extraVirt,newCaret); return returnValue; } else { return new RectParams(0,0,getLineStartOffset(newLine) + newOffset); } } //}}} //{{{ delete() method private void delete(boolean forward) { if(!buffer.isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } if(selection.size() != 0) { Selection[] selections = getSelection(); for(int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) { Selection s = selections[i]; if(s instanceof Selection.Rect) { Selection.Rect r = (Selection.Rect)s; int startColumn = r.getStartColumn(buffer); if(startColumn == r.getEndColumn(buffer)) { if(!forward && startColumn == 0) getToolkit().beep(); else tallCaretDelete(r,forward); } else setSelectedText(s,null); } else setSelectedText(s,null); } } else if(forward) { if(caret == buffer.getLength()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.remove(caret,1); } else { if(caret == 0) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } buffer.remove(caret - 1,1); } } //}}} //{{{ tallCaretDelete() method private void tallCaretDelete(Selection.Rect s, boolean forward) { try { buffer.beginCompoundEdit(); int[] width = new int[1]; int startCol = s.getStartColumn(buffer); int startLine = s.startLine; int endLine = s.endLine; for(int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { int offset = buffer.getOffsetOfVirtualColumn( i,startCol,width); if(offset == -1) { if(width[0] == startCol) offset = getLineLength(i); else { if(i == startLine && !forward) shiftTallCaretLeft(s); continue; } } offset += buffer.getLineStartOffset(i); if(forward) { if(offset != buffer.getLineEndOffset(i) - 1) buffer.remove(offset,1); } else buffer.remove(offset-1,1); } } finally { buffer.endCompoundEdit(); } } //}}} //{{{ shiftTallCaretLeft() method private void shiftTallCaretLeft(Selection.Rect s) { removeFromSelection(s); addToSelection(new Selection.Rect( buffer, s.getStartLine(),s.getStartColumn(buffer) - 1, s.getEndLine(),s.getEndColumn(buffer) - 1)); } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Inner classes //{{{ TextAreaBorder class static class TextAreaBorder extends AbstractBorder { //{{{ paintBorder() method public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { g.translate(x,y); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlDarkShadow()); g.drawRect(0,0,width-2,height-2); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlHighlight()); g.drawLine(width-1,1,width-1,height-1); g.drawLine(1,height-1,width-1,height-1); g.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControl()); g.drawLine(width-2,2,width-2,2); g.drawLine(1,height-2,1,height-2); g.translate(-x,-y); } //}}} //{{{ getBorderInsets() method public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) { return new Insets(1,1,2,2); } //}}} } //}}} //{{{ ScrollLayout class class ScrollLayout implements LayoutManager { //{{{ addLayoutComponent() method public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { if(name.equals(CENTER)) center = comp; else if(name.equals(RIGHT)) right = comp; else if(name.equals(LEFT)) left = comp; else if(name.equals(BOTTOM)) bottom = comp; else if(name.equals(TOP)) top = comp; } //}}} //{{{ removeLayoutComponent() method public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { if(center == comp) center = null; else if(right == comp) right = null; else if(left == comp) left = null; else if(bottom == comp) bottom = null; else if(top == comp) top = null; } //}}} //{{{ preferredLayoutSize() method public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(); Border border = getBorder(); Insets insets; if(border == null) insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0); else { insets = getBorder().getBorderInsets( JEditTextArea.this); } dim.width = insets.left + insets.right; dim.height = + insets.bottom; Dimension leftPref = left.getPreferredSize(); dim.width += leftPref.width; Dimension centerPref = center.getPreferredSize(); dim.width += centerPref.width; dim.height += centerPref.height; Dimension rightPref = right.getPreferredSize(); dim.width += rightPref.width; Dimension bottomPref = bottom.getPreferredSize(); dim.height += bottomPref.height; if(top != null) { Dimension topPref = top.getPreferredSize(); dim.height += topPref.height; } return dim; } //}}} //{{{ minimumLayoutSize() method public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(); Border border = getBorder(); Insets insets; if(border == null) insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0); else { insets = getBorder().getBorderInsets( JEditTextArea.this); } dim.width = insets.left + insets.right; dim.height = + insets.bottom; Dimension leftPref = left.getMinimumSize(); dim.width += leftPref.width; Dimension centerPref = center.getMinimumSize(); dim.width += centerPref.width; dim.height += centerPref.height; Dimension rightPref = right.getMinimumSize(); dim.width += rightPref.width; Dimension bottomPref = bottom.getMinimumSize(); dim.height += bottomPref.height; if(top != null) { Dimension topPref = top.getMinimumSize(); dim.height += topPref.height; } return dim; } //}}} //{{{ layoutContainer() method public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { Dimension size = parent.getSize(); Border border = getBorder(); Insets insets; if(border == null) insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0); else { insets = getBorder().getBorderInsets( JEditTextArea.this); } int itop =; int ileft = insets.left; int ibottom = insets.bottom; int iright = insets.right; int rightWidth = right.getPreferredSize().width; int leftWidth = left.getPreferredSize().width; int topHeight; if(top != null) { topHeight = top.getPreferredSize().height; } else { topHeight = 0; } int bottomHeight = bottom.getPreferredSize().height; int centerWidth = Math.max(0,size.width - leftWidth - rightWidth - ileft - iright); int centerHeight = Math.max(0,size.height - topHeight - bottomHeight - itop - ibottom); left.setBounds( ileft, itop+topHeight, leftWidth, centerHeight); center.setBounds( ileft + leftWidth, itop+topHeight, centerWidth, centerHeight); right.setBounds( ileft + leftWidth + centerWidth, itop+topHeight, rightWidth, centerHeight); bottom.setBounds( ileft, itop + topHeight + centerHeight, /* silly that we reference the vertical scroll bar here directly. we do this so that the horizontal scroll bar is flush with the vertical scroll bar */ Math.max(0,size.width - vertical.getWidth() - ileft - iright), bottomHeight); if(top != null) { top.setBounds( ileft, itop, leftWidth+centerWidth+rightWidth, topHeight); } } //}}} Component center; Component left; Component right; Component bottom; Component top; } //}}} //{{{ CaretBlinker class static class CaretBlinker implements ActionListener { //{{{ actionPerformed() method public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if(focusedComponent != null && focusedComponent.hasFocus()) focusedComponent.blinkCaret(); } //}}} } //}}} //{{{ MutableCaretEvent class class MutableCaretEvent extends CaretEvent { //{{{ MutableCaretEvent constructor MutableCaretEvent() { super(JEditTextArea.this); } //}}} //{{{ getDot() method public int getDot() { return getCaretPosition(); } //}}} //{{{ getMark() method public int getMark() { return getMarkPosition(); } //}}} } //}}} //{{{ AdjustHandler class class AdjustHandler implements AdjustmentListener { //{{{ adjustmentValueChanged() method public void adjustmentValueChanged(final AdjustmentEvent evt) { if(!scrollBarsInitialized) return; if(evt.getAdjustable() == vertical) setFirstLine(vertical.getValue()); else setHorizontalOffset(-horizontal.getValue()); } //}}} } //}}} //{{{ FocusHandler class class FocusHandler implements FocusListener { //{{{ focusGained() method public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) { if(bufferChanging) return; if(match != null) { if(caretLine < match.startLine) invalidateLineRange(caretLine,match.endLine); else invalidateLineRange(match.startLine,caretLine); } else invalidateLine(caretLine); focusedComponent = JEditTextArea.this; } //}}} //{{{ focusLost() method public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) { if(!isShowing()) return; if(match != null) { if(caretLine < match.startLine) invalidateLineRange(caretLine,match.endLine); else invalidateLineRange(match.startLine,caretLine); } else invalidateLine(caretLine); } //}}} } //}}} //{{{ MouseHandler class class MouseHandler extends MouseInputAdapter { private int dragStartLine; private int dragStartOffset; private int dragStart; private int clickCount; private boolean dragged; private boolean quickCopyDrag; private boolean clearStatus; private boolean control; /* with drag and drop on, a mouse down in a selection does not immediately deselect */ private boolean maybeDragAndDrop; //{{{ mousePressed() method public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { control = (OperatingSystem.isMacOS() && evt.isMetaDown()) || (!OperatingSystem.isMacOS() && evt.isControlDown()); // so that Home Home is not the same // as pressing Home twice in a row view.getInputHandler().resetLastActionCount(); quickCopyDrag = (isQuickCopyEnabled() && GUIUtilities.isMiddleButton(evt.getModifiers())); if(!quickCopyDrag) { requestFocus(); focusedComponent = JEditTextArea.this; } if(!buffer.isLoaded()) return; int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); dragStart = xyToOffset(x,y,!(painter.isBlockCaretEnabled() || isOverwriteEnabled())); dragStartLine = getLineOfOffset(dragStart); dragStartOffset = dragStart - getLineStartOffset(dragStartLine); if(GUIUtilities.isPopupTrigger(evt) && popup != null) { if(popupEnabled) handlePopupTrigger(evt); return; } dragged = false; blink = true; invalidateLine(caretLine); clickCount = evt.getClickCount(); if(isDragEnabled() && getDragAndDropCallback() != null && insideSelection(x,y) && clickCount == 1 && !evt.isShiftDown()) { maybeDragAndDrop = true; moveCaretPosition(dragStart,false); return; } else maybeDragAndDrop = false; switch(clickCount) { case 1: doSingleClick(evt); break; case 2: doDoubleClick(); break; default: //case 3: doTripleClick(); break; } } //}}} //{{{ doSingleClick() method private void doSingleClick(MouseEvent evt) { /* if(buffer.insideCompoundEdit()) buffer.endCompoundEdit(); */ int x = evt.getX(); int extraEndVirt = 0; if(chunkCache.getLineInfo(screenLastLine).lastSubregion) { float dragStartLineWidth = offsetToXY( dragStartLine,getLineLength(dragStartLine), returnValue).x; if(x > dragStartLineWidth) { extraEndVirt = (int)( (x - dragStartLineWidth) / charWidth); if(!getPainter().isBlockCaretEnabled() && !isOverwriteEnabled() && (x - getHorizontalOffset()) % charWidth > charWidth / 2) { extraEndVirt++; } } } if(control || isRectangularSelectionEnabled()) { int screenLine = (evt.getY() / getPainter() .getFontMetrics().getHeight()); if(screenLine > screenLastLine) screenLine = screenLastLine; ChunkCache.LineInfo info = chunkCache.getLineInfo(screenLine); if(info.lastSubregion && extraEndVirt != 0) { if(!isEditable()) { getToolkit().beep(); return; } // control-click in virtual space inserts // whitespace and moves caret String whitespace = MiscUtilities .createWhiteSpace(extraEndVirt,0); buffer.insert(dragStart,whitespace); dragStart += whitespace.length(); } } if(evt.isShiftDown()) { // XXX: getMarkPosition() deprecated! resizeSelection(getMarkPosition(),dragStart,extraEndVirt, isRectangularSelectionEnabled() || control); if(!quickCopyDrag) moveCaretPosition(dragStart,false); // so that shift-click-drag works dragStartLine = getMarkLine(); dragStart = getMarkPosition(); dragStartOffset = dragStart - getLineStartOffset(dragStartLine); // so that quick copy works dragged = true; return; } if(!quickCopyDrag) moveCaretPosition(dragStart,false); if(!(multi || quickCopyDrag)) selectNone(); } //}}} //{{{ doDoubleClick() method private void doDoubleClick() { // Ignore empty lines if(getLineLength(dragStartLine) == 0) return; String lineText = getLineText(dragStartLine); String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); if(dragStartOffset == getLineLength(dragStartLine)) dragStartOffset--; boolean joinNonWordChars = jEdit.getBooleanProperty("view.joinNonWordChars"); int wordStart = TextUtilities.findWordStart(lineText, dragStartOffset,noWordSep,joinNonWordChars); int wordEnd = TextUtilities.findWordEnd(lineText, dragStartOffset+1,noWordSep,joinNonWordChars); int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(dragStartLine); Selection sel = new Selection.Range( lineStart + wordStart, lineStart + wordEnd); if(isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) addToSelection(sel); else setSelection(sel); if(quickCopyDrag) quickCopyDrag = false; moveCaretPosition(lineStart + wordEnd,false); dragged = true; } //}}} //{{{ doTripleClick() method private void doTripleClick() { int newCaret = getLineEndOffset(dragStartLine); if(dragStartLine == buffer.getLineCount() - 1) newCaret--; Selection sel = new Selection.Range( getLineStartOffset(dragStartLine), newCaret); if(isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) addToSelection(sel); else setSelection(sel); if(quickCopyDrag) quickCopyDrag = false; moveCaretPosition(newCaret,false); dragged = true; } //}}} //{{{ mouseDragged() method public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) { if(maybeDragAndDrop) { startDragAndDrop(evt,control); return; } if(dndInProgress) return; if(GUIUtilities.isPopupTrigger(evt) || (popup != null && popup.isVisible())) return; if(!buffer.isLoaded()) return; if(evt.getY() < 0) { int delta = Math.min(-1,evt.getY() / painter.getFontMetrics() .getHeight()); setFirstLine(getFirstLine() + delta); } else if(evt.getY() >= painter.getHeight()) { int delta = Math.max(1,(evt.getY() - painter.getHeight()) / painter.getFontMetrics() .getHeight()); if(lastLinePartial) delta--; setFirstLine(getFirstLine() + delta); } if(quickCopyDrag) { view.getStatus().setMessage(jEdit.getProperty( "view.status.rect-quick-copy")); clearStatus = true; } switch(clickCount) { case 1: doSingleDrag(evt); break; case 2: doDoubleDrag(evt); break; default: //case 3: doTripleDrag(evt); break; } } //}}} //{{{ doSingleDrag() method private void doSingleDrag(MouseEvent evt) { dragged = true; int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); if(y < 0) y = 0; else if(y >= painter.getHeight()) y = painter.getHeight() - 1; int dot = xyToOffset(x,y, (!painter.isBlockCaretEnabled() && !isOverwriteEnabled()) || quickCopyDrag); int dotLine = buffer.getLineOfOffset(dot); int extraEndVirt = 0; if(chunkCache.getLineInfo(screenLastLine).lastSubregion) { float dotLineWidth = offsetToXY(dotLine,getLineLength(dotLine), returnValue).x; if(x > dotLineWidth) { extraEndVirt = (int)((x - dotLineWidth) / charWidth); if(!getPainter().isBlockCaretEnabled() && !isOverwriteEnabled() && (x - getHorizontalOffset()) % charWidth > charWidth / 2) extraEndVirt++; } } resizeSelection(dragStart,dot,extraEndVirt, isRectangularSelectionEnabled() || control); if(quickCopyDrag) { // just scroll to the dragged location scrollTo(dotLine,dot - buffer.getLineStartOffset(dotLine),false); } else { if(dot != caret) moveCaretPosition(dot,false); if(isRectangularSelectionEnabled() && extraEndVirt != 0) { scrollTo(dotLine,dot - buffer.getLineStartOffset(dotLine) + extraEndVirt,false); } } } //}}} //{{{ doDoubleDrag() method private void doDoubleDrag(MouseEvent evt) { int markLineStart = getLineStartOffset(dragStartLine); int markLineLength = getLineLength(dragStartLine); int mark = dragStartOffset; int pos = xyToOffset(evt.getX(), Math.max(0,Math.min(painter.getHeight(),evt.getY())), !(painter.isBlockCaretEnabled() || isOverwriteEnabled())); int line = getLineOfOffset(pos); int lineStart = getLineStartOffset(line); int lineLength = getLineLength(line); int offset = pos - lineStart; String lineText = getLineText(line); String markLineText = getLineText(dragStartLine); String noWordSep = buffer.getStringProperty("noWordSep"); boolean joinNonWordChars = jEdit.getBooleanProperty("view.joinNonWordChars"); if(markLineStart + dragStartOffset > lineStart + offset) { if(offset != 0 && offset != lineLength) { offset = TextUtilities.findWordStart( lineText,offset,noWordSep, joinNonWordChars); } if(markLineLength != 0) { mark = TextUtilities.findWordEnd( markLineText,mark,noWordSep, joinNonWordChars); } } else { if(offset != 0 && lineLength != 0) { offset = TextUtilities.findWordEnd( lineText,offset,noWordSep, joinNonWordChars); } if(mark != 0 && mark != markLineLength) { mark = TextUtilities.findWordStart( markLineText,mark,noWordSep, joinNonWordChars); } } if(lineStart + offset == caret) return; resizeSelection(markLineStart + mark,lineStart + offset, 0,false); moveCaretPosition(lineStart + offset,false); dragged = true; } //}}} //{{{ doTripleDrag() method private void doTripleDrag(MouseEvent evt) { int offset = xyToOffset(evt.getX(), Math.max(0,Math.min(painter.getHeight(),evt.getY())), false); int mouseLine = getLineOfOffset(offset); int mark; int mouse; if(dragStartLine > mouseLine) { mark = getLineEndOffset(dragStartLine) - 1; if(offset == getLineEndOffset(mouseLine) - 1) mouse = offset; else mouse = getLineStartOffset(mouseLine); } else { mark = getLineStartOffset(dragStartLine); if(offset == getLineStartOffset(mouseLine)) mouse = offset; else if(offset == getLineEndOffset(mouseLine) - 1 && mouseLine != getBuffer().getLineCount() - 1) mouse = getLineEndOffset(mouseLine); else mouse = getLineEndOffset(mouseLine) - 1; } mouse = Math.min(getBuffer().getLength(),mouse); if(mouse == caret) return; resizeSelection(mark,mouse,0,false); moveCaretPosition(mouse,false); dragged = true; } //}}} //{{{ mouseReleased() method public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { // middle mouse button drag inserts selection // at caret position Selection sel = getSelectionAtOffset(dragStart); if(dragged && sel != null) { Registers.setRegister('%',getSelectedText(sel)); if(quickCopyDrag) { removeFromSelection(sel); Registers.paste(focusedComponent, '%',sel instanceof Selection.Rect); focusedComponent.requestFocus(); } } else if(!dragged && isQuickCopyEnabled() && GUIUtilities.isMiddleButton(evt.getModifiers())) { JEditTextArea.this.requestFocus(); focusedComponent = JEditTextArea.this; setCaretPosition(dragStart,false); if(!isEditable()) getToolkit().beep(); else Registers.paste(JEditTextArea.this,'%',control); } else if(maybeDragAndDrop && !isMultipleSelectionEnabled()) { selectNone(); } dragged = false; if(clearStatus) { clearStatus = false; view.getStatus().setMessage(null); } } //}}} } //}}} //}}} //{{{ Class initializer static { caretTimer = new Timer(500,new CaretBlinker()); caretTimer.setInitialDelay(500); caretTimer.start(); structureTimer = new Timer(100,new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if(focusedComponent != null) focusedComponent.updateStructureHighlight(); } }); structureTimer.setInitialDelay(100); structureTimer.setRepeats(false); } //}}} }
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